How can you EVER spin this, right wingers?

no dummy. MY intent. poking you with a stick to get a rise outa you is all i'm doing. MY intent is not using 'gay slurs' ... in a vicious way. my my- if i said something about showtunes or owning a floral shop to any GAY FRIENDS i hang with--- they would get it & know exactly the intent i had.

stop being a PC buttercup, comrade. you are suppose to be a tough trumpanzee.

own it... love it...

I'm just always amused by the massive hypocrisy of the Left.

They can imagine they see this or that type of bigotry, in the most innocent shit, but they are allowed to openly use bigoted slurs and it is cool.

And, keeping it real, since you thought sex with all the MALE posters, what about this one? sexy or gross?


lol... it's just as creepy as the others. you are a strange dude. & you really think it's about sex? lol... it's about alpha & beta, comrade. & man, you have issues.

"Bending over" your words, creepy dude, was a gay sex reference YOU made.

Now, you're trying to walk it back to "alpha/beta" shit.

i am not walking anything backwards. we've had this conversation b4 & you producing cartoons depicting your dear leader as a cartoon b4 & i said exactly the same thing before, comrade. to throw your words right back at you

'my point stands'.

You started out with weird gay shit and now you are talking weird alpha/beta shit.

That's you walking it back when I called you on your weird gay shit.

My words? NOthing about my words, or posted pictures for me to feel bad about. What of them are you supposedly "throwing back at me"?

oh my---- are we revisiting this again? <sigh>

what i said was we had this conversation b4--- about exactly the same fucking thing & the same weird fucking cartoons you posted then.... & again on this thread. same god damned thing. freaky weird crap. & i said the exact same thing then--- you are a beta to trump's PERCEIVED alpha male persona. here is the link & look at post #288:

Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn... wanna do it? go ahead... i do not care.... i am not trying to make you feel bad--- because it's obvious you see nothing odd at all about it. okey dokey..... again, i am not walking anything back- do not NEED to walk anything back.

as for throwing your words back at you--- we have crossed paths on occasion here on the board & always mix it up. too many times you will re-iterate your so called 'point' by saying that 'your point stands' (? paraphrasing) THAT is what i was throwing back at you... 'MY POINT STANDS' get it now? i hope so because like i said b4- you seem to think in literal terms & have a problem with abstract thinking.
I'm just always amused by the massive hypocrisy of the Left.

They can imagine they see this or that type of bigotry, in the most innocent shit, but they are allowed to openly use bigoted slurs and it is cool.

And, keeping it real, since you thought sex with all the MALE posters, what about this one? sexy or gross?


lol... it's just as creepy as the others. you are a strange dude. & you really think it's about sex? lol... it's about alpha & beta, comrade. & man, you have issues.

"Bending over" your words, creepy dude, was a gay sex reference YOU made.

Now, you're trying to walk it back to "alpha/beta" shit.

i am not walking anything backwards. we've had this conversation b4 & you producing cartoons depicting your dear leader as a cartoon b4 & i said exactly the same thing before, comrade. to throw your words right back at you

'my point stands'.

You started out with weird gay shit and now you are talking weird alpha/beta shit.

That's you walking it back when I called you on your weird gay shit.

My words? NOthing about my words, or posted pictures for me to feel bad about. What of them are you supposedly "throwing back at me"?

oh my---- are we revisiting this again? <sigh>

what i said was we had this conversation b4--- about exactly the same fucking thing & the same weird fucking cartoons you posted then.... & again on this thread. same god damned thing. freaky weird crap. & i said the exact same thing then--- you are a beta to trump's PERCEIVED alpha male persona. here is the link & look at post #288:

Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn... wanna do it? go ahead... i do not care.... i am not trying to make you feel bad--- because it's obvious you see nothing odd at all about it. okey dokey..... again, i am not walking anything back- do not NEED to walk anything back.

as for throwing your words back at you--- we have crossed paths on occasion here on the board & always mix it up. too many times you will re-iterate your so called 'point' by saying that 'your point stands' (? paraphrasing) THAT is what i was throwing back at you... 'MY POINT STANDS' get it now? i hope so because like i said b4- you seem to think in literal terms & have a problem with abstract thinking.

I have no problem with abstract thinking.

I just find that lefties tend to get wiggly and dishonest when pressed, so it pays to be real, real clear.

THe cartoons are my response when the drivel you lefties post is empty of anything pointy enough to respond to.
lol... it's just as creepy as the others. you are a strange dude. & you really think it's about sex? lol... it's about alpha & beta, comrade. & man, you have issues.

"Bending over" your words, creepy dude, was a gay sex reference YOU made.

Now, you're trying to walk it back to "alpha/beta" shit.

i am not walking anything backwards. we've had this conversation b4 & you producing cartoons depicting your dear leader as a cartoon b4 & i said exactly the same thing before, comrade. to throw your words right back at you

'my point stands'.

You started out with weird gay shit and now you are talking weird alpha/beta shit.

That's you walking it back when I called you on your weird gay shit.

My words? NOthing about my words, or posted pictures for me to feel bad about. What of them are you supposedly "throwing back at me"?

oh my---- are we revisiting this again? <sigh>

what i said was we had this conversation b4--- about exactly the same fucking thing & the same weird fucking cartoons you posted then.... & again on this thread. same god damned thing. freaky weird crap. & i said the exact same thing then--- you are a beta to trump's PERCEIVED alpha male persona. here is the link & look at post #288:

Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn... wanna do it? go ahead... i do not care.... i am not trying to make you feel bad--- because it's obvious you see nothing odd at all about it. okey dokey..... again, i am not walking anything back- do not NEED to walk anything back.

as for throwing your words back at you--- we have crossed paths on occasion here on the board & always mix it up. too many times you will re-iterate your so called 'point' by saying that 'your point stands' (? paraphrasing) THAT is what i was throwing back at you... 'MY POINT STANDS' get it now? i hope so because like i said b4- you seem to think in literal terms & have a problem with abstract thinking.

I have no problem with abstract thinking.

I just find that lefties tend to get wiggly and dishonest when pressed, so it pays to be real, real clear.

THe cartoons are my response when the drivel you lefties post is empty of anything pointy enough to respond to.

uh-huh. are we through now? - this has gotten boring being that we've done this dance twice now. you are kinda fun to run into from time to time albeit a nutbag....
"Bending over" your words, creepy dude, was a gay sex reference YOU made.

Now, you're trying to walk it back to "alpha/beta" shit.

i am not walking anything backwards. we've had this conversation b4 & you producing cartoons depicting your dear leader as a cartoon b4 & i said exactly the same thing before, comrade. to throw your words right back at you

'my point stands'.

You started out with weird gay shit and now you are talking weird alpha/beta shit.

That's you walking it back when I called you on your weird gay shit.

My words? NOthing about my words, or posted pictures for me to feel bad about. What of them are you supposedly "throwing back at me"?

oh my---- are we revisiting this again? <sigh>

what i said was we had this conversation b4--- about exactly the same fucking thing & the same weird fucking cartoons you posted then.... & again on this thread. same god damned thing. freaky weird crap. & i said the exact same thing then--- you are a beta to trump's PERCEIVED alpha male persona. here is the link & look at post #288:

Okay, I don't expect republicans to like "Morning Joe" and its hosts, but damn... wanna do it? go ahead... i do not care.... i am not trying to make you feel bad--- because it's obvious you see nothing odd at all about it. okey dokey..... again, i am not walking anything back- do not NEED to walk anything back.

as for throwing your words back at you--- we have crossed paths on occasion here on the board & always mix it up. too many times you will re-iterate your so called 'point' by saying that 'your point stands' (? paraphrasing) THAT is what i was throwing back at you... 'MY POINT STANDS' get it now? i hope so because like i said b4- you seem to think in literal terms & have a problem with abstract thinking.

I have no problem with abstract thinking.

I just find that lefties tend to get wiggly and dishonest when pressed, so it pays to be real, real clear.

THe cartoons are my response when the drivel you lefties post is empty of anything pointy enough to respond to.

uh-huh. are we through now? - this has gotten boring being that we've done this dance twice now. you are kinda fun to run into from time to time albeit a nutbag....

Nothing crazy about it.

When the lefty in question posts mindless drivel, instead of not responding, giving them the possibility of Proof by Assertion, I respond with a cute and/or funny picture of Trump as comic book superhero.

I prefer real debate, but that is pretty rare from lefties.

As you lefties will continue posting mindless drivel, we will be having this discussion again, I am sure.

Here is another one for you.

Really? You think that a business man sending E-mails to a lawyer is somehow noteworthy? You must be really be hurtin for something to post.
For once it's us doing the red scare. BTW, Trump's guilty. HA HA. Nothing burger my ass.

It would be nice to think this is the beginning of the end, but Republicans are already rallying around Trump! I'm sorta appalled by how they've acquiesced to this slime ball so abruptly! Flake and Corker came out against him and the other Senators have fallen in line like lemmings all of a sudden! IDK why I should be surprised; truly sinking into the sewer going on 30 years with the 1st Willie Horton Ads! :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :dunno: :cuckoo:
For once it's us doing the red scare. BTW, Trump's guilty. HA HA. Nothing burger my ass.

It would be nice to think this is the beginning of the end, but Republicans are already rallying around Trump! I'm sorta appalled by how they've acquiesced to this slime ball so abruptly! Flake and Corker came out against him and the other Senators have fallen in line like lemmings all of a sudden! IDK why I should be surprised; truly sinking into the sewer going on 30 years with the 1st Willie Horton Ads! :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :dunno: :cuckoo:
/----/ Sure Spanky.
moonbat special.jpg
For once it's us doing the red scare. By the way, Trumps guilty. HA HA. Nothing burger my ass.
/----/ Guilty of what, making Manafort not pay some taxes 6 years before he was in the campaign? WOWZA it's the Tea Pot Dome Scandal all over again.

I just listened to Hannity on the radio making the same false claim as you. He said 2014. But some are 2016 & maybe some this year.

My God, is there nothing you won't do to protect your Captain Bone Spur?
If you orangesicle suckers remember during the campaign, there were found hidden records from the Ukrainian strong man that had hired Manafort that showed millions & millions in off the book payments to Manafort. Trump knew then. Certainly Trump vetted Manafort right? Why would Trump hire a campaign manager with Russian ties?
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?

Apparently you forgot that Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the Great Depression. It's actually called the Great Recession.

But of course you downplay how bad it was. But then you over exaggerate how bad things were in 2016 of course.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

75 months. Incredible!!!
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?

Apparently you forgot that Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the Great Depression. It's actually called the Great Recession.

But of course you downplay how bad it was. But then you over exaggerate how bad things were in 2016 of course.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

75 months. Incredible!!!

Mere statistics created by the Kenyan Klown. Same thing with unemployment statistics.
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?

Apparently you forgot that Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the Great Depression. It's actually called the Great Recession.

But of course you downplay how bad it was. But then you over exaggerate how bad things were in 2016 of course.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

75 months. Incredible!!!

Mere statistics created by the Kenyan Klown. Same thing with unemployment statistics.

Yea sure. Let me prove what a fool you are. Remember you republicans said the unemployment number wasn't real? That the number was much higher? Then the minute Trump got into office you guys stopped saying that shit because you are dishonest fucks. You know that about you right?

Unemployment numbers not 'phony' to Trump anymore - CNNPolitics

The problem with you guys is you don't even know you're being played. Or you don't care. One of the two. Either you are a rich liar or a broke fool. I suspect the second one.
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?

Apparently you forgot that Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the Great Depression. It's actually called the Great Recession.

But of course you downplay how bad it was. But then you over exaggerate how bad things were in 2016 of course.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

75 months. Incredible!!!

Mere statistics created by the Kenyan Klown. Same thing with unemployment statistics.
Then same goes for Trumps unemployment numbers right?

Holy shit I just found this!!!!

Jobs fall by 33,000 in September as hurricanes hammer employment
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?

Apparently you forgot that Bush handed Obama the greatest recession since the Great Depression. It's actually called the Great Recession.

But of course you downplay how bad it was. But then you over exaggerate how bad things were in 2016 of course.

Obama’s Final Jobs Report Marks 75 Consecutive Months of Growth

75 months. Incredible!!!

Mere statistics created by the Kenyan Klown. Same thing with unemployment statistics.
Then same goes for Trumps unemployment numbers right?

Holy shit I just found this!!!!

Jobs fall by 33,000 in September as hurricanes hammer employment

You're barking at the moon, Sealybobo.
If you orangesicle suckers remember during the campaign, there were found hidden records from the Ukrainian strong man that had hired Manafort that showed millions & millions in off the book payments to Manafort. Trump knew then. Certainly Trump vetted Manafort right? Why would Trump hire a campaign manager with Russian ties?
/-----/ Well Spanky, first of all if it took Mueller and a team of lawyers a year to dig this up about Manafort, what is Trump supposed to do in a few weeks? Secondly, you little toad, Russia is not a declared enemy and plenty of US businesses do business with them. When was it declared no one io any campaign should have any connection with the Ruskies?
If you orangesicle suckers remember during the campaign, there were found hidden records from the Ukrainian strong man that had hired Manafort that showed millions & millions in off the book payments to Manafort. Trump knew then. Certainly Trump vetted Manafort right? Why would Trump hire a campaign manager with Russian ties?
/-----/ Well Spanky, first of all if it took Mueller and a team of lawyers a year to dig this up about Manafort, what is Trump supposed to do in a few weeks? Secondly, you little toad, Russia is not a declared enemy and plenty of US businesses do business with them. When was it declared no one io any campaign should have any connection with the Ruskies?

So, Trump is sofa king stupid that he did not know Manafort worked for a buddy of Putin's. Great judge of character.
Speaking of spinning how can you stupid Moon Bats spin the fact that the idiot Obama asshole that you elected increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously increased debt and had dismal economic growth. A failed record by any measurement.

You have some 'splainning to do before you go asking other question, don't you Moon Bat?
Well, Mr Rsacist fuck, are you really this fucking stupid that you did not know anything about the Bush recession?

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