How can you be wrong about everything and still keep your job?

According to the blob, we were supposed to have zero cases...

We just passed the 1 Million mark.

Then after that if we stopped at 50-60k then his administration did a great job. That's not happening.
We have the lowest death rate sans Germany and even better if you exclude NYC, which was was materially mishandled.
So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.
What lies? Type out 3 and let’s have it. I am not clicking on your biased sources. You never lie? Don’t be a douche.

Or better yet, show me one POTUS that never lied.

Lies are not the issue; they all lied at one time or another. The more important issue is what they lied about. If Trump tells me we had the best economy the world has ever seen, and statistics show it's not actually true, how did that impact my life? When DumBama said letting the government takeover healthcare coverage, and I end up losing mine for the first time in my adult life, costing me thousands of dollars, that's a lie that inflicted more harm to me than the last five Presidents combined.
According to the blob, we were supposed to have zero cases...

We just passed the 1 Million mark.

candycorn, you are parroting fake stats. :cuckoo:
Wow, Snouter. You are such a piss drinking rube!

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference

February 26, 2020

TRUMP: And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.
According to the blob, we were supposed to have zero cases...

We just passed the 1 Million mark.

candycorn, you are parroting fake stats. :cuckoo:
Wow, Snouter. You are such a piss drinking rube!

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference

February 26, 2020

TRUMP: And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.
You’re a coward per the operational definition of rightwinger so there is that. And it has diminished. Stop believing the fake news. Open up the country.
FOX NEWS: We have a lawyer here who says you can cure AIDS with leeches.

PARROTING TARD TRUMP: I've heard you can cure AIDS with leeches.

FAUCI: There is no evidence to confirm that.

FOX NEWS: Fauci must go!!!

PARROTING TARD HERD: Fauci must go!!!
Who actually listens to this buffoon? My goodness. You’re such a liar it hurts.
According to the blob, we were supposed to have zero cases...

We just passed the 1 Million mark.

Then after that if we stopped at 50-60k then his administration did a great job. That's not happening.
We have the lowest death rate sans Germany and even better if you exclude NYC, which was was materially mishandled.

No we don't, where do you get your information? For starters Canada and Mexico can't even touch us. Much of Europe has a lower death rate than us and our country wasn't an early hot spot like Italy, Germany, Spain and others. In other words they have a couple weeks head start on us.

As for the New York City area, it's a global travel destination so it makes since that they would be one of the first to be hit hard , mostly travel from Europe. That's not their fault and without New York we'd be a much less wealthy country.
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Nice to see more and more folks realize Fauci is a seemingly incompetent fraud after the months and many threads I have been pointing it out. But folks, do your research, he is a clever Deep State fake, phony fraud. He is the propaganda arm of the Deep State medical establishment as well as close friends with Crooked Hillary, etc. His role is far from over unless President Trump fires Tiny Tony, or the Attorney General or some entity in the government prosecutes Tiny Tony.


It's not really a surprise that Fauci worked in the Obama (as well as Reagan and other) administration. That picture is from the 19th International AIDS conference in 2012. It's an event that the S.O.S. and any number of epidemiologists would likely attend.
g5000, what in the fuck was that lame ass response to the fact I posted which indicated the the Fauci/Kung Flu numbers are total bullshit?

HappyJoy, you are damn right Tiny Tony Fraudi has been Deep State since the 1980's actually, but your denial that he is not a Crooked Hillary backer is wrong. Here is Slick Willie discussing "contact tracing" that Tiny Tony Fraudi has been promoting. Andrew "Droopy Dog" Cuomo has illegally and unconstitutionally created a Neo-Confederate States in the Northeast in which Connecticut is a participant. This is why Texas seems like a good destination to move to.

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So, Trump’s thousands of confirmed lies are not wrong? If not, what are they?
Because the media lies. As Dr. Birx herself stated.
There are over 10,000 documented lies that not one Trump inner circle member, advisors, right wing media or Little Trumpsters have been able to prove not to be a lie, not one.
i have laid down a challenge to Little Trumpsters on USMB dozens and dozens of times. Those who accepted the challenge, failed every single time.
Try it.

I dont know which is funnier, the leftists 10,000 lies or their list of 97% of scientists agree in global warming. I LMAO at that one.
I don't know, but you can ask this moron.

View attachment 329240

Or how about that Neil Ferguson...the guy in charge of the Imperial Model for the Chinese Virus fatality predictions.......back during SARS he predicted 200 million dead ..... the actual total.... 345. Yet, the democrat party members of the press failed to alert the public about this sterling record as they pushed panic, fear and hysteria and stampeded world leaders to shut down the I guess along with fauci, ferguson, you can add all the members of the democrat party controlled press.....
Nice to see more and more folks realize Fauci is a seemingly incompetent fraud after the months and many threads I have been pointing it out. But folks, do your research, he is a clever Deep State fake, phony fraud. He is the propaganda arm of the Deep State medical establishment as well as close friends with Crooked Hillary, etc. His role is far from over unless President Trump fires Tiny Tony, or the Attorney General or some entity in the government prosecutes Tiny Tony.


It's not really a surprise that Fauci worked in the Obama (as well as Reagan and other) administration. That picture is from the 19th International AIDS conference in 2012. It's an event that the S.O.S. and any number of epidemiologists would likely attend.
Exactly. And that just illustrates the utter moronity of the Trump Cult.

When President Trump floated the idea of reopening commerce to stimulate the economy, even at the cost of human lives lost to the coronavirus, he started repeating the phrase that “the cure can’t be worse than the problem itself.” After he used the words in a tweet on Sunday, March 22, some of his biggest backers went on cable news and wrote tweets over the next 48 hours about how they too were ready to die for the Dow, or at the very least sacrifice other people’s lives for it.

What do you call an organization where total loyalty to a charismatic but volatile leader is strictly enforced? A cult.

Trump: those who disagree with him, tell him no, expose falsehoods, are accused of disloyalty to his person, become traitors, treason enemies of the people. Cult followers then get to work, amidst frenetic tweet storms, to construct elaborate rumors, conspiracy theories, deep fakes and destroy, not just cast out, the unfortunate individual. The entire cult participates. Simple case in point - Trump's fat shaming of a woman who had spoken out about the way he treated women. The fall of Mattis and Kelly from "Trump's generals" to "a bunch of dopes and babies". And now Fauci.

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