How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First

I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm amazed that someone could get to president without ever having a real world job...

Why would you be surprised at that? Other professions often see people do nothing but the Law and end up as a judge or Justice on a court. Physicians often are doctors their entire lives. Politics is just another profession.

Obama is/was unaccomplished. Everything has been given to him. He's nothing more than a puppet.

Total bullshit.
Elected President Twice.
Nobel Prize Winner
Professor to wayward Republican lawmakers
Will go down as a top 20 (likely top 15) President

That he totally pisses you off is just a nice bonus.

You must've missed the news the other day about the committee lamenting their pick of Obama in 2009. That was transparently lame at the time too. And just cos the idiocracy put him in office, doesn't make him accomplished. And going down as a great president doesn't mean a damn thing. FDR was thee worst; and the brainwashing institutions list him as top five.
I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm amused you find a lying sociopath like Hillary Clinton worthy of the office of President. :D
I'm amazed that someone could get to president without ever having a real world job...

Why would you be surprised at that? Other professions often see people do nothing but the Law and end up as a judge or Justice on a court. Physicians often are doctors their entire lives. Politics is just another profession.

Obama is/was unaccomplished. Everything has been given to him. He's nothing more than a puppet.

Total bullshit.
Elected President Twice.
Nobel Prize Winner
Professor to wayward Republican lawmakers
Will go down as a top 20 (likely top 15) President

That he totally pisses you off is just a nice bonus.

You must've missed the news the other day about the committee lamenting their pick of Obama in 2009. That was transparently lame at the time too. And just cos the idiocracy put him in office, doesn't make him accomplished. And going down as a great president doesn't mean a damn thing. FDR was thee worst; and the brainwashing institutions list him as top five.

Link to your delusion?
Why would you be surprised at that? Other professions often see people do nothing but the Law and end up as a judge or Justice on a court. Physicians often are doctors their entire lives. Politics is just another profession.

Obama is/was unaccomplished. Everything has been given to him. He's nothing more than a puppet.

Total bullshit.
Elected President Twice.
Nobel Prize Winner
Professor to wayward Republican lawmakers
Will go down as a top 20 (likely top 15) President

That he totally pisses you off is just a nice bonus.

You must've missed the news the other day about the committee lamenting their pick of Obama in 2009. That was transparently lame at the time too. And just cos the idiocracy put him in office, doesn't make him accomplished. And going down as a great president doesn't mean a damn thing. FDR was thee worst; and the brainwashing institutions list him as top five.

Link to your delusion?

Heard it on a radio report driving home. Could care less if you believe me or not. I don't make stuff up.
I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm amazed that someone could get to president without ever having a real world job...
Not really fair. Even though Daddy's Friends propped him up in every job, absent any experience at all, he still had some input as co-owner of the Texas Rangers.
I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm pretty sure "clueless" has already been designated for Barack Obama,'ll have to get a new one for Carly...sorry.

OBL is dead, GM is alive. 332-206.

Osama bin Laden is dead...ISIS is very much alive and much worse than OBL. Thanks, Barry!
You're really sinking fast, down to Bripat levels of stupidity. I'd hate to put you on ignore, also. I really would.
great lawyer --LOL

does he even have a license to practice law
How was Nixon different? He was a pretty good president. Pretty bad person.

I don't remember JFK working a regular job, either. Pretty great president.

Reagan was a B actor. Not exactly a job, or labor intensive. So-so president. Great grandfather figure.
Obama is/was unaccomplished. Everything has been given to him. He's nothing more than a puppet.

Total bullshit.
Elected President Twice.
Nobel Prize Winner
Professor to wayward Republican lawmakers
Will go down as a top 20 (likely top 15) President

That he totally pisses you off is just a nice bonus.

You must've missed the news the other day about the committee lamenting their pick of Obama in 2009. That was transparently lame at the time too. And just cos the idiocracy put him in office, doesn't make him accomplished. And going down as a great president doesn't mean a damn thing. FDR was thee worst; and the brainwashing institutions list him as top five.

Link to your delusion?

Heard it on a radio report driving home. Could care less if you believe me or not. I don't make stuff up.
The wingnut radio hosts you listen to do. And you swallow it hook, line and sinker.
Gas is less than $2 a gallon in many places. Thanks Mr. President.

Oh,'re not REALLY trying to give "Ole' $6 A Gallon" Barry credit for the low gas prices we're currently enjoying! Nobody's that naive!

It would be up around $6 a gallon if we were still in the middle east. The President wisely pulled us out of the middle east and got us out of the winless wars that Bush got us into with your full support.

Oh, you're going to double down and show your total ignorance about what sets oil prices? Obama turning the Middle East over to ISIS had nothing to do with oil prices going down...the majority of that took place because production of oil and natural gas EXPLODED in the US because of new exploration techniques, which in turn prompted other oil producers to lower their prices. You can't give Barry credit for THAT however because on Federally controlled lands fossil fuel production went down. The place where all of that new oil and natural gas was produced was on lands that WEREN'T controlled by Barry and his minions!

Sure I can....I just did.

We go into the Middle East; prices climb.
We leave the Middle East; prices drop.

Wow, that's the sum of your knowledge about what drives oil prices? Come on, least TRY and look somewhat intelligent!

You DO give Barry credit for increased production of oil and natural gas in the US during his time in office? Really? How, pray tell?
This woman will never be president, because Americans will never vote for a real POS. The longer she's in, the most revolting things we find out about her.

09.25.151:00 AM ET

How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First

When Fiorina lost her Senate bid in 2010, she had lots of bills left to pay. So she did what any multimillionaire who loaned her campaign cash would do: She paid herself first.

After Carly Fiorina’s unsuccessful 2010 run for Senate in California, it took her more than four years to fully pay staff and vendors for their work on her campaign to unseat Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer.

But a review of Federal Election Commission records by The Daily Beast shows that Fiorina first paid herself back for more than $1.25 million in personal loans she made to the campaign, including a $1 million check on the day before Election Day. That check set the campaign back so far it was impossible to pay staff and vendors what they were owed for years.

Marty Wilson, Fiorina’s then-campaign manager, said Fiorina knew at the time that there would be debts at the end of the campaign, but that it was difficult to know how deep the debt would be.

“The problem with campaigns is you project debt based on what you think revenues are going to be,” Wilson said. “People say they are going to send money, but Election Day comes and goes, and you’ve lost, and those receivables don’t materialize.”

With more than $1 million out the door at the last minute and a shortfall in fundraising commitments, the campaign ended nearly $500,000 in debt, unable to pay vendors and staff, including Wilson, who was owed more than $60,000.

More at the link.
Typical bad faced CEO mentality...
I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm pretty sure "clueless" has already been designated for Barack Obama,'ll have to get a new one for Carly...sorry.
Red herring fallacy, the thread isn't about the president.

But your unwillingness to address the fact that Fiorina is unqualified to be president comes as no surprise.

So it's OK for Candy to bring up a lack of experience for Carly...but not for me to point out that Barack Obama's executive experience wasn't even close to hers? If you thought Barry had the chops to be President (which I never did!) then you look kind of foolish saying Fiorina doesn't have them...just saying...
sama bin Laden is dead...ISIS is very much alive and much worse than OBL. Thanks, Barry!

Really? How are they worse? Their influence doesn't extend much beyond Iraq and Syria.

Just not our problem.

But I'm all for your wingnuts signing up and starting your own volunteer brigade. Bill Krystol can by your colonel, as he is like a military genius. Look how well all his ideas for Iraq turned out.

Come on Joe...get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what's going in in the world! That huge immigration crisis in Europe right now? You know the one that's on the news every night? That's taking place because people are fleeing from ISIS controlled or threatened areas by the millions! When did Osama ever create that kind of terror?
I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm pretty sure "clueless" has already been designated for Barack Obama,'ll have to get a new one for Carly...sorry.

OBL is dead, GM is alive. 332-206.

Osama bin Laden is dead...ISIS is very much alive and much worse than OBL. Thanks, Barry!
You're really sinking fast, down to Bripat levels of stupidity. I'd hate to put you on ignore, also. I really would.

I'd be happy to have you show me where I'm wrong in what I posted, Synth!

You'd probably be better off just putting me on ignore though...we both know how this is going to come out for you.
So it's OK for Candy to bring up a lack of experience for Carly...but not for me to point out that Barack Obama's executive experience wasn't even close to hers? If you thought Barry had the chops to be President (which I never did!) then you look kind of foolish saying Fiorina doesn't have them...just saying...

Business experience is not the same as government. Our two worst presidents - Hoover and Dubya Bush - were "businessmen". But even if you want to pretend it is, Carly was a FAILED businesswoman. she lost 30,000 jobs. Stock value crashed on her watch. She was fired by her board.

Come on Joe...get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what's going in in the world! That huge immigration crisis in Europe right now? You know the one that's on the news every night? That's taking place because people are fleeing from ISIS controlled or threatened areas by the millions! When did Osama ever create that kind of terror?

i realize the thought of a brown person moving in next door to you does fill you with pant-pissing terror... but not really.

Isis is only ONE PART of Syria's civil war. A civil war a lot of people have contributed to, including our allies like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Now while I realize you have a need to blame everything on the scary black man in the White House, I hardly consider that objective.
I'm constantly amused by the idea that someone's first job in any level of government could be President of the United States.

That Carly thinks it's no big deal is all you really need to know about her readiness for the position. The word "clueless" doesn't begin to describe her.

I'm pretty sure "clueless" has already been designated for Barack Obama,'ll have to get a new one for Carly...sorry.
Red herring fallacy, the thread isn't about the president.

But your unwillingness to address the fact that Fiorina is unqualified to be president comes as no surprise.

So it's OK for Candy to bring up a lack of experience for Carly...but not for me to point out that Barack Obama's executive experience wasn't even close to hers? If you thought Barry had the chops to be President (which I never did!) then you look kind of foolish saying Fiorina doesn't have them...just saying...

Total nonsense.

A CEO doesn't have an opposition party within her company, doesn't have to cajole people whom she never hired, people she cannot fire, and people who hate her guts to vote for her outside of shareholders; most of whom vote by proxy (when they bother to vote at all).

The two skill sets are as different as peanut butter and jelly. And, as has been pointed out time and again; Carly wasn't exactly giving a Master's Class on the subject.

Again, the first job you have in government should not be President of the United States. Any sober commentator would laugh at the suggestion.

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