How can we protect the Capitol from REAL insurrectionists on Jan 3, 2023?

Someone who claims he’s not a Liberal should be smart enough not to put The Forward Party as his signature. But then again, if you were smart, you would have voted for Trump to keep a dementia-ridden idiot intent on destroying America out of office.
Okie dokie!
Hahaha…you sorry ass Libtardians honestly believe you get to define the definition of “insurrection”…that’s some good shit.
Do you scared bitches really believe that a few hundred fat old dudes armed with flags and crutches intended to take ove the U.S. government?
I believe magaturds fucked around and found out. Simple.
You’ve said you’re a moderate. But every post just oozes leftism. Even calling me - someone clearly more intelligent and educated than you - a “drone” is an example of that.
You're a dime-a-dozen magaturd idiot. Throw a rock in any direction in here to hit one.
How exactly will this work? Given how inclined the leftists are to murderous, destructive riots and the Democrats tolerance for them - as evidenced by their response to the Summer of Love riots - how can we protect the Capitol on Jan 3rd when the new Congress, to be controlled by Republicans when Americans reject the insanity of the radical left, if Pelosi is still the House Speaker that day?

And will she WANT to protect it? She will be torn between:

1. Allowing the same BLM and ANTIFA barbarians who destroyed cities nationwide to set the place ablaze, believing it will “prove” to America that voters hate Republicans and being forced to resort to violence to protect it from them, or

2. Putting the full force of law enforcement in place to cut off the violence before it can even start as a way of showing how much more “respectful” (ha) the left is of our election outcomes.
It is irrelevant. The control of congress will be with the republicans--they don't dream up charges for people they disagree with. The democrats? Not so much. That is all they do. It tends to distract from the criminal acts that they are performing.
I didn’t see what that poster said, but I gather he resorted to the “both sides do it” deflection that Democrats do when called out in their awful behavior. The point is that we have seen, via recent history, that the Dems’ riots are much more destructive - in terms of arson, property damage, assaults, and lives lost - than Republicans, who dress up in weird outfits and come armed with zip ties.

So how do we steel ourselves for the massive riots that will be perpetuated by leftists, likely spreading from the Capitol to the city in general?
The leftists in WA are doing their best to create a new autonomous zone in Spokane. Camp Dope--I mean Hope. The sheriff if Spokane county, Ozzie Knezovich is having none of it. He and the county commisioners are suing the state and DOT (who are supporting the hobo camp). They have documented the public nuisance and have given the squatters until Nov. 15 to get out before they bulldoze any trash that is left. MORE POWER TO THEM, time for the insanity to end.
It is irrelevant. The control of congress will be with the republicans--they don't dream up charges for people they disagree with. The democrats? Not so much. That is all they do. It tends to distract from the criminal acts that they are performing.

Tha Magas have already published all the ones that they are going after. It looks like a Rump Hit List. so get off this horse feathers.
Tha Magas have already published all the ones that they are going after. It looks like a Rump Hit List. so get off this horse feathers.
Yeah, hahaha, the dems have blown their wad and came up O-fer. They are going to lose their last hope in thirty days and you can lie in those horse feathers.
They didn’t accept their loss in 2016. They fabricated a hoax to get Trump out of office. They came up with impeachments to do the same. Hillary called Trump an “illegitimate” president.

There was no terrorist attack on democracy on 1/6, and everything you accuse the other side of, you exhibit in spades. I’d say that suppressing news about Hunter’s laptop and the media coordinating with the Democrats was an attack on democracy to manipulate the election. Without a fair election, there is no longer a democracy.
And when there’s no ‘attack’ on January 3rd, 2023 by Democrats, you’ll return to this thread and admit that you were wrong and lying.

That won’t happen, of course, because conservatives are dishonest cowards.
And when there’s no ‘attack’ on January 3rd, 2023 by Democrats, you’ll return to this thread and admit that you were wrong and lying.

That won’t happen, of course, because conservatives are dishonest cowards.
Of course there will be an attack. There will be rioting in the streets. It might even be worse than the BLM riots of 2020.

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