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How can Democrats detest the “replacement theory” while shouting ‘thank God you’re being replaced’ in the faces of caucasian conservatives?

So apparently you don't care how they die as long as they die. Is that it? SMFH
I just don't recognize your point. Me, you and those immigrants you're frightened of are more likely to be murdered by your own kind and whether it's illegal drugs or legal drugs doesn't matter if people want to do drugs they'll find them from anywhere or make them out of anything. They'll sniff paint and gasoline if they can't find anything else. If you want to curb drug use then mitigate the reasons people turn to drugs in the first place.
How can Democrats detest the “replacement theory” while shouting ‘thank God you’re being replaced’ in the faces of caucasian conservatives?
This is a lie.

Democrats ‘shout’ no such thing.

Also a lie is that Democrats are ‘racist’; racism is the sole purview of the right – racist rightwing replacement theory is proof of that.
I just don't recognize your point. Me, you and those immigrants you're frightened of are more likely to be murdered by your own kind and whether it's illegal drugs or legal drugs doesn't matter if people want to do drugs they'll find them from anywhere or make them out of anything. They'll sniff paint and gasoline if they can't find anything else. If you want to curb drug use then mitigate the reasons people turn to drugs in the first place.
A great place to start is to close off the open door that is allowing unvetted, illegal entry into the country.
It’s sad that so many of you “conservatives” are so self-manipulated and blind to the facts…..so terrified of being called RACIST.
Have you looked at race demographics in public schools in Mexifornia in 2022 vs. 1980? Where did all those caucasians go? THEY GOT REPLACED!
Scary shit huh?
Democrats can detest racist replacement theory because it’s reprehensible, racist, and wrong.

Racist replacement theory is a manifestation of racist white grievance politics contrived by the right, the lie that whites are being ‘replaced’ by other races – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Racist replacement theory/white grievance politics is another example of the dishonest right’s efforts to divide the American people and hobble the political process with lies and demagoguery.
Democrats can detest racist replacement theory because it’s reprehensible, racist, and wrong.

Racist replacement theory is a manifestation of racist white grievance politics contrived by the right, the lie that whites are being ‘replaced’ by other races – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Racist replacement theory/white grievance politics is another example of the dishonest right’s efforts to divide the American people and hobble the political process with lies and demagoguery.
I think you protest too much. The media, entertainment and advertising definitely bear out what you are so loudly protesting.
Not by your actions. 😄 Sitting on your asses is the real choice you cucks have made.
What do you imagine I'm supposed to do, go-arounds shooting foreigners?

Don't listen to me. You could read the census that your boy Trump did. 😄 White population numbers were the only ones to decrease while the number of people who identified as mixed race jumped 125% over the last decade. Your reality is that even if you expelled every illegal immigrant in the country you wouldn't be able to stop whites from mixing with the minorities already here. You folks are good and proper fucked. 😁
You're confused if you believe I'm opposed to race mixing. You say that because you're a bigot.
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Democrats can detest racist replacement theory because it’s reprehensible, racist, and wrong.
You're the main proponents of the theory.

Racist replacement theory is a manifestation of racist white grievance politics contrived by the right, the lie that whites are being ‘replaced’ by other races – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Your Komrads in this forum have just admitted that it does exist.

Racist replacement theory/white grievance politics is another example of the dishonest right’s efforts to divide the American people and hobble the political process with lies and demagoguery.
Progs are the one always pitting one race against another.
Conservatives are so afraid of the diminishing number of white people. Perhaps they fear retribution?
Or maybe they just see what non western cultures are doing around the world and they are scared that their inferiority will ruin our nation, just like it did in their home countries.
My concern for family doesn't extend as far as your bitch ass fears. 😄

That makes no sense. We were not talking about any "fears" I have but about the way Lefty policies get black people killed or fucked up.

That you don't give a fuck about that, is strong evidence that you are not actually a black person. Not PROOF mind you, you could just be a soulless sociopath, who doesn't care about his own.

Something is certainly wrong with you though. A lot of somethings probably.
That makes no sense. We were not talking about any "fears" I have but about the way Lefty policies get black people killed or fucked up.
No one really thinks you give a shit about black people.
That you don't give a fuck about that, is strong evidence that you are not actually a black person. Not PROOF mind you, you could just be a soulless sociopath, who doesn't care about his own.
Again, no one thinks you give a shit about black people.
Something is certainly wrong with you though. A lot of somethings probably.
On the other hand I find nothing at all wrong with your cowardice.
Well basically people are laughing at you because while you think there's some grand conspiracy to replace you, the truth is that freedom of choice means freedom to make mixed race babies and that's what more and more white Americans are choosing to do.
My father who died in 1963 predicted that in 100 years racial intermarriage would be so common that most people would be a mixture of white, black and Hispanic. He felt the intermixing would be positive and America was the “great mixing pot.” He also predicted that we would go through a rough period of racial animosity before we reached that stage. Interracial marriage at that time was illegal in many states.

My father’s prediction still has 40 years to go.

Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967), was a landmark civil rights decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that laws banning interracial marriageviolate the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[1][2]

The case involved Mildred Loving, a woman of color,[a] and her white husband Richard Loving, who in 1958 were sentenced to a year in prison for marrying each other. Their marriage violated Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which criminalized marriage between people classified as "white" and people classified as "colored". The Lovings appealed their conviction to the Supreme Court of Virginia, which upheld it. They then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to hear their case.

In June 1967, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in the Lovings' favor and overturned their convictions. Its decision struck down Virginia's anti-miscegenation law and ended all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States. Virginia had argued that its law was not a violation of the Equal Protection Clause because the punishment was the same regardless of the offender's race, and thus it "equally burdened" both whites and non-whites.[3] The Court found that the law nonetheless violated the Equal Protection Clause because it was based solely on "distinctions drawn according to race" and outlawed conduct—namely, getting married—that was otherwise generally accepted and which citizens were free to do.[3]

Beginning in 2013, the decision was cited as precedent in U.S. federal court decisions holding restrictions on same-sex marriage in the United Statesunconstitutional, including in the Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges(2015).[4]


Top 10 Interracial Marriage Statistics for 2022
  • Interracial marriage became legal in America in 1967.
  • 18% of African-Americans marry someone of a different ethnicity or race, according to the interracial relationship statistics.
  • 26% of Hispanic newlywed men have a spouse of a different ethnicity or race.
  • Interracial couples statistics reveal that Honolulu, Hawaii, has the highest rate of interracial marriages in America — 42%.
  • 20% of African American-Caucasian couples divorce compared with 13.5% of Hispanic-Caucasian couples.
  • The US interracial marriage statistics show that 10% of the population (11 million people) are currently in mixed-race unions.
  • 22% of Americans believe that multi-racial kids are good for society.
  • 42% of the US intermarried couples are between Hispanics and Caucasians, according to the interracial relationship statistics.
  • 56% of survey participants aged 18-29 believe that TV shows should feature more interracial couples.
  • Interracial marriage statistics and census show that 49% of Democrats believe that interracial marriage is beneficial for society.
No one really thinks you give a shit about black people.

Then a lot of people can be wrong about shit.

Again, no one thinks you give a shit about black people.

But more to the point, YOU don't care about them. Every black person I have known, knows about and dislikes the way violence and drugs and shit fucks up their communities and kills their people.

But YOU don't.

On the other hand I find nothing at all wrong with your cowardice.

But again, I'm not the one constantly talking shit, because I'm afraid to tell people the truth about me or my reasons for shit.

That's YOU tough guy.

You're the pussy afraid to tell the Truth.
Then a lot of people can be wrong about shit.
Buddy, no one gives a shit. I've never met anyone more interested in trying to convince people who aren't at all interested about his sincerity. 😄
But more to the point, YOU don't care about them. Every black person I have known, knows about and dislikes the way violence and drugs and shit fucks up their communities and kills their people.
Any fuck head can claim to care, the question is what policies do you support to alleviate these social ills and do they work? You keep trying to convince me about your intentions but I don't give a shit about your stated intentions. How do you plan to address drug use in these communities? With apathy and violence or empathy and outreach?
But YOU don't
So you continue to claim. Over and over and over and over again. 😄
But again, I'm not the one constantly talking shit, because I'm afraid to tell people the truth about me or my reasons for shit.
Sure thing.
That's YOU tough guy.
Ok. 😄
You're the pussy afraid to tell the Truth.
You're too pussy to accept the truth. Almost half the white people in this country aren't on your side and your such a racist that you think there's some truth you could reveal about me to make them rally to your mutual whiteness. 😄
Buddy, no one gives a shit. I've never met anyone more interested in trying to convince people who aren't at all interested about his sincerity. 😄
Except, i'm not interested in that. I only addressed it because you brought it up.

This is just a dishonest rhetorical tactic of yours. The type of stupid shit games shit talkers like you use, because you can't just make true points.

Any fuck head can claim to care, the question is what policies do you support to alleviate these social ills and do they work? You keep trying to convince me about your intentions but I don't give a shit about your stated intentions. How do you plan to address drug use in these communities? With apathy and violence or empathy and outreach?

Off topic. And no, the point is, YOU don't care. Your response when forced to face how bad teh policies you support are, for your own people, is to just blow it off, and talk shit.

That's very revealing about what you are or might be. At the very least, it shows that you are more concerned with the Lefty agenda, than the well being of your own people.

Which, to any sane person, undermines your credibility tremendously.

So you continue to claim. Over and over and over and over again. 😄

Sure thing.

Ok. 😄

You're too pussy to accept the truth. Almost half the white people in this country aren't on your side and your such a racist that you think there's some truth you could reveal about me to make them rally to your mutual whiteness. 😄

No, YOU think that the truth would turn them away from you. That's why you talk so much shit.
Except, i'm not interested in that. I only addressed it because you brought it up.

This is just a dishonest rhetorical tactic of yours. The type of stupid shit games shit talkers like you use, because you can't just make true points.

You sure do cry a lot.
Off topic. And no, the point is, YOU don't care. Your response when forced to face how bad teh policies you support are, for your own people, is to just blow it off, and talk shit.
What policy? I'd be happy to talk policy but all you want to talk about is me.
That's very revealing about what you are or might be. At the very least, it shows that you are more concerned with the Lefty agenda, than the well being of your own people.
It's revealing that you haven't mentioned a single policy you support or disagree with.
Which, to any sane person, undermines your credibility tremendously.
If you're the arbiter of sane we're all fucked. 😄
No, YOU think that the truth would turn them away from you. That's why you talk so much shit.
You are soooo obsessed with me. 😄

When are you going to talk policy?

You sure do cry a lot.

You challenging my sincerity and me replying, is not me "crying a lot" YOu talk a lot of shit.

What policy? I'd be happy to talk policy but all you want to talk about is me.

Sure you do. But when confronted with how they hurt blacks, you don't care. That's the point.

It's revealing that you haven't mentioned a single policy you support or disagree with.

No, it's not. My point was about your reaction to blacks being hurt, not any specific policy. Thus, it is shit talk for you to pretend it was something else. Shit talk is ALL you have.

If you're the arbiter of sane we're all fucked. 😄

You are soooo obsessed with me. 😄

When are you going to talk policy?

More shit talk. It is all you have.

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