How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

That's gonna put a crimp in the military vote. Their military ID is not accepted as proof of residence.
But it does prove who is voting. It's one thing to take a ballot out of somebody's mailbox and send it in, and quite another if a photocopy of a valid picture ID had to be included.
What good is a photocopy, if the photocopy is not in some way certified. Anybody with a printer and photoshop can create a realistic looking ID photocopy.
Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.

We're screwed as a country if we do. You realize of course you put a fragile frail old man with dementia in charge of the most powerful country on earth, don't you?
Yeah but he's leaving office on 1/20.

The notion that Donald J Trump is more stable than Joe Biden is laugh-out-loud funny. :rofl:
That's gonna put a crimp in the military vote. Their military ID is not accepted as proof of residence.

But it does prove who is voting. It's one thing to take a ballot out of somebody's mailbox and send it in, and quite another if a photocopy of a valid picture ID had to be included.
And in Federal Elections for certain voters, voters who did not provide ID at the time of registration, they do have to provide a photo copy of their ID. It's required by the NVRA.
You forgot to add, an adequate number of polling locations to serve ALL voters, regardless of color or political party.
There is no such thing as an adequate number because there is no way to tell what the turnout will be.
Actually it's quite simple. Take the previous election, take the average wait time times the number of polling places, and that's the number you divide by the target number of hours to wait, and that yields the number of polling places you need.
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!
By law, in Florida, he used an absentee ballot that was delivered by a third party. He followed the law, unlike Dems in other states.
What states? What laws were not followed? Links please.
Duh! He's trying to say that he won the election, that is was a fraud... He's trying to stir the hillbillies into a frenzy to start something. And he mused about changing the Constitution so he can have a third term, a Putinesque move.

Oh, you mean Trump made a sarcastic joke? My, what a dictator. Trump claiming voter fraud which many Americans agree with? Yeah, that's a dictatorship.

If you are going to use terms, perhaps you should look up the definition of them first.
Relax, you can put the gun down. Voter fraud isn't a popularity contest, so it doesn't matter how many hillbillies have bought Trump's road apples.
And in Federal Elections for certain voters, voters who did not provide ID at the time of registration, they do have to provide a photo copy of their ID. It's required by the NVRA.

So what good does that do if somebody is taking ballots out of mailboxes of registered voters, voting in their name and sending them in?
That's gonna put a crimp in the military vote. Their military ID is not accepted as proof of residence.
my solution to voter fraud is no absentee ballots, period

qualified voters must register with photo id proof of current residence

and then present the same credentials at the polling place to vote in person

thats just a start to cleaning up our elections but a vital first step
Just bring large truckloads of pro-Republican ballots to the major city voting districts. If it's good for the Democrats, it's good for the Republicans.

If you could get away with it, might be a swell idea. You couldn't, and then you would go to prison.
Hey Ducky - How come all those truckloads of ballots for Biden weren't also for down ballot candidates?
That's a question no tinfoil MAGA-hatter can answer.

Did I say the whole court took the blue pill?! No. Why do you make shit up and then call it a lie?! Do you feel that’s the only way you can “win” an argument?

If you meant to say "except for Alito and Thomas" it never made your lie filled post.
Don't blame me, speaking of lying to "win;" an argument.
Except Alito and Thomas what?! I must have missed their dissents. Can you post them because I can’t find them anywhere
Use your search engine.
I did search. No dissents, unless theres some hidden document you found in whichever sites you use to read lies and propaganda. Go ahead and post a link so I can learn about why these justices saw merit in Trumps case
Relax, you can put the gun down. Voter fraud isn't a popularity contest, so it doesn't matter how many hillbillies have bought Trump's road apples.

It has nothing to do with what Trump says. There were only three reasons to vote for Biden: You hate your country, you are a party line voter no matter who's running, or you are completely politically ignorant. There can't be any other reason. Biden is the most boring presidential candidate since the Republicans ran Bob Dole. It's impossible for a guy with Biden's instability, Biden's terrible plans for this country to get the highest amount of votes in the history of our country. Especially given the great results by Donald Trump in regards to the economy and illegal immigration.
Relax, you can put the gun down. Voter fraud isn't a popularity contest, so it doesn't matter how many hillbillies have bought Trump's road apples.

Trump claims 1.5 million people came to his inauguration.

On Saturday, President Donald Trump excoriated the media for — in his view — massively understating the size of his inaugural crowds.

Trump said at a speech Saturday afternoon at the CIA. “I'm like, wait a minute. I made a speech. I looked out, the field was, it looked like a million, million and a half people.”

Trump has been lying about his support from day one.

And now he's claiming massive voter fraud, for the second time.
Who remembers a judge throwing a black in jail for 5 years for voting 5 times! IN OHIO! Guess who won ohio.. yea democrats cheated
And in Federal Elections for certain voters, voters who did not provide ID at the time of registration, they do have to provide a photo copy of their ID. It's required by the NVRA.

So what good does that do if somebody is taking ballots out of mailboxes of registered voters, voting in their name and sending them in?
The signature on the envelope has to match the signature on the registration. This isn't rocket surgery. People have been voting by mail for years. Some states have been wholly vote by mail for over a decade. It is just as safe and secure as in person voting. Both have strengths and both have vulnerabilities. In the end, election fraud is still exceedingly rare regardless of voting method.
That's gonna put a crimp in the military vote. Their military ID is not accepted as proof of residence.
my solution to voter fraud is no absentee ballots, period

qualified voters must register with photo id proof of current residence

and then present the same credentials at the polling place to vote in person

thats just a start to cleaning up our elections but a vital first step

It's also going to disenfranchise most of the military, and all the americans working abroad.
Actually it's quite simple. Take the previous election, take the average wait time times the number of polling places, and that's the number you divide by the target number of hours to wait, and that yields the number of polling places you need.

That''s what happened in Arizona a few years ago. Then they got a flood of voters they were not expecting and others made this claim of disenfranchisement and racism. They had too many polls operating in previous elections so they closed one down and combined two of them together.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Agree! Voter rolls in tip top shape is key. Plus a system to view your ballot was accepted, and if not...a way to notify the ballots rejected people, with like a 10 day window, to 'cure' the ballot envelope.

And another perk is that mail in ballots are filled out paper ballots, so if there is ever any dispute with electronic/cyber security or counts, there is a paper ballot as a paper trail to use in recounts.
In other words, there is no problem with stealing elections with illegitimate votes.
i have NOT read the whole thead meathead... but what illigitimate votes are you talking about?

The was no stolen election. This thread needs to go to the Rubber!
I did search. No dissents, unless theres some hidden document you found in whichever sites you use to read lies and propaganda. Go ahead and post a link so I can learn about why these justices saw merit in Trumps case

This took me about one minute to find. What's wrong with you?
Who remembers a judge throwing a black in jail for 5 years for voting 5 times! IN OHIO! Guess who won ohio.. yea democrats cheated
True, Democrats cheated, but also republicans cheated as well as Independents. But the cases of individuals who break the rules is statistically insignificant. Saying that Biden stole the election is an outrageous lie. Y’all just sound dumb each time you repeat it

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