How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

Where is that in the constitution?

I'll go a step further. Disenfranchise the handicapped, and the lawmakers wouldn't put up all those handicapped parking spots, or ramps all over the place. Make it so hard to vote that lawmakers only cater to the determined voters.

Where is is it in the Constitution that says we have to make voting so easy you don't even have to leave your house?

Like I said, if you have a reasonable excuse not to vote such as being in the military, not in town on election day, or handicapped, sure, mail in is fine for those people. But for physically capable people who can easily get to the polls, you should have to vote in person.
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!
By law, in Florida, he used an absentee ballot that was delivered by a third party. He followed the law, unlike Dems in other states.
What states? What laws were not followed? Links please.

Oh, shut up! You know states like Pennsylvania accepted mail-in ballots three days after the election, but their state law says election day!
The country has grown a bit in population since our founding. Having only one day for millions of people to cast their ballots is just silly and archaic. We don't have to wait until the harvest is in anymore either.

We, in my office, open for in person early voting 29 days before the election. We also mail a ballot to every registered voter at E-29. 4 days before the election we open dozens of Vote Centers where ANY voter in the county can go to vote in person, pick up a ballot or even register and vote the same day.

Voters Choice Act, baby!
This election is proof that we can have more vote by mail or we can have an election free from corruption and voter theft. We can't have both!
I have two of the top deadliest conditions if I catch Covid, and I'm also 60 years old. I voted in person. If I can go to Walmart, to Sam's Club, to the grocery store, to the beverage store, then I can go and vote too.
I think it stupid to put voting above life. Since you're probably not going to get the Trump or the Giuliani treatment, of $100,000 in care to prevent you from ending up on a ventilator or worse.
Just stop with that ludicrous "too lazy" ridiculousness. Do you order from Amazon? Get checks in the mail? Bank or pay bills online?

voting by mail.jpeg
Actually it's quite simple. Take the previous election, take the average wait time times the number of polling places, and that's the number you divide by the target number of hours to wait, and that yields the number of polling places you need.

That''s what happened in Arizona a few years ago. Then they got a flood of voters they were not expecting and others made this claim of disenfranchisement and racism. They had too many polls operating in previous elections so they closed one down and combined two of them together.

Arizona fucked up big time. They closed hundreds of polling places. Phoenix closed 70% of their polling places.

My county normally has a precinct every half mile or so. This year we had ONE!
Everyone voted! No problems. I voted in mid-October!
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!
By law, in Florida, he used an absentee ballot that was delivered by a third party. He followed the law, unlike Dems in other states.
What states? What laws were not followed? Links please.

Oh, shut up! You know states like Pennsylvania accepted mail-in ballots three days after the election, but their state law says election day!
They allowed it because they said it could be done..If you don't like it take it up with Pennsylvania, they broke no law..Or maybe this time you will claim it was unconstitutional...
The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.

Here's an interesting hypothetical question. What happens if on election day (or days if they have early voting), the governor declares a total lockdown with the only exceptions being vital businesses.

I'd only go out to vote then, if it was for the governor's race, and then to vote him out.

The idea of closing down people's lives so that Government can be the focus is contrary to freedom.

Also, remember that there are plenty of Illegal Aliens, Legal aliens and immigrants, people who aren't registered or have no interest in voting living in America as well. Neither of my grandfathers ever cast a vote. One never became naturalized, the other realized that he could never be President himself.
We covered that earlier. Show me states that do not signature match on any mail in votes.

They only check the signature on the ballot to the name on the envelope. Not check the signature with one on file.

They check the signature on the outer envelope (not the ballot, which has no identification on it) with what they have on file. From either original voter registration, the absentee ballot application, or from DMV records.
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!
By law, in Florida, he used an absentee ballot that was delivered by a third party. He followed the law, unlike Dems in other states.
What states? What laws were not followed? Links please.

Oh, shut up! You know states like Pennsylvania accepted mail-in ballots three days after the election, but their state law says election day!

:link: Please
So it was 7-2 against taking the case, and 9-0 against granting any relief.
Oooh. So close to not being a biased ass. You didn't quite make it though.

You have no way of knowing what sort of remedy would have come out of the Texas suit, had the court
grown a spine and actually taken on the suit.

But you act like you do. Try acting like you are not a partisan weasel.
Actually Alito joined by Thomas already said, they were NOT going to grant them any relief.

They read the complaint, the responses from the four states that texas sued, and based on everything in front of them, including the amicas briefs, they said they weren't going to grant them any relief.

BUT.... Alito and Thomas said that they would have put the case on the docket. Which means they would have held oral arguments sometime around April. And decided the case by June.

Bullshit! They saw no evidence.
I have two of the top deadliest conditions if I catch Covid, and I'm also 60 years old. I voted in person. If I can go to Walmart, to Sam's Club, to the grocery store, to the beverage store, then I can go and vote too.
I think it stupid to put voting above life. Since you're probably not going to get the Trump or the Giuliani treatment, of $100,000 in care to prevent you from ending up on a ventilator or worse.

I wanted to make sure my vote counts, that's why I went in person. If there was any problem with my signature or identification, I could address it there instead of chancing somebody throwing it out after they received it in the mail. Besides, we live in the greatest country in the world. Is it too much to ask to vote in person for a President once every four years?
Just stop with that ludicrous "too lazy" ridiculousness. Do you order from Amazon? Get checks in the mail? Bank or pay bills online?

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You have to do what the rules say you have to do....If the rules say you can mail it it can be mailed....

They want the criminal Texas AG to make the rules for the rest of the country. :icon_rolleyes:
It simply will not happen just like they claimed the machines that tabulated votes was manipulated yet as the comapny proved it wasn't...So far the lairs have been the Repubs on the whole god damned issue and how they want Trump to win even though he lost.....
The pandemic demanded mail in this time around. Doesn't mean people who did that are "lazy".
Perhaps they were older, had underlying conditions and didn't wish to end up in the ER.

Here's an interesting hypothetical question. What happens if on election day (or days if they have early voting), the governor declares a total lockdown with the only exceptions being vital businesses.

Voting is a vital business!
I have two of the top deadliest conditions if I catch Covid, and I'm also 60 years old. I voted in person. If I can go to Walmart, to Sam's Club, to the grocery store, to the beverage store, then I can go and vote too.
I think it stupid to put voting above life. Since you're probably not going to get the Trump or the Giuliani treatment, of $100,000 in care to prevent you from ending up on a ventilator or worse.

I wanted to make sure my vote counts, that's why I went in person. If there was any problem with my signature or identification, I could address it there instead of chancing somebody throwing it out after they received it in the mail. Besides, we live in the greatest country in the world. Is it too much to ask to vote in person for a President once every four years?
If people can't vote in person they have always had a way to cast a vote in other ways, just because you want to disenfranchise other voters because you think everyone should be you is very conceited...
Just stop with that ludicrous "too lazy" ridiculousness. Do you order from Amazon? Get checks in the mail? Bank or pay bills online?

View attachment 430247
You have to do what the rules say you have to do....If the rules say you can mail it it can be mailed....

They want the criminal Texas AG to make the rules for the rest of the country. :icon_rolleyes:
It simply will not happen just like they claimed the machines that tabulated votes was manipulated yet as the comapny proved it wasn't...So far the lairs have been the Repubs on the whole god damned issue and how they want Trump to win even though he lost.....

Apparently their goal is to trash our Democratic Republic and install an autocratic dick-tater whilst stoking violence among Deplorables. Tis very sad. :confused:

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