How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

The people that witnessed election fraud in this past election are much like those that have witnessed UFO's. I believe most of them are telling the truth, but their interpretation of events they saw is far from proof. When reading about these incidents I found their local media sources treated the story without the preconceived slant of many of the articles posted at this site.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This is a lie.

The 2020 General Election was not ‘stolen.’
The question is how do we stop it in the future.
One cannot stop that which has not started.
The PA law said that mail-in ballots must be received by election day. They illegally extended it three days not IAW the law. The judges simply ignored the fact that the PA legislature did not authorize a change to the law.

The PA law also says you only count the votes once. And that the courts handle any election controversies, such as wanting to count them again.
Relax, you can put the gun down. Voter fraud isn't a popularity contest, so it doesn't matter how many hillbillies have bought Trump's road apples.

It has nothing to do with what Trump says. There were only three reasons to vote for Biden: You hate your country, you are a party line voter no matter who's running, or you are completely politically ignorant. There can't be any other reason. Biden is the most boring presidential candidate since the Republicans ran Bob Dole. It's impossible for a guy with Biden's instability, Biden's terrible plans for this country to get the highest amount of votes in the history of our country. Especially given the great results by Donald Trump in regards to the economy and illegal immigration.
And Donald lost to that loser Biden. Probably because he was such a liar, extremely obnoxious most of the time, and ignorant of the world around him.
Only trhe commies like Parson did in Missouri and every other damn state in the union? Wow, so many commies how does a non-commie ever win and election?

It's getting to that point, isn't it?
No, because these people do not have any communistic economic operations or programs...

The devil will not approach you and tell you he's the devil. He will act like anybody else. So here's what you do: Go to the US Communist Party website. Look at their agendas, and compare them to the Democrat party. You are going to find very few differences. Also look who they supported and were against in the last several presidential elections.

The Communists said many years ago, they will eventually take over the United States, but will do so without firing one bullet. They will takeover from within, and now we are living in that era.
There is no such creature that has immortality created by a fake god named the Devil....So again, your life of illusionary fears are unfounded.
The people that witnessed election fraud in this past election are much like those that have witnessed UFO's. I believe most of them are telling the truth, but their interpretation of events they saw is far from proof. When reading about these incidents I found their local media sources treated the story without the preconceived slant of many of the articles posted at this site.
I am will say there always be shenanigans but hardly do I think that it happened on the scale that the orange carnival barker is barking.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Why waste time and effort on that? According to Democrats, the Media, and Trump haters, there wasn't a smidgen of malfeasance in this election.
What about all the malfeasance in 2000? Hanging chads And throwing out votes. Confusing way they lined up the candidates on the ballot. Stopping the recount. Republicans sent in to cause trouble during the recount. Rigged Diebold voting machines. Bush’s brother is governor of Florida. The woman in charge of the elections switched from republican to democrat In 1996. That’s not suspicious.
Rigged Diebold Machines in 2000? Weren't they just hole punchers?
Voters need to be held regularly accountable for keeping their information updated and current. If they don’t, then they must be presumed to no longer living in the the district and therefore their name be purged. They are either dead, fake, moved, or don’t give a shit about voting. In none of these situations should their names be on the lists.

You wish to disenfranchise the "occasional" voter. You want voting restricted to just those people who vote in every election?

What happened to the idea of "one man, one vote"
Having voters validate themselves is not restriction. By your logic, having voters register themselves in the first place and validate themselves is restrictive.
Voters need to be held regularly accountable for keeping their information updated and current. If they don’t, then they must be presumed to no longer living in the the district and therefore their name be purged. They are either dead, fake, moved, or don’t give a shit about voting. In none of these situations should their names be on the lists.

You wish to disenfranchise the "occasional" voter. You want voting restricted to just those people who vote in every election?

What happened to the idea of "one man, one vote"
That has never existed in Presidential elections.

Neither had universal Mail In voting existed prior to this Election. At one point, showing proof of address at a polling site had never existed in previous elections. You can go through all of the Elections and find different steps and processes that had "never existed in Presidential Elections".
That's gonna put a crimp in the military vote. Their military ID is not accepted as proof of residence.
my solution to voter fraud is no absentee ballots, period

qualified voters must register with photo id proof of current residence

and then present the same credentials at the polling place to vote in person

thats just a start to cleaning up our elections but a vital first step

Voter fraud is so exceedingly rare as to be virtually non-existent, in no way justifying eliminating absentee ballots.
One cannot stop that which has not started.
So you're saying we can't stop corrupt political parties from stealing elections again.

Adios Democracy.
have you seen?
This one was the most secure ever.

Rigged Diebold Machines in 2000? Weren't they just hole punchers?

Some were some weren't. The problem is that the punch card machines were more accurate than what we use today. But Democrats in Florida were not smart enough to make sure the hanging chads were wiped off because they couldn't read instructions on their ballot envelope.
And Donald lost to that loser Biden. Probably because he was such a liar, extremely obnoxious most of the time, and ignorant of the world around him.

Yet he's been the best President in the last three administrations.
The signature on the envelope has to match the signature on the registration. This isn't rocket surgery. People have been voting by mail for years. Some states have been wholly vote by mail for over a decade. It is just as safe and secure as in person voting. Both have strengths and both have vulnerabilities. In the end, election fraud is still exceedingly rare regardless of voting method.

So the person casting the phony ballot signs the envelope and the ballot. Some states don't check the signature on file when they registered to match it to the ballot.

That's besides the fact, if you're too lazy to vote, then you don't deserve to vote. Close down mail in voting with some exceptions.
Obviously you're unaware of how stupid this is.

This is yet another example of voter suppression by the right.
Voters need to be held regularly accountable for keeping their information updated and current. If they don’t, then they must be presumed to no longer living in the the district and therefore their name be purged. They are either dead, fake, moved, or don’t give a shit about voting. In none of these situations should their names be on the lists.

You wish to disenfranchise the "occasional" voter. You want voting restricted to just those people who vote in every election?

What happened to the idea of "one man, one vote"
Conservatives wish to disenfranchise Democratic voters.
Where is that in the constitution?

I'll go a step further. Disenfranchise the handicapped, and the lawmakers wouldn't put up all those handicapped parking spots, or ramps all over the place. Make it so hard to vote that lawmakers only cater to the determined voters.

Where is is it in the Constitution that says we have to make voting so easy you don't even have to leave your house?

Like I said, if you have a reasonable excuse not to vote such as being in the military, not in town on election day, or handicapped, sure, mail in is fine for those people. But for physically capable people who can easily get to the polls, you should have to vote in person.
Haha, we should have to vote in person?! What year do you think it is Ray?! Come on. In person voting favors republicans, mail in favors Dems. That’s the only reason you're fighting against it. Don’t even mutter the word constitution here. You’re making a partisan play not a constitutional one
Spot on.

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