How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

A foremost authority on climate change, John L. Casey, totally disagrees. He has evidence that the planet is actually cooling!

There has been evidence of man made population for more than 400,000 yrs. This is not something that happened in the last century. The planet has had dozens of climate changes and many extinctions. None of this is new, yet mankind has managed to survive.
There are things we can do to reverse some of the problems that contribute to this climate change but not all.
We might loose as much as a third of the population before this reverses but then this century has experienced unprecedented jump in population growth, a population growth that is unsustainable on this planets resources.
Vatican City is a member of the UN. John L. Casey shows the UN backing of the Global Warming hoax and how their figures are incorrect. Pope Benedict calls for a new world order and Pope Francis is now openly speaking in favor of the UN global climate change hoax.

In the public arena--GW/CC is a topical issue
So is ID/creationism

On one hand, I have doubt trusting a bunch of Meteorologists long range predictions considering they can't predict tomorrows weather with good accuracy.

On the other hand, it is kind of hard to support the few scientist that deny GW/CC.

I give up--I am going to genuflect and go with global warming is real.

However, if this turns out to be a fraud, I want legal protections and insurance to help recoup whatever loses businesses incurred by hoaxers.

PH.D's in biology, chemistry, geology, physics and all the rest of the natural scientists are not meteorologists. That's like comparing a skateboard to the space shuttle as modes of transportation.

Best thing to do is be skeptical. Go to a university near you and talk to the heads of the various science departments. Most of them will be happy to talk to you.

There is no debate. Global Warming is real and accelerating.
I find it mildly amusing how the global warming steeple keep pointing to the pope supporting global warming as if it's some reason to believe them. This is the same church who had issues with Galileo. their comments toward galileo are evil but the popes comments on gw are gospel truth.

It seems to me that if the facts are trinity you on global warming you wouldn't be looking to the pope to justify your policy and to prove it.
The Global Warming denial cult uses every tool in the fallacy toolbox to try to obfuscate the issue. Does excess CO2 in the atmosphere and the growing capture of infrared energy, thus warming the planet, have anything to do with horses in New York? Of course not. But these people will try ANYTHING to try to fool people.

Ignore them. They have a profit motive behind what they do. The energy industry has pumped a billion dollars into creating a false 'hoax' argument of the last 15 years.

Its simple, call up your nearest University's Science department and ask to come in and talk to some of the PH.D's there regarding biology, geology, and chemistry re Global Warming. They WILL sit and explain it to you. And the best part is it isn't difficult to understand.

Global Warming is real and is accelerating daily. The reason scientists are doing their best to raise the alarm is because we are approaching a point of no return where the rising temperatures will trigger Runaway Global Warming and at that point there is nothing we will be able to do. Likley all the ice on the planet will melt and sea levels will rise 250-300 feet, in addition to all the other horrendous climate changes that will take place.

We are already in a mass extinction right now. What is coming will cause this to become one of the large mass extinctions. Human beings are not likely to survive a large mass extinction.

We have to act.
Vatican City is a member of the UN. John L. Casey shows the UN backing of the Global Warming hoax and how their figures are incorrect. Pope Benedict calls for a new world order and Pope Francis is now openly speaking in favor of the UN global climate change hoax.

Not quite. Vatican is not a members, it is a permanent observer state, not the same thing
The Global Warming denial cult uses every tool in the fallacy toolbox to try to obfuscate the issue. Does excess CO2 in the atmosphere and the growing capture of infrared energy, thus warming the planet, have anything to do with horses in New York? Of course not. But these people will try ANYTHING to try to fool people.

Ignore them. They have a profit motive behind what they do. The energy industry has pumped a billion dollars into creating a false 'hoax' argument of the last 15 years.

Its simple, call up your nearest University's Science department and ask to come in and talk to some of the PH.D's there regarding biology, geology, and chemistry re Global Warming. They WILL sit and explain it to you. And the best part is it isn't difficult to understand.

Global Warming is real and is accelerating daily. The reason scientists are doing their best to raise the alarm is because we are approaching a point of no return where the rising temperatures will trigger Runaway Global Warming and at that point there is nothing we will be able to do. Likley all the ice on the planet will melt and sea levels will rise 250-300 feet, in addition to all the other horrendous climate changes that will take place.

We are already in a mass extinction right now. What is coming will cause this to become one of the large mass extinctions. Human beings are not likely to survive a large mass extinction.

We have to act.

I was showing how in the 1880s the "experts" were so concerned about horses' "crap" just like people like you concerned about CO2 that
you are chicken littles..."sky is falling"!
People like you have NO problem believing global warming based on a 1.5 degree increase. You also believe islands in the Pacific are facing
being inundated ... in 913 years!
So I have a problem with you idiots that believe numbers eyeballed 150 years ago that written in pencil prone to transcription errors and you think that information is believable!
You tell me if YOU can read the thermometer this native has to read and write down the temperature!
Data is gathered from ice cores that go back 800,000 years, and from other sources that go back 20 million years and more. We have climate information going back hundreds of millions of years, but ice cores hold air bubbles that were trapped hundreds of thousands of years ago, so they are extremely accurate.

The denial cult attempts to confuse people using anything that pops into their mind.

The last 20, 30, 40 years scientists have been gathering data and real world evidence about CO2 levels and consequences of rising CO2 levels and global temperatures, although even 40 years ago scientists were almost all predicting Global Warming.

There isn't any debate today. The science is in. It's real and accellerating.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.
Data is gathered from ice cores that go back 800,000 years, and from other sources that go back 20 million years and more. We have climate information going back hundreds of millions of years, but ice cores hold air bubbles that were trapped hundreds of thousands of years ago, so they are extremely accurate.

The denial cult attempts to confuse people using anything that pops into their mind.

The last 20, 30, 40 years scientists have been gathering data and real world evidence about CO2 levels and consequences of rising CO2 levels and global temperatures, although even 40 years ago scientists were almost all predicting Global Warming.

There isn't any debate today. The science is in. It's real and accellerating.

You are great at repeating the same old talking points, not so great at listening.

I provided you the NOAA site that shows no warming in the US and certainly shows no acceleration in warming. And since you decide to make only decrees without one link to YOUR statistics I think I will stick with the experts at NOAA.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

A foremost authority on climate change, John L. Casey, totally disagrees. He has evidence that the planet is actually cooling!

Except he is not:
Seeing the environmental forest John L. Casey and climate denial

He has no peer reviewed papers on climate. His research is has many holes and thus not reviewed.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view


Thats an increase
Data is gathered from ice cores that go back 800,000 years, and from other sources that go back 20 million years and more. We have climate information going back hundreds of millions of years, but ice cores hold air bubbles that were trapped hundreds of thousands of years ago, so they are extremely accurate.

The denial cult attempts to confuse people using anything that pops into their mind.

The last 20, 30, 40 years scientists have been gathering data and real world evidence about CO2 levels and consequences of rising CO2 levels and global temperatures, although even 40 years ago scientists were almost all predicting Global Warming.

There isn't any debate today. The science is in. It's real and accellerating.

You are great at repeating the same old talking points, not so great at listening.

I provided you the NOAA site that shows no warming in the US and certainly shows no acceleration in warming. And since you decide to make only decrees without one link to YOUR statistics I think I will stick with the experts at NOAA.

I will stick with the experts at NOAA.

Well what is the NOAA position on climate change... Looks pretty bad for you...

They were on the panel that produced the last IPCC report.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view

View attachment 42977

Thats an increase


That is not an increase. I would assume that the US has the best of the best temperature measurement devices.
You explain how the world warms but the US doesn't. It does not make sense other then statistical errors.

Why should I give a crap about the rest of the world? The US has drastically cut our CO2 output, the rest of the world would be a problem if it were a problem.
All the phoney proclamations of 'cooling' or 'pause' have been debunked by science. I understand your cult of denial has a hard time accepting reality but that's on you.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The only thing the denial cult is doing is delaying the action the entire human race will have to take to fix it and stop the current mass extinction that is already underway.

The denial cult is made up of a small group of moneyed interests that have spent a billion dollars the last 15 years getting easily manipulated people to carry their water for them.

The problem is they are simply the man behind the curtain manipulating those who are already too scared to face the reality.

We either have to stop burning fossil fuels or likely become part of the fossil record.

There isn't any debate.

Since you seem to ignore evidence I post it here again. I have been listening to the same BS for over 40 years and none of the gloom an doom scenerios have played out as predicted. Gore said well over 10 years ago we only had 10 years to act...seems like we might as well admit, he was wrong.

Here is the problem. Go to this site and view the warming in the US for the last 10 years, at least, or more if you want. Can you honestly say that the US has increased at all let alone the rate is accelerating?

National Temperature Index National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

Of course your response will be that the US is not the world only a small part of the world. Well wouldn't that be like saying you are boiling a pan of water and you expect that part of the pan will actually cool while the whole heats up?

My advice, calm down about GW and CC there are much more pressing problems to worry about. Prepare, it is going to happen, whatever it is.

There is more scientists that believe there is no climate change (man made or natural) than believe that the earth is 6000 years old.

Thing is when it comes to climate change you are not an expert and we are taking an expert over you.

Appeal to authority a logic fallacy.

Unlike ALL the GW/CC/CD fear mongers I presented a NOAA site, manned by EXPERTS, to show you what the EXPERTS are saying.

I will bet money that if you looked at the link you didn't bother thinking about what you were seeing. YOU like all GW/CC/CD fear mongers only want to win. YOU like all liberals have one goal and that is to win not matter how thin is your line of thinking.

You answered your own question, you are using national figures to try prove your global...

But if you stop your myopic view

View attachment 42977

Thats an increase

Do you call that a rapid increase? Why? Do you see it accelerating? Do you see a hockey stick?

They are telling me and you the US has not warmed, good enough for me.

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