How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Agree! Voter rolls in tip top shape is key. Plus a system to view your ballot was accepted, and if not...a way to notify the ballots rejected people, with like a 10 day window, to 'cure' the ballot envelope.

And another perk is that mail in ballots are filled out paper ballots, so if there is ever any dispute with electronic/cyber security or counts, there is a paper ballot as a paper trail to use in recounts.
In other words, there is no problem with stealing elections with illegitimate votes.
i have NOT read the whole thead meathead... but what illigitimate votes are you talking about?

The was no stolen election. This thread needs to go to the Rubber!
oh, i do know there was no stolen election! At least, not by the democrats! :)
Voters need to be held regularly accountable for keeping their information updated and current. If they don’t, then they must be presumed to no longer living in the the district and therefore their name be purged. They are either dead, fake, moved, or don’t give a shit about voting. In none of these situations should their names be on the lists.

You wish to disenfranchise the "occasional" voter. You want voting restricted to just those people who vote in every election?

What happened to the idea of "one man, one vote"
The signature on the envelope has to match the signature on the registration. This isn't rocket surgery. People have been voting by mail for years. Some states have been wholly vote by mail for over a decade. It is just as safe and secure as in person voting. Both have strengths and both have vulnerabilities. In the end, election fraud is still exceedingly rare regardless of voting method.
Would you rather vote on the internet?
There is far more computer fraud than mail fraud.
And FYI, after the electoral college votes, guess how they transmit the results of the vote to Washington?

Hint, the same folks who handle mail-in ballots.
Yes, I would and I know someday we will. Our kids, who grew up with a device in their hands and who have been distance learning for a year, will demand it.

I am a huge supporter of Voting by Mail. My California county has been voting exclusively by mail since 2017. Prior to going all VBM, over 70% already did since CA has been a no excuse VBM state since the early 2000s.
And in Federal Elections for certain voters, voters who did not provide ID at the time of registration, they do have to provide a photo copy of their ID. It's required by the NVRA.

So what good does that do if somebody is taking ballots out of mailboxes of registered voters, voting in their name and sending them in?

We covered that earlier. Show me states that do not signature match on any mail in votes.
Voters need to be held regularly accountable for keeping their information updated and current. If they don’t, then they must be presumed to no longer living in the the district and therefore their name be purged. They are either dead, fake, moved, or don’t give a shit about voting. In none of these situations should their names be on the lists.

You wish to disenfranchise the "occasional" voter. You want voting restricted to just those people who vote in every election?

What happened to the idea of "one man, one vote"
That has never existed in Presidential elections.
Haha, that’s a fake headline buddy. Do you ever read past the bold type?! What Alito said was not a dissent. They ALL dismissed Trumps case because it lacked constitutional merit. The only point that Alito and Thomas made was that other cases making similar claims would still be open to rulings and should not be dismissed on precedent. See for court cases to move forward they need actual evidence. Not just blowhards spouting lies in the media.
Now you show me where Alito and Thomas said anything remotely like that. Both Alito and Thomas thought the case had merit or they wouldn't have expressed the wish that the court accept the case.

For someone that lies with virtually every single post made you are a terrible liar.
No if they thought it had merit they would have supported relief or action beyond that statement. postman explained it better than I in his statement above. What Alito wrote was not a dissent on the merits of this case, he was just making the point that he believes the SCOTUS is obligated to allow them to file the lawsuit and he specifically said that he would not support any additional relief.
So it was 7-2 against taking the case, and 9-0 against granting any relief.
Oooh. So close to not being a biased ass. You didn't quite make it though.

You have no way of knowing what sort of remedy would have come out of the Texas suit, had the court
grown a spine and actually taken on the suit.

But you act like you do. Try acting like you are not a partisan weasel.
Actually Alito joined by Thomas already said, they were NOT going to grant them any relief.

They read the complaint, the responses from the four states that texas sued, and based on everything in front of them, including the amicas briefs, they said they weren't going to grant them any relief.

BUT.... Alito and Thomas said that they would have put the case on the docket. Which means they would have held oral arguments sometime around April. And decided the case by June.
The signature on the envelope has to match the signature on the registration. This isn't rocket surgery. People have been voting by mail for years. Some states have been wholly vote by mail for over a decade. It is just as safe and secure as in person voting. Both have strengths and both have vulnerabilities. In the end, election fraud is still exceedingly rare regardless of voting method.
Would you rather vote on the internet?
There is far more computer fraud than mail fraud.
And FYI, after the electoral college votes, guess how they transmit the results of the vote to Washington?

Hint, the same folks who handle mail-in ballots.
Yes, I would and I know someday we will. Our kids, who grew up with a device in their hands and who have been distance learning for a year, will demand it.

I am a huge supporter of Voting by Mail. My California county has been voting exclusively by mail since 2017. Prior to going all VBM, over 70% already did since CA has been a no excuse VBM state since the early 2000s.

Indeed in bold ^ Younger people already view voting in person as archaic. My prediction is that we'll be ALL mail in by 2030.
The signature on the envelope has to match the signature on the registration. This isn't rocket surgery. People have been voting by mail for years. Some states have been wholly vote by mail for over a decade. It is just as safe and secure as in person voting. Both have strengths and both have vulnerabilities. In the end, election fraud is still exceedingly rare regardless of voting method.

So the person casting the phony ballot signs the envelope and the ballot. Some states don't check the signature on file when they registered to match it to the ballot.

That's besides the fact, if you're too lazy to vote, then you don't deserve to vote. Close down mail in voting with some exceptions.

The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.
Now you show me where Alito and Thomas said anything remotely like that. Both Alito and Thomas thought the case had merit or they wouldn't have expressed the wish that the court accept the case.

Actually Alito is an advocate of it being a requirement that the supreme court accept all cases for which they have original jurisdiction. They interpret the law as the supreme court has to take all such cases. Even though as you know the supreme court only takes 3% of the cases that come to it by appeal.
The signature on the envelope has to match the signature on the registration. This isn't rocket surgery. People have been voting by mail for years. Some states have been wholly vote by mail for over a decade. It is just as safe and secure as in person voting. Both have strengths and both have vulnerabilities. In the end, election fraud is still exceedingly rare regardless of voting method.

So the person casting the phony ballot signs the envelope and the ballot. Some states don't check the signature on file when they registered to match it to the ballot.

That's besides the fact, if you're too lazy to vote, then you don't deserve to vote. Close down mail in voting with some exceptions.

The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.
The country has grown a bit in population since our founding. Having only one day for millions of people to cast their ballots is just silly and archaic. We don't have to wait until the harvest is in anymore either.

We, in my office, open for in person early voting 29 days before the election. We also mail a ballot to every registered voter at E-29. 4 days before the election we open dozens of Vote Centers where ANY voter in the county can go to vote in person, pick up a ballot or even register and vote the same day.

Voters Choice Act, baby!
Actually Alito joined by Thomas already said, they were NOT going to grant them any relief.

They read the complaint, the responses from the four states that texas sued, and based on everything in front of them, including the amicas briefs, they said they weren't going to grant them any relief.

BUT.... Alito and Thomas said that they would have put the case on the docket. Which means they would have held oral arguments sometime around April. And decided the case by June.
"I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief,"
The Texas suit didn't ask for the court themselves to reverse the actions of the Gang of Four so it's not clear
what "relief" actually meant to Alito and Thomas.

What is clear in a time of national need the court simply turned their backs on the nation and ran away.
The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.

I have two of the top deadliest conditions if I catch Covid, and I'm also 60 years old. I voted in person. If I can go to Walmart, to Sam's Club, to the grocery store, to the beverage store, then I can go and vote too. Everybody in the place was distanced, there was hand sanitizer all over the place. The tables were spaced out in a gymnasium ten feet from each other. Everybody voting got a new pen and they told us to keep them or throw them away when done.

Voting in person could have been done so safely and easily this past election. You have people standing outside handing out ballots to you in your car. You take them home, to work, or fill it out in the parking lot. Have the ballot counter outside in favorable weather conditions, or otherwise right by the door of the polls. You show your ID, slip the ballot in, and you're there less than a minute. No line to wait in, no crowd of people to be with, no danger.

The Democrats have been pushing mail in long before we even knew of Covid. They know it would produce all this fraud and lazy welfare voter participation. It would make things much more confusing.
Did anyone watch the yesterdays clown show starring Ron Johnson and Rand Paul?

During Wednesday's Senate hearing, Paul suggested a ton of cases challenging the election were rejected by the courts only for "procedural and technical reasons."​
In actuality, some lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign or its supporters have been dismissed on technical grounds while others were rejected specifically based on the merits of their claims.​
In November, a federal judge dismissed a challenge the Trump campaign filed over Pennsylvania's election results and said in his ruling that "this court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations ... unsupported by evidence."​
Paul went on to falsely claim during Wednesday's Senate hearing the election was stolen.​

Fukin tin foil hatter Aqua Buddha earned another Pants on Fire.

The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.

Here's an interesting hypothetical question. What happens if on election day (or days if they have early voting), the governor declares a total lockdown with the only exceptions being vital businesses.

The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.

Here's an interesting hypothetical question. What happens if on election day (or days if they have early voting), the governor declares a total lockdown with the only exceptions being vital businesses.

It would be bad. Trumpublicanism's primary objective these days is to make voting more difficult. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if a guy like Greg Abbott or Brian Kemp did it and then the following day lifted it.

Sometimes, cutting the number of polling places by 2/3 just isn't enough! ;-)
"I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief,"
The Texas suit didn't ask for the court themselves to reverse the actions of the Gang of Four so it's not clear
what "relief" actually meant to Alito and Thomas.

What is clear in a time of national need the court simply turned their backs on the nation and ran away.

You realize that putting the case on the docket basically meant by the time any decisions would be made, would make any relief asked for completely moot.

Why take the case if by the time it's settled, its too late.

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