How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

Oh give me a freaking break. PolitiFact is bogus. Just like PunditFact is. No credibility. Bias to the left.
how can anybody fight for the Pope is beyond me.

then again

why is it I'm not surprised with these global idiots morons ....nobodies... jezzzzz
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

Oh give me a freaking break. PolitiFact is bogus. Just like PunditFact is. No credibility. Bias to the left.

are you defending the Pope? darling?
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Wrong, the military are doing it at the direction of the dear leader, and they're wasting billions in the process.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

Oh give me a freaking break. PolitiFact is bogus. Just like PunditFact is. No credibility. Bias to the left.

So you say PolitiFact is bogus...

So must be
Climate Science Slipping
We can go for other ones but lets face it you are wrong. Admiting it is your first big problem...
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Wrong, the military are doing it at the direction of the dear leader, and they're wasting billions in the process.

Lets start again...

Where is your proof?
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Wrong, the military are doing it at the direction of the dear leader, and they're wasting billions in the process.

Lets start again...

Where is your proof?
commander in chief, he has a phone and a pen don't ya know...
30 years ago the GOP had the Pope in their pocket. This is just another sign that the times they are a-changing.

This Pope is left wing. There are two specific advisers to the Pope that are complete whack jobs and flat out communist and one worlders.
Who are those advisers?

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo who is a Marxist and Professor Schnellnhuber who is a mega one worlder.

Unlike you they believe in the teachings of Christ.

Rememebr you are in a tiny minority and we all think you are stupid.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Wrong, the military are doing it at the direction of the dear leader, and they're wasting billions in the process.

Lets start again...

Where is your proof?

Try the US Constitution, maobama is the CIC, the military doesn't take a piss without his direction, especially when it comes to spending money on studies or spending more money on bio-fuels that produce less energy.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.

Oh for crying out loud stop with the lies that there is no debate.

My heavens in that one post you packed so much verbal diarrhea it should have come with the warning " BEFORE READING POST TAKE TWO EXTRA STRENGTH IMMODIUM AD TO HANDLE THE BULLSHIT. "

There is no debate in the real scientific community anymore.

Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

Cool, another fact checking site, and another alarmist, who don't know about the Oregon Petition. Over 31,200 Scientists disagree with global warming stating "there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

Joseph Bast and Roy Spencer The Myth of the Climate Change 97 - WSJ
You have 79 scientists, out of 3140 saying that there is global warming. Yeah, that's not a lot of consensus buddy! That's a textbook case of the scientific elites dictating scientific knowledge!
Enjoy your denial fantasy while you can.

Reality is coming to a town near you. And much much sooner than anyone thought.
Among the PH.D's of the world there is no debate. Global Warming is accelerating daily.

The debate is over. Conservatives paid by the Koch brothers and others are doing their best to keep the 'hoax' lie going but it is failing.

The United States military is preparing for the effects of Global Warming. You know, because its real.
Oh good. The debate is over. That means we won't be seeing you in any more global warming threads since you are convinced that the debate is over.
Once again it must be pointed out, it is the man-made part that is really being debated. Considering that no warming in the US for a number of years also casts doubt.

That said I wonder how man of the CC fear mongers are now going to fall in love with the RCC?

How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis was about to take a major step backing the science behind human-driven global warming, and Philippe de Larminat was determined to change his mind.

A French doubter who authored a book arguing that solar activity — not greenhouse gases — was driving global warming, de Larminat sought a spot at a climate summit in April sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Nobel laureates would be there. So would U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs and others calling for dramatic steps to curb carbon emissions.

What you are saying is that you won the debate because you have affectively shut down the other side? Where are all the liberals who once thought tolerance was essential for debate and free thought? They got replaced with communist who couldn't understand such ideas.
30 years ago the GOP had the Pope in their pocket. This is just another sign that the times they are a-changing.

This Pope is left wing. There are two specific advisers to the Pope that are complete whack jobs and flat out communist and one worlders.
Who are those advisers?

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo who is a Marxist and Professor Schnellnhuber who is a mega one worlder.

Unlike you they believe in the teachings of Christ.

Rememebr you are in a tiny minority and we all think you are stupid.

I believe in the Word and I know it well.

Having read the Word both Testaments daily for years on end, I can attest to the fact that AGW isn't in the Bible.

Neither are there any commandments in the OT or the NT that we are to plunder those who have been successful and redistribute wealth.

Just not in the Lord's Word

Face it. AGW is your religion. Alarmists are sad creatures believing that man can possibly act as a god to control what happens on the Lord's earth.

Alarmists ask us to believe in governments to change the climate.

Alarmists embracing their religion actually believe that the same people you want us to give millions upon millions of dollars to to prevent climate change can't fix an economy let alone global warming based on computer models.

Same type of computer models that can't give us an accurate 14 day forecast but expect us to believe their crystal ball predictions 100 years into the future.

And at the same time mock true believers in the Lord for believing in the "Pixie in the Sky".

You are strange ones, you believers in your AGW religion. Chicken littles all.

I pity you.
You have 79 scientists, out of 3140 saying that there is global warming. Yeah, that's not a lot of consensus buddy! That's a textbook case of the scientific elites dictating scientific knowledge!

Don't you just love how they skewered the statistics to arrive at the BIG LIE of 97%?

Aye carumba! What a scam!

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