How come every time Trump is caught in a lie, his minions say "so what?"?

When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?
when Obammy lied none of you gave a shit

why do you criticize others for doing the exact same thing you do?
Republican's God has been Satan for the last 30 years.
Let him die.
Feed the poor and they will breed.
Seeing a serial adulterer who assaults and who cut off medical care for a nephews baby because he was mad at him and so on as a role model for their children.
Cutting food stamps for children and veterans.
These aren't Christian beliefs. They come from Satan.

Well you see how tricky Satan is?

He has you believing good people are bad, and bad people are good. Why do you suppose with any given situation, liberals always side with evil and conservatives side with the good?

Where in the Holy Bible does it say government should steal your money to give to anything? Jesus taught us to give of ourselves--not be forced to give. What you atheists don't understand is that it's not the giving that counts--it's where the giving should come from--the heart.

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Taking from hard working people so you don't have to work yourself is theft. Taking food from your society so you don't have to work for it yourself is theft. Having children you can't afford and sending the bill to your neighbor is not Godly, it's irresponsibility.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.


Millions of people don't agree with you.

In fact, they can't wit until he, Michael, his 2 daughters and the mother-in law have to move out of the White House.

Good freaking riddance.:mad-61:

Millions of people (at least 2.8 million more than agree with you) don't agree with you.

In fact, they're deeply horrified that Trump, his sex mistress, and his son will be moving into the White House.

God freaking help us.

Oh, so now you liberals turn to God because Trump won?

Maybe there is a silver lining behind this election for the left.

Exactly! LOL !!!

It's all good after all! :2up: ;)
Republican's God has been Satan for the last 30 years.
Let him die.
Feed the poor and they will breed.
Seeing a serial adulterer who assaults and who cut off medical care for a nephews baby because he was mad at him and so on as a role model for their children.
Cutting food stamps for children and veterans.
These aren't Christian beliefs. They come from Satan.

Well you see how tricky Satan is?

He has you believing good people are bad, and bad people are good. Why do you suppose with any given situation, liberals always side with evil and conservatives side with the good?

Where in the Holy Bible does it say government should steal your money to give to anything? Jesus taught us to give of ourselves--not be forced to give. What you atheists don't understand is that it's not the giving that counts--it's where the giving should come from--the heart.

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Taking from hard working people so you don't have to work yourself is theft. Taking food from your society so you don't have to work for it yourself is theft. Having children you can't afford and sending the bill to your neighbor is not Godly, it's irresponsibility. go Ray!
Awesome post!

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