How come every time Trump is caught in a lie, his minions say "so what?"?

He said he wasn't for the Iraq war. he was on Howard sterns national radio, and when asked about being for the war he said "yeah, I guess."

During the debates he adamantly said that he was never for the war . Even when confronted with the stern interview .

Howard Stern, Yahoo News, FaceBook news, all the top news sources for the left.

Yes . And there's that fake audio of him saying it.
Did you lose your plan? Your doctor ?

So some losers lost their shit plans that covered nothing. They were eligible for new better plans .

Yeah? Well I was one of those losers that did lose my plan under my employer. I've had health insurance my entire life until this bozo passed this legislation.

Better plans? Let me tell you about those better plans:

I had to call Commie Care a few weeks ago to apply for a plan. Do you know what they offered me? The only insurance company that covers my doctor and hospital. It would cost me nearly 25% of my net pay. It has a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket.
Well here you go smart people. It's right there in front of you.

Posting a video over and over that contradicts you isn't kind of bizarre.

Oh, you mean like Russia hacking the voting machines? You know, no evidence to support it, but they did the recount anyway just to make sure

Now you think Russian hacking is the only reason for a recount?

Conservative brains apparently have trouble embracing more than one thought. You're stuck on "Urk. Russia no hack elections. Urk."

Isn't that what Comey tried to do?

Try to toss the election to the Republicans? That's what I just said. Do keep up.

Know about that pile of resignations by FBI agents? Of course not, you only watch CNN and MSNBC. But Comey does have that pile on his desk because he made a recommendation to the justice department not to go forward with a criminal case against Hil-Liar. Of course it's not the job of the FBI to make such recommendations, but for some strange reason, the director did exactly that. Hmmmm.

That might have made some kind of sense in your alternate reality, but it's simply too loopy for normal people to follow.

But do you know what's even more strange about that? Lynch said she would proceed however the FBI director recommends. But since the FBI never did that before, how in the world would she have known he would make any kind of recommendation--especially announcing it right after her meeting with Bill Clinton on the case in her airplane? I thought Bill ran up there to talk about their grandchildren and golf! But of course, only an uninformed voter would actually believe that.

That's cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Again, it makes no sense to normal people.

None huh? Well that's a demonstration of your typical liberal selective memory.

Actually, it's a demonstration of Politifacts "We have to say Obama lied so we won't be called liberal!" phoney equivalence song and dance. Never works, so I don't know why they do it. And it's certainly something we remember.

I'm just planting the seeds here. It will take time, the dawning on you that you've been played for a rube, a Useful Idiot.
He said he wasn't for the Iraq war. he was on Howard sterns national radio, and when asked about being for the war he said "yeah, I guess."

During the debates he adamantly said that he was never for the war . Even when confronted with the stern interview .

Howard Stern, Yahoo News, FaceBook news, all the top news sources for the left.

Yes . And there's that fake audio of him saying it.

Not fake at all. It was the one year anniversary when that interview was conducted. Asked about it later, he stated he didn't remember what he said, but he was against it once we moved in.

Of course, Donald wasn't a politician back then. Would you like me to post what some politicians said and how some voted (like Hillary) about Iraq?
Posting a video over and over that contradicts you isn't kind of bizarre.

Now you think Russian hacking is the only reason for a recount?

Conservative brains apparently have trouble embracing more than one thought. You're stuck on "Urk. Russia no hack elections. Urk."

Try to toss the election to the Republicans? That's what I just said. Do keep up.

Posting a video over and over that contradicts you isn't kind of bizarre.

It does? Show me one contradiction. The testimony supports everything I said. Want to challenge me on that, go ahead, I'll go back and point out the number of the question or even get the transcript. You probably never even watched the video because it shows how inept you are.

Now you think Russian hacking is the only reason for a recount?

Conservative brains apparently have trouble embracing more than one thought. You're stuck on "Urk. Russia no hack elections. Urk."

Would you like me to post all the liberal media STATING that was the exact reason for the recount? Stein stated repeatedly that she suspected Russians hacked the machines, and that's the reason for the recount. When that was found to be a lie, they switched over to saying "hacking" now applied to emails.

Try to toss the election to the Republicans? That's what I just said. Do keep up.

Tossed nothing. Read my post how he had no choice about opening up the investigation again.

That might have made some kind of sense in your alternate reality, but it's simply too loopy for normal people to follow.

Loopy is facts that you can't seem to digest.

That's cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Again, it makes no sense to normal people.

Normal people are Republicans that honesty make sense to. Dishonesty is the only thing that makes sense to a Democrat. So come on Commie, name something that doesn't make sense here!

Actually, it's a demonstration of Politifacts "We have to say Obama lied so we won't be called liberal!" phoney equivalence song and dance. Never works, so I don't know why they do it. And it's certainly something we remember.

I'm just planting the seeds here. It will take time, the dawning on you that you've been played for a rube, a Useful Idiot.

It's right there in front of you. But of course, as a liberal, being right in front of you means nothing. And of course, showing me evidence that what he said wasn't lies is certainly out of your league as well.

Just put the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud. That's what liberals do when truth is presented to them; like showing Dracula a cross.
He said he wasn't for the Iraq war. he was on Howard sterns national radio, and when asked about being for the war he said "yeah, I guess."

During the debates he adamantly said that he was never for the war . Even when confronted with the stern interview .

Howard Stern, Yahoo News, FaceBook news, all the top news sources for the left.

Yes . And there's that fake audio of him saying it.

Not fake at all. It was the one year anniversary when that interview was conducted. Asked about it later, he stated he didn't remember what he said, but he was against it once we moved in.

Of course, Donald wasn't a politician back then. Would you like me to post what some politicians said and how some voted (like Hillary) about Iraq?

Who the fuck doesn't remember if they were for or against the invasion of Iraq?!!

Hillary never denied she voted for it .
When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?

Well, you guys did it for eight years with Obama, do why don't you tell us why.
Like what... when Obama lied about not wanting to kill us all with Ebola? About not wanting to invade Texas with Jade Helm? About not ordering the deaths of people in Benghazi? About being an American citizen? :rolleyes:

Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom :rolleyes:

And that's just what I came up with off the top of my head in 10 seconds. Just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition.
Funny how that Benghazi was never caused by a video became GOP gospel when no evidence has ever really been presented it didn't. More than 50 people died in violent riots all over the Muslim world. At least you guys have to admit that. It's undisputed by the entire rest of the world and the facts.

Republicans Said Obama Misrepresented the Libya attack. Now the Joke’s On Them.

As early accounts of a protest at the consulate collapsed, Republicans substituted their own story. The video, they explained, was irrelevant. Instead, the attack had been plotted by allies of al-Qaida to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11. This story, too, suited the worldview of its advocates. It reduced the Benghazi incident to a matter of security, warfare, and refusing to apologize. And, like the protest story, it has unraveled.

The intelligence from Libya was confused all along. The attack took place in the midst of uprisings against the video across the Muslim world, aimed particularly at U.S. embassies. The rage, though real, was ignited and stoked by anti-American extremists. That’s how it often is with mob violence: One man’s motivation is another man’s pretext. In Benghazi, witnesses saw attackers and onlookers. The problem was figuring out the relationship between them. The CIA’s initial assessments suggested a hybrid scenario: a demonstration “spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" that "evolved into a direct assault" by extremists.

It's that same kind of short sightedness that make Republicans disregard Bin Laden as a threat and led them to stop looking for him and invade Iraq instead.
And that is a huge part of why Trump will be a disaster. In your heart, you know it's true.
He said he wasn't for the Iraq war. he was on Howard sterns national radio, and when asked about being for the war he said "yeah, I guess."

During the debates he adamantly said that he was never for the war . Even when confronted with the stern interview .

Howard Stern, Yahoo News, FaceBook news, all the top news sources for the left.

Yes . And there's that fake audio of him saying it.

Not fake at all. It was the one year anniversary when that interview was conducted. Asked about it later, he stated he didn't remember what he said, but he was against it once we moved in.

Of course, Donald wasn't a politician back then. Would you like me to post what some politicians said and how some voted (like Hillary) about Iraq?

Who the fuck doesn't remember if they were for or against the invasion of Iraq?!!

Hillary never denied she voted for it .
And yet Bush is unwelcome at GOP conventions. Funny that. The next Democratic Convention will have Carter (if he beats cancer), Clinton and especially Obama.
But no Republicans beyond, well, we can't even say. Trump might not be president by then.
Who the fuck doesn't remember if they were for or against the invasion of Iraq?!!

A lot of people. Trump only said that one time. Afterwards he was against the war. Again, it was early on and only a year after 911 in his hometown.

Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.


Millions of people don't agree with you.

In fact, they can't wit until he, Michael, his 2 daughters and the mother-in law have to move out of the White House.

Good freaking riddance.:mad-61:

Millions of people (at least 2.8 million more than agree with you) don't agree with you.

In fact, they're deeply horrified that Trump, his sex mistress, and his son will be moving into the White House.

God freaking help us.
Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.


Millions of people don't agree with you.

In fact, they can't wit until he, Michael, his 2 daughters and the mother-in law have to move out of the White House.

Good freaking riddance.:mad-61:

Millions of people (at least 2.8 million more than agree with you) don't agree with you.

In fact, they're deeply horrified that Trump, his sex mistress, and his son will be moving into the White House.

God freaking help us.

Oh, so now you liberals turn to God because Trump won?

Maybe there is a silver lining behind this election for the left.
When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?

I think his minions think of it as "the art of the deal". not really a lie--LOL

You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.


Millions of people don't agree with you.

In fact, they can't wit until he, Michael, his 2 daughters and the mother-in law have to move out of the White House.

Good freaking riddance.:mad-61:

Millions of people (at least 2.8 million more than agree with you) don't agree with you.

In fact, they're deeply horrified that Trump, his sex mistress, and his son will be moving into the White House.

God freaking help us.

Oh, so now you liberals turn to God because Trump won?

Maybe there is a silver lining behind this election for the left.
Republican's God has been Satan for the last 30 years.
Let him die.
Feed the poor and they will breed.
Seeing a serial adulterer who assaults and who cut off medical care for a nephews baby because he was mad at him and so on as a role model for their children.
Cutting food stamps for children and veterans.
These aren't Christian beliefs. They come from Satan.
Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.


Millions of people don't agree with you.

In fact, they can't wit until he, Michael, his 2 daughters and the mother-in law have to move out of the White House.

Good freaking riddance.:mad-61:

Millions of people (at least 2.8 million more than agree with you) don't agree with you.

In fact, they're deeply horrified that Trump, his sex mistress, and his son will be moving into the White House.

God freaking help us.

If you want God to help you than it's time tos repent and come to Him. He will save you from you sins, not in them.

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