How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch

That's how you see all capitalists.

So who do you think you're fooling?
Republican Governor of Texas Rick Perry:

"I happen to think that companies like Bain Capital could have come in and helped these companies if they truly were venture capitalists, but they're not — they're vulture capitalists," Perry told voters in Lexington, South Carolina.

Perry attacks Romney as 'vulture' capitalist | Dallas - Fort Worth


AUDIO: Rick Perry Turns Romney’s “I Like Being Able to Fire People” Comment Into Cell Phone Ringtone | Fox News Insider

AUDIO: Rick Perry Turns Romney’s “I Like Being Able to Fire People” Comment Into Cell Phone Ringtone

:eusa_clap: can't make this shit up

No substantive response. But then, we already know you're nothing but a sleazy troll.

Sleasy like using the picture of a child on an internet avie?
Sorry, Mittens; no apology forthcoming. Go take the dog for a nice long ride on the roof.

The Associated Press: Obama says no apology to Romney over Bain attacks

WOLFEBORO, N.H. (AP) — Mitt Romney's campaign said Sunday that President Barack Obama is willing to say anything to win a second term and should say he's sorry for attacks on the Republican's successful career at a private equity firm. "No, we will not apologize," the president responded, adding that if Romney wants credit for his business leadership, he also needs to take responsibility.

Questions about Romney's tenure at Bain Capital and the fortune he earned there have dogged the former Massachusetts governor as Obama and his allies have said the Boston-based firm shipped jobs overseas. Romney insists he left the company in February 1999 to take over the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, but documents suggest he was still in charge as late as 2001.

Romney's advisers, trying to explain the discrepancies between Romney's account and federal documents, offered fresh explanations to shift the campaign back to more comfortable ground.

"He actually retired retroactively at that point," Romney adviser Ed Gillespie said. "He ended up not going back to the firm after his time in Salt Lake City. So he was actually retired from Bain."


Speaking of crybabies running for high office: ever hear of Ed Muskie??????

Muskie? Was that the politician who had his wife attacked by right wing media (Manchester Union Leader)? Oh how the right wing hate machine stays consistent.

The GOP speaker of the House cries about trivial shit.

but, we'll put up a Muskie cry to a Boehner and Romney cry/whine any day. thank you for pointing out how mainstream right wing media attacks the wives of political opponents

How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch

It must hurt deeply that after Obama did a "world apology tour" he won't say "sorry" to Mittens for the mean attack ads.


I don't think any of us were surprised that Obama showed he has no class.

It's been pretty evident for a while.
Same AP article.

Obama's allies also pushed Romney to release more than the one year of tax returns he has shared. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former top White House aide, noted Romney released 23 years of taxes to 2008 GOP nominee John McCain so he could be considered as a vice presidential nominee.

"John McCain's people looked at it and went with Sarah Palin" as the No. 2 on the ticket that year. "Whatever is in there is far worse than the first year," Emanuel said. "The Romney campaign isn't stupid. They have decided that it's better to get attacked on a lack of transparency, lack of accountability to the American people, versus telling you what's in those taxes."

Romney has refused and says that no amount of disclosure would satisfy his critics.

But some in his party said the debate over Romney's wealth is distracting from the campaign.

"He should release the tax returns tomorrow. It's crazy. You've got to release six, eight, 10 years of back tax returns," said conservative Bill Kristol, joining the Republicans who want to turn the page on stories about Romney's vast personal wealth. "Take the hit for a day or two."
What happens when he releases them ?

The left picks them apart using them to make up straw men so they don't have to talk about the economy.

If I were Mitt, I'd arrange to meet David Axelrod in person so I could tell him to F**k off to his face. That kind of backbone alone would be enough to pull a lot of people to his side who are so sick and tired of Mr. Skinny/Whiny/Spineless complaining about how "Mom,,,,congress won't play with me."
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.

U.S. Chamber President Criticizes GOP's 'Intramural' Battle Over Bain : It's All Politics : NPR

Easily, He just walks in there and sits down.
What happens when he releases them ?

The left picks them apart using them to make up straw men so they don't have to talk about the economy.

If I were Mitt, I'd arrange to meet David Axelrod in person so I could tell him to F**k off to his face. That kind of backbone alone would be enough to pull a lot of people to his side who are so sick and tired of Mr. Skinny/Whiny/Spineless complaining about how "Mom,,,,congress won't play with me."

maybe there is nothing there?

Much like Romney, Kerry refused to release some records on his elitist principles. Maybe like with Kerry there is nothing there.

Even if there is something to fight over, why not allow the right to defend Romney -ON HIS RECORD - not his promises and bullshit?
Chronicling Mitt's Mendacity, Vol. XXV - The Maddow Blog

After more than six months of marveling at Mitt Romney's propensity for falsehoods, I have to admit it was unsettling to see his campaign's new attack ad, launched yesterday. The spot accuses President Obama of making "untrue" claims about Romney shipping jobs overseas -- Obama's claims are actually quite credible -- and concludes that the president is running a "dishonest campaign."

Think about that for a moment. The candidate whose entire campaign has been built on one falsehood after another, the candidate whose dishonesty is routinely characterized as "almost pathological," the candidate whose near-constant lying puts him in a league of his own among modern politicians, is complaining that his rival is taking liberties with the facts.

There's dishonesty in politics, and then there's meta-dishonesty in politics.

Romney's spokesperson this week declared, "America deserves ... a president who's willing to tell the truth." That seems more than fair. Perhaps the Romney camp can reevaluate that demand after reading the 25th installment of my weekly series, chronicling Mitt's mendacity.

Latest edition, 25 new lies.:)
Love the new ad.

[ame=]Mitt Romney: Asking for Apologies While Launching Attacks - YouTube[/ame]
What happens when he releases them ?

The left picks them apart using them to make up straw men so they don't have to talk about the economy.

If I were Mitt, I'd arrange to meet David Axelrod in person so I could tell him to F**k off to his face. That kind of backbone alone would be enough to pull a lot of people to his side who are so sick and tired of Mr. Skinny/Whiny/Spineless complaining about how "Mom,,,,congress won't play with me."

maybe there is nothing there?

Much like Romney, Kerry refused to release some records on his elitist principles. Maybe like with Kerry there is nothing there.

Even if there is something to fight over, why not allow the right to defend Romney -ON HIS RECORD - not his promises and bullshit?

Most Americans know Romney is rich as Croesus, was born into great wealth, and made money off of his father's connections. He may not want the fact his patriotism stops not only at military service during time of war, but also at paying taxes on his wealth. His use of tax havens could be an issue.

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