How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

I've yet to see one shred of evidence that anything Russia did affected a single vote cast in the US,

MORON.....this thread is NOT about "Russia and U.S. votes".........You idiots CANNOT address the O/P so you go off n your delusional stupidity.
Most on the right will refuse to address the thread topic because they know they’re wrong, and lack the courage to admit that they’re wrong.
Trump is doing fine ????? The cancer he's giving America is fine??? Making friends enemies making his own congress think he's lost it ?? Fine??? only in the mind of a sick republican

The "Cancer" is lefty hysteria over not getting their way. Fuck them.

Congressional republicans lost their credibility when they supported the Leadership's efforts to fix the primary against Trump.

THey need to be thinking about how to make it up to us, their base.

last i heard.... 33% = 1/3. & some of that is sloughing off like a dried out pustule.

it is however, comforting to know *YOU* are in the minority.

Wow. Talk about walking it back.

A minute ago you were raving about Trump starting a nuclear war for political gain, and now your down to talking about poll numbers.

The polls, of which we know we can't trust, at most are showing some effect of the massive and unending lefty propaganda campaign.

But so what?

i walked back nothing. you really think in the concrete don'tcha, comrade. learn to know when someone is being facetious.... it can only help. the 33% is not really about 'poll' numbers. but for the sake of arguing... that hasn't changed much since day one. i don't ever expect that number to go down by much.... one thing for sure- cray cray don't change much when it come to president tinkles & his mookies.

You liberals have become so unhinged that it is impossible to tell when you are being "facetious".

Hillary Clinton literally panic mongered with the idea that Trump might start a nuclear war.

I've certainly seen other lefties discussing that seriously.

If you were "kidding" there was no way for me to know that.

he's too unpredictable. i wouldn't ever rule out anything from captain crazy pants.
But its not. Say, hear any good leaks lately? Anyway, they nailed Martha Stewart pretty fast. Scooter Libby went down fast. This has been a year so far and nothing. It reminds me of all the recounting the recount bullshit. It's butt hurt. Get over it and come up with ideas. This conspiracy theory stuff ain't a winne

Just for fun....Check out how long these investigations lasted (and the results)\


Should I go on????...........LOL

Odd, Hillary has been involved in all those investigations you mentioned. Cool shit.
But its not. Say, hear any good leaks lately? Anyway, they nailed Martha Stewart pretty fast. Scooter Libby went down fast. This has been a year so far and nothing. It reminds me of all the recounting the recount bullshit. It's butt hurt. Get over it and come up with ideas. This conspiracy theory stuff ain't a winne

Just for fun....Check out how long these investigations lasted (and the results)\


Should I go on????...........LOL

Odd, Hillary has been involved in all those investigations you mentioned. Cool shit.

& yet zero in the way of anything untoward ever pinned & stuck on her. can't say the same about donny from queens.
The "Cancer" is lefty hysteria over not getting their way. Fuck them.

Congressional republicans lost their credibility when they supported the Leadership's efforts to fix the primary against Trump.

THey need to be thinking about how to make it up to us, their base.

last i heard.... 33% = 1/3. & some of that is sloughing off like a dried out pustule.

it is however, comforting to know *YOU* are in the minority.

Wow. Talk about walking it back.

A minute ago you were raving about Trump starting a nuclear war for political gain, and now your down to talking about poll numbers.

The polls, of which we know we can't trust, at most are showing some effect of the massive and unending lefty propaganda campaign.

But so what?

i walked back nothing. you really think in the concrete don'tcha, comrade. learn to know when someone is being facetious.... it can only help. the 33% is not really about 'poll' numbers. but for the sake of arguing... that hasn't changed much since day one. i don't ever expect that number to go down by much.... one thing for sure- cray cray don't change much when it come to president tinkles & his mookies.

You liberals have become so unhinged that it is impossible to tell when you are being "facetious".

Hillary Clinton literally panic mongered with the idea that Trump might start a nuclear war.

I've certainly seen other lefties discussing that seriously.

If you were "kidding" there was no way for me to know that.

he's too unpredictable. i wouldn't ever rule out anything from captain crazy pants.

So, now you being serious now? Cause a second ago, when I called you on your nuclear panic mongering you said you were being "facetious" ?

Or do you just say whatever and not mean shit by it?
Odd, Hillary has been involved in all those investigations you mentioned. Cool shit.

THAT was intentional......How many of those Hillary investigations have ended up with her in jail?

Did you know that Mueller's investigation is ONLY a bit more than THREE MONTHS ???
Odd, Hillary has been involved in all those investigations you mentioned. Cool shit.

THAT was intentional......How many of those Hillary investigations have ended up with her in jail?

Did you know that Mueller's investigation is ONLY a bit more than THREE MONTHS ???

Well, definitely not the watergate one because she was only a working stiff. As for white water, lots of odd shit went on there. Same for Benghazi. That won't be a good mark on Obamas legacy, so it will be put on Hillary. Not surprised she ain't in jail. Jail is for us, not them.
But its not. Say, hear any good leaks lately? Anyway, they nailed Martha Stewart pretty fast. Scooter Libby went down fast. This has been a year so far and nothing. It reminds me of all the recounting the recount bullshit. It's butt hurt. Get over it and come up with ideas. This conspiracy theory stuff ain't a winne

Just for fun....Check out how long these investigations lasted (and the results)\


Should I go on????...........LOL

Odd, Hillary has been involved in all those investigations you mentioned. Cool shit.

& yet zero in the way of anything untoward ever pinned & stuck on her. can't say the same about donny from queens.

Really? What exactly did they get Donny for?
Let's get this thread back on track.

I laugh because your accusation is moronic.

You are moronic.

do you think impeachment proceedings or resignation will come first, comrade? tick-tock....

Gads, you're a can't even keep up with your own party.
Didn't you get the memo?
Impeachment is out.

Feinstein has bad news for you, eddie.....

"Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

Sen. Dianne Feinstein may be San Francisco’s favorite politician, but she quickly learned Tuesday evening that even a wildly popular ex-mayor can get into trouble if she tries to say something nice about President Trump.

Feinstein received a standing ovation from the 850 people at the sold-out Herbst Theater when she walked onto the stage for an hour-long “conversation” with former East Bay Rep. Ellen Tauscher. But near the end of the political lovefest, the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term.

“The question is whether he can learn and change,” Feinstein told the crowd at the Commonwealth Club event. “If so, I believe he can be a good president.”
Feinstein surprises SF crowd by expressing hope for Trump

As you are a slow learner, here it is again:
"...the senator shocked the crowd when she declined to say that Trump should be impeached, and warned the audience that they should expect to deal with the developer-turned politician for all four years of his term."

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeeeeeeee?????

lol... i am not a (D). & i am not a boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee..... a 2fer fail on your part.


Actually, you are a (D)......dunce.

And I proved it.

you did? :ack-1: how could i have missed THAT?

I see your brain is giving you the silent treatment today.
I think hell will freeze over before either of those pathetic dreams of yours come true.

lol.... not a nuclear holocaust? you think drumpf ever heard of 'wag the dog'? that doomsday clock is ticking away too & well as mueller's investigation. which outcome do you think would be worse for your dear leader , comrade?

Save your panic mongering for your lib buddies who will enjoy getting themselves all worked up.

you think his doll handed digits can cover the top of that go button, comrade?

I think you are a whack job.

Trump is doing fine. It is you libs who are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Trump is doing fine ????? The cancer he's giving America is fine??? Making friends enemies making his own congress think he's lost it ?? Fine??? only in the mind of a sick republican

Pick your poison, eddie.....

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate |
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

10."Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises"
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree."

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!

"G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global
The U.S., represented by Steven Mnuchin in his first appearance at an international forum as Treasury Secretary, argued that trade arrangements need to be made fairer, in line with the administration’s claims the U.S. has had a bad deal from the current setup.

Finance chiefs of the world’s largest economies set aside a previous pledge to avoid protectionism and signed up to a fudged statement on trade instead, in response to the Trump administration’s call for a rethink of the global order for commerce.

....dropped a reference to climate change,...."
G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global

21. "In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

In First 2 Months in Office – Trump Reduces Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion – Half a Trillion Dollar Difference!
On January 20th, the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. As of March 16th, the most recent date for US debt reporting, the US Debt stands at $19,846 billion. President Trump has cut the US Debt burden by over $100 billion and 0.5% in the first two months since his inauguration!"
In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

22. "Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation
....repealing a regulation finalized in the final weeks of the Obama administration that would have severely restricted coal mining in Appalachia."
Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation

b. “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Hillary Clinton said at a town hall in West Virginia in March."
The one comment that's hurting Hillary's chances in West Virginia

23. "Dearborn — Ford Motor Co. will invest $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities to prepare for production of the all-new Ford Ranger and Bronco, and to support the company’s expansion into mobility.

The company said Tuesday it will invest $850 million to retool its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne for truck and SUV production; $150 million in its Romeo Engine Plant to expand capacity for several vehicles; and $200 million to build a data center at the company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant. Ford announced in January the Flat Rock facility also would see a $700 million investment and 700 new jobs to support the production of electrified and autonomous vehicles."
Ford ups investment in Michigan plants by $350M

24. "Consumer confidence in March soared to the highest level in more than 16 years, according to data released Tuesday."
Consumer confidence soars in March to best reading in 16 years

25. "Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together"
Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together

"It is in sharp contrast to Mr Sisi's relationship with former President Barack Obama, who never invited the Egyptian President to the White House.

Mr Obama also blocked billions in various aid and assistance packages...

[Sisi] deposed former President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

The two leaders may have different personalities – military versus celebrity – but they have a similar philosophy. The "Make America Great Again" slogan and "Long Live Egypt" seem to mirror each other in sentiment."
Donald Trump says he is very much behind Egyptian President who led military coup

Seems the love affair between the Democrats and the Muslim Brothhood may be on hold.

26. "U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
Ahead of meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, deficit with Asian giant narrows.
...the U.S. trade gap with one of its biggest trading partners, China, has narrowed nearly 5% in the first two months of this year compared with the same period a year earlier."
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise

27. "Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner

“It’s actually up to 67 percent drop compared to last year,” David V. Aguilar, a former chief of the Border Patrol and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee."

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

28. "Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February."
Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

29. "U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

30. "The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday

  • Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
  • 'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said..."
Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

31. "In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body."
In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

32. "Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant"
Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant

33. "Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday."
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show

34. "Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

BY TIM DEVANEY - 04/20/17 12:16 PM EDT

President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group."

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

35. "Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.

The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."

Trump targets cheap Chinese steel in probe, rallying U.S. steel stocks

36. "Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention
An Egyptian American charity worker who was imprisoned in Cairo for three years and became the global face of Egypt’s brutal crackdown on civil society returned home to the United States late Thursday after the Trump administration quietly negotiated her release."
Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention

37." According to the ABC/WP poll, among 2016 voters, @realDonaldTrump would beat Hillary Clinton in a rematch -- in the popular vote, no less.

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton."
Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

38. "Spring housing: 'Strongest seller's market ever' Even as more homes come on the market for this popular sales season, they're flying off fast. Home prices have now surpassed their last peak, and at the entry level, where demand is highest, sellers are in the driver's seat." Homes are flying off fast this spring in the 'strongest seller's market ever'

39. President Donald Trump promised guns rights advocates gathered in Atlanta on Friday that he'd come through for them as they did for him during the 2016 campaign. "The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," Trump told the members of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now "have a true friend and champion in the White House." President Trump tells the NRA the "eight-year assault" on gun rights is over

40. "On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang
....Sessions, on Friday came to this Long Island area besieged by the transnational gang known as MS-13, and in a 20-minute speech to local police commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by, above all, cracking down on illegal immigration."
On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang

41. "Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty'
(CNN)President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday that could allow churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.

The order will direct the IRS to exercise "maximum enforcement discretion" over the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches and other tax-exempt religious organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. It will also provide "regulatory relief" for organizations that object on religious grounds to a provision in Obamacare that mandates employers provide certain health services, including coverage for contraception.

The order will declare that it is the policy of the Trump administration "to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty," according to a senior administration official."
Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty' -

42. "Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government
"We’re no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs," White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said. "We’re going to measure compassion and success by the number of people we help get off those programs and back in charge of their own lives."
Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government

43. Another promise kept!!!!!

"Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

US president ditches current agreement: “We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’

Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

44. Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil" Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil
45. "Trump’s pledge to wipe out MS-13 gang paying off in NY"
46. "Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump"
lol.... not a nuclear holocaust? you think drumpf ever heard of 'wag the dog'? that doomsday clock is ticking away too & well as mueller's investigation. which outcome do you think would be worse for your dear leader , comrade?

Save your panic mongering for your lib buddies who will enjoy getting themselves all worked up.

you think his doll handed digits can cover the top of that go button, comrade?

I think you are a whack job.

Trump is doing fine. It is you libs who are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Trump is doing fine ????? The cancer he's giving America is fine??? Making friends enemies making his own congress think he's lost it ?? Fine??? only in the mind of a sick republican

Guess with all the above you forgot the jobs numbers for the last 2 months went down from what you posted ,,AND btw the numbers are all a continuation of what was transpiring at the end of Obamas presidency Trump gets NO credit
Pick your poison, eddie.....

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate |
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

10."Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises"
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree."Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!

"G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global
The U.S., represented by Steven Mnuchin in his first appearance at an international forum as Treasury Secretary, argued that trade arrangements need to be made fairer, in line with the administration’s claims the U.S. has had a bad deal from the current setup.

Finance chiefs of the world’s largest economies set aside a previous pledge to avoid protectionism and signed up to a fudged statement on trade instead, in response to the Trump administration’s call for a rethink of the global order for commerce.

....dropped a reference to climate change,...."
G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global

21. "In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

In First 2 Months in Office – Trump Reduces Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion – Half a Trillion Dollar Difference!
On January 20th, the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. As of March 16th, the most recent date for US debt reporting, the US Debt stands at $19,846 billion. President Trump has cut the US Debt burden by over $100 billion and 0.5% in the first two months since his inauguration!"
In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

22. "Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation
....repealing a regulation finalized in the final weeks of the Obama administration that would have severely restricted coal mining in Appalachia."
Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation

b. “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Hillary Clinton said at a town hall in West Virginia in March."
The one comment that's hurting Hillary's chances in West Virginia

23. "Dearborn — Ford Motor Co. will invest $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities to prepare for production of the all-new Ford Ranger and Bronco, and to support the company’s expansion into mobility.

The company said Tuesday it will invest $850 million to retool its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne for truck and SUV production; $150 million in its Romeo Engine Plant to expand capacity for several vehicles; and $200 million to build a data center at the company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant. Ford announced in January the Flat Rock facility also would see a $700 million investment and 700 new jobs to support the production of electrified and autonomous vehicles."
Ford ups investment in Michigan plants by $350M

24. "Consumer confidence in March soared to the highest level in more than 16 years, according to data released Tuesday."
Consumer confidence soars in March to best reading in 16 years

25. "Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together"
Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together

"It is in sharp contrast to Mr Sisi's relationship with former President Barack Obama, who never invited the Egyptian President to the White House.

Mr Obama also blocked billions in various aid and assistance packages...

[Sisi] deposed former President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

The two leaders may have different personalities – military versus celebrity – but they have a similar philosophy. The "Make America Great Again" slogan and "Long Live Egypt" seem to mirror each other in sentiment."
Donald Trump says he is very much behind Egyptian President who led military coup

Seems the love affair between the Democrats and the Muslim Brothhood may be on hold.

26. "U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
Ahead of meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, deficit with Asian giant narrows.
...the U.S. trade gap with one of its biggest trading partners, China, has narrowed nearly 5% in the first two months of this year compared with the same period a year earlier."
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise

27. "Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner

“It’s actually up to 67 percent drop compared to last year,” David V. Aguilar, a former chief of the Border Patrol and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee."

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

28. "Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February."
Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

29. "U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

30. "The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday

  • Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
  • 'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said..."
Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

31. "In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body."
In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

32. "Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant"
Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant

33. "Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday."
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show

34. "Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

BY TIM DEVANEY - 04/20/17 12:16 PM EDT

President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group."

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

35. "Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.

The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."

Trump targets cheap Chinese steel in probe, rallying U.S. steel stocks

36. "Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention
An Egyptian American charity worker who was imprisoned in Cairo for three years and became the global face of Egypt’s brutal crackdown on civil society returned home to the United States late Thursday after the Trump administration quietly negotiated her release."
Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention

37." According to the ABC/WP poll, among 2016 voters, @realDonaldTrump would beat Hillary Clinton in a rematch -- in the popular vote, no less.

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton."
Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

38. "Spring housing: 'Strongest seller's market ever' Even as more homes come on the market for this popular sales season, they're flying off fast. Home prices have now surpassed their last peak, and at the entry level, where demand is highest, sellers are in the driver's seat." Homes are flying off fast this spring in the 'strongest seller's market ever'

39. President Donald Trump promised guns rights advocates gathered in Atlanta on Friday that he'd come through for them as they did for him during the 2016 campaign. "The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," Trump told the members of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now "have a true friend and champion in the White House." President Trump tells the NRA the "eight-year assault" on gun rights is over

40. "On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang
....Sessions, on Friday came to this Long Island area besieged by the transnational gang known as MS-13, and in a 20-minute speech to local police commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by, above all, cracking down on illegal immigration."
On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang

41. "Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty'
(CNN)President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday that could allow churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.

The order will direct the IRS to exercise "maximum enforcement discretion" over the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches and other tax-exempt religious organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. It will also provide "regulatory relief" for organizations that object on religious grounds to a provision in Obamacare that mandates employers provide certain health services, including coverage for contraception.

The order will declare that it is the policy of the Trump administration "to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty," according to a senior administration official."
Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty' -

42. "Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government
"We’re no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs," White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said. "We’re going to measure compassion and success by the number of people we help get off those programs and back in charge of their own lives."
Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government

43. Another promise kept!!!!!

"Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

US president ditches current agreement: “We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’

Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

44. Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil" Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil
45. "Trump’s pledge to wipe out MS-13 gang paying off in NY"
46. "Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump" Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump
Save your panic mongering for your lib buddies who will enjoy getting themselves all worked up.

you think his doll handed digits can cover the top of that go button, comrade?

I think you are a whack job.

Trump is doing fine. It is you libs who are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Trump is doing fine ????? The cancer he's giving America is fine??? Making friends enemies making his own congress think he's lost it ?? Fine??? only in the mind of a sick republican

Guess with all the above you forgot the jobs numbers for the last 2 months went down from what you posted ,,AND btw the numbers are all a continuation of what was transpiring at the end of Obamas presidency Trump gets NO credit
Pick your poison, eddie.....

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate |
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

10."Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises"
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree."Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!

"G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global
The U.S., represented by Steven Mnuchin in his first appearance at an international forum as Treasury Secretary, argued that trade arrangements need to be made fairer, in line with the administration’s claims the U.S. has had a bad deal from the current setup.

Finance chiefs of the world’s largest economies set aside a previous pledge to avoid protectionism and signed up to a fudged statement on trade instead, in response to the Trump administration’s call for a rethink of the global order for commerce.

....dropped a reference to climate change,...."
G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global

21. "In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

In First 2 Months in Office – Trump Reduces Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion – Half a Trillion Dollar Difference!
On January 20th, the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. As of March 16th, the most recent date for US debt reporting, the US Debt stands at $19,846 billion. President Trump has cut the US Debt burden by over $100 billion and 0.5% in the first two months since his inauguration!"
In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

22. "Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation
....repealing a regulation finalized in the final weeks of the Obama administration that would have severely restricted coal mining in Appalachia."
Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation

b. “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Hillary Clinton said at a town hall in West Virginia in March."
The one comment that's hurting Hillary's chances in West Virginia

23. "Dearborn — Ford Motor Co. will invest $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities to prepare for production of the all-new Ford Ranger and Bronco, and to support the company’s expansion into mobility.

The company said Tuesday it will invest $850 million to retool its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne for truck and SUV production; $150 million in its Romeo Engine Plant to expand capacity for several vehicles; and $200 million to build a data center at the company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant. Ford announced in January the Flat Rock facility also would see a $700 million investment and 700 new jobs to support the production of electrified and autonomous vehicles."
Ford ups investment in Michigan plants by $350M

24. "Consumer confidence in March soared to the highest level in more than 16 years, according to data released Tuesday."
Consumer confidence soars in March to best reading in 16 years

25. "Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together"
Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together

"It is in sharp contrast to Mr Sisi's relationship with former President Barack Obama, who never invited the Egyptian President to the White House.

Mr Obama also blocked billions in various aid and assistance packages...

[Sisi] deposed former President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

The two leaders may have different personalities – military versus celebrity – but they have a similar philosophy. The "Make America Great Again" slogan and "Long Live Egypt" seem to mirror each other in sentiment."
Donald Trump says he is very much behind Egyptian President who led military coup

Seems the love affair between the Democrats and the Muslim Brothhood may be on hold.

26. "U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
Ahead of meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, deficit with Asian giant narrows.
...the U.S. trade gap with one of its biggest trading partners, China, has narrowed nearly 5% in the first two months of this year compared with the same period a year earlier."
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise

27. "Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner

“It’s actually up to 67 percent drop compared to last year,” David V. Aguilar, a former chief of the Border Patrol and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee."

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

28. "Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February."
Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

29. "U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

30. "The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday

  • Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
  • 'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said..."
Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

31. "In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body."
In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

32. "Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant"
Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant

33. "Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday."
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show

34. "Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

BY TIM DEVANEY - 04/20/17 12:16 PM EDT

President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group."

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

35. "Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.

The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."

Trump targets cheap Chinese steel in probe, rallying U.S. steel stocks

36. "Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention
An Egyptian American charity worker who was imprisoned in Cairo for three years and became the global face of Egypt’s brutal crackdown on civil society returned home to the United States late Thursday after the Trump administration quietly negotiated her release."
Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention

37." According to the ABC/WP poll, among 2016 voters, @realDonaldTrump would beat Hillary Clinton in a rematch -- in the popular vote, no less.

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton."
Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

38. "Spring housing: 'Strongest seller's market ever' Even as more homes come on the market for this popular sales season, they're flying off fast. Home prices have now surpassed their last peak, and at the entry level, where demand is highest, sellers are in the driver's seat." Homes are flying off fast this spring in the 'strongest seller's market ever'

39. President Donald Trump promised guns rights advocates gathered in Atlanta on Friday that he'd come through for them as they did for him during the 2016 campaign. "The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," Trump told the members of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now "have a true friend and champion in the White House." President Trump tells the NRA the "eight-year assault" on gun rights is over

40. "On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang
....Sessions, on Friday came to this Long Island area besieged by the transnational gang known as MS-13, and in a 20-minute speech to local police commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by, above all, cracking down on illegal immigration."
On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang

41. "Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty'
(CNN)President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday that could allow churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.

The order will direct the IRS to exercise "maximum enforcement discretion" over the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches and other tax-exempt religious organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. It will also provide "regulatory relief" for organizations that object on religious grounds to a provision in Obamacare that mandates employers provide certain health services, including coverage for contraception.

The order will declare that it is the policy of the Trump administration "to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty," according to a senior administration official."
Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty' -

42. "Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government
"We’re no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs," White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said. "We’re going to measure compassion and success by the number of people we help get off those programs and back in charge of their own lives."
Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government

43. Another promise kept!!!!!

"Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

US president ditches current agreement: “We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’

Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

44. Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil" Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil
45. "Trump’s pledge to wipe out MS-13 gang paying off in NY"
46. "Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump" Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump


You forgot to comment!!!

Don't you wanna add 'Is not, isssss noootttttt!!' or 'Sez you!!!'???????

Jeeeezzzzz....these empty posts of yours....It's like I'm playin' tennis against the drapes.

C'mon, now....a little effort here!
you think his doll handed digits can cover the top of that go button, comrade?

I think you are a whack job.

Trump is doing fine. It is you libs who are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Trump is doing fine ????? The cancer he's giving America is fine??? Making friends enemies making his own congress think he's lost it ?? Fine??? only in the mind of a sick republican

Guess with all the above you forgot the jobs numbers for the last 2 months went down from what you posted ,,AND btw the numbers are all a continuation of what was transpiring at the end of Obamas presidency Trump gets NO credit
Pick your poison, eddie.....

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate |
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

10."Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises"
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree."Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!

"G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global
The U.S., represented by Steven Mnuchin in his first appearance at an international forum as Treasury Secretary, argued that trade arrangements need to be made fairer, in line with the administration’s claims the U.S. has had a bad deal from the current setup.

Finance chiefs of the world’s largest economies set aside a previous pledge to avoid protectionism and signed up to a fudged statement on trade instead, in response to the Trump administration’s call for a rethink of the global order for commerce.

....dropped a reference to climate change,...."
G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global

21. "In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

In First 2 Months in Office – Trump Reduces Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion – Half a Trillion Dollar Difference!
On January 20th, the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. As of March 16th, the most recent date for US debt reporting, the US Debt stands at $19,846 billion. President Trump has cut the US Debt burden by over $100 billion and 0.5% in the first two months since his inauguration!"
In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

22. "Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation
....repealing a regulation finalized in the final weeks of the Obama administration that would have severely restricted coal mining in Appalachia."
Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation

b. “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Hillary Clinton said at a town hall in West Virginia in March."
The one comment that's hurting Hillary's chances in West Virginia

23. "Dearborn — Ford Motor Co. will invest $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities to prepare for production of the all-new Ford Ranger and Bronco, and to support the company’s expansion into mobility.

The company said Tuesday it will invest $850 million to retool its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne for truck and SUV production; $150 million in its Romeo Engine Plant to expand capacity for several vehicles; and $200 million to build a data center at the company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant. Ford announced in January the Flat Rock facility also would see a $700 million investment and 700 new jobs to support the production of electrified and autonomous vehicles."
Ford ups investment in Michigan plants by $350M

24. "Consumer confidence in March soared to the highest level in more than 16 years, according to data released Tuesday."
Consumer confidence soars in March to best reading in 16 years

25. "Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together"
Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together

"It is in sharp contrast to Mr Sisi's relationship with former President Barack Obama, who never invited the Egyptian President to the White House.

Mr Obama also blocked billions in various aid and assistance packages...

[Sisi] deposed former President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

The two leaders may have different personalities – military versus celebrity – but they have a similar philosophy. The "Make America Great Again" slogan and "Long Live Egypt" seem to mirror each other in sentiment."
Donald Trump says he is very much behind Egyptian President who led military coup

Seems the love affair between the Democrats and the Muslim Brothhood may be on hold.

26. "U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
Ahead of meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, deficit with Asian giant narrows.
...the U.S. trade gap with one of its biggest trading partners, China, has narrowed nearly 5% in the first two months of this year compared with the same period a year earlier."
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise

27. "Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner

“It’s actually up to 67 percent drop compared to last year,” David V. Aguilar, a former chief of the Border Patrol and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee."

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

28. "Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February."
Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

29. "U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

30. "The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday

  • Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
  • 'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said..."
Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

31. "In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body."
In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

32. "Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant"
Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant

33. "Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday."
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show

34. "Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

BY TIM DEVANEY - 04/20/17 12:16 PM EDT

President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group."

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

35. "Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.

The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."

Trump targets cheap Chinese steel in probe, rallying U.S. steel stocks

36. "Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention
An Egyptian American charity worker who was imprisoned in Cairo for three years and became the global face of Egypt’s brutal crackdown on civil society returned home to the United States late Thursday after the Trump administration quietly negotiated her release."
Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention

37." According to the ABC/WP poll, among 2016 voters, @realDonaldTrump would beat Hillary Clinton in a rematch -- in the popular vote, no less.

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton."
Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

38. "Spring housing: 'Strongest seller's market ever' Even as more homes come on the market for this popular sales season, they're flying off fast. Home prices have now surpassed their last peak, and at the entry level, where demand is highest, sellers are in the driver's seat." Homes are flying off fast this spring in the 'strongest seller's market ever'

39. President Donald Trump promised guns rights advocates gathered in Atlanta on Friday that he'd come through for them as they did for him during the 2016 campaign. "The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," Trump told the members of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now "have a true friend and champion in the White House." President Trump tells the NRA the "eight-year assault" on gun rights is over

40. "On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang
....Sessions, on Friday came to this Long Island area besieged by the transnational gang known as MS-13, and in a 20-minute speech to local police commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by, above all, cracking down on illegal immigration."
On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang

41. "Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty'
(CNN)President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday that could allow churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.

The order will direct the IRS to exercise "maximum enforcement discretion" over the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches and other tax-exempt religious organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. It will also provide "regulatory relief" for organizations that object on religious grounds to a provision in Obamacare that mandates employers provide certain health services, including coverage for contraception.

The order will declare that it is the policy of the Trump administration "to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty," according to a senior administration official."
Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty' -

42. "Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government
"We’re no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs," White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said. "We’re going to measure compassion and success by the number of people we help get off those programs and back in charge of their own lives."
Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government

43. Another promise kept!!!!!

"Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

US president ditches current agreement: “We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’

Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

44. Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil" Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil
45. "Trump’s pledge to wipe out MS-13 gang paying off in NY"
46. "Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump" Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump


You forgot to comment!!!

Don't you wanna add 'Is not, isssss noootttttt!!' or 'Sez you!!!'???????

Jeeeezzzzz....these empty posts of yours....It's like I'm playin' tennis against the drapes.

C'mon, now....a little effort here!
I had a post but it disappeared,,,,,Had to do with those drops in employment numbers you didn't mention in the last 2 months both months revised and Trump had nothing to do with employment just a continuation of Obamas presidency
I think you are a whack job.

Trump is doing fine. It is you libs who are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Trump is doing fine ????? The cancer he's giving America is fine??? Making friends enemies making his own congress think he's lost it ?? Fine??? only in the mind of a sick republican

Guess with all the above you forgot the jobs numbers for the last 2 months went down from what you posted ,,AND btw the numbers are all a continuation of what was transpiring at the end of Obamas presidency Trump gets NO credit
Pick your poison, eddie.....

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate |
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

10."Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises"
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree."Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!

"G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global
The U.S., represented by Steven Mnuchin in his first appearance at an international forum as Treasury Secretary, argued that trade arrangements need to be made fairer, in line with the administration’s claims the U.S. has had a bad deal from the current setup.

Finance chiefs of the world’s largest economies set aside a previous pledge to avoid protectionism and signed up to a fudged statement on trade instead, in response to the Trump administration’s call for a rethink of the global order for commerce.

....dropped a reference to climate change,...."
G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global

21. "In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

In First 2 Months in Office – Trump Reduces Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion – Half a Trillion Dollar Difference!
On January 20th, the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. As of March 16th, the most recent date for US debt reporting, the US Debt stands at $19,846 billion. President Trump has cut the US Debt burden by over $100 billion and 0.5% in the first two months since his inauguration!"
In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

22. "Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation
....repealing a regulation finalized in the final weeks of the Obama administration that would have severely restricted coal mining in Appalachia."
Trump To Sign Repeal Of Obama-Era Coal Mining Regulation

b. “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Hillary Clinton said at a town hall in West Virginia in March."
The one comment that's hurting Hillary's chances in West Virginia

23. "Dearborn — Ford Motor Co. will invest $1.2 billion in three Michigan facilities to prepare for production of the all-new Ford Ranger and Bronco, and to support the company’s expansion into mobility.

The company said Tuesday it will invest $850 million to retool its Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne for truck and SUV production; $150 million in its Romeo Engine Plant to expand capacity for several vehicles; and $200 million to build a data center at the company’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant. Ford announced in January the Flat Rock facility also would see a $700 million investment and 700 new jobs to support the production of electrified and autonomous vehicles."
Ford ups investment in Michigan plants by $350M

24. "Consumer confidence in March soared to the highest level in more than 16 years, according to data released Tuesday."
Consumer confidence soars in March to best reading in 16 years

25. "Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together"
Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamic militants together

"It is in sharp contrast to Mr Sisi's relationship with former President Barack Obama, who never invited the Egyptian President to the White House.

Mr Obama also blocked billions in various aid and assistance packages...

[Sisi] deposed former President Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

The two leaders may have different personalities – military versus celebrity – but they have a similar philosophy. The "Make America Great Again" slogan and "Long Live Egypt" seem to mirror each other in sentiment."
Donald Trump says he is very much behind Egyptian President who led military coup

Seems the love affair between the Democrats and the Muslim Brothhood may be on hold.

26. "U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
Ahead of meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, deficit with Asian giant narrows.
...the U.S. trade gap with one of its biggest trading partners, China, has narrowed nearly 5% in the first two months of this year compared with the same period a year earlier."
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise

27. "Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner

“It’s actually up to 67 percent drop compared to last year,” David V. Aguilar, a former chief of the Border Patrol and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee."

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

28. "Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February."
Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

29. "U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

30. "The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday

  • Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
  • 'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said..."
Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

31. "In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body."
In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick

32. "Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant"
Toyota announces $1.33 billion investment in Kentucky plant

33. "Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday."
Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show

34. "Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

BY TIM DEVANEY - 04/20/17 12:16 PM EDT

President Trump has saved taxpayers more than $86 billion in regulatory costs during his first three months in the White House, according to a new study from a conservative group."

Study: Trump has eliminated $86B in regs

35. "Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.

The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."

Trump targets cheap Chinese steel in probe, rallying U.S. steel stocks

36. "Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention
An Egyptian American charity worker who was imprisoned in Cairo for three years and became the global face of Egypt’s brutal crackdown on civil society returned home to the United States late Thursday after the Trump administration quietly negotiated her release."
Freed Egyptian American prisoner returns home following Trump intervention

37." According to the ABC/WP poll, among 2016 voters, @realDonaldTrump would beat Hillary Clinton in a rematch -- in the popular vote, no less.

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton."
Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

38. "Spring housing: 'Strongest seller's market ever' Even as more homes come on the market for this popular sales season, they're flying off fast. Home prices have now surpassed their last peak, and at the entry level, where demand is highest, sellers are in the driver's seat." Homes are flying off fast this spring in the 'strongest seller's market ever'

39. President Donald Trump promised guns rights advocates gathered in Atlanta on Friday that he'd come through for them as they did for him during the 2016 campaign. "The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end," Trump told the members of the National Rifle Association, assuring them that they now "have a true friend and champion in the White House." President Trump tells the NRA the "eight-year assault" on gun rights is over

40. "On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang
....Sessions, on Friday came to this Long Island area besieged by the transnational gang known as MS-13, and in a 20-minute speech to local police commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by, above all, cracking down on illegal immigration."
On Long Island, Sessions Vows to Eradicate MS-13 Gang

41. "Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty'
(CNN)President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday that could allow churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.

The order will direct the IRS to exercise "maximum enforcement discretion" over the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches and other tax-exempt religious organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. It will also provide "regulatory relief" for organizations that object on religious grounds to a provision in Obamacare that mandates employers provide certain health services, including coverage for contraception.

The order will declare that it is the policy of the Trump administration "to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty," according to a senior administration official."
Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty' -

42. "Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government
"We’re no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs," White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said. "We’re going to measure compassion and success by the number of people we help get off those programs and back in charge of their own lives."
Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape U.S. Government

43. Another promise kept!!!!!

"Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

US president ditches current agreement: “We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’

Paris climate agreement: Trump withdraws US from global accord – live

44. Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil" Otto Warmbier: American student freed by North Korea back on US soil
45. "Trump’s pledge to wipe out MS-13 gang paying off in NY"
46. "Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump" Kim Jong Un Backs Down In Nuclear Showdown With Trump


You forgot to comment!!!

Don't you wanna add 'Is not, isssss noootttttt!!' or 'Sez you!!!'???????

Jeeeezzzzz....these empty posts of yours....It's like I'm playin' tennis against the drapes.

C'mon, now....a little effort here!
I had a post but it disappeared,,,,,Had to do with those drops in employment numbers you didn't mention in the last 2 months both months revised and Trump had nothing to do with employment just a continuation of Obamas presidency

"I had a post but it disappeared,,,,,"

Sorta like Obama's reputation, huh?????

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