How come every time Trump is caught in a lie, his minions say "so what?"?

Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
The eagle is America. The Leader respects America.
He's scared of it.
Healthy respect.

America was scared of Hillary, and obama.
Like his First Amendment toilet paper.
Because facts and truth no longer matter. His cult just adores whatever he says.
you mean like you libtards did with obama and hildabeast? Facts did not matter to you when they lied their asses off no did they...hypocrite
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
well Dems are critical of there leaders, that's how an independent got close to 50& of the vote. I voted for people in three different party's. see the old boss same as the new boss. we keep reelecting the same people over & over expecting different results.
How come every time Clinton was caught breaking the law her minions said so what?

But that never happened, with Clinton or Obama. You were just lying, and now you're butthurt because we laughed at your lies.

And why were you lying? Because your masters ordered it, and you were too chicken to disobey.

That brings up another point. Why is every male Trump-voter such a mewling cuck? Why do they all reflexively roll over and expose their bellies whenever their masters walk by? Why can't even one of them muster the 'nads to say "Lying is wrong, and I won't do it."?

That's why they hate us liberals so much. The shining light of our absolute moral standards, simple things such as "lying is wrong" and "stealing is wrong" and "cheating is wrong", that causes physical pain to the Trump-cucks, much like sunlight burning a vampire.
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.
Hillary lied and Americans died and the left said "so what". Trump hasn't even taken office and the left is claiming that he lied about campaign promises.
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.

I note you didn't counter his points. Typical..
When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?

Because the Clinton's and Barry O'Bama made it common place. It has no effect on anybody anymore, unless, of course a Republican does. Double standard, anyone?
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.
He was an outstanding piece of shit....

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