How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

"Oh boy! We got him now!" #6446

"Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip"..........
Just ask those poor folks in Houston how drips on top of drips finally cause......

You are a foul excuse for a human being in addition to being an idiot. You think Houston got that way from a slow drip.

Shame on you and your stupid nonsense.
WHILE we're making fun of Nat, I do want to just give them a little shout out. I greatly appreciate you rating my posts "funny" when you know your clock has been cleaned, as it DOES raise my ratings, and vain little people, such as myself, do quite enjoy having more ratings than they do posts. So, thanks~

That's typical fair.

It's strictly intended to irritate.....

Easier to hind under the skirt of an emoji than to actually address the post.

And when she does address a always ends with LOL which must be her real initials because it can't mean laugh a lot.....her posts....besides being partisan and stupid....are just not at all funny.
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As it turns out Sater didn't even have an email address to write to. He had to use the Russian general media email.

He was blowing hot air.

ummmm he sure had an email addy...

Ah, the point was that Sater didn't have the email address of the Kremlin bigshots, Playtime...try and keep up!

ahhhhhhhhhh..... a bigger point to be made is why are you defending trump even after allllllllllllllllll of this with still more to come? you hate hillary THAT much, you are still willing to sell your patriotism out?
If Putin and Trump were truly working hand-in-glove, and if the Russians were trying to influence and assist someone whom they wanted to become the next President of the United States, one would imagine that they'd have cut away the red tape and helped shepherd this project to fruition, no? But that didn't happen.

well, naive one........

Fist of all Putin is a hell of a lot smarter than your orange clown.....

Putin well knew that if such a close relations to Russia would have killed off any chances of the Trumpster getting elected.....

BETTER to forgo these little collusion deals.....for the chance to have a real live STOOGE to the Kremlin sitting in the oval office......Don't you think????? (or do you EVER think?)......LOL
In other words, no collusion. You just admitted it!
In other words, no collusion. You just admitted it!

You have the same EXACT comprehension capacity as that little twerp in your avatar......LOL
Wait till the repubturds find out a presidential pardon is only good for fed crimes and the NY AG and Mueller are working together on the Manafort case
Wait until the leftwing cockroaches find out that Manafort is not accused of violating any NY statutes.
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Even if that were true, I would still have more comprehension capacity than you.

Go change your diaper and go to bed, middlefingerbaby....on second thought, DON'T change your diaper......LOL
Wait till the repubturds find out a presidential pardon is only good for fed crimes and the NY AG and Mueller are working together on the Manafort case

My friend, I just started a thread precisely on that topic......I'm expecting to soon be called, a traitor, communist, and all around poopy-face by the usual suspects......LOL
Wait till the repubturds find out a presidential pardon is only good for fed crimes and the NY AG and Mueller are working together on the Manafort case

My friend, I just started a thread precisely on that topic......I'm expecting to soon be called, a traitor, communist, and all around poopy-face by the usual suspects......LOL
It's cracking me up Dump calls Grassley about ethanol just befor dump jr goes before senate
Wait until the leftwing cockroaches find out that Manafort is accused of violating any NY statutes.

Here, learn something

The probe by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, one of the most outspoken critics of the president, is in a preliminary stage, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named because the investigation isn’t public. Manafort, who ran Trump’s campaign from April to August last year, has owned property in the Hamptons and Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is also in the early stages of an investigation into Manafort’s transactions, a person familiar with that probe said. Representatives for Schneiderman and Vance declined to comment.

The inquiries by the two Democrats could pose added legal peril for Manafort if investigators find evidence of a crime. Unlike a probe by the US Justice Department and FBI, the president and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have no authority over New York state investigators scrutinizing whether Manafort broke state laws. Schneiderman is responsible for enforcing New York’s securities laws under the Martin Act, which gives him broad powers to pursue white-collar crime.

New York officials said to be probing former Trump aide Paul Manafort’s real-estate deals - The Boston Globe
Wait until the leftwing cockroaches find out that Manafort is accused of violating any NY statutes.

Here, learn something

The probe by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, one of the most outspoken critics of the president, is in a preliminary stage, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named because the investigation isn’t public. Manafort, who ran Trump’s campaign from April to August last year, has owned property in the Hamptons and Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is also in the early stages of an investigation into Manafort’s transactions, a person familiar with that probe said. Representatives for Schneiderman and Vance declined to comment.

The inquiries by the two Democrats could pose added legal peril for Manafort if investigators find evidence of a crime. Unlike a probe by the US Justice Department and FBI, the president and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have no authority over New York state investigators scrutinizing whether Manafort broke state laws. Schneiderman is responsible for enforcing New York’s securities laws under the Martin Act, which gives him broad powers to pursue white-collar crime.

New York officials said to be probing former Trump aide Paul Manafort’s real-estate deals - The Boston Globe
So they are investigating him without the slightest evidence of any crime.

And all you leftwing cockroaches claim this isn't a witch hunt? Why don't we have a similar investigation of Hillary just to see if she has broken any laws?

The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over New York state investigators running a witch hunt. they have no basis for issuing any warrants, so any cases that arises will get throne out of court.
The Supreme Court has jurisdiction over New York state investigators running a witch hunt. they have no basis for issuing any warrants, so any cases that arises will get throne out of court.

Light a few candles.that may help your cause.....LOL
Fair enough, they're only FALSE when proven so. That said, until you prove them TRUE, they're just unproven allegations, which are little more valuable than false allegations. You're really splitting hairs here., if you don't like my "allegations" ...I really don't give a fuck.....

The current investigation is on-going and THAT will either prove my allegations false or correct....So, you morons have "NOTHING" to worry about, correct?.

So what you're basically saying is that you have zero proof that what you're alleging is true...but you're hoping that Mueller will find something to make you look like less of an ass than you do right now? Does that pretty much sum it up?
So what you're basically saying is that you have zero proof that what you're alleging is true...but you're hoping that Mueller will find something to make you look like less of an ass than you do right now? Does that pretty much sum it up?

Whatever.........Learn how to play chess.......It's an interesting game......LOL
So tell me, Nat...if Mueller doesn't find anything? Are you going to come on the board and apologize for all of the things you've accused Donald Trump of?

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