How can we protect the Capitol from REAL insurrectionists on Jan 3, 2023?

so many Trump administration officials resigned on Jan 6 (DeVos, Stephanie Grisham, Mulvaney etc) that pathetic Trump resorted to asking none other Condoleeza Rice to call what remained of his administration to convince them to stay on for the last few days

“I cried on Jan. 6, because I thought to myself: I study countries who do this, I don’t live in a country who does this,” - Condoleezza Rice

even Trump lapdog Larry Kudlow suggested everyone resign en masse, but he retreated when FOX News offered him a contract and he doesn't want to mess the deal up by creating a big stink

if you want to go down that road again, whether it's Republicans or Democrats, history won't be kind to you
You get yourself and a bunch of white guys to deliver services and food and other quality things to ghettos in the middle of the night. Then trust them to pay you out of the civility you think is all encompassing. There are many fine people in those areas. Just o many who are not. And we look the other way and call others haters for recognizing the truth.
How exactly will this work? Given how inclined the leftists are to murderous, destructive riots and the Democrats tolerance for them - as evidenced by their response to the Summer of Love riots - how can we protect the Capitol on Jan 3rd when the new Congress, to be controlled by Republicans when Americans reject the insanity of the radical left, if Pelosi is still the House Speaker that day?

And will she WANT to protect it? She will be torn between:

1. Allowing the same BLM and ANTIFA barbarians who destroyed cities nationwide to set the place ablaze, believing it will “prove” to America that voters hate Republicans and being forced to resort to violence to protect it from them, or

2. Putting the full force of law enforcement in place to cut off the violence before it can even start as a way of showing how much more “respectful” (ha) the left is of our election outcomes.
This is the real irony. Democrats continue to tell us that Democracy is being taken away and insurrectionists are bad but what will they do if, by 2024, Republicans have the House, the Presidency, and the Senate? What will they do if Republicans get rid of the Senate filibuster for everything, add seats to the Supreme Court, and legally and democratically pass laws regarding the forming of districts and shoring up election laws? What if Republicans change the deep state to red from blue? Will Democrats just stand idly by and say, "Oh well, since it was all done democratically by the will of the voters, we'll just live with Republicans being in control forever on? Or, will they have insurrections and try to take our democracy away?
Nahhhhh... although it suits your narrative and traitorous support of an insurrection -inciting Orange con-man to attempt to deflect along those lines... :itsok:
As with many other issues and facts, I think it's possible that many of them remain so insulated in their world that they literally don't know much of what actually happened. They're also probably assuming that the sworn testimony -- something being aggressively avoided by their orange cult captains -- is all just fake news from evil demonic satanic Hitler commies.

They are an intellectual brick wall. Such is the nature of a cult.
Your confusing of vigorous opposition to Rump with Leftism is your cross to bear in life, not mine.
An example of their binary thinking patterns. That's as deep as they get.

An example of their binary thinking patterns. That's as deep as they get.

Ah….the “moderate” adds his opinion to the discussion.

Tell me, why do you post a photo a a low-class Trump voter, but never a photo of the tens of thousands of BLM savages who burned, murdered, looted, and assaulted their way across America?

Or what about the Chaz insurrectionists who captured a section of an American city, declared it no longer America, and wouldn’t even allow medics in to save lives?

For a “moderate,” your venom and mockery and insults only go toward one side. Odd.
How exactly will this work? Given how inclined the leftists are to murderous, destructive riots and the Democrats tolerance for them - as evidenced by their response to the Summer of Love riots - how can we protect the Capitol on Jan 3rd when the new Congress, to be controlled by Republicans when Americans reject the insanity of the radical left, if Pelosi is still the House Speaker that day?

And will she WANT to protect it? She will be torn between:

1. Allowing the same BLM and ANTIFA barbarians who destroyed cities nationwide to set the place ablaze, believing it will “prove” to America that voters hate Republicans and being forced to resort to violence to protect it from them, or

2. Putting the full force of law enforcement in place to cut off the violence before it can even start as a way of showing how much more “respectful” (ha) the left is of our election outcomes.
This is a lie.

Democrats will accept their loss respecting the democratic process and will of the people.

Unlike conservatives who have contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people – seeking instead to destroy America’s democracy.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is proof of that – as the right’s war on America’s democracy continues.
Ah….the “moderate” adds his opinion to the discussion.

Tell me, why do you post a photo a a low-class Trump voter, but never a photo of the tens of thousands of BLM savages who burned, murdered, looted, and assaulted their way across America?
And a fine opinion it was... quite accurate... :itsok:
Ah….the “moderate” adds his opinion to the discussion.

Tell me, why do you post a photo a a low-class Trump voter, but never a photo of the tens of thousands of BLM savages who burned, murdered, looted, and assaulted their way across America?
Because Trumpism and its assault on our electoral and constitutional institutions is a bigger threat at the moment.

You asked, I answered.

And I'm not a moderate. I'm just not a drone like you. Thank goodness.
This is a lie.

Democrats will accept their loss respecting the democratic process and will of the people.

Unlike conservatives who have contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people – seeking instead to destroy America’s democracy.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is proof of that – as the right’s war on America’s democracy continues.
They didn’t accept their loss in 2016. They fabricated a hoax to get Trump out of office. They came up with impeachments to do the same. Hillary called Trump an “illegitimate” president.

There was no terrorist attack on democracy on 1/6, and everything you accuse the other side of, you exhibit in spades. I’d say that suppressing news about Hunter’s laptop and the media coordinating with the Democrats was an attack on democracy to manipulate the election. Without a fair election, there is no longer a democracy.
Because Trumpism and its assault on our electoral and constitutional institutions is a bigger threat at the moment.

You asked, I answered.

And I'm not a moderate. I'm just not a drone like you. Thank goodness.
You’ve said you’re a moderate. But every post just oozes leftism. Even calling me - someone clearly more intelligent and educated than you - a “drone” is an example of that.
You’ve said you’re a moderate. But every post just oozes leftism. Even calling me - someone clearly more intelligent and educated than you - a “drone” is an example of that.
And yet I've never said I'm a moderate.

That's just something that happened in your distorted mind.

Sorry. I can't help you.
And yet I've never said I'm a moderate.

That's just something that happened in your distorted mind.

Sorry. I can't help you.
You’ve said your not a liberal. And obvious you’re not a conservative, given the demeaning things you say about us. And where in the world do you think you’re better than me and that you could ever “help” me?
You’ve said your not a liberal. And obvious you’re not a conservative, given the demeaning things you say about us. And where in the world do you think you’re better than me and that you could ever “help” me?
Oh, you're much better than me. And much smarter. Like you said. I'm sure you're never wrong.

You sure do complain about me personally a lot, though. I'm sorry, but this interest is not mutual.
Oh, you're much better than me. And much smarter. Like you said. I'm sure you're never wrong.

You sure do complain about me personally a lot, though. I'm sorry, but this interest is not mutual.
Someone who claims he’s not a Liberal should be smart enough not to put The Forward Party as his signature. But then again, if you were smart, you would have voted for Trump to keep a dementia-ridden idiot intent on destroying America out of office.

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