How can workers vote Republican?


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2017
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

So . . . looking at the ACTUAL ruling and written opinions, rather than your "feelz" about what's right and wrong, we see Justice Gorsuch AND Justice Ginsberg saying, "This is what the law actually is." The only difference between the two is that Gorsuch thinks the laws should be enforced as written and corrected by Congress, and Ginsberg saying that the written law should be ignored because she knows better.

Have you anything to say on THAT subject? Or on whether or not the ruling was incorrect in regards to the actual law?
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Vote this November.
How can anybody ever be do stupid as to vote for a Democrat?

Just look how the Democrats fuck up everything they touch.

By the way Moon Bats. You idiots weren't so critical of the Supremes when they did an idiot thing like uphold Obamacare because it was a tax.

Sometimes you win some and sometimes you lose some.

I can't wait until they overturn the worker oppression we see in the non right to work states.

Workers love Trump because he is making this country great again and the tax cuts.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Easy if they like the money they worked hard for in their own pocket.
How can workers vote Democrat? The Democratic Party is a NWO Globalist entity now. It threw American Citizens overboard years ago. It now puts foreign interests ahead of Citizen interests. It demonstrates that daily. A vote for a Democrat, is a vote against your best interests.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Well, one way to vote Republican is to check the box marked Republican - straight ticket, or they can cast their vote individually.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

Great, are you trying to make an argument on why you don't want to get a job?
Once the NWO Globlist Elites seized control of the Democratic Party, it began throwing American Citizens overboard. Just look at their actions these days. They've decided on putting foreign interests before Citizen interests. Citizens aren't a priority for the Party.

It goes way back to Clinton's NAFTA deal that completely screwed American Workers. They still haven't recovered from that debacle. So if folks are looking to the Globalists to advance their interests, they're gonna be sadly disappointed. It ain't gonna happen.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Vote this November.

No worries. If one is a Democrat, one can be certain of voting whether one actually shows up at the polls or not. Democrats can be certain of voting even after they die.

Although what you're seeing that desperately requires "Go out and vote!" here is a bit beyond me. Maybe "call your Congressman" is more in order, assuming you're actually concerned with changing this policy, rather than simply using it to further Democrat power.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Vote this November.

No worries. If one is a Democrat, one can be certain of voting whether one actually shows up at the polls or not. Democrats can be certain of voting even after they die.

Although what you're seeing that desperately requires "Go out and vote!" here is a bit beyond me. Maybe "call your Congressman" is more in order, assuming you're actually concerned with changing this policy, rather than simply using it to further Democrat power.
I only voted 16 times last election. This time I’ll vote 40 or 50, just for you, ya retard :thup:
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

The courts have been on a slow slippery slope to do away with the worker's rights to use the courts to rectify wrongs. They in essence are handing the law over to corporations at the expense of citizens.

It's called Fascism.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

Given all that, how can they bring themselves to vote Republican? Indeed, how? This is the question Democrats need to be pondering, long and hard.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

So . . . looking at the ACTUAL ruling and written opinions, rather than your "feelz" about what's right and wrong, we see Justice Gorsuch AND Justice Ginsberg saying, "This is what the law actually is." The only difference between the two is that Gorsuch thinks the laws should be enforced as written and corrected by Congress, and Ginsberg saying that the written law should be ignored because she knows better.

Have you anything to say on THAT subject? Or on whether or not the ruling was incorrect in regards to the actual law?
Yes I do.... I'll go with Ginsberg over the shithead placed there by Only the best and brightest, Trump the perv
American workers looked at Obama's disastrous record of increasing poverty, decreasing family income, increasing income disparity and having dismal economic growth in addition to fucking up health care and said "fuck the Democrats". That is why the Republicans control the House, Senate and presidency now.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

Given all that, how can they bring themselves to vote Republican? Indeed, how? This is the question Democrats need to be pondering, long and hard.
Are you too for corporations over the workers like most here are??? Seems that's where SC has been going
Resolving workplace disputes through arbitration with individual employees is a speedy and cost-effective alternative to class-action litigation. Naturally Dem's hate this because they are in bed with trial lawyers.
Resolving workplace disputes through arbitration with individual employees is a speedy and cost-effective alternative to class-action litigation. Naturally Dem's hate this because they are in bed with trial lawyers.
DUFUS How can ONE employee afford a lawyer trying to beat a corporation? What lawyer wants to rep someone that at best there' will be no money in it or very little for him?
OP is right!

It IS very hard for workers to vote Republican. Especially in states like Rhode Island where the Democrat Party is so deeply entrenched that no natter what levers one pulls on a polling machine the machine will automatically tally a Democrat Party Line result.
Resolving workplace disputes through arbitration with individual employees is a speedy and cost-effective alternative to class-action litigation. Naturally Dem's hate this because they are in bed with trial lawyers.
DUFUS How can ONE employee afford a lawyer trying to beat a corporation? What lawyer wants to rep someone that at best there' will be no money in it or very little for him?

Lawyers routinely work for a percentage of any jury award on behalf of ONE employee. If its some frivolous nonsense then sure nobody would hire a lawyer for that. This simply puts a stop to lawyers gaming the legal system, organizing some huge class action lawsuit over BS to extort money from businesses.

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