How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

no....that is a myth.....

Violence between people grows about 4% and violence between goups about 14%. That's for example one of the results of studies in such contextes.
Source: Scientists Debate the Relationship between Climate Change and Violence - SPIEGEL ONLINE

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All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

So what are you doing about this mass extinction?
[QUOTE="bear513, post: 11669341, member: 36770 ... So practice what you preach throw away your oil based cell phone and computer.[/QUOTE]

I do something - I'm astionished on my own how easy it was to change a lot in the last years. But in general I don't think about a life like in stone-age if I think about the waste of energy. If everyone would lve on a campfire this would not solve our problems. We are to many. I don't know why the USA shows such a mass-psychotic behaviot if someone says "take care" or "you are responsible" or "let us make plans to avoid greeen house gases" and so on. Your answer here is for example a little hateful. But who planted this hate in your brain? Is it you? Is it a political party? Friends? Mass-media? Traditions? ...

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[QUOTE="bear513, post: 11669341, member: 36770 ... So practice what you preach throw away your oil based cell phone and computer.

I do something - I'm astionished on my own how easy it was to change a lot in the last years. But in general I don't think about a life like in stone-age if I think about the waste of energy. If everyone would lve on a campfire this would not solve our problems. We are to many. I don't know why the USA shows such a mass-psychotic behaviot if someone says "take care" or "you are responsible" or "let us make plans to avoid greeen house gases" and so on. Your answer here is for example a little hateful. But who planted this hate in your brain? Is it you? Is it a political party? Friends? Mass-media? Traditions? ...
How am I hateful? Been in the injection molding industry (plastics=oil based) for over 30 years. Practice what you preach.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

So what are you doing about this mass extinction?

I'm for exampole never killing any animal. Not even a fly or a mosquito. The reason: I don't like to misuse the might god gave to me and I like to educate me to respect every form of life. This is astonishing easy to do. My garden looks meanwhile more like a little jungle than a garden but it is not without plan.

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You want to use/buy my products and then at the same time condem them? That's being kind of hateful and a hypocrit.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

So what are you doing about this mass extinction?

I'm for exampole never killing any animal. Not even a fly or a mosquito. The reason: I don't like to misuse the might god gave to me and I like to educate me to respect every form of life. This is astonishing easy to do. My garden looks meanwhile more like a jungle than a garden with lots of little places where animals can rest.
I hunt deer, turkey in season and fish occasionally and eat what I kill, does that make me a bad person?
[QUOTE="bear513, post: 11669341, member: 36770 ... So practice what you preach throw away your oil based cell phone and computer.

I do something - I'm astionished on my own how easy it was to change a lot in the last years. But in general I don't think about a life like in stone-age if I think about the waste of energy. If everyone would lve on a campfire this would not solve our problems. We are to many. I don't know why the USA shows such a mass-psychotic behaviot if someone says "take care" or "you are responsible" or "let us make plans to avoid greeen house gases" and so on. Your answer here is for example a little hateful. But who planted this hate in your brain? Is it you? Is it a political party? Friends? Mass-media? Traditions? ...
How am I hateful? Been in the injection molding industry (plastics=oil based) for over 30 years. Practice what you preach.

You are not only hateful you are even intrigant. You don't discuss you try to destroy your enemy - and you try to be solidaric with the power what seems to feed you and additionally you seem to be under the influence of a strange ideology what you subsumize in the expression "oil". If I'm wrong I'm happy. My problem is in such cases: I'm seldom wrong. Let me modify a word I heard from John F. Kennedy: "Don't think about how to win against your enemy - think about how to win against yourselve". You know yourselve: It's not easy to win in this case, isn't it? But is a good life not worth this fight?

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All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

So what are you doing about this mass extinction?

I'm for exampole never killing any animal. Not even a fly or a mosquito. The reason: I don't like to misuse the might god gave to me and I like to educate me to respect every form of life. This is astonishing easy to do. My garden looks meanwhile more like a jungle than a garden with lots of little places where animals can rest.
I hunt deer, turkey in season and fish occasionally and eat what I kill, does that make me a bad person?

What do you do for deers, turkeys and fishes and the animals you eat? What do you give them?

You want to use/buy my products and then at the same time condem them? That's being kind of hateful and a hypocrit.

I don't remember I bought something from you - nor I'm able to imagine you are a good salesman. What do you sell?

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Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

So what are you doing about this mass extinction?

I'm for exampole never killing any animal. Not even a fly or a mosquito. The reason: I don't like to misuse the might god gave to me and I like to educate me to respect every form of life. This is astonishing easy to do. My garden looks meanwhile more like a jungle than a garden with lots of little places where animals can rest.
I hunt deer, turkey in season and fish occasionally and eat what I kill, does that make me a bad person?

What do you do for deers, turkeys and fishes and the animals you eat? What do you give them?

we pay for hunting and fishing licensees, we cultivate the herd, the old from the young, we preserve the natural habitat more then tree huggers living in the big city's do.

We love nature and love to hunt, skin and eat the game. Do you think we want to mess it up by over development?
Again not a sales man, a injection molding man and you are posting on products we make as you post. So quit being a hypocrit
Do you get it? Injection molding plastics , is what allows you to post on here?
We are living in the fastest and probably greatest mass-extinction of life the planet earth ever has seen in history. And we are causing this with our wrong behavior. Why not to change this instead to be resigned to a self-fullfilling fate?

So what are you doing about this mass extinction?

I'm for exampole never killing any animal. Not even a fly or a mosquito. The reason: I don't like to misuse the might god gave to me and I like to educate me to respect every form of life. This is astonishing easy to do. My garden looks meanwhile more like a jungle than a garden with lots of little places where animals can rest.
I hunt deer, turkey in season and fish occasionally and eat what I kill, does that make me a bad person?

What do you do for deers, turkeys and fishes and the animals you eat? What do you give them?

we pay for hunting and fishing licensees, we cultivate the herd, the old from the young, we preserve the natural habitat more then tree huggers living in the big city's do.

We love nature and love to hunt, skin and eat the game. Do you think we want to mess it up by over development?

I don't know what your problem is. What do you call "over developement"? A 1,2,5,10,20,50,100,150,200° higher temperature in average worldwide because of senseless ways of industrial productions? Such things I would call "over developement".

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IN the 17th and 18th centuries a grand solar minimum caused the River Thames to freeze over, but global warming is expected to raise temperatures too high for it have much effect in future. Photograph: Solar Dynamics Observator/NASA

Global warming in northern Europe and the eastern US could be partially offset in future winters because of the sun entering a weaker cycle similar to the one which enabled frost fairs to take place on the river Thames in the 17th and 18th century, according to new research.

However, the study said any potential weakening in solar activity would have only a small effect on temperature rises at a worldwide level, delaying the warming caused by emissions from cars, factories and power plants by around two years.

“Even if you do go into Maunder minimum conditions it’s not going to combat global warming, the sun’s not going to save us,” said lead author Sarah Ineson at the Met Office. The Maunder minimum is the name for the sun’s weak period during 1645-1715, when the Thames froze solidly enough for eyewitnesses to report horse-driven carriages crossing it.

Climate change means such sights in the second half of the century would not occur, since the sun’s cooling effect would only reduce manmade temperature rises in northern Europe and the eastern US by 0.4-0.8C. Such offsetting was not a “large signal”, Ineson said, although the study found there would be more frosty days in those regions than there would be without the weaker solar activity.
Weak sun could offset some global warming in Europe and US study Environment The Guardian
Again not a sales man, a injection molding man and you are posting on products we make as you post. So quit being a hypocrit

A similiar company here in the near reduced since the year 2011 the energy for their machines around 20% - and they reduced the energy for heating around 80% by using heat recovery. What happended where you are in the last 5 years?

IN the 17th and 18th centuries a grand solar minimum caused the River Thames to freeze over, but global warming is expected to raise temperatures too high for it have much effect in future. Photograph: Solar Dynamics Observator/NASA

Global warming in northern Europe and the eastern US could be partially offset in future winters because of the sun entering a weaker cycle similar to the one which enabled frost fairs to take place on the river Thames in the 17th and 18th century, according to new research.

However, the study said any potential weakening in solar activity would have only a small effect on temperature rises at a worldwide level, delaying the warming caused by emissions from cars, factories and power plants by around two years.

“Even if you do go into Maunder minimum conditions it’s not going to combat global warming, the sun’s not going to save us,” said lead author Sarah Ineson at the Met Office. The Maunder minimum is the name for the sun’s weak period during 1645-1715, when the Thames froze solidly enough for eyewitnesses to report horse-driven carriages crossing it.

Climate change means such sights in the second half of the century would not occur, since the sun’s cooling effect would only reduce manmade temperature rises in northern Europe and the eastern US by 0.4-0.8C. Such offsetting was not a “large signal”, Ineson said, although the study found there would be more frosty days in those regions than there would be without the weaker solar activity.
Weak sun could offset some global warming in Europe and US study Environment The Guardian

Summary: You are the problem we have to solve first before we are able to solve our real problems? Why should someone wait to make our planet to a better liveworthy world? Why not to start now? Today is the first day of the future. And the future will be beautiful. But we are responsible. Everyone. We have to do something.

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IN the 17th and 18th centuries a grand solar minimum caused the River Thames to freeze over, but global warming is expected to raise temperatures too high for it have much effect in future. Photograph: Solar Dynamics Observator/NASA

Global warming in northern Europe and the eastern US could be partially offset in future winters because of the sun entering a weaker cycle similar to the one which enabled frost fairs to take place on the river Thames in the 17th and 18th century, according to new research.

However, the study said any potential weakening in solar activity would have only a small effect on temperature rises at a worldwide level, delaying the warming caused by emissions from cars, factories and power plants by around two years.

“Even if you do go into Maunder minimum conditions it’s not going to combat global warming, the sun’s not going to save us,” said lead author Sarah Ineson at the Met Office. The Maunder minimum is the name for the sun’s weak period during 1645-1715, when the Thames froze solidly enough for eyewitnesses to report horse-driven carriages crossing it.

Climate change means such sights in the second half of the century would not occur, since the sun’s cooling effect would only reduce manmade temperature rises in northern Europe and the eastern US by 0.4-0.8C. Such offsetting was not a “large signal”, Ineson said, although the study found there would be more frosty days in those regions than there would be without the weaker solar activity.
Weak sun could offset some global warming in Europe and US study Environment The Guardian

Summary: You are the problem we have to solve first before we are able to solve our real problems? Why should someone wait to make our planet to a better liveworthy world? Why not to start now? Today is the first day of the future. And the future will be beautiful. But we are responsible. Everyone. We have to do something.

How do you propose solving the problem of me? Exterminate me like the Germans the Jews? Is that your solution?
I am asking people like you to consider the sources of "global warming" evangelism.
Consider Al Gore has made millions from carbon credits.
More importantly consider how GW evangelicals take an example and blow way out of proportion.
Great minds in the 1880s concluded New York will be destroyed in 100 years.

Great News: Six Million Horses Almost Destroyed New York City

In 1880, the U.S. brought together a group they considered the world’s smartest people to answer one pressing question…

What will New York City look like in 100 years?

New York was in full bloom. It was an unprecedented hub of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Yes, it was an exciting time to be a New Yorker. The world’s first elevated train… underground subway… and with the first skyscraper in the hopper…

The Big Apple was changing how the world thought about — and lived — in cities.

So everyone was curious: What lies ahead for The City That Never Sleeps?

The team of big brains plugged their gourds together and mulled it over…

They talked. They argued. They rubbed their chins and massaged the bulging veins in their foreheads.

Some of them probably scribbled indecipherable squiggles on the chalkboard and pointed at them. They said words in convincing tones.

Some nodded. Some stood up and raised their arms and their eyebrows.

“Eureka!” one of them probably shouted.

And then, in the end, they all nodded in unison.

They all came to a unanimous agreement.

“In 100 years time,” they said (in essence), “probably well before, New York will be…”

Wait for it…

“… completely destroyed!”

Yep. That was their conclusion and they were sticking to it.

How did they come to such a drastic determination? Well, look no further than the population boom.

And… horses.

In the early 1800s, there were about 30,000 people in New York. And by 1880, that number had ballooned to nearly four million.

The city’s population had, on average, doubled in size every decade.

The brainiacs assumed that this trend would continue.
And in assuming this trend to continue, they began to wonder how all of these people would get around.

Horrified, they began to imagine all the horses the city would need.

By 1980, the team concluded, New York would need more than six million horses.
Six million!
And six million horses presents an obvious problem.
The city already had 200,000 horses in 1880.
Each one, they somehow calculated, dumped a quart of urine and 24 pounds of manure every day.
That’s 4.8 million pounds of horse dung and 50,000 gallons of pee already being dumped into the streets… every. single. day.
Needless to say, horse waste was already a problem. The city was already drowning in it.

“The stench was omnipresent,” one writer, Eric Morris, wrote in his urban planning Masters thesis…

“Urban streets were minefields that needed to be navigated with the greatest care,” the thesis reads. “‘Crossing sweepers’ stood on street corners; for a fee they would clear a path through the mire for pedestrians. Wet weather turned the streets into swamps and rivers of muck, but dry weather brought little improvement; the manure turned to dust, which was then whipped up by the wind, choking pedestrians and coating buildings.

“…even when it had been removed from the streets the manure piled up faster than it could be disposed of…early in the century farmers were happy to pay good money for the manure, by the end of the 1800s stable owners had to pay to have it carted off. As a result of this glut…vacant lots in cities across America became piled high with manure; in New York these sometimes rose to forty and even sixty feet.”

Worse, manure is breeding ground for flies. And flies spread disease. Typhoid outbreaks, Morris wrote, “and “infant diarrheal disease can be traced to spikes in fly population.”

Now times that situation by 30.

It slowly dawned on our intrepid researchers that by 1980, New York’s poor sidewalks and streets would gather 144 million pounds of dung… and be awash with 1,500,000 gallons of horse urine.
Great News Six Million Horses Almost Destroyed New York City

The point is they never considered new technology...i.e. automobile!

They use this an example of the sea rising overtaking lands.
"the island of Tuvalu in the South Pacific. Just like like other low lying areas, they are seeing their homes disappear because of the rising oceans. "

Strange but the FACTS are
1) Tuvalu is 15 feet above sea level.
2) since 1993 there has been a 5-millimetre rise in sea levels surrounding Tuvalu per year.
3) 5mm equals 0.197 inches.
4) Divide 180 inches which is 15 feet by .197 inches per year.
5) within 913 years Tuvalu will be under water....that is if the Antarctica melts!

Tuvalu The South Pacific Island sinking in Global Emissions
IN the 17th and 18th centuries a grand solar minimum caused the River Thames to freeze over, but global warming is expected to raise temperatures too high for it have much effect in future. Photograph: Solar Dynamics Observator/NASA

Global warming in northern Europe and the eastern US could be partially offset in future winters because of the sun entering a weaker cycle similar to the one which enabled frost fairs to take place on the river Thames in the 17th and 18th century, according to new research.

However, the study said any potential weakening in solar activity would have only a small effect on temperature rises at a worldwide level, delaying the warming caused by emissions from cars, factories and power plants by around two years.

“Even if you do go into Maunder minimum conditions it’s not going to combat global warming, the sun’s not going to save us,” said lead author Sarah Ineson at the Met Office. The Maunder minimum is the name for the sun’s weak period during 1645-1715, when the Thames froze solidly enough for eyewitnesses to report horse-driven carriages crossing it.

Climate change means such sights in the second half of the century would not occur, since the sun’s cooling effect would only reduce manmade temperature rises in northern Europe and the eastern US by 0.4-0.8C. Such offsetting was not a “large signal”, Ineson said, although the study found there would be more frosty days in those regions than there would be without the weaker solar activity.
Weak sun could offset some global warming in Europe and US study Environment The Guardian

Summary: You are the problem we have to solve first before we are able to solve our real problems? Why should someone wait to make our planet to a better liveworthy world? Why not to start now? Today is the first day of the future. And the future will be beautiful. But we are responsible. Everyone. We have to do something.

How do you propose solving the problem of me? Exterminate me like the Germans the Jews? Is that your solution?

I'm a descendant of one of the few hundred german Jews who survived here in Germany during the time of the so called "Third Empire". I would not be astonished if you would not only be antigerman but antisemite and antichristian too.

I am asking people like you to consider the sources of "global warming" evangelism.
Consider Al Gore has made millions from carbon credits.

Al Gore was very late and I have the feeling the USA is still sleeping while doing senseless wars against shadows.

More importantly consider how GW evangelicals take an example and blow way out of proportion.
Great minds in the 1880s concluded New York will be destroyed in 100 years.

Great News: Six Million Horses Almost Destroyed New York City

In 1880, the U.S. brought together a group they considered the world’s smartest people to answer one pressing question…

What will New York City look like in 100 years?

New York was in full bloom. It was an unprecedented hub of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Yes, it was an exciting time to be a New Yorker. The world’s first elevated train… underground subway… and with the first skyscraper in the hopper…

The Big Apple was changing how the world thought about — and lived — in cities.

So everyone was curious: What lies ahead for The City That Never Sleeps?

The team of big brains plugged their gourds together and mulled it over…

They talked. They argued. They rubbed their chins and massaged the bulging veins in their foreheads.

Some of them probably scribbled indecipherable squiggles on the chalkboard and pointed at them. They said words in convincing tones.

Some nodded. Some stood up and raised their arms and their eyebrows.

“Eureka!” one of them probably shouted.

And then, in the end, they all nodded in unison.

They all came to a unanimous agreement.

“In 100 years time,” they said (in essence), “probably well before, New York will be…”

Wait for it…

“… completely destroyed!”

Yep. That was their conclusion and they were sticking to it.

How did they come to such a drastic determination? Well, look no further than the population boom.

And… horses.

In the early 1800s, there were about 30,000 people in New York. And by 1880, that number had ballooned to nearly four million.

The city’s population had, on average, doubled in size every decade.

The brainiacs assumed that this trend would continue.
And in assuming this trend to continue, they began to wonder how all of these people would get around.

Horrified, they began to imagine all the horses the city would need.

By 1980, the team concluded, New York would need more than six million horses.
Six million!
And six million horses presents an obvious problem.
The city already had 200,000 horses in 1880.
Each one, they somehow calculated, dumped a quart of urine and 24 pounds of manure every day.
That’s 4.8 million pounds of horse dung and 50,000 gallons of pee already being dumped into the streets… every. single. day.
Needless to say, horse waste was already a problem. The city was already drowning in it.

“The stench was omnipresent,” one writer, Eric Morris, wrote in his urban planning Masters thesis…

“Urban streets were minefields that needed to be navigated with the greatest care,” the thesis reads. “‘Crossing sweepers’ stood on street corners; for a fee they would clear a path through the mire for pedestrians. Wet weather turned the streets into swamps and rivers of muck, but dry weather brought little improvement; the manure turned to dust, which was then whipped up by the wind, choking pedestrians and coating buildings.

“…even when it had been removed from the streets the manure piled up faster than it could be disposed of…early in the century farmers were happy to pay good money for the manure, by the end of the 1800s stable owners had to pay to have it carted off. As a result of this glut…vacant lots in cities across America became piled high with manure; in New York these sometimes rose to forty and even sixty feet.”

Worse, manure is breeding ground for flies. And flies spread disease. Typhoid outbreaks, Morris wrote, “and “infant diarrheal disease can be traced to spikes in fly population.”

Now times that situation by 30.

It slowly dawned on our intrepid researchers that by 1980, New York’s poor sidewalks and streets would gather 144 million pounds of dung… and be awash with 1,500,000 gallons of horse urine.
Great News Six Million Horses Almost Destroyed New York City

The point is they never considered new technology...i.e. automobile!

They use this an example of the sea rising overtaking lands.
"the island of Tuvalu in the South Pacific. Just like like other low lying areas, they are seeing their homes disappear because of the rising oceans. "

Strange but the FACTS are
1) Tuvalu is 15 feet above sea level.
2) since 1993 there has been a 5-millimetre rise in sea levels surrounding Tuvalu per year.
3) 5mm equals 0.197 inches.
4) Divide 180 inches which is 15 feet by .197 inches per year.
5) within 913 years Tuvalu will be under water....that is if the Antarctica melts!

Tuvalu The South Pacific Island sinking in Global Emissions

Makes anything what you say here any sense? We are speaking about something what needs an understanding of nonlinear processes of centuries, milleniums and millions of years. The changes in the last 200 years (industrialisation) were much to extreme. So please: Tell me what you are doing to reduce senseless emissions of greenhouse gases and other dangerous substances. Tell me what you are doing for the biodiversity on this planet. Meanwhile I'm tired about everyone who says with millions of words "I do nothing and everyone else is an asshole". Do not amuse mankind to death. Some problems are indeed serios problems. I will for sure not go to god and say to him in the end of time: "Sorry Dad - we killed your creation." I will send you to do so.

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