How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

Anyone who knows Trump and Russian links is under investigation. Manafort, Flynn, sessions, Don jr, kushner and all the rest

After nine months of investigations, what proof has there been?
More every day.

Didn't you guys say that during Nixon's impeachment?

If there's any proof provide it or STFU.

Kremlin: We Received Trump Tower Email, Did Not Respond | HuffPost

Peskov: Trump lawyer wrote to Kremlin, got no response - CNNPolitics

Here are Trump's 3 biggest lies about the Russia scandal

This is what we know so far. Lots. Something burger.

Ha ha, I had to stop reading at Trump Jrs. emails were declared proof of Russian collusion. You call it "lots of proof". I call it get a life.
I call it a something burger. And you sound like Republicans right before Nixon's famous "I'm not a crook" speech.
So where is the crime in this whole "Russian collusion" thing? Who's been arrested? Who's been charged? It's coming up on a year now and Trump's accusers have yet to file a charge!

This is for OTHERS since you're not much more than a right wing, delusional moron..

The Mueller investigation is ONLY 3 months old.

Mike Flynn is pleading the fifth...although he OPENLY stated that pleading the fifth signifies guilt.

Mike Flynn is begging for immunity before testifying under oath.....

ALL of the intelligence communities have indicated that there WAS Russian interference in our elections.

Donny baby, Kushner and Manafort have been PROVEN to collude with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary in exchange for (part of the investigation.)

There are MANY other factors that indicate that, if not Trump himself because the Russian think that he is an idiot stooge that can't keep his mouth shut......OTHERS within his clique are as corrupt and devious with the Russians as cheap KGB agents...... all means, type out all the things that Clinton did wrong as an EXCUSE for the orange moron..

LOL...the Mueller investigation only began because nonstop investigations by all of the news media outlets since last summer had failed to uncover ANYTHING that even remotely equaled "collusion". Trump has been under a microscope on "Russia" for over a year don't give me that "ONLY 3 months" excuse! The left has Mueller looking into Trump's finances and prior business dealings HOPING that he'll uncover something they can use against Trump because they've come up EMPTY with the Russian collusion narrative!

Nothing Mike Flynn may or may not have done leads back to Trump. I'm sorry but it doesn't. As soon as Trump found out the Flynn had lied to him...Trump axed him!

The intelligence communities have indeed indicated that Russia tried to interfere in our elections. So what? That's been something they've been trying to do for DECADES! None of those intelligence communities (even the ones that don't like Trump!) have shown anything that would prove collusion took place between the Trump campaign and Russia! Nor have any of them shown how Russian attempts to hack our elections resulted in even one vote changing.

Jared Kushner took a meeting with someone who said she had dirt on Hillary Clinton. When it turned out that the woman was simply trying to set a meeting to discuss other matters...that was the end of the meeting. What's laughable about liberal OUTRAGE over Kushner trying to get dirt on that the Clinton camp spent months attempting to get dirt on Trump from foreign sources! All indications now point to a leak from within the DNC as being where most of the "dirt" on Clinton came from. It wasn't Trump or foreign hackers at all!

The truth is, on the left have spent a year smearing Trump with unproven accusations from anonymous sources and you haven't provided any proof of wrong doing whatsoever!
After nine months of investigations, what proof has there been?
More every day.

Didn't you guys say that during Nixon's impeachment?

If there's any proof provide it or STFU.

Kremlin: We Received Trump Tower Email, Did Not Respond | HuffPost

Peskov: Trump lawyer wrote to Kremlin, got no response - CNNPolitics

Here are Trump's 3 biggest lies about the Russia scandal

This is what we know so far. Lots. Something burger.

Ha ha, I had to stop reading at Trump Jrs. emails were declared proof of Russian collusion. You call it "lots of proof". I call it get a life.
I call it a something burger. And you sound like Republicans right before Nixon's famous "I'm not a crook" speech.

Once again, Sealy...Watergate was about a crime and a cover up!

Where did a crime take place here...and when did a cover up take place?

You can make references to Nixon all you want but the fact is...these two things have ZERO in common with each other!
Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe
So now people that Trump simply knows, but who do not work for him, are being investigated for their Russian ties?

You snowflakes are so desperate that it's positively hilarious.

I think the mods are laughing themselves to death.
Trump soliciting help to get Russia election aid.from those people not working for him is evidently OK.

Trump did no such thing, douche bag.
His son, son-in-law met with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary.


Your orange POS fat assed liar is on the way out.
Trump didn't solicit anything, moron. You do know what "solicit" means, don't you? Simply listening while someone makes their pitch to you isn't "soliciting.
es, snowflake - you declared that you have been making false allegations for months without having any evidence to support your claims, that there is no evidence to point to today, and that you hope Mueller can finally find some.

Fuck head.....let me teach you something......

An "ALLEGATION" is NOT false until PROVEN false....
.Go on PROVE that my allegations are false............................LOL
Allegations are baseless until they have some evidence supporting them. That's all you got: baseless allegations.
Perhaps the MODs will interpret this as "too controversial"....but, ignorance is NO virtue

Trump business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

“I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,”Sater wrote.

‘Our boy can become president . . . and we can engineer it,’ Trump ally said of Russia deal - The Boston Globe

How many millions did the shrilary, your hero, and her campaign manager podesta, receive from the rooskis? How many millions have the trumpettes received?

How are you going to spin that? Little one.
Trump didn't solicit anything, moron. You do know what "solicit" means, don't you? Simply listening while someone makes their pitch to you isn't "soliciting.
SOLICIT: so·lic·it ... səˈlisit/ ... verb ... gerund or present participle: soliciting
  1. ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.
Such as how Obama and Comey attempted to acquire from foreign agents a false report containing Russian-generated propaganda to use against now-President Trump during the 2016 Presidential election...
Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)

So with the help from the Russians, Hillary received 2.86 million more votes.
Your turn in the barrel comes next election day boedi America now sees you for the scum you and your president are

I thought that was going to happen last election? I mean no way would Clinton lose to Trump. The Democrats need to be honest as to why they lost, until then they will continue to struggle.

That's what the left is so mad about. They can't understand how someone so unbeatable could lose. They don't know how to act so they lash out in frustration.
We didn't like the GWB election either but didn't object as much as we do now And the reason is we know trump is a complete lying thieving AH with not a presidential bone in his body,,,,gwb was just a jerk

Wrong. You all have just succumbed to the Global Elite propaganda and program to destroy Western Civilization and enslave the masses. You are the duped mob they aim at targets.
boedi,,,if you ever need a job FOX will love to have you

Is what you did pucker up to Obama's ass when you needed something to do, boy?
That's what the left is so mad about. They can't understand how someone so unbeatable could lose. They don't know how to act so they lash out in frustration.
We didn't like the GWB election either but didn't object as much as we do now And the reason is we know trump is a complete lying thieving AH with not a presidential bone in his body,,,,gwb was just a jerk

But you got your ****** in between the two and that's all that matters to you.
I became a Dem in 2000 I dislike most everything about Republicans and their leaders,,,, I voted for GWB and it was the worst vote of my life

You still in counseling for it?
lol no I'm though with doctors Now its just this board that offers relief

As stupid as people prove you are on this board, it should cause frustration. That is, unless you're yet another lefty that's so stupid you don't realize how stupid you really are.
Trump didn't solicit anything, moron. You do know what "solicit" means, don't you? Simply listening while someone makes their pitch to you isn't "soliciting.

Written like a middlefingering, dumb baby......

Once Manafort (especially) is compelled to testify under oath about that cute conversation he (and the other two morons) had with the Russians, THE MAIN QUESTION will be" "As Trump's campiagn chair, WHY did you NOT quickly notify the FBI about a foreign government wishing to interfere with our elections???"

Wanna guess what Manafort's answer will be?
We didn't like the GWB election either but didn't object as much as we do now And the reason is we know trump is a complete lying thieving AH with not a presidential bone in his body,,,,gwb was just a jerk

But you got your ****** in between the two and that's all that matters to you.
I became a Dem in 2000 I dislike most everything about Republicans and their leaders,,,, I voted for GWB and it was the worst vote of my life

You still in counseling for it?
lol no I'm though with doctors Now its just this board that offers relief

As stupid as people prove you are on this board, it should cause frustration. That is, unless you're yet another lefty that's so stupid you don't realize how stupid you really are.
No righty here who supports trump should ever call someone else stupid Look in the mirror con man if you want to see a real jerk
Allegations are baseless until they have some evidence supporting them. That's all you got: baseless allegations.

Typical moronic baby....So damn impatient......Mueller is trying to put that "base" in those allegations.

"Baseless allegations" did NOT stop Whitewater, now did they???...........LOL.
But you got your ****** in between the two and that's all that matters to you.
I became a Dem in 2000 I dislike most everything about Republicans and their leaders,,,, I voted for GWB and it was the worst vote of my life

You still in counseling for it?
lol no I'm though with doctors Now its just this board that offers relief

As stupid as people prove you are on this board, it should cause frustration. That is, unless you're yet another lefty that's so stupid you don't realize how stupid you really are.
No righty here who supports trump should ever call someone else stupid Look in the mirror con man if you want to see a real jerk

No lefty on here that supported Obama should ever call himself anything but a NL. Look in the mirror if you want to see one, boy.
How many millions have the trumpettes received? .....How are you going to spin that? Little one.

Ask this Trump moron........LOL

"We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ ‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time".............................Eric Trump
No righty here who supports trump should ever call someone else stupid Look in the mirror con man if you want to see a real jerk

Speaking of looking in the mirror...............LOL

No lefty on here that supported Obama should ever call himself anything but a NL. Look in the mirror if you want to see one, boy.

AGAIN with the RACIST remark, moron........We already know that you're one......

It'd be nice if your fellow right wingers ALSO told you to cut that crap out...Including the Mods.
How many millions have the trumpettes received? .....How are you going to spin that? Little one.

Ask this Trump moron........LOL

"We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ ‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time".............................Eric Trump

How you going to spin this one, little hater dupe? That's your hero obummer telling pootins representative that he will be able to do whatever pootin wants as soon as he is reelected. Guess what little hater dupe the shrilary was going to carry on. So, who was going to be pootins bitch in the WH huh little hater dupe? Yeppers, the shrilary was going to be pootins next putz in the white house.

Thanks for playing little hater dupe but you're too stupid to play with the adults.

No lefty on here that supported Obama should ever call himself anything but a NL. Look in the mirror if you want to see one, boy.

AGAIN with the RACIST remark, moron........We already know that you're one......

It'd be nice if your fellow right wingers ALSO told you to cut that crap out...Including the Mods.

Cut out what, posting two letters?

If you don't won't those letters applied to you, there's a simple way to stop it.

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