How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

IDIOT Trump had the chance to show he had a heart and REALLY cared like Obama did ,,,,,WOW did you see that crowd?

If obummer cared about anybody other than himself, he would not have fucked over the middle class with his obummer care bullshit. he would not have been impoverishing the middle class with his massive energy price increases which harmed them more than anyone else, and were he not a complete asshole he wouldn't have closed down veterans memorials THAT ARE OPEN 24/7 AND ACTUALLY SPENT MONEY TO DO THAT all because he didn't get his way.

In other words little hater dupe. You're a fucking moron.
Sorry westy you win the AH mod of the day award Obama cae?? So bad why couldn't the AH's you support shut it down And closing down vet memorials?? Because ah repubs wouldn't increase debt limits?? Yeah keep on blaming Obama for all your repub Fups,,,,,says more about you than obama

Why the fuck can't you speak plain English?
Because you fn rednecks can't understand English you blame me for 1 error ?? cae should have been CARE Now do you understand nitwit?

No, dummy. I understood what you meant quite well. Now answer me the question I asked you. If your hero obummer cared so much about people why would he pay money to close memorials and parks that are open 24/7 because he was having a hissy fit?

Id imagine he did it to stick it up the repubs asses The ones who refused to raise the debt limit
Trump wasn't President when Sandy hit. I'm not real sure why you think someone not President at the time could do something that a President did. You have the mental capacity of someone thinking they can win the lottery without buying a ticket.
IDIOT Trump had the chance to show he had a heart and REALLY cared like Obama did ,,,,,WOW did you see that crowd?

If obummer cared about anybody other than himself, he would not have fucked over the middle class with his obummer care bullshit. he would not have been impoverishing the middle class with his massive energy price increases which harmed them more than anyone else, and were he not a complete asshole he wouldn't have closed down veterans memorials THAT ARE OPEN 24/7 AND ACTUALLY SPENT MONEY TO DO THAT all because he didn't get his way.

In other words little hater dupe. You're a fucking moron.
Sorry westy you win the AH mod of the day award Obama cae?? So bad why couldn't the AH's you support shut it down And closing down vet memorials?? Because ah repubs wouldn't increase debt limits?? Yeah keep on blaming Obama for all your repub Fups,,,,,says more about you than obama

Why the fuck can't you speak plain English?
Because you fn rednecks can't understand English you blame me for 1 error ?? cae should have been CARE Now do you understand nitwit?
That's what you thought I was referencing? That's the only thing you saw wrong in your post related to grammar, spelling, and punctuation?
If obummer cared about anybody other than himself, he would not have fucked over the middle class with his obummer care bullshit. he would not have been impoverishing the middle class with his massive energy price increases which harmed them more than anyone else, and were he not a complete asshole he wouldn't have closed down veterans memorials THAT ARE OPEN 24/7 AND ACTUALLY SPENT MONEY TO DO THAT all because he didn't get his way.

In other words little hater dupe. You're a fucking moron.
Sorry westy you win the AH mod of the day award Obama cae?? So bad why couldn't the AH's you support shut it down And closing down vet memorials?? Because ah repubs wouldn't increase debt limits?? Yeah keep on blaming Obama for all your repub Fups,,,,,says more about you than obama

Why the fuck can't you speak plain English?
Because you fn rednecks can't understand English you blame me for 1 error ?? cae should have been CARE Now do you understand nitwit?

No, dummy. I understood what you meant quite well. Now answer me the question I asked you. If your hero obummer cared so much about people why would he pay money to close memorials and parks that are open 24/7 because he was having a hissy fit?

Id imagine he did it to stick it up the repubs asses The ones who refused to raise the debt limit

Let me guess, you think the post to which I am responding has no errors?
Let's take a moment to appreciate the evidence provided by Nat and the linked page. Oh wait... It tells us there's an email, and tells us what it says, but the email is nowhere to be found, much like the rest of the evidence in this false narrative.

What the hell is the matter with you morons......Did you see the excerpts of the emails in the O/P??

Do you idiots want stuff sent to your basements directly???...........LOL
If obummer cared about anybody other than himself, he would not have fucked over the middle class with his obummer care bullshit. he would not have been impoverishing the middle class with his massive energy price increases which harmed them more than anyone else, and were he not a complete asshole he wouldn't have closed down veterans memorials THAT ARE OPEN 24/7 AND ACTUALLY SPENT MONEY TO DO THAT all because he didn't get his way.

In other words little hater dupe. You're a fucking moron.
Sorry westy you win the AH mod of the day award Obama cae?? So bad why couldn't the AH's you support shut it down And closing down vet memorials?? Because ah repubs wouldn't increase debt limits?? Yeah keep on blaming Obama for all your repub Fups,,,,,says more about you than obama

Why the fuck can't you speak plain English?
Because you fn rednecks can't understand English you blame me for 1 error ?? cae should have been CARE Now do you understand nitwit?

No, dummy. I understood what you meant quite well. Now answer me the question I asked you. If your hero obummer cared so much about people why would he pay money to close memorials and parks that are open 24/7 because he was having a hissy fit?

Id imagine he did it to stick it up the repubs asses The ones who refused to raise the debt limit

So he showed how much he "cares for people" by denying dying WWII veterans the ability to visit the memorial that was made for them? I see. That seems pretty fucked up to me. Why do YOU think it is ok to visit misery on others, especially the old and infirm, for the actions of a few?
Let's take a moment to appreciate the evidence provided by Nat and the linked page. Oh wait... It tells us there's an email, and tells us what it says, but the email is nowhere to be found, much like the rest of the evidence in this false narrative.

What the hell is the matter with you morons......Did you see the excerpts of the emails in the O/P??

Do you idiots want stuff sent to your basements directly???...........LOL

No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!
Let's take a moment to appreciate the evidence provided by Nat and the linked page. Oh wait... It tells us there's an email, and tells us what it says, but the email is nowhere to be found, much like the rest of the evidence in this false narrative.

What the hell is the matter with you morons......Did you see the excerpts of the emails in the O/P??

Do you idiots want stuff sent to your basements directly???...........LOL

No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!
It's pure hearsay, and therefore it's not even admissible in court.
No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!

patience, little one....patience......You'll get to see it all soon........Meanwhile, practice some yoga.
No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!

You could have summarized all the above crap by citing your orange hero..."FAKE NEWS"".....LOL
No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!

patience, little one....patience......You'll get to see it all soon........Meanwhile, practice some yoga.

That's what you have been claiming for months silly girl. All you have are your emojis. Little funny faces don't impress me. And neither do you.
No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!

You could have summarized all the above crap by citing your orange hero..."FAKE NEWS"".....LOL

And yet whenever one of you morons trots out some new block buster of a claim, it is YOU who are shown to be peddling fake news. Goebbels would be so proud of you.
No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!

Just for some saner right wingers....if they exist.......From the O/P citation and link.....

The Trump Organization on Monday turned over e-mails to the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the presidential election and whether anyone in Trump’s campaign was involved. Some of the e-mails were obtained by The Times.
Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe
Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe

Annnnnnnd.......another nothing burger....but thanks for trying....

Revealed: Trump's Company Sought Major Hotel Deal in Moscow During Campaign, But...

But does any of this demonstrate that the Trump campaign was collaborating with the Kremlin to influence the election? That does not appear to be the case. Furthermore, there's a critical and possibly-exculpatory detail in the original WaPo report that diminishes the impact of this would-be "bombshell," in my estimation:

As part of the discussions, a Russian-born real estate developer urged Trump to come to Moscow to tout the proposal and suggested that he could get President Vladimir Putin to say “great things” about Trump, according to several people who have been briefed on his correspondence...Trump never went to Moscow as Sater proposed. And although investors and Trump’s company signed a letter of intent, they lacked the land and permits to proceed and the project was abandoned at the end of January 2016, just before the presidential primaries began, several people familiar with the proposal said.

The whole enterprise folded last January; the deal never went through. Trump's company couldn't work out the logistical kinks to move forward, and by the time the first Republican primary votes were cast in Iowa, the organization's behind-the-scenes maneuvering had already hit a dead end.

If Putin and Trump were truly working hand-in-glove, and if the Russians were trying to influence and assist someone whom they wanted to become the next President of the United States, one would imagine that they'd have cut away the red tape and helped shepherd this project to fruition, no? But that didn't happen.


This is smoking gun evidence of...what, exactly? That remains unclear, but Allahpundit is spot-on about what it likely does prove: "[The letter of intent] is possibly the best evidence we’ll ever have that the president really, really didn’t expect to become president. Imagine him trying to defend the building of a new Trump-branded hotel in Moscow during a campaign in which Hillary Clinton was slashing him for being a 'puppet' of Putin. The fact that he signed a letter of intent to license his name is smoking-gun proof that he didn’t think he’d win the nomination." he reasons.
And yet whenever one of you morons trots out some new block buster of a claim, it is YOU who are shown to be peddling fake news. Goebbels would be so proud of you.

take it up with the REPUBLICAN-led House Intelligence Committee.....DEMAND that you should see those emails FIRST.......LOL

The Trump Organization on Monday turned over e-mails to the House Intelligence Committee
No you stupid asshole, I want to see the actual fucking email. What you have presented is SOMEBODY else telling us what they claim to see. In other words dumbshit it could be entirely made up. In other words stupid, it AIN'T FUCKING REAL!

Just for some saner right wingers....if they exist.......From the O/P citation and link.....

The Trump Organization on Monday turned over e-mails to the House Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russian meddling in the presidential election and whether anyone in Trump’s campaign was involved. Some of the e-mails were obtained by The Times.

Yeah? So what? There has been nothing presented which shows collusion, which isn't a crime anyway if you had enough brains to actually read the various laws. Your hero the shrilary was colluding with the Ukraine. PROVABLY so. Ted Kennedy when he was running for POTUS was PROVABLY colluding with the russkis. No one called for them to be arrested. So why do idiots like you think different? Are you stupid? Oh....wait. Yes, yes you are.

Stupid that is....
And yet whenever one of you morons trots out some new block buster of a claim, it is YOU who are shown to be peddling fake news. Goebbels would be so proud of you.

take it up with the REPUBLICAN-led House Intelligence Committee.....DEMAND that you should see those emails FIRST.......LOL

The Trump Organization on Monday turned over e-mails to the House Intelligence Committee

And yet again. Who cares. It ain't a crime dummy. Were you to possess an IQ greater than refrigerator temperature you would understand that.
If Putin and Trump were truly working hand-in-glove, and if the Russians were trying to influence and assist someone whom they wanted to become the next President of the United States, one would imagine that they'd have cut away the red tape and helped shepherd this project to fruition, no? But that didn't happen.

well, naive one........

Fist of all Putin is a hell of a lot smarter than your orange clown.....

Putin well knew that if such a close relations to Russia would have killed off any chances of the Trumpster getting elected.....

BETTER to forgo these little collusion deals.....for the chance to have a real live STOOGE to the Kremlin sitting in the oval office......Don't you think????? (or do you EVER think?)......LOL
And yet again. Who cares. It ain't a crime dummy. Were you to possess an IQ greater than refrigerator temperature you would understand that.

Backtracking like Michael Jackson's moon walking ???.....LOL

BTW, Did you know that Trump's little failed deal was during the sanctions on Russia.......Probably not.
If Putin and Trump were truly working hand-in-glove, and if the Russians were trying to influence and assist someone whom they wanted to become the next President of the United States, one would imagine that they'd have cut away the red tape and helped shepherd this project to fruition, no? But that didn't happen.

well, naive one........

Fist of all Putin is a hell of a lot smarter than your orange clown.....

Putin well knew that if such a close relations to Russia would have killed off any chances of the Trumpster getting elected.....

BETTER to forgo these little collusion deals.....for the chance to have a real live STOOGE to the Kremlin sitting in the oval office......Don't you think????? (or do you EVER think?)......LOL

And yet hilary took 145 million dollars from putin....actual cash......and her rapist husband took 500,000 dollars, in cash from putin...

But keep working over time trying to find some way to connect Trump to Putin......try reading about Occam's razor, then look at hilary and putin again....

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