How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

If the debate is over, we wouldn't be on this thread having a discussion. By the very fact that you feel the need to try and shut down the discussion, you are conceding to the existence of the debate. Because if everyone agrees, no one would be discussing it and you wouldn't have to silence opposition.

Btw absense of debate doesn't mean something is true. For centuries there was no debate on the world being flat. Everyone just knew it was. For centuries there was no debate on whether the earth was the center of the universe. Everyone knew it was. Popularity and consensus is not science. Nor does it make truth.

Truth and science aren't dependent on consensus or popularity. Truth is just things are they are, as they were, and as they will be.

And even ignoring the reality that countless people with PhDs disagreement with global warming, pointing to PhDs isn't a gauge of truth. PhDs are often wrong. Particularly in the sciences where people are constantly learning more, experimenting more, and reevaluating based on new evidence, people are wrong.

And there is nothing wrong with being wrong. Every single human being who has ever lived with the exception of one is wrong again and again. We learn by being wrong.

It's only when we pretend we are never wrong and don't use our mistakes to learn that we have problems.

No the debate is far from over. Attempting to end it won't be productive.
It is slipping through their fingers like grains of sand isn't it. Just a few years ago Falwell had evangelicals on the march, now atheists are about to overtake evangelicals in popularity.

And there won't be anyone to roll away the stone this time.

Again with the popularity thing. Why does popularity affect truth in your eyes?

And why do you associate global warming with atheism? Particularly when we are discussing the pope believing in it? How is the pope supporting the idea that global warming is happening a sign that atheism is becoming more popular? Are you seriously suggesting the pope is promoting atheism?

If atheism is what is good, why did you choose a prominent Christian scientist for your screen name?
Oh look the flat earthers and the pope siding together again. Oops I mean the man made warming cult.
Odd, we who believe in science refer to doubters of global warming as flat earthers.

Since when do people who want to shut down discussion and silence debate believe in science?

The very concept of science requires the debate to remain open. We experiment. We evaluate. We hypothesize. Then we go and try to prove those hypotheses wrong.

Consensus among the scientific community means no one is asking questions.
The phoney 'pause' has been debunked already. It requires reading to know that so I'm not surprised you still believe myth.

Whine all you want deniers. Gnash your teeth, flail your arms, put up 20 posts so you feel better.

Global Warming is as real as it gets. The PH.D's on the planet concur that it is real and accelerating. So you go hide in your basement with your prepper bags and escape tunnels. Don't forget your 'survival seeds'. Also known as 'seeds'.

Or, go visit the 'creation museum'. It was specifically built to soothe the minds of those for whom reality is just too painfull to bear.

Maybe you can answer the question no one else can:

What temperature is this planet supposed to be?
Based on the below....what is the balanced amount of CO2?

Since of the Earth's atmosphere is out-of-balance with the conditions expected from simple chemical equilibrium, it is very hard to say what precisely sets the level of the carbon dioxide content in the air throughout geologic time.
While scientists are fairly certain that a 100 million years ago carbon dioxide values were many times higher than now, the exact value is in doubt. In very general terms, long-term reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 levels going back in time show that 500 million years ago
atmospheric CO2 was some 20 times higher than present values.
It dropped, then rose again some 200 million years ago to 4-5 times present levels--a period that saw the rise of giant fern forests--and then continued a slow decline until recent pre-industrial time.
Climate and CO2 in the Atmosphere

My arguments against.

I have heard it all before and it has not come to pass.

We were told we had 10 years to act, we didn't and we are still here.

CO2 concentration follows temperature according to Gore's own graph. Now in fairness there is an explanation of how that is possible but it is not that easy to understand. I have found that even the most complex of things can be explained easily. When the explanation gets convoluted my BS alarm goes off.

In my opinion the rise has been so gradual and started in a time where man made CO2 could not have possibly made a difference. Even if the data is to be believe the rise is significant, in my opinion.

According to NASA the US has not warmed in well over 10 years. That to me is inexpiable and just saying that the US is not the world does not make sense.
Based on the below....what is the balanced amount of CO2?

Since of the Earth's atmosphere is out-of-balance with the conditions expected from simple chemical equilibrium, it is very hard to say what precisely sets the level of the carbon dioxide content in the air throughout geologic time.
While scientists are fairly certain that a 100 million years ago carbon dioxide values were many times higher than now, the exact value is in doubt. In very general terms, long-term reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 levels going back in time show that 500 million years ago
atmospheric CO2 was some 20 times higher than present values.
It dropped, then rose again some 200 million years ago to 4-5 times present levels--a period that saw the rise of giant fern forests--and then continued a slow decline until recent pre-industrial time.
Climate and CO2 in the Atmosphere

My gosh this is more fuel for the GW fearists. What you are telling us is that if the CO2 concentration rises that means that the dinosaurs will return. :9:
The phoney 'pause' has been debunked already. It requires reading to know that so I'm not surprised you still believe myth.

Whine all you want deniers. Gnash your teeth, flail your arms, put up 20 posts so you feel better.

Global Warming is as real as it gets. The PH.D's on the planet concur that it is real and accelerating. So you go hide in your basement with your prepper bags and escape tunnels. Don't forget your 'survival seeds'. Also known as 'seeds'.

Or, go visit the 'creation museum'. It was specifically built to soothe the minds of those for whom reality is just too painfull to bear.

Maybe you can answer the question no one else can:

What temperature is this planet supposed to be?

You will never get an answer. I have asked this question for years. No one will even try to answer it. I am guessing the answer is obviously, colder.
The phoney 'pause' has been debunked already. It requires reading to know that so I'm not surprised you still believe myth.

Whine all you want deniers. Gnash your teeth, flail your arms, put up 20 posts so you feel better.

Global Warming is as real as it gets. The PH.D's on the planet concur that it is real and accelerating. So you go hide in your basement with your prepper bags and escape tunnels. Don't forget your 'survival seeds'. Also known as 'seeds'.

Or, go visit the 'creation museum'. It was specifically built to soothe the minds of those for whom reality is just too painfull to bear.

Maybe you can answer the question no one else can:

What temperature is this planet supposed to be?

You will never get an answer. I have asked this question for years. No one will even try to answer it. I am guessing the answer is obviously, colder.
The temperture is irelvant to them, I guess they want the C02 down from 402 ppm to 280 ppm back in the 1700s and before.

Guess they want us to give up cell phones, cars, live in tents, run around half naked hunting buffalo or something.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view

View attachment 42977

Thats an increase

View attachment 42978

That is not an increase. I would assume that the US has the best of the best temperature measurement devices.
You explain how the world warms but the US doesn't. It does not make sense other then statistical errors.

Why should I give a crap about the rest of the world? The US has drastically cut our CO2 output, the rest of the world would be a problem if it were a problem.

You love just showing cherry picked data... Why won't you show global tempetures over time from NOAA


You are a very small group who don't concede the earth tempeture is rising...
Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view

View attachment 42977

Thats an increase

View attachment 42978

That is not an increase. I would assume that the US has the best of the best temperature measurement devices.
You explain how the world warms but the US doesn't. It does not make sense other then statistical errors.

Why should I give a crap about the rest of the world? The US has drastically cut our CO2 output, the rest of the world would be a problem if it were a problem.

You love just showing cherry picked data... Why won't you show global tempetures over time from NOAA


You are a very small group who don't concede the earth tempeture is rising...
Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view

View attachment 42977

Thats an increase

View attachment 42978

That is not an increase. I would assume that the US has the best of the best temperature measurement devices.
You explain how the world warms but the US doesn't. It does not make sense other then statistical errors.

Why should I give a crap about the rest of the world? The US has drastically cut our CO2 output, the rest of the world would be a problem if it were a problem.

You love just showing cherry picked data... Why won't you show global tempetures over time from NOAA


You are a very small group who don't concede the earth tempeture is rising...
Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view

View attachment 42977

Thats an increase

View attachment 42978

That is not an increase. I would assume that the US has the best of the best temperature measurement devices.
You explain how the world warms but the US doesn't. It does not make sense other then statistical errors.

Why should I give a crap about the rest of the world? The US has drastically cut our CO2 output, the rest of the world would be a problem if it were a problem.

You love just showing cherry picked data... Why won't you show global tempetures over time from NOAA


You are a very small group who don't concede the earth tempeture is rising...

WTF are you talking about? What is cherry picked about showing the last 10 years of no warming, even your last graph show that. My gosh you are just plugging in talking points with no regard to what was actually posted.
Oh look the flat earthers and the pope siding together again. Oops I mean the man made warming cult.
Odd, we who believe in science refer to doubters of global warming as flat earthers.
again what side was the Catholic church on last time? Flat earther?

Flat worlder. And the world is indeed flat: a triangle in the size of thousands of lightyears has exactly 180° not more, not less. No one knows why.

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... Over 31,200 Scientists disagree with global warming ...

Such arguments remember me to "100 authors against Einstein". Einstein answered: "If I'm wrong it needs only one author."

Here one of nearly endless many examples and facts, Boulder-Glacier compared 1985 and 2003.


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Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.
Who's cock are you sucking, bitch?

I don't think you are astonished why someone bombed down the World Trade Center. What did you say to whom before?

All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

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All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Whynjotn to cahge something instead to be resigned to our fate?

So practice what you preach throw away your oil based cell phone and computer.

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