How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch

Was Texas Governor Perry wrong when he called Willard Mitt Romney a vulture capitalist?

Apparently, Perry's been wrong about a lot of shit.

Notice how he's not in line to be the Republican Nominee?

Yeah, and George W. Bush was the GOP Nominee because he was right (pun intended) about a lot of shit, eh?

He was more right than Algore or Lurch (Kerry)
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR

Well! I never!
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR

Obama and Hillary went after each other fairly well during the 2008 campaign season didn't they. Right now Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich are standing solidly behind Mitt Romney.

FURTHERMORE YOU MUST HATE BILL CLINTON RIGHT NOW---:lol: Because he basically endorsed Mitt Romney with these comments about Romney's record at Bain Capital.

President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital was "sterling."

"I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,'" Clinton said. "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Clinton also went on to say that Romney's time at Bain Capital represented a "good business career."
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's business record 'sterling' -

And the ONLY one that continually whine like a BITCH is Barack Obama.

Asking for an apology in a political knife fight such as this is whining no matter how anyone cuts it. Whoever suggested that move is not going to have a job long.
Asking for an apology in a political knife fight such as this is whining no matter how anyone cuts it. Whoever suggested that move is not going to have a job long.

Obama should apologize for LYING about Romney's record at Bain Capital. He spent 100 million dollars attacking Romney over outsourcing jobs to China which was not true.

After reviewing numerous corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, contemporary news accounts, company histories and press releases, and the
evidence offered by both the Obama and Romney campaigns, we found no evidence to support the claim that Romney — while he was still running Bain Capital — shipped American jobs overseas. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

OBAMA has a real record of outsourcing jobs using taxpayer dollars out of the stimulus bill.
Despite all the talk of green jobs, the overwhelming majority of stimulus money spent on wind power has gone to foreign companies, according to a new report by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at the American University’s School of Communication in Washington, D.C.

Nearly $2 billion in money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been spent on wind power, funding the creation of enough new wind farms to power 2.4 million homes over the past year. But the study found that nearly 80 percent of that money has gone to foreign manufacturers of wind turbines.
How Barack Obama used taxpayer dollars to outsource green energy jobs | Right Wing News

As far as I am concerned the son-of-a-bitch deserves to get impeached for using U.S. taxpayer dollars out of the economic stimulus bill that was to create jobs here that created jobs in foreign countries.

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Like Perry, I see Willard Mitt Romney as a vulture capitalist

That's how you see all capitalists.

So who do you think you're fooling?
Republican Governor of Texas Rick Perry:

"I happen to think that companies like Bain Capital could have come in and helped these companies if they truly were venture capitalists, but they're not — they're vulture capitalists," Perry told voters in Lexington, South Carolina.

Perry attacks Romney as 'vulture' capitalist | Dallas - Fort Worth


AUDIO: Rick Perry Turns Romney’s “I Like Being Able to Fire People” Comment Into Cell Phone Ringtone | Fox News Insider

AUDIO: Rick Perry Turns Romney’s “I Like Being Able to Fire People” Comment Into Cell Phone Ringtone

:eusa_clap: can't make this shit up
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Like Perry, I see Willard Mitt Romney as a vulture capitalist

That's how you see all capitalists.

So who do you think you're fooling?
Republican Governor of Texas Rick Perry:

"I happen to think that companies like Bain Capital could have come in and helped these companies if they truly were venture capitalists, but they're not — they're vulture capitalists," Perry told voters in Lexington, South Carolina.

Perry attacks Romney as 'vulture' capitalist | Dallas - Fort Worth


AUDIO: Rick Perry Turns Romney’s “I Like Being Able to Fire People” Comment Into Cell Phone Ringtone | Fox News Insider

AUDIO: Rick Perry Turns Romney’s “I Like Being Able to Fire People” Comment Into Cell Phone Ringtone

:eusa_clap: can't make this shit up

No substantive response. But then, we already know you're nothing but a sleazy troll.
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

How can you, a supporter of the whiner and chief say that with a straight face.


No shit! Obama defines whiny assed bitch. If you look it up in a dictionary, there will be a photo of that AIDS filled faggot blaming Bush for forcing him to get that piece of shit Jeremiah Wright to marry him to that giant assed man in drag when all along it was Larry Sinclair he really wanted....... or was it Kal Penn? :razz::badgrin::badgrin:

Read more

Was that over the top?
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How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch

It must hurt deeply that after Obama did a "world apology tour" he won't say "sorry" to Mittens for the mean attack ads.

How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR

He makes an excellent puppet for the mega-corporations who now run DC.
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Good question.

About 89 percent of the 41,671 campaign ads that the Obama campaign ran in the 14-day period ended July 9 carried an anti- Romney message, according to New York-based Kantar Media’s CMAG, which tracks advertising on local broadcast and national cable and network stations.

Obama’s Fault

Obama, even as his campaign promoted its own negative ad, complained yesterday in Centreville, Virginia, about the tone of political advertising attacking him, saying it amounts to a single message that “the economy isn’t where it needs to be and it’s all Obama’s fault.”

Obama Takes His Campaign to Republican Cantor

Hey.......Obama and Co. cant do enough of the class warfare/smear/race stuff for my liking. Go........go..........go...........always a losing play in the general election, especially for an incumbent fuck up. The intellectually numb always fall for it but not independents, the majority of whom look at the vision. In 2008, they were smitten with vision at a time of economic lose for the incumbent party. They wont be hoodwinked again and the majority of independents dont appreciate the anti-America theme that this administratioin brings. Most independents embrace tradition in America..........they see this administration loaths it. Independents respect the constitution...........they see this administration wants to turn it on its ear. Most independents want to be working............they see this administration wants to increase the number of those dependent upon government, hates the private sector = no jobs.

110 days until the independents mothball the Keynesian crap.........
After seeing obama whine that his biggest mistake was not being a good enough storyteller to the American public, Romney's objection to obama's lies isn't impressive as whineing.

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