How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"?

The Frank is a statist, a supporter of social market democracy.

Who knew?
North Dakota is a worker's paradise.

Trouble is these days, Americans have no incentive to go to work.

Obama is keeping America's muscle at home, on the couch.

Potatoes unite!

Dyslexic potatoes, untie!
How Close is America to the "Workers Paradise"? Are we there yet?

It depends.

If you are still working, producing , a taxpayer who supports the welfare/warfare state then we are there.

If you are a PARASITE - a tax consumer - a moocher - - one who is always singing "feed me Seymour" then , of course, it is a PARASITIC PARADISE.


For the liberals/democrats/progressives the ultimate end goal is to make the U.S. exactly like N. Korea. .. :thup:

that is true.

It is an ultimate goal.

You do oppose taxation, correct? You do support, "Do whatever it takes" to get the black man in the WH, correct? You do oppose unionization or organization of workers, low pay & no benefits, correct. Sure you do. Just mention living wages and you go into a chinese commie stomp.
For the liberals/democrats/progressives the ultimate end goal is to make the U.S. exactly like N. Korea. .. :thup:

that is true.

It is an ultimate goal.

You do oppose taxation, correct? You do support, "Do whatever it takes" to get the black man in the WH, correct? You do oppose unionization or organization of workers, low pay & no benefits, correct. Sure you do. Just mention living wages and you go into a chinese commie stomp.

Shit, Tao , what are "living wages"...hurry up before I go into a Chinese commie stomp.

that is true.

It is an ultimate goal.

You do oppose taxation, correct? You do support, "Do whatever it takes" to get the black man in the WH, correct? You do oppose unionization or organization of workers, low pay & no benefits, correct. Sure you do. Just mention living wages and you go into a chinese commie stomp.

Shit, Tao , what are "living wages"...hurry up before I go into a Chinese commie stomp.


google break down again, cumtum?
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mammograms have always been "free" - if one has insurance.
no co-payments, nothing, even reminding by themselves if you skip a year
transgenders after full makeover have breasts, so they need mammograms ( maybe even more than natural ones, since theirs are the result of severe hormonal bombardment).
But after full makeover transgender person is the gender they drifted to, so I assume this is just a stunt, since they would have mammograms covered already

I know it may be a shock to you but

Current federal guidance says that only women who are “genetically female” are eligible for subsidized mammograms

Technically, females to males, I would guess actually have a higher risk since their body was born female

Damn it - mammograms for all !

Democratic's war on breasts!
Why do the Democrats hate breasts?

why should it be a shock for me? :rolleyes:
I could not care less, to be honest, one way or the other.
From the strictly medical point of view transgenders need mammograms as they have breast tissue.
How is it regulated federally ( holy shit, the boobs have to have federal regulations :D - talk about freedom of ones body ;)) - I don't give a damn.

p.s. females to males almost never happen. almost. and if they happen - there is no breast tissue left so there is no mammograms needed
transgenderism is mostly male to female issue, because of it's underlying inborn and other anatomic-physiological factors.

Men can get breast cancer

While I would not want to take away from your obvious expertise in the area,
a female to male, would probably have a breast reduction to appear more male but it seems safe to assume that their would be a residual of the original structure.

If they removed, everything, it would be like a tummy tuck where they remove your belly button

But we digress, back to the real issue

Damn it - mammograms for all !

Democratic's war on breasts!
Why do the Democrats hate breasts?
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Aww shut up Karl.


Let them go back to North Texas

These reactionary leftists who act as apologists for Papa Obama and Obamacare
are so predictable and boring. This 'concerned troll' has no one fooled but like bad foot fungus, it won't go away.
-par for the course-
Just like the left's failed social programs, the radical left will continue to do them and demand even more
no matter how much they don't work.
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For the liberals/democrats/progressives the ultimate end goal is to make the U.S. exactly like N. Korea. .. :thup:

Why would liberals/democrats/progressives want America to become an ultra conservative country?
Aww shut up Karl.


Let them go back to North Texas

These reactionary leftists who act as apologists for Papa Obama and Obamacare
are so predictable and boring. This 'concerned troll' has no one fooled but like bad foot fungus, it won't go away.
-par for the course-
Just like the left's failed social programs, the radical left will continue to do them and demand even more
no matter how much they don't work.

And they get paid to post their Reactionary Leftist ideas here

if there is any truth to "you get what you paid for..."
then in terms of quality, their buyer of services has greatly overpaid
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if there is any truth to "you get what you paid for..."
then in terms of quality, their buyer of services has greatly overpaid

I get real enjoyment from the pretenders: Jake, JoeB and Bucs who were all handed the exact same script, so that alone is worth something, you Right wing reactionary

if there is any truth to "you get what you paid for..."
then in terms of quality, their buyer of services has greatly overpaid

I get real enjoyment from the pretenders: Jake, JoeB and Bucs who were all handed the exact same script, so that alone is worth something, you Right wing reactionary

Indeed, they remind me of something.....

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For the liberals/democrats/progressives the ultimate end goal is to make the U.S. exactly like N. Korea. .. :thup:

that is true.

It is an ultimate goal.

You do oppose taxation, correct? You do support, "Do whatever it takes" to get the black man in the WH, correct? You do oppose unionization or organization of workers, low pay & no benefits, correct. Sure you do. Just mention living wages and you go into a chinese commie stomp.

what all this incoherent blabber supposed to mean? that a failure we have in WH now is NOT a failure and naming him such is rrrrracist? oh, what else is new :lol:
I know it may be a shock to you but

Current federal guidance says that only women who are “genetically female” are eligible for subsidized mammograms

Technically, females to males, I would guess actually have a higher risk since their body was born female

Damn it - mammograms for all !

Democratic's war on breasts!
Why do the Democrats hate breasts?

why should it be a shock for me? :rolleyes:
I could not care less, to be honest, one way or the other.
From the strictly medical point of view transgenders need mammograms as they have breast tissue.
How is it regulated federally ( holy shit, the boobs have to have federal regulations :D - talk about freedom of ones body ;)) - I don't give a damn.

p.s. females to males almost never happen. almost. and if they happen - there is no breast tissue left so there is no mammograms needed
transgenderism is mostly male to female issue, because of it's underlying inborn and other anatomic-physiological factors.

Men can get breast cancer

While I would not want to take away from your obvious expertise in the area,
a female to male, would probably have a breast reduction to appear more male but it seems safe to assume that their would be a residual of the original structure.

If they removed, everything, it would be like a tummy tuck where they remove your belly button

But we digress, back to the real issue

Damn it - mammograms for all !

Democratic's war on breasts!
Why do the Democrats hate breasts?

No. the whole point is to remove everything, and the same is done with mastectomies.

anyway, the percentage of those cases in any direction is so small that I do not see any problems with mammograms covered for the transgender patients.

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