How can workers vote Republican?

less money for lawyers...….no wonder the left is pissed.
Class action lawyers often giveaway mucu. At any rate the ruling by the swine GOP Supremes is another give away to the rich and corporations. Enjoy the abuse, doope.

No it's just a takeaway for laywers……...people don't get shit out of class action lawsuits.
They get protection from negligence and and and other abuse from the powerful d u h.

then adopt loser pays, let poor folks hire good lawyers knowing they will get paid when they win the case.
Oh the same ones you accuse of hating women, blacks, gays and everyone else......stop acting like you give a shit....just go jerk off to Princess and the Frog with the rest of your SJW fucktards.

F. U.
Truth hurts...….

Something you wouldn't know nothing of. lol

The truth is the worker deserves rights and are far better off being able to work together for better pay and conditions. What you fight for is for what the third world has and that is just bs.

The 3rd world is filled with socialist countries....I'm certainly not fighting for that shit.
as for bargaining, if it's so good, why do you have to compel union dues?

Keep posting, the more you do you become less credible and prove to be not only ignorant but a damn liar too.

well most 3rd world countries are socialist....

and why do unions have to force people to join?

you never answer a question
There is a book out called How Republicans went crazy, & Democrats became useless, & the middle class got shafted . any one read it?
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business

How can I vote for Republicans?

Well that’s easy. I like freedom and liberty and I like to have a job. I’d also like for my children to have the same or better than I did. That’s why I vote Republican.

If you really believe this, explain what the Republican Congress or the President have done to make your children more capable of having the same or a better future?

Looks as if PredFan cannot explain ^^ what the Republican Congress lead by Boehner or Ryan and Trump has done, to create a better or equal future for his kids, and the reader's kids and grandchildren.

Is anyone surprised by his inability to make good on his claim?
Not at all After all it's pred
It kind of amazes me that NEITHER side of this argument seems capable of understanding that the Supreme Court was not making a decision on how they thought things SHOULD work; they issued a ruling solely on what the law IS. Gorsuch even said he thought the policy was debatable, but that Congress had passed the law, and that's that. It's like we've gotten so used to the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, we've totally forgotten how to have a Court that confines itself to its proper purview and speaks only to what the law says, whatever they might think of it.

There us a lot of ambiguity in the Constitution, and room enough for conflicts on what the law is; otherwise we would not find so many 5-4 decision, nor how "packing" the SC has become so important that McConnell would wait a full year before doing is job!
If you can’t understand why someone votes a certain way why not try to find out?
Carrier should have woken up the people when Two Scoops gave the company $7M in subsidies and still allowed 800 people to be layed off from work.

But then again ZTE is making out like a bandit and Two Scoops is skimming money off that deal with the Chinese who were losing too many jobs.

Neocon knuckleheads don't get it. :321:

Carrier should have woken up the people when Two Scoops gave the company $7M in subsidies

Trump gave Carrier $7 million? I think you're lying.

Neocon knuckleheads don't get it.

Says a liberal knucklehead.
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Tweet by tweet lie by lie Vote trump?? Only the brainless
Donald Trump said 11 false things in just 5 tweets Sunday morning - CNNPolitics
CNN?! Even a senile airhead can do better.
It kind of amazes me that NEITHER side of this argument seems capable of understanding that the Supreme Court was not making a decision on how they thought things SHOULD work; they issued a ruling solely on what the law IS. Gorsuch even said he thought the policy was debatable, but that Congress had passed the law, and that's that. It's like we've gotten so used to the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, we've totally forgotten how to have a Court that confines itself to its proper purview and speaks only to what the law says, whatever they might think of it.

Gosh, I must have hit the nail on the head, since I got a "funny" rating in lieu of a response from Franco, which always means "I can't argue, so I'll pretend to be condescending". Eventually, they're going to figure out that, far from making them look superior and lofty, that actually makes them look like cowards.
Workers vote Republican because Republicans make them fear Mexicans and promise to bring back jobs from China
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Tweet by tweet lie by lie Vote trump?? Only the brainless
Donald Trump said 11 false things in just 5 tweets Sunday morning - CNNPolitics
CNN?! Even a senile airhead can do better.

Respected network
"Only miscreants and fools disagree with Democrats."

It's a little long for a bumper sticker. Maybe someone in PR could wordsmith it a bit.
"Only miscreants and fools disagree with Democrats."

It's a little long for a bumper sticker. Maybe someone in PR could wordsmith it a bit.
Have a few nasty republicans near me They'd damage my car
The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow (5 to 4 along Party lines) to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees.

High court backs companies over worker class-action claims


Workers are being fukked... Cut corporate and high earners taxes (re: business men); allow immediate "expensing" for business
Tweet by tweet lie by lie Vote trump?? Only the brainless
Donald Trump said 11 false things in just 5 tweets Sunday morning - CNNPolitics
CNN?! Even a senile airhead can do better.

Respected network
CNN was a trailblazer in cable news. Sadly, they have become a mouthpiece for the Democratic party and nothing more.
Vote republican?? I'd sooner go to Hell
Two House Republican leaders -- and no Democrats -- will meet with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats on Thursday to discuss records the lawmakers have demanded related to the Russia investigation. White House officials also won’t participate.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the meeting on Tuesday with House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy. She said it had been arranged by Chief of Staff John Kelly, following a meeting Monday between President Donald Trump, Wray, Coats and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Vote republican?? I'd sooner go to Hell
Two House Republican leaders -- and no Democrats -- will meet with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats on Thursday to discuss records the lawmakers have demanded related to the Russia investigation. White House officials also won’t participate.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the meeting on Tuesday with House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy. She said it had been arranged by Chief of Staff John Kelly, following a meeting Monday between President Donald Trump, Wray, Coats and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The sooner you go to hell the better it'll be for the rest of us. Dress lightly.

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