How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.
How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.

What subsidies?
Trump is undermining the election. He has no evidence of vote rigging. If he did, he has an obligation to bring it forward now. Yet he's questioning the results before the results are in. That's a dangerous game to play in a democracy. The only reason American democracy has held out is because we as a people believe in it. You start undermining it, then this all goes down the tubes fast.

Voter fraud is incredibly rare. On top of that, the voting process is controlled by the states. Inside those states the GOP itself controls enough state legislatures and State Secretary offices that if fraud were happening, then the GOP itself would have to be complicit. Here in Ohio, polls are staffed by registered GOP and DNC voters, they're delivered by local police who have GOP and DNC reps riding along, and then they're observed by DNC and GOP lawyers and voters. It's an incredibly good system. It's fair. It's accurate. And it's very very very tough to rig.

So yeah, between that and the way he's talked about how he wants to go after his political enemies if elected? I'll skip Trump thanks.

So you've somehow missed wikileaks?
Nope. But there's not much there. Just the usual crap that goes around in emails. Most of the Wikileaks is less interesting or impactful than the Sony leak was.

Plus, there's the fact that it's being connected to the Russians and that some of the emails have been debunked. That pretty much undermines it as a campaign issue.

Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
Good journalism means you corroborate before you report. And the fact that there are emails in there that are fraudlent casts doubts on the whole bit. As for the oversampling? Which polls? Which ones are wrong? Because you are sounding just like McCain and Romney supporters.
well you appear to be a hypocrite then.
Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Trump is an outright threat to American Democracy. I vote for him and there's no guarantee he will respect the institution or the results of elections he fails to like. And then what? It's one thing for him to say he won't respect the election results as a normal citizen. It undermines the whole system but at the end of the day, we can all ignore him and get on with the peaceful transition of power.

But if he's president? Then we have a Constitutional crisis. So no, I won't vote to put him in the position where he can ignore an election as a sitting President. I can square the rest of the issues with Hillary and sleep at night. I can't say I'll be able to do the same if I vote for Trump. So no, I won't vote for Trump. I'll take my battleground state vote and cast it in a useful way to block him.
well I already know she doesn't respect the constitution, she's been in it for near 30 years and we are still in the same point in history. she has no respect for me she called me deplorable, I'm not welcomed in her country. Trump has always spoken of illegals only. ILLEGALS not citizens.
The Khans aren't illegals.
His accusers aren't illegals.
Megan Kelly isn't illegal.
Judge Curiel isn't illegal.
Ted Cruz's wife isn't illegal.
Ted Cruz's Dad wasn't illegal (what does he seriously have against that guy?).
The 282 people and places he's insulted on Twitter are certainly not "Only Illegals".
everyone of those were personal based on something they accused him of. not sure how that translates into a group of americans. but nice try. each one is a douche bag. The Khan's son was a hero. Trump stated that. but don't let facts get in your way.
Sure. He's been the very paragon of virtue beset on all sides by horrible attackers. Oh how horrible. So Sad!

He has no personal restraint and no ability to take criticism. So I have no faith in his ability to be President, respect the traditions of American Democracy, guide foreign policy or military policy. So I won't be voting for him.
hey f00l you brought it up not me. I give two shits about individuals like the khan's who took a man they did not know and blathered him on national TV. yeah, let's don't lose focus here bubba. he stands up for himself, and you call that bad? wow. Let's talk about benghazi, oh that's right the DOJ said she's ok so that's that right? LOL the FBI was bought off. dude, you can vote for whomever you like, but don't try and defend her criminal activity. Trump is a business man and not a politician, he pulled up his stakes to try and help the country. it's the likes of clinton trying to bash a citizen.
How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.

What subsidies?
The subsidies that help folks pay for policies on the marketplace. You do know how this law works, right?
How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.
who get's subsidies? wtf are you talking about? where's that money coming from?
So you've somehow missed wikileaks?
Nope. But there's not much there. Just the usual crap that goes around in emails. Most of the Wikileaks is less interesting or impactful than the Sony leak was.

Plus, there's the fact that it's being connected to the Russians and that some of the emails have been debunked. That pretty much undermines it as a campaign issue.

Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
Good journalism means you corroborate before you report. And the fact that there are emails in there that are fraudlent casts doubts on the whole bit. As for the oversampling? Which polls? Which ones are wrong? Because you are sounding just like McCain and Romney supporters.

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.


Obama was re-elected by a wide margin and Hillary will be elected by a wider margin

What have Republicans proposed that would have kept down healthcare costs?
Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Trump is an outright threat to American Democracy. I vote for him and there's no guarantee he will respect the institution or the results of elections he fails to like. And then what? It's one thing for him to say he won't respect the election results as a normal citizen. It undermines the whole system but at the end of the day, we can all ignore him and get on with the peaceful transition of power.

But if he's president? Then we have a Constitutional crisis. So no, I won't vote to put him in the position where he can ignore an election as a sitting President. I can square the rest of the issues with Hillary and sleep at night. I can't say I'll be able to do the same if I vote for Trump. So no, I won't vote for Trump. I'll take my battleground state vote and cast it in a useful way to block him.
well I already know she doesn't respect the constitution, she's been in it for near 30 years and we are still in the same point in history. she has no respect for me she called me deplorable, I'm not welcomed in her country. Trump has always spoken of illegals only. ILLEGALS not citizens.
The Khans aren't illegals.
His accusers aren't illegals.
Megan Kelly isn't illegal.
Judge Curiel isn't illegal.
Ted Cruz's wife isn't illegal.
Ted Cruz's Dad wasn't illegal (what does he seriously have against that guy?).
The 282 people and places he's insulted on Twitter are certainly not "Only Illegals".
everyone of those were personal based on something they accused him of. not sure how that translates into a group of americans. but nice try. each one is a douche bag. The Khan's son was a hero. Trump stated that. but don't let facts get in your way.
Sure. He's been the very paragon of virtue beset on all sides by horrible attackers. Oh how horrible. So Sad!

He has no personal restraint and no ability to take criticism. So I have no faith in his ability to be President, respect the traditions of American Democracy, guide foreign policy or military policy. So I won't be voting for him.
hey f00l you brought it up not me. I give two shits about individuals like the khan's who took a man they did not know and blathered him on national TV. yeah, let's don't lose focus here bubba. he stands up for himself, and you call that bad? wow. Let's talk about benghazi, oh that's right the DOJ said she's ok so that's that right? LOL the FBI was bought off. dude, you can vote for whomever you like, but don't try and defend her criminal activity. Trump is a business man and not a politician, he pulled up his stakes to try and help the country. it's the likes of clinton trying to bash a citizen.
So what crimes was she convicted of again?

As for Trump: He hasn't pulled up stakes to run. He's billing his campaign expenses to his businesses. He's getting rich off the run while he barely contributes to his campaign. Don't paint him as some self funded patriot. He's not. He's profiting off this and likely will profit off it for some time to come once he launches TrumpTV. His entire shtick is based on his name recognition, just like the Kardashians and Paris Hilton. As an actual business man he's a flop.

And yeah, I'll vote for Clinton, you'll vote for Trump. Good for you!
Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.

What subsidies?
The subsidies that help folks pay for policies on the marketplace. You do know how this law works, right?

Why should I pay for someone else's insurance on top of my already ridiculously high rate because of barrycare?
So you've somehow missed wikileaks?
Nope. But there's not much there. Just the usual crap that goes around in emails. Most of the Wikileaks is less interesting or impactful than the Sony leak was.

Plus, there's the fact that it's being connected to the Russians and that some of the emails have been debunked. That pretty much undermines it as a campaign issue.

Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
it's all acceptable to him.
I will remind everyone that today is Hillary's birthday. It's normal for birthday parties to be held in the evenings. I hope she gets lots of presents and surprises on her special day.
Nope. But there's not much there. Just the usual crap that goes around in emails. Most of the Wikileaks is less interesting or impactful than the Sony leak was.

Plus, there's the fact that it's being connected to the Russians and that some of the emails have been debunked. That pretty much undermines it as a campaign issue.

Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
Good journalism means you corroborate before you report. And the fact that there are emails in there that are fraudlent casts doubts on the whole bit. As for the oversampling? Which polls? Which ones are wrong? Because you are sounding just like McCain and Romney supporters.

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
So which polls used oversampling?

BTW: Internal polling oversamples all the damn time. It helps to gather information on groups you want to target for campaign initiatives. But you're the one claiming poll rigging in the media. So make with it. List names. Point to examples. Most polling firms are pretty public with the make up and methods of their surveys. Find me the rigged ones. But keep in mind, on the GOP side the polls were pretty bang on during the primaries. So were those oversampled too?
Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.

What subsidies?
The subsidies that help folks pay for policies on the marketplace. You do know how this law works, right?

Why should I pay for someone else's insurance on top of my already ridiculously high rate because of barrycare?
Your rates are high, and have been unnaturally high for decades, because of the uninsured. If someone uninsured goes to the hospital and can't pay, then you get the bill for their treatment in the form of higher charges for your insurance. You want folks insured. It's well worth tax money to subsidize folks to do it.

This, BTW, is the same reason that all states require car insurance. If you're uninsured you're forcing me to pay for your idiocy in higher premiums.
Nope. But there's not much there. Just the usual crap that goes around in emails. Most of the Wikileaks is less interesting or impactful than the Sony leak was.

Plus, there's the fact that it's being connected to the Russians and that some of the emails have been debunked. That pretty much undermines it as a campaign issue.

Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
it's all acceptable to him.
I will remind everyone that today is Hillary's birthday. It's normal for birthday parties to be held in the evenings. I hope she gets lots of presents and surprises on her special day.
She will get her biggest present in about 13 days
How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?

Why? (It was 2008 not 2004)

Because Obama provided a vision for the future that voters were willing to accept over experience. He was also running against a Republican. Republicans were blamed for the Iraq war and the economic collapse. Democrats won at all levels in 2008

Oh I see. So it's free-flowing.
well I already know she doesn't respect the constitution, she's been in it for near 30 years and we are still in the same point in history. she has no respect for me she called me deplorable, I'm not welcomed in her country. Trump has always spoken of illegals only. ILLEGALS not citizens.
The Khans aren't illegals.
His accusers aren't illegals.
Megan Kelly isn't illegal.
Judge Curiel isn't illegal.
Ted Cruz's wife isn't illegal.
Ted Cruz's Dad wasn't illegal (what does he seriously have against that guy?).
The 282 people and places he's insulted on Twitter are certainly not "Only Illegals".
everyone of those were personal based on something they accused him of. not sure how that translates into a group of americans. but nice try. each one is a douche bag. The Khan's son was a hero. Trump stated that. but don't let facts get in your way.
Sure. He's been the very paragon of virtue beset on all sides by horrible attackers. Oh how horrible. So Sad!

He has no personal restraint and no ability to take criticism. So I have no faith in his ability to be President, respect the traditions of American Democracy, guide foreign policy or military policy. So I won't be voting for him.
hey f00l you brought it up not me. I give two shits about individuals like the khan's who took a man they did not know and blathered him on national TV. yeah, let's don't lose focus here bubba. he stands up for himself, and you call that bad? wow. Let's talk about benghazi, oh that's right the DOJ said she's ok so that's that right? LOL the FBI was bought off. dude, you can vote for whomever you like, but don't try and defend her criminal activity. Trump is a business man and not a politician, he pulled up his stakes to try and help the country. it's the likes of clinton trying to bash a citizen.
So what crimes was she convicted of again?

As for Trump: He hasn't pulled up stakes to run. He's billing his campaign expenses to his businesses. He's getting rich off the run while he barely contributes to his campaign. Don't paint him as some self funded patriot. He's not. He's profiting off this and likely will profit off it for some time to come once he launches TrumpTV. His entire shtick is based on his name recognition, just like the Kardashians and Paris Hilton. As an actual business man he's a flop.

And yeah, I'll vote for Clinton, you'll vote for Trump. Good for you!
Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
it's all acceptable to him.
I will remind everyone that today is Hillary's birthday. It's normal for birthday parties to be held in the evenings. I hope she gets lots of presents and surprises on her special day.
She will get her biggest present in about 13 days
a trip home to Arkansas?
You guys are seriously asking what subsidies are involved with Obamacare? That's a good one. Here's a beauty, the majority of Welfare workers who supported Obama (govt. workers dig liberal) didn't even realize there was a Medicaid component. Take fear, these people are allowed to vote.
and that failed miserably. I heard the premiums for health insurance are going up anywhere from 50% to 200% for next year. ouch. The lie continues.
The national average is 22%. It's more some places, less others. Subsidies are keeping pace so folks won't see much if any increase out of pocket. But don't let facts stop you.

What subsidies?
The subsidies that help folks pay for policies on the marketplace. You do know how this law works, right?

Why should I pay for someone else's insurance on top of my already ridiculously high rate because of barrycare?
Your rates are high, and have been unnaturally high for decades, because of the uninsured. If someone uninsured goes to the hospital and can't pay, then you get the bill for their treatment in the form of higher charges for your insurance. You want folks insured. It's well worth tax money to subsidize folks to do it.

This, BTW, is the same reason that all states require car insurance. If you're uninsured you're forcing me to pay for your idiocy in higher premiums.
completely different set up. I use my health insurance I submit claims every doctor visit. I have never in 40 years submitted a claim against my car insurance.

It's also why obamacare is a bad program. even the corrupt's husband agrees.
At the end of the day Obamacare is socialism. It reduces incentives for employment, embraces idleness/entitlements, reduces economic structure, reduces personal accountability, increases costs and leads to decay. But remember, liberals are super smart, intelligent and well-educated people...............just cuz.
Got a link to those debunked emails?
Are you really trying to downplay whats been discovered in wikileaks?
Dear Mr. Trump, I am not Sidney Blumenthal

And once you have one doctored email in the batch, that means the rest have to corroborated. Which you'd have to do anyways for honest journalism. That's what happened with the Snowden leaks and other leaked stuff. That's what you'd have to do here too.

And as for the emails, I don't need to play them down. I have email. Stuff say things in email they shouldn't. They say embarrassing stuff. Nothing in there I've read has shocked me. And more importantly: The voters don't care. The Podestra emails stubbornly refuse to move the polls. This could have been an issue in the primary, maybe. But now? Meh.

So you have one email thats possibly bad.
What about the ones that have proven to be legit already?
Donna Brazile already tried to make that claim and she was proven wrong.

And it's a little odd that you would use the polls as an indicator when the MSM has been caught over sampling multiple times and wikileaks and the Veritas videos show election fraud.
Good journalism means you corroborate before you report. And the fact that there are emails in there that are fraudlent casts doubts on the whole bit. As for the oversampling? Which polls? Which ones are wrong? Because you are sounding just like McCain and Romney supporters.

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge
So which polls used oversampling?

BTW: Internal polling oversamples all the damn time. It helps to gather information on groups you want to target for campaign initiatives. But you're the one claiming poll rigging in the media. So make with it. List names. Point to examples. Most polling firms are pretty public with the make up and methods of their surveys. Find me the rigged ones. But keep in mind, on the GOP side the polls were pretty bang on during the primaries. So were those oversampled too?

New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples" | Zero Hedge

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