How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

Then it is justifiable to claim that Trump cheated in 2016 and won and there is nothing you can say or do..Just like the position you are taking....There are ways to analyze the machines and the signatures and that is with a court order yet why has that not happened?
It HAS happened in Michigan. Dominion vote changing machines were found to be easy to manipulate,
fraud prone and not trustworthy. Derp.
What about all the malfeasance in 2000? Hanging chads And throwing out votes. Confusing way they lined up the candidates on the ballot. Stopping the recount. Republicans sent in to cause trouble during the recount. Rigged Diebold voting machines. Bush’s brother is governor of Florida. The woman in charge of the elections switched from republican to democrat In 1996. That’s not suspicious.
What about it? I'm sick of this leftist urban myth and fairy tale.
Well I’m sick of trumps righty urban myth and fairytale.

Only it really happened in Florida. They used hanging chads as an excuse to throw gore votes away. Can I prove that? No. But it’s fucking obvious.

If it happened to trump you’d see clearly. In fact it didn’t happen to trump yet you somehow see it. Fucking sheep
I’m glad republicans believe our elections are rigged. Now together we will come up with ways to make sure that can’t happen again like it did in 2000 and 2004.

I believe Florida is still rigged. So I’d love to come up with a way to assure it’s not. I even wonder about places lik3 kentucky

So you would sign on for a Block Chain system that is as secure as Bit Coin?

Your filthy and traitorous party won't - fraud is the only way democrats "win" elections.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
That may be, but it has to be stopped in the future if democracy is going to survive.
Democracy will never survive with people who lose and can't take it....
Actually, democracy (not that we have one) will survive if the institutions ensure that personal reactions to loss don't carry over into defiance of the law. IOW, it doesn't matter how mad TRUMP! gets, he's going to leave office in January because if he doesn't he gets taken out the moment the inauguration happens. And he knows that. Only if he's allowed to stay would democracy not survive. It didn't matter how mad Hillary got, how drunk she got, how many of her sycophants claimed for 4 years that TRUMP! wasn't legitimate, wasn't THEIR president, blah, blah, blah, he was President and will always be called Mr. President. As long as those institutions stand, so will democracy. Now, as to stealing elections, we need to make every effort to ensure all legitimate and only legitimate votes are counted. I personally like the idea of getting a paper receipt with a QR code that I can scan, go online with and verify that my vote was counted correctly. It wouldn't solve all the problems but would at least give voters some assurance that their vote was not tossed.
He will always be Known as Mr one term got impeached president who embarrassed himself on the way out.
Nope, he'll be Mr. President. 20 years from now kids will be looking at you wondering how you can hold so much hate for someone you've never met.

Mr. Impeached, One Term, president that tried to destroy the electoral system in our country.
How did Trump try to destroy electoral system in our country? You mean by contesting a swindle?
They wanted to pull a move where they never conceed and drag it out and have it go to the house where each state gets one vote
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
Then it is justifiable to claim that Trump cheated in 2016 and won and there is nothing you can say or do..Just like the position you are taking....There are ways to analyze the machines and the signatures and that is with a court order yet why has that not happened?
It HAS happened in Michigan. Dominion vote changing machines were found to be easy to manipulate,
fraud prone and not trustworthy. Derp.
So were Diebold voting machines in Florida. Why didn’t you care in 2000?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
National voter registry & national voter id card. Both must be renewed on a regular basis. All registrations must be compared to deaths and incarcerations every year.
Once that card is used in an election as required that person can not vote again until the next election.

That would solve 90% or more of our problems.
But we don’t have a problem with dead people voting or people voting twice.

Have any republicans got away with it?

You guys want voter ids so poor people won’t get them and vote. I say mail in votes are the way in the future. If it was good enough for trump then it’s good enough for the rest of us.
I was serious about this. I know it's impossible, but I was rather hoping that others would also be.
You guys want voter ids so poor people won’t get them and vote. I say mail in votes are the way in the future. If it was good enough for trump then it’s good enough for the rest of us.

The only reason you on the left like mail-in is because it makes fraud harder to detect and it gets more lazy worthless people who don't know a thing about politics to vote. Worthless lazy people who don't know much about politics generally vote Democrat.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
One term president. I’ve seen 3 in my lifetime. Two were republicans.

Carter would have been re elected but Reagan’s vp was head of th3 cia and he got Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election. Then years later the Iran contra affair where bush and Reagan had to reward Iran for their help.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.

You're such a clown, Guno.

We can't.

If enough people are determined to cheat, they will find a way.

A nation, a company, a family is only as good as the caliber of its members.
yeah, that's the problem with letting people vote. it can happen that there are enough people who are determined to cheat by not voting for your preferred candidate, and then this candidate will lose.
Well I’m sick of trumps righty urban myth and fairytale.

Only it really happened in Florida. They used hanging chads as an excuse to throw gore votes away. Can I prove that? No. But it’s fucking obvious.

If it happened to trump you’d see clearly. In fact it didn’t happen to trump yet you somehow see it. Fucking sheep
Tell it to the consortium of newspapers that found Bush did indeed win Florida.

Isn't it time after twenty years to change your diapers?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
One term president. I’ve seen 3 in my lifetime. Two were republicans.

Carter would have been re elected but Reagan’s vp was head of th3 cia and he got Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election. Then years later the Iran contra affair where bush and Reagan had to reward Iran for their help.
I was alive during the one term of Kennedy...
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
National voter registry & national voter id card. Both must be renewed on a regular basis. All registrations must be compared to deaths and incarcerations every year.
Once that card is used in an election as required that person can not vote again until the next election.

That would solve 90% or more of our problems.
But we don’t have a problem with dead people voting or people voting twice.

Have any republicans got away with it?

You guys want voter ids so poor people won’t get them and vote. I say mail in votes are the way in the future. If it was good enough for trump then it’s good enough for the rest of us.
I was serious about this. I know it's impossible, but I was rather hoping that others would also be.
Well you truly believe 2020 was rigged and I’m sure 2000 2004 and 2016 were so let’s make sure both of us are confident 2022 and every future election is not.
I used to wonder how that asshole McCain won the primary when he is hated by conservatives. I now know that answer as well.

You mean the American Hero John McCain, who actually served in Vietnam and didn't rely on college deferments and bone spurs that were faked by a Doctor doing a favor for Fred trump? Is that the McCain that you are referring to?
His father was an admiral, so I hardly think dodging the draft would have been an option for him. He was the biggest fuckup who ever got through OCS, He crashed three planes and caused a huge conflagration on the deck of his ship that killed dozens of sailors.

He's hardly a hero.

Nope...he is a Hero. Everyone likes Heroes that served their country. No one liked Loser that whine and cry and blame everyone else for being a LOSER. trump IS A LOSER....
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Trump had 4 years to do something, yet he lets the election be stolen from him. He got out-Trumped.
No he didn't. He had 95% of the Prog controlled media/entertainer nation against him. And every globalist controlled political and currency producing entity also. It is incredible that he got was passed and it could have been so much more.

If he wanted more of that group to support him, he probably shouldn't have called them enemies of the country and fake news..
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
This election was not stolen.

Donald Trump couldn't stand the fact the only reason he is President in the first place is that he got leg up by Putin.

This election was supposed to show Trump could make it on his own, especially with the huge advantage of being the incumbent.

That's why Trump is whining. He knows he does not belong in the office, and never did. His ego is shattered.
One term president. I’ve seen 3 in my lifetime. Two were republicans.

Carter would have been re elected but Reagan’s vp was head of th3 cia and he got Iran to hold onto the hostages until after the election. Then years later the Iran contra affair where bush and Reagan had to reward Iran for their help.
Conspiracy theories abound. :rolleyes:

Carter lost because he sucked.

Bush lost because of Perot. And because of his welching on "read my lips, no new taxes".

Trump lost because of Trump.
Well I’m sick of trumps righty urban myth and fairytale.

Only it really happened in Florida. They used hanging chads as an excuse to throw gore votes away. Can I prove that? No. But it’s fucking obvious.

If it happened to trump you’d see clearly. In fact it didn’t happen to trump yet you somehow see it. Fucking sheep
Tell it to the consortium of newspapers that found Bush did indeed win Florida.

Isn't it time after twenty years to change your diapers?
I don’t care about the consortium of newspapers. Every newspaper every 4 years always endorses republican presidents, senators and governors.

What are the consortium of newspapers saying about this years election?

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