How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch

the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

The meltdown is you guys flailing away trying desperately to make this bullshit story stick.
Talk about little bitches, go look in the mirror.

Romney's tax returns can settle the dispute.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Romney should just show his tax returns.
Romney truly is a whiny little baby.

Man, Romney whines as easily as Speaker Boner weeps. Shit, I never saw Romney whine this much when he was Governor. He must really taste the White House badly. Like George W. Bush, he is trying to rehabilitate his poor old dad.

Romney's poor old dad lost his race to be the first Mormon in the White House after he said his support for the Vietnam War had been due to a "brainwashing" :eusa_clap:

Willlard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,”
Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR

Been drinking that shit water out of the Mississippi again eh Dante. Did they get those levees fixed yet or did they use the money to add more crap to the "super dome".
the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

The meltdown is you guys flailing away trying desperately to make this bullshit story stick.
Talk about little bitches, go look in the mirror.

Romney's tax returns can settle the dispute.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Romney should just show his tax returns.

I agree. Since Obama has given 12 years of his then Romney should too. Nothing to hide! Maybe Romney should release his college transcript?
the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

This is not a communal meltdown its a roast at Obama and your expense via Mitt :lol:
the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!



Nothing like leveling unsubstantiated felony claims to reveal how much of a policy-loser our current President is.

the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

This is not a communal meltdown its a roast at Obama and your expense via Mitt :lol:

look at your angry signature :laugh2:

Romney should release tax returns and board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.,0,6999199.story
the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

The meltdown is you guys flailing away trying desperately to make this bullshit story stick.
Talk about little bitches, go look in the mirror.

Romney's tax returns can settle the dispute.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Romney should just show his tax returns.

Obama's real birth certificate could settle the dispute about where his AIDs ridden ass was born but some how all he has showed us is two poorly produced PDF files.

he's already got flies eaten on his face.

the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

This is not a communal meltdown its a roast at Obama and your expense via Mitt :lol:

look at your angry signature :laugh2:

Romney should release tax returns and board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

I know its great :lol: don't worry I'll change it sometime
the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

This is not a communal meltdown its a roast at Obama and your expense via Mitt :lol:

look at your angry signature :laugh2:

Romney should release tax returns and board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

I want to know everything about Bain as you should want to know everything about Obama! :eusa_shifty:
You don't need to see them then its look how much Mitt has, and the its not legitimate is the try to get some more ammunition for the class envy fools.
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the collective meltdown of the right wing imbecile hive here has been a treat to watch.

thank you Boston Globe and thank you President Obama!

Bend over and let them thank you in the way you've become accustomed.
Rachel Maddow Mocks Mitt Romney's Interview Blitz (VIDEO)


Bain described Romney in 2001 SEC filings as the "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president." Another form stated that he owned 100 percent of the company in 2002 and received a six-figure salary from Bain in 2001 and 2002. His listed title: "Executive."

Earlier reporting on the topic by Talking Points Memo and Mother Jones had already begun to chip away at the Romney narrative.

The Romney campaign is still sticking with its candidate's story.

"The article is not accurate," spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in a statement released to reporters following the Globe story. "As Bain Capital has said, as Governor Romney has said, and as has been confirmed by independent fact checker multiple times, Governor Romney left Bain Capital in February of 1999 to run the Olympics and had no input on investments or management of companies after that point."
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR


[ame=]Obama demands apology from Clinton - YouTube[/ame]
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