How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
National voter registry & national voter id card. Both must be renewed on a regular basis. All registrations must be compared to deaths and incarcerations every year.
Once that card is used in an election as required that person can not vote again until the next election.

That would solve 90% or more of our problems.
But we don’t have a problem with dead people voting or people voting twice.

Have any republicans got away with it?

You guys want voter ids so poor people won’t get them and vote. I say mail in votes are the way in the future. If it was good enough for trump then it’s good enough for the rest of us.
How does requiring an ID disenfrancise anyone? If they are provided free of charge, and you have like 2 more years before the mid terms, plenty of time to get it done. If it is a way to ensure better vote security, how is that a bad thing?
If they are free sure.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
Unless you can prove something they did was illegal, you don't have a leg to stand on. The system was built to allow for challenges, with an ultimate decider. Using those legal avenues for challenge is not destroying anything except liberal minds.
You didn’t feel that way in 2000, 2004 or 2016. You cried stop the recounts. Such hypocrites. But you lost so I’m happy
At no time has the electoral system been in danger due to legal court battles. That's just your fantasy because you want everything TRUMP! does to be illegal so you can yell about it. What DOES put the system in danger is the current move to invalidate votes by forcing state's electors to follow the wishes of major urban centers.
Invalidate what votes?
The votes from the state. If a state goes with the popular vote and the voters of the state overwhelmingly go for the other guy, their votes are nullified.
Has that ever happened?
I can think of foolproof workarounds for the military

but I’m not going to ...

so no exceptions for anyone
This seems to be the argument that by restricting the vote to as few people as possible, those few that do vote, are likely to be republican.

If you let everybody eligible to vote, do so, then the majority is likely to be democrats.
If thats your argument then its also true that many of those democrat votes will be illegal
One cannot stop that which has not started.
So you're saying we can't stop corrupt political parties from stealing elections again.

Adios Democracy.
The thread premise is a strawman fallacy predicated on the lie that elections are being stolen, they're not.
We need solutions, not denial.
Searching for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
At no time has the electoral system been in danger due to legal court battles. That's just your fantasy because you want everything TRUMP! does to be illegal so you can yell about it. What DOES put the system in danger is the current move to invalidate votes by forcing state's electors to follow the wishes of major urban centers.

Invalidate what votes?
The votes from the state. If a state goes with the popular vote and the voters of the state overwhelmingly go for the other guy, their votes are nullified.
Are you referring to majority rule? Because the major urban centers are where the majority of people in the state live, and thus carry the majority of the popular vote.
I'm talking about a state that requires its electors to vote for the national popular vote winner is nullifying the citizens' votes. The presidency was not supposed to be a national popularity contest.
Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.

We're screwed as a country if we do. You realize of course you put a fragile frail old man with dementia in charge of the most powerful country on earth, don't you?
Yeah but he's leaving office on 1/20.

The notion that Donald J Trump is more stable than Joe Biden is laugh-out-loud funny. :rofl:
I know. It's ludicrous to think that Quid Pro Joe is anywhere near as stable as TRUMP!. He's white, rich, elderly and feeble, and his mind isn't too sharp either. IOW, he's a democrat.
Voters need to be held regularly accountable for keeping their information updated and current. If they don’t, then they must be presumed to no longer living in the the district and therefore their name be purged. They are either dead, fake, moved, or don’t give a shit about voting. In none of these situations should their names be on the lists.

You wish to disenfranchise the "occasional" voter. You want voting restricted to just those people who vote in every election?

What happened to the idea of "one man, one vote"
Conservatives wish to disenfranchise Democratic voters.

Why are you comfortable with not purging names of voters who are deceased, fake, or otherwise not eligible to vote? Any fraudulent vote is disenfranchisement.
Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.

We're screwed as a country if we do. You realize of course you put a fragile frail old man with dementia in charge of the most powerful country on earth, don't you?
Yeah but he's leaving office on 1/20.

The notion that Donald J Trump is more stable than Joe Biden is laugh-out-loud funny. :rofl:
I know. It's ludicrous to think that Quid Pro Joe is anywhere near as stable as TRUMP!. He's white, rich, elderly and feeble, and his mind isn't too sharp either. IOW, he's a democrat.

But Donnie told us he was worth 10 BILLION and Joe is worth maybe 9 mil thanks to his and Jill's books and speaking engagements.

Of course Donnie LIES like a dog with fleas, and after paying off that half a billion he owes Deutsche Bank, Russia and the Saudis for his loans - And adjusting for his legal expenses which will be substantial after he is tossed on his ear 1-20, he's actually worth about what? - Well, about what you and I are.

The happy news is that most likely, we won't be under indictment or in jail at some point next year! :)
At no time has the electoral system been in danger due to legal court battles. That's just your fantasy because you want everything TRUMP! does to be illegal so you can yell about it. What DOES put the system in danger is the current move to invalidate votes by forcing state's electors to follow the wishes of major urban centers.

Invalidate what votes?
The votes from the state. If a state goes with the popular vote and the voters of the state overwhelmingly go for the other guy, their votes are nullified.
Are you referring to majority rule? Because the major urban centers are where the majority of people in the state live, and thus carry the majority of the popular vote.
I'm talking about a state that requires its electors to vote for the national popular vote winner is nullifying the citizens' votes. The presidency was not supposed to be a national popularity contest.
Has that ever happened?
There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

Not impossible, but improbable. Voting in person is the most secure way to vote.

Simply not true ^ The five states with all mail-in have had less fraud.
Choose your source

the five states with all mail in voting have found less fraud

You can't prove fraud until you find it. From what I understand, the Governor of Michigan had all machines locked down where nobody could get to them.

^ Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.
Republicans have been programmed to deny the facts. Facts don’t matter.

Let me give you an example. Global warming is a fact. The entire world knows it. Half of American voters know it. The lobbyists and Mitch McConnell know it.

But as long as half the voters don’t know it, republicans will continue to pretend they don’t know because she’ll and bp pay them to deny the science.

No different than lead and tobacco. They used to deny cigarettes caused cancer remember? So then why do we continue to believe republican liars?

Republican voters have been convinced it’s the government scientists who are lying to keep their funding. It’s insane
Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.

We're screwed as a country if we do. You realize of course you put a fragile frail old man with dementia in charge of the most powerful country on earth, don't you?
Yeah but he's leaving office on 1/20.

The notion that Donald J Trump is more stable than Joe Biden is laugh-out-loud funny. :rofl:
I know. It's ludicrous to think that Quid Pro Joe is anywhere near as stable as TRUMP!. He's white, rich, elderly and feeble, and his mind isn't too sharp either. IOW, he's a democrat.

But Donnie told us he was worth 10 BILLION and Joe is worth maybe 9 mil thanks to his and Jill's books and speaking engagements.

Of course Donnie LIES like a dog with fleas, and after paying off that half a billion he owes Deutsche Bank, Russia and the Saudis for his loans - And adjusting for his legal expenses which will be substantial after he is tossed on his ear 1-20, he's actually worth about what? - Well, about what you and I are.

The happy news is that most likely, we won't be under indictment or in jail at some point next year! :)
I can’t wait to see his taxes.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Why waste time and effort on that? According to Democrats, the Media, and Trump haters, there wasn't a smidgen of malfeasance in this election.
What about all the malfeasance in 2000? Hanging chads And throwing out votes. Confusing way they lined up the candidates on the ballot. Stopping the recount. Republicans sent in to cause trouble during the recount. Rigged Diebold voting machines. Bush’s brother is governor of Florida. The woman in charge of the elections switched from republican to democrat In 1996. That’s not suspicious.
Rigged Diebold Machines in 2000? Weren't they just hole punchers?

Maybe, but the allegations were prolly stronger than the ones you nuts have about Dominion.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
One term president. I’ve seen 3 in my lifetime. Two were republicans.

Carter would have been re elected but Reagan’s vp was head of th3 cia and he got Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election. Then years later the Iran contra affair where bush and Reagan had to reward Iran for their help.

Hey shit for brains! Bush was NOT director of the CIA from 1977 to 1981, Your statement is a bald-faced lie!
He stopped being the director in 1977. That was a mistake not a lie. I don’t know what he was doing when he was picked to be vp.

Im sure when carter ousted bush some of Bush’s boys were left behind and the guy who took over was probably a deep state guy just like bob barr and every other republican that doesn’t go along.

Ok you tell me why the Iran contra happened. What were we paying them back for doing for us Ollie north?
One cannot stop that which has not started.
So you're saying we can't stop corrupt political parties from stealing elections again.

Adios Democracy.

Ya RIGHT :rolleyes-41:

Obviously you're unaware of how stupid this is.

This is yet another example of voter suppression by the right.

Yes, voter suppression. I want to suppress the vote of lazy welfare people.
They should be able to vote for the politicians they feel support policies that will most likely help them get out of poverty.

If only people as rich as you can vote you’ll continue to support policies that benefit you but hurt them.

And when you yourself fall into poverty, you won’t be able to do anything about it. Not even vote.

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