Zone1 How corporate America is slashing DEI workers amid backlash to diversity programs

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Dude, you realize the purpose of Mein Kampf was to make Hitler look like less of a maniac, right?

Kind of like all those people who claim Trump didn't say what he obviously just said.

I don't pay attention to his words, I just look at his actions.
I mainly disagree with Hitler about the Jews. He agreed with me that Jews tend to be intelligent. He agreed with you that Jews deserve to be hated.
There is no 'race gap' in average intelligence of the American citizen. There is just resentment at having stupid stuff thrown in our faces day after day in a way that greatly increases racism and a feeling of separation between people. Add that to the fact that skin color should be treated no differently than hair or eye color. If you want to raise the earning potential of black people, the recipe is the same as it is for all people:

1. Stay in school and educate yourself
2. Stay away from illegal substances and activities
3. Keep tattoos and piercings out of sight or minimal or just don't get them.
4. Accept whatever Mcjobs you can get and use them to develop skills, work ethic, references.
5. Get married to a responsible person before having children.
6. Learn basic courtesy and manners and people skills and utilize them with everybody until they are automatic.
7. Learn how to groom yourself and dress for success.
8. Keep your sociopolitical opinions, religion and that chip on your shoulder out of other people's faces.

This is where the emphasis should be and should be drilled into the young beginning at an early age. This is what will help all people have the best shot at achieving personal satisfaction/prosperity. And this is what will change negative attitudes that people have about some other people. Tell me that I have to change MY attitudes and opinions and/or treat you differently because you have a certain skin color or ethnicity or sexual orientation or whatever and I might outwardly conform but inwardly I will resent it. And that's how racism and the other prejudices/-isms are perpetuated from generation to generation.
Would you white people stop this crap!
abc NEWS, July 7, 2023

DEI officers say they've faced cuts in the years since George Floyd's murder.

Years after the death of George Floyd shined a spotlight on societal inequities, diversity professionals say some companies are turning their backs on the progress that's been made to address them.

Madison Butler is one of the many diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals that companies previously brought on their payroll to ensure their business is equitable and accessible for people of all backgrounds.

But in recent months, Butler said she has found it increasingly hard to find work -- and she's not alone.

DEI positions have been disproportionately hit by layoffs across industries, but particularly at tech companies...

When Butler reached out to DEI professionals who planned to hire her for consulting, she said companies have told her: "'Oh, this person is no longer with the company.' 'Oh, this person has been laid off.' 'Oh, this person no longer works here effective last month.'


It looks like the diversity fad is fading. It did not take top executives long to discover that because of the race gap in average intelligence, it was not possible to create a diverse work force without lowering standards for Negroes, and consequently lowering the productivity of the entire work force.

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Fuck the commie dems. Whenever you hear the term DEI, you know it is a filthy commie dem.


Would you white people stop this crap!
The reason black people are disadvantaged or behind as a demographic all is because people like you consider the real solutions to be crap. And you keep insisting that you are black.
And you say that I am an awful person.
YOu think Thanos' glove is a real thing?

I do not hate all Negroes, only the criminals. Blacks are more likely to be the victims of black criminals than whites are.
Then you need to stop your opposition to affirmative action, reparations, and other things that will benefit non-criminals, but we know you won't.

I have expressed my high regard for Jews many times on the U.S. Message Board.

When I was nineteen years old I was dating a Mormon girl. She asked me if I was interested in learning about Mormonism. Of course I said "Yes." Two Mormon missionaries were assigned to me.

And without dragging through your probably made up narrative, this is why I have no use for Mormonism. It's a CULT! Assigning people to someone is what a cult does.
Now, I have no use for religion in general. I think it's a huge scam.

But what makes Judaism and Mormonism a special level of awful is that they separate the world between themselves, and the Gentiles, who can be screwed with at will.

We have a pleasant conversation. Unlike you, Mormons can discuss controversial issues without becoming abusive. They also have low rates of crime and illegitimacy. They are frequently well educated.

Obviously, you haven't had a conversation with Bob Blaylock.

Frankly, I've never met a bigger bunch of two-faced, backstabbing MFers than the Mormons.
The reason black people are disadvantaged or behind as a demographic all is because people like you consider the real solutions to be crap. And you keep insisting that you are black.
That's because I am black. Therefore I know the root cause of the problem. And since I know the root cause of the problem, I can create a solution. Unlike you who are white and guessing what the probem is based on your bias. So you don't have a clue. You don't have the real solution. Whites did not get what they have by ANY of the things you cited. Whites got what they have by excluding others from getting the same things by legislation. So you don't know the answer and would be wise to stop arguing as if you do.
That's because I am black. Therefore I know the root cause of the problem. And since I know the root cause of the problem, I can create a solution. Unlike you who are white and guessing what the probem is based on your bias. So you don't have a clue. You don't have the real solution. Whites did not get what they have by ANY of the things you cited. Whites got what they have by excluding others from getting the same things by legislation. So you don't know the answer and would be wise to stop arguing as if you do.
The wise thing would be going back to ignoring what you post I think. But oh well. . .
YOu think Thanos' glove is a real thing?

Then you need to stop your opposition to affirmative action, reparations, and other things that will benefit non-criminals, but we know you won't.
Those things would benefit blacks at the expense of white blue collar workers. They know it. That is why they vote Republican.
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