How can anyone support Hillary or declare Obama was a success?

Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
If Trump was a Democrat he would be right up there with Obama and Clinton, but since he has a (R) as a candidate, morons like you hate him. Cant get more stupid than that. Well you can, they voted for Obama twice...

View attachment 95360

Correct, us Democrats are notoriously pro-life, pro-war crimes, anti-progressive tax system, all about spreading nukes all over the globe, believe global warming's a hoax, etc. It's just the "R" by Trump that pisses us off.

Democrats love to kill children in or out of the womb, and sell off body parts for obscene profits.
Democrats love to steal money from the working class, give it to the lazy fucks, then bitch when there is a deficit, which then they raise more taxes, as it is never enough.
Democrats Have been allowing AXIS OF EVIL countries to develop and test, nuclear bombs, and weapons that can deliver those weapons. Nice job Clinton and Obama.
Democrats believe that Conservatives don't believe in Climate Change, but we do believe, but man isn't the cause. But, liberals loves to steal money from US saying it will save the world.
Yes you are stupid, and no matter what we say, you guys just can pull your head out of Uranus.

How can anyone support Hillary?

She is easily the most qualified candidate to run in 2016 and she is running against the worst candidate for President in US History

Right, sure..........On the surface you could be right. Critical thought and history dictates the opposite, but seriously, liberals love opposites, don't you agree?

Here's some fun, lets pretend you have a point, which is another way of saying we must ignore the obvious. Didn't McCain face Obama in 2004? How come "experience" didn't matter then?
Interesting to note, some major websites sympathetic to Democrats are censoring messages viewed as a threat. Welcome to 1984.

No, they aren't.

Ha, you bet your arsch they are.

BTW, who is the guy who said "literally the only people voting for Trump are uneducated white males"? You might look up the word literally and you might try using your head instead of someone else's because theirs has failed them as well.

And you might try accurately quoting.

The claim was that he's only "carrying" uneducated white males. And it's correct.
By chance is the "woman" furthest left of Bill a dude?
Doesn't matter. If someone has tits Bubba will nail it. I'll betcha in that picture Bubba had a woody so hard a cat couldn't scratch it.
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
If Trump was a Democrat he would be right up there with Obama and Clinton, but since he has a (R) as a candidate, morons like you hate him. Cant get more stupid than that. Well you can, they voted for Obama twice...

View attachment 95360

Correct, us Democrats are notoriously pro-life, pro-war crimes, anti-progressive tax system, all about spreading nukes all over the globe, believe global warming's a hoax, etc. It's just the "R" by Trump that pisses us off.

Democrats love to kill children in or out of the womb, and sell off body parts for obscene profits.
Democrats love to steal money from the working class, give it to the lazy fucks, then bitch when there is a deficit, which then they raise more taxes, as it is never enough.
Democrats Have been allowing AXIS OF EVIL countries to develop and test, nuclear bombs, and weapons that can deliver those weapons. Nice job Clinton and Obama.
Democrats believe that Conservatives don't believe in Climate Change, but we do believe, but man isn't the cause. But, liberals loves to steal money from US saying it will save the world.
Yes you are stupid, and no matter what we say, you guys just can pull your head out of Uranus.

View attachment 95365

There really should be a law that disallows someone as reprehensible as you to put George Carlin in your sig. You're the opposite of anything he'd actually support.
Interesting to note, some major websites sympathetic to Democrats are censoring messages viewed as a threat. Welcome to 1984.

No, they aren't.

Ha, you bet your arsch they are.

BTW, who is the guy who said "literally the only people voting for Trump are uneducated white males"? You might look up the word literally and you might try using your head instead of someone else's because theirs has failed them as well.

And you might try accurately quoting.

The claim was that he's only "carrying" uneducated white males. And it's correct.

I guess that's your way of supporting a lie. Let's say the point is accurate, it has no meaning.
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
If Trump was a Democrat he would be right up there with Obama and Clinton, but since he has a (R) as a candidate, morons like you hate him. Cant get more stupid than that. Well you can, they voted for Obama twice...

View attachment 95360

Trump used to be a Democrat: We chuckled at his antics and relegated him to The Howard Stern Show for political exposure

Once he became a Republican....You nominated him for President
Interesting to note, some major websites sympathetic to Democrats are censoring messages viewed as a threat. Welcome to 1984.

No, they aren't.

Ha, you bet your arsch they are.

BTW, who is the guy who said "literally the only people voting for Trump are uneducated white males"? You might look up the word literally and you might try using your head instead of someone else's because theirs has failed them as well.

And you might try accurately quoting.

The claim was that he's only "carrying" uneducated white males. And it's correct.

I guess that's your way of supporting a lie. Let's say the point is accurate, it has no meaning.

No, it's not a lie. And it doesn't have meaning? The fact that he cannot score a plurality among any demographic apart from stupid white men has no meaning?

Sure. No meaning. Unless, of course, he wants to be president. Then it means he won't be president.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
If Trump was a Democrat he would be right up there with Obama and Clinton, but since he has a (R) as a candidate, morons like you hate him. Cant get more stupid than that. Well you can, they voted for Obama twice...

View attachment 95360

This coming from a guy who uses a liberal in his signature with a made up quote that he never said. Do you have any integrity at all? Just wondering.

Hey, it's not all bad news though. You'll be dead soon enough with the rest of your backwards generation and people like you will be a footnote in our history that people will look back and laugh at.
Everyone at one time was liberal, but when George starting spewing out Conservative Values about the government, he ended up dead. Why is it that those who speak out against the DNC get murdered by Al Qaeda, or shot in the back from a botched robbery, or have a bad operation that was supposed to be routine? Hey Dumbass, it was people like me, that kept this country free, from Commies like you who wanted to take over the world, keep you from having free speech, a place to stay, and travel where ever you wanted. But since you are a dumbass, you just keep on smoking that dope, eat that government cheese, and watch Netflix on your parents account. Soon that will be taken away and you might have to work your sorry ass off, just like the rest of US. Then US old folks will be laughing at you , who will then support US because your liberals decided it that way. I am laughing at you whole heartedly, Dumbass.

Carlin never said those things about government, it was about Corporations. You're a lazy asshole who didn't bother to research the shit you felt was worthy for your signature.

And yeah, I'm a commie but you're the one who worships Putin and hates the American president. But yeah, I'm the commie.

I wish you would just hurry up and die so we can truly Make America Great Again.
I wish your mother would of exercised her Choice to not bring your sorry ass into this world. Oh well, now we have to live with you, at least a few more months and then deal with you with the 21st century Nuremburg Trials. People like you will be given a choice to leave for Cuba, or face Treason charges against the constitution.

Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
me thinks you are one confused dude. how is going to undermine the election? cause he won't concede until he sees all the results? How is that unusual? what laws is he ignoring. look you want to bash trump at least post the items of the hate, not innuendo.
Trump is undermining the election. He has no evidence of vote rigging. If he did, he has an obligation to bring it forward now. Yet he's questioning the results before the results are in. That's a dangerous game to play in a democracy. The only reason American democracy has held out is because we as a people believe in it. You start undermining it, then this all goes down the tubes fast.

Voter fraud is incredibly rare. On top of that, the voting process is controlled by the states. Inside those states the GOP itself controls enough state legislatures and State Secretary offices that if fraud were happening, then the GOP itself would have to be complicit. Here in Ohio, polls are staffed by registered GOP and DNC voters, they're delivered by local police who have GOP and DNC reps riding along, and then they're observed by DNC and GOP lawyers and voters. It's an incredibly good system. It's fair. It's accurate. And it's very very very tough to rig.

So yeah, between that and the way he's talked about how he wants to go after his political enemies if elected? I'll skip Trump thanks.
undermining the election? really? how about parading in woman after woman to make a false accusation about the man running for president and the msm picking it up and running with it like it is factual or matters. how about the msm not picking up on the bribe paid to the FBI agent who was investigating the email of one hillary clinton. nothing. I bet you haven't heard about it.
I seriously doubt that those allegations are false. He was caught on tape bragging about behavior that is legally sexual assault. He's been on Stern's show talking about behavior that's not far removed from what these women are talking about. He's been married multiple times and had multiple affairs. He's fairly well known for being a vindictive bully of a person. To put it in perspective: Trump's actions, reputation, and allegations aren't all that different from Bill Cosby's or Bill Clinton's. And I take those very seriously.

The FBI thing? First up I don't believe what she did there rises to criminality myself. Stupid, yes. Criminal, no. But if did get upset about the FBI thing I'd also have to be pointing out that Trump outright bribed the Florida DA to make the Trump University lawsuits go away in Florida. Or that he used his private charity to settle his legal fees in direct contravention to law. So he's not exactly above reproach here either.

And again, I see him and the statements he's made as a direct threat to American democracy. I'm no fan of her, but Clinton hasn't risen to that level in my mind yet. So I'm voting Clinton.
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
Jayzus! You mean that you would vote for a scuzbag like Hillary to spite Trump? Doesn't sound logical. Oh well.
It's a two party system at the end of the day, and I live in a battleground state. The only reasonable anti-Trump vote is Hillary. So there it is.

I have lived in non-battleground states. If I currently lived in a state like Texas or Louisiana I'd probably vote for Johnson or McMullin (Stein is an idiot). It wouldn't matter then who I voted for because Trump would carry the state regardless.

But now I'm in a battleground state? Voting Hillary to stop Trump isn't only sensible, it's down right logical.
so again, you're ok with a murderer in the white house. a liar and a traitor. wow. you have low aspirations of the country.
Trump's a pretty low bar. Unfortunately, Hillary clears it. So I'm ok with my vote.
No, they aren't.

Ha, you bet your arsch they are.

BTW, who is the guy who said "literally the only people voting for Trump are uneducated white males"? You might look up the word literally and you might try using your head instead of someone else's because theirs has failed them as well.

And you might try accurately quoting.

The claim was that he's only "carrying" uneducated white males. And it's correct.

I guess that's your way of supporting a lie. Let's say the point is accurate, it has no meaning.

No, it's not a lie. And it doesn't have meaning? The fact that he cannot score a plurality among any demographic apart from stupid white men has no meaning?

Sure. No meaning. Unless, of course, he wants to be president. Then it means he won't be president.
or he will. we'll see right?
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
Jayzus! You mean that you would vote for a scuzbag like Hillary to spite Trump? Doesn't sound logical. Oh well.
It's a two party system at the end of the day, and I live in a battleground state. The only reasonable anti-Trump vote is Hillary. So there it is.

I have lived in non-battleground states. If I currently lived in a state like Texas or Louisiana I'd probably vote for Johnson or McMullin (Stein is an idiot). It wouldn't matter then who I voted for because Trump would carry the state regardless.

But now I'm in a battleground state? Voting Hillary to stop Trump isn't only sensible, it's down right logical.
so again, you're ok with a murderer in the white house. a liar and a traitor. wow. you have low aspirations of the country.
Trump's a pretty low bar. Unfortunately, Hillary clears it. So I'm ok with my vote.
a murderer in the white house is what you'd prefer. It ain't ever going to go away.
Ha, you bet your arsch they are.

BTW, who is the guy who said "literally the only people voting for Trump are uneducated white males"? You might look up the word literally and you might try using your head instead of someone else's because theirs has failed them as well.

And you might try accurately quoting.

The claim was that he's only "carrying" uneducated white males. And it's correct.

I guess that's your way of supporting a lie. Let's say the point is accurate, it has no meaning.

No, it's not a lie. And it doesn't have meaning? The fact that he cannot score a plurality among any demographic apart from stupid white men has no meaning?

Sure. No meaning. Unless, of course, he wants to be president. Then it means he won't be president.
or he will. we'll see right?

We will see, and you'll whine. I can basically predict all of your replies once Trump is dealt a hammering defeat.
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
me thinks you are one confused dude. how is going to undermine the election? cause he won't concede until he sees all the results? How is that unusual? what laws is he ignoring. look you want to bash trump at least post the items of the hate, not innuendo.
Trump is undermining the election. He has no evidence of vote rigging. If he did, he has an obligation to bring it forward now. Yet he's questioning the results before the results are in. That's a dangerous game to play in a democracy. The only reason American democracy has held out is because we as a people believe in it. You start undermining it, then this all goes down the tubes fast.

Voter fraud is incredibly rare. On top of that, the voting process is controlled by the states. Inside those states the GOP itself controls enough state legislatures and State Secretary offices that if fraud were happening, then the GOP itself would have to be complicit. Here in Ohio, polls are staffed by registered GOP and DNC voters, they're delivered by local police who have GOP and DNC reps riding along, and then they're observed by DNC and GOP lawyers and voters. It's an incredibly good system. It's fair. It's accurate. And it's very very very tough to rig.

So yeah, between that and the way he's talked about how he wants to go after his political enemies if elected? I'll skip Trump thanks.

So you've somehow missed wikileaks?
Nope. But there's not much there. Just the usual crap that goes around in emails. Most of the Wikileaks is less interesting or impactful than the Sony leak was.

Plus, there's the fact that it's being connected to the Russians and that some of the emails have been debunked. That pretty much undermines it as a campaign issue.
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
Jayzus! You mean that you would vote for a scuzbag like Hillary to spite Trump? Doesn't sound logical. Oh well.
It's a two party system at the end of the day, and I live in a battleground state. The only reasonable anti-Trump vote is Hillary. So there it is.

I have lived in non-battleground states. If I currently lived in a state like Texas or Louisiana I'd probably vote for Johnson or McMullin (Stein is an idiot). It wouldn't matter then who I voted for because Trump would carry the state regardless.

But now I'm in a battleground state? Voting Hillary to stop Trump isn't only sensible, it's down right logical.
so again, you're ok with a murderer in the white house. a liar and a traitor. wow. you have low aspirations of the country.
Trump's a pretty low bar. Unfortunately, Hillary clears it. So I'm ok with my vote.
a murderer in the white house is what you'd prefer. It ain't ever going to go away.

Murderer? Allegations that are totally unfounded and can't even make it to court.

Meanwhile, a judge says that there's enough evidence to question whether Trump raped a child. So support him all you want, child-rape lover.
so you're ok voting in a murderer. shows how little you do care.
Ahh... so you're one of those. The Vince Foster conspiracy guys. Good luck with that.

Or are you talking about Benghazi, for which Clinton was endlessly investigated? Again, good luck with that.

As for the OP, Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on complaining about most of his issues. Corruption? Ha. Ha. He's been corrupt for years. Morality? Ha. Ha. Hell, even when it comes to business the brainiac lost almost a billion dollars in a year. The man's rich for the same reason Kim Kardashian is rich and Paris Hilton are rich.

I get protest votes. I was pretty certain I wouldn't vote for Hillary this year. I'm not a fan of her or Bill. But again, Trump is a joke of a candidate who stopped being funny when he started talking about changing/ignoring laws so he could go after his opponents. Or when he started undermining the election results before a vote had been cast. So no thanks. I'll vote Hillary. I'll hold my nose to do it, but I will do it.
me thinks you are one confused dude. how is going to undermine the election? cause he won't concede until he sees all the results? How is that unusual? what laws is he ignoring. look you want to bash trump at least post the items of the hate, not innuendo.
Trump is undermining the election. He has no evidence of vote rigging. If he did, he has an obligation to bring it forward now. Yet he's questioning the results before the results are in. That's a dangerous game to play in a democracy. The only reason American democracy has held out is because we as a people believe in it. You start undermining it, then this all goes down the tubes fast.

Voter fraud is incredibly rare. On top of that, the voting process is controlled by the states. Inside those states the GOP itself controls enough state legislatures and State Secretary offices that if fraud were happening, then the GOP itself would have to be complicit. Here in Ohio, polls are staffed by registered GOP and DNC voters, they're delivered by local police who have GOP and DNC reps riding along, and then they're observed by DNC and GOP lawyers and voters. It's an incredibly good system. It's fair. It's accurate. And it's very very very tough to rig.

So yeah, between that and the way he's talked about how he wants to go after his political enemies if elected? I'll skip Trump thanks.
undermining the election? really? how about parading in woman after woman to make a false accusation about the man running for president and the msm picking it up and running with it like it is factual or matters. how about the msm not picking up on the bribe paid to the FBI agent who was investigating the email of one hillary clinton. nothing. I bet you haven't heard about it.
I seriously doubt that those allegations are false. He was caught on tape bragging about behavior that is legally sexual assault. He's been on Stern's show talking about behavior that's not far removed from what these women are talking about. He's been married multiple times and had multiple affairs. He's fairly well known for being a vindictive bully of a person. To put it in perspective: Trump's actions, reputation, and allegations aren't all that different from Bill Cosby's or Bill Clinton's. And I take those very seriously.

The FBI thing? First up I don't believe what she did there rises to criminality myself. Stupid, yes. Criminal, no. But if did get upset about the FBI thing I'd also have to be pointing out that Trump outright bribed the Florida DA to make the Trump University lawsuits go away in Florida. Or that he used his private charity to settle his legal fees in direct contravention to law. So he's not exactly above reproach here either.

And again, I see him and the statements he's made as a direct threat to American democracy. I'm no fan of her, but Clinton hasn't risen to that level in my mind yet. So I'm voting Clinton.
so why didn't the women report them when they happened? I'm sorry, if they are this upset today, why wouldn't they have been when it supposedly happened? have they no morals? they allowed him to continue to do to others then? is that what they did, they didn't punish him for his acts? excuse me, but you must believe in unicorns and fairies too. They exist in someone's mind, but not in reality.
BTW, who is the guy who said "literally the only people voting for Trump are uneducated white males"? You might look up the word literally and you might try using your head instead of someone else's because theirs has failed them as well.

And you might try accurately quoting.

The claim was that he's only "carrying" uneducated white males. And it's correct.

I guess that's your way of supporting a lie. Let's say the point is accurate, it has no meaning.

No, it's not a lie. And it doesn't have meaning? The fact that he cannot score a plurality among any demographic apart from stupid white men has no meaning?

Sure. No meaning. Unless, of course, he wants to be president. Then it means he won't be president.
or he will. we'll see right?

We will see, and you'll whine. I can basically predict all of your replies once Trump is dealt a hammering defeat.
i'm not going anywhere and I will continue to call her a murderer, just in the white house. I'm confident however, that there are a majority of people who do understand what corruption really is and won't vote for it. If it's corrupt today and she wins, it will still be corruption then as well.
Eh. I'll be voting for Hillary. It's easy. You walk in, show your ID, push the button, walk out. Done.

She's not my first choice, but Trump's words on the election results, libel laws, the press, political opponents, etc have left no doubt he represents a true danger to American democracy. He reminds me of every tinpot strongman I've ever seen in the news in other countries. So no thanks. Next time, run a reasonable candidate.

It's an old joke, but this election is pretty comparable to the iPhone 7 vs. Samsung Galaxy Note debate. One doesn't have a headphone jack, the other randomly explodes. Seems pretty clear to me.
Jayzus! You mean that you would vote for a scuzbag like Hillary to spite Trump? Doesn't sound logical. Oh well.

Let's be honest if Hillary had an (R) next to her name you would be thrilled to vote for her. She's more of a republican than Trump has ever been.
I don't vote for traitorous murdering thieves and my absolute hate and loathing for both Clintons goes back to 1969 and I will never forgive those two creeps in my lifetime.

You'll vote for anyone with an (R), who are you kidding. Pretending like you have morals or standards. Ha!
And you are voting for a slimy vagina, and we know you don't have morals or standards,(well maybe double standards) . Quick lesson for you libidiots. Liberals(R) and (D) have crowned themselves kings and queens(some men as queens also) to rule over US. Don't you feel a little pissed that Debbie WasAmanSnitz, co-conspired against Bernie the Socialist, because the liberal elites knew you were too dumb enough to vote for the RIGHT candidate, HRC? Arent you a little pissed that over 8 years and the promise of Hope and Change, Rich Liberals like Warrant Buffet, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and his wife, and Al Gore have made millions of dollars, and the most US citizens in poverty ever? It was the establishment that created the Trump for President movement, more legal US citizens want Trump to stop 4 more years of Obama's liberal elite rich scheme, but alas, you are too stupid to understand this, as you now can get dope, government cheese, and Netflix in your parents basement. Wasting away in Obamaville.....


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