How come every time Trump is caught in a lie, his minions say "so what?"?

When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?

At this point, what difference does it make?

When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?

Here's how you get to the answer. Ask yourself why when Obama is caught in a lie, you say "so what?" And viola! you have the answer!
It's also much different than _doing_ the deed of grabbing women by the crotch, which you seem to have zero problem with. After all, you're going through great pains here to excuse it by claiming it's just a meaningless little statement. You seem to support sexual assault as well as lying.

Anyways, the point is that lying about Democrats doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you liars.

And lying about Republicans not lying doesn't excuse the way you proudly suck the asses of the most flagrant liars in American history.

Again, the two sides are nothing alike. Most Republicans adore their liars, and try to excuse their lies. We don't. And the "both sides are alike" shills can pound sand along with the Republican hypocrites.

How many times did DumBama lie and get the votes of Democrats? You guys are still sticking up for Hil-Liar, and Comey even testified to her lies in front of Congress.

Funny how nobody had their crotch grabbed until that recording came out. Ten years is a long time to keep that secret, don't you think?

Again, something the Democrats have never done. The IRS story is another Republican conspiracy theory. The fact that cultists like you believe it doesn't make it true. Now, what's not a lie is the Republicans using the FBI to help rig an election, and to now investigate their political enemies. Strike three.

How did the Republicans use the FBI when the FBI is under DumBama's control?

As the Republicans are now proud to do, as witnessed by their total lack of concern over Russian hacking. In contrast, no Democrat ever did such a thing. Sure, Republicans claim Clinton did it, but that's a pathologically dishonest conspiracy theory, contradicted by the evidence. Strike two.

Oh please, a high school computer geek could have broken into Hil-Liars server. It didn't even have basic encryption protection. The "evidence" showed that Hillary DID have classified information on her server--something she wasn't supposed to have. Evidence showed that she did not return all work related material back to the state department.

On one hand, you libs claim of this very technologic hacking of the election by Russians, but in the same breath, claim nobody could have broken into Hillary's server. Unbelievable.

There was no Russia hacking, another liberal lie you bought into. Votes were recounted in three states, no evidence of any kind of hacking, just some double counted ballots in Detroit which were likely Hillary voters.

As Bush, Trump and the Republicans always do, and as the Democrats don't. Strike one.

Hillary's whole legacy is a lie.

True. But Democrats lie far, far less often. And the things they lie about don't matter, like being under sniper fire.

They don't? How about the lie if Commie Care is passed, families will save over $2,500 a year in their health insurance? If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. That was over a trillion dollar lie--trillions dollars of taxpayer money, but you say those kinds of lies don't matter.

You're so clueless you probably still think a video that nobody seen was responsible for Benghazi.
When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?

Not sworn in yet and what lie has he told lately? Have not been paying him much attention except what's new with jobs and stock market

How many times did DumBama lie and get the votes of Democrats?

Let me think ... none. Remember, you not liking what Obama said doesn't make it lie, no matter how much you wish that was magically so.

You guys are still sticking up for Hil-Liar, and Comey even testified to her lies in front of Congress

Such interesting alternative histories you invent. It appears you might even believe them, given the degree of your ignorance of reality.

Funny how nobody had their crotch grabbed until that recording came out. Ten years is a long time to keep that secret, don't you think?

Good. At least you're back to denying the sexual assault, instead of saying it was just a little white lie. That's moral progress on your part.

How did the Republicans use the FBI when the FBI is under DumBama's control?

I get it. You're an authoritarian to the core. You believe the FBI should be the president's personal thug force, and you dearly hope Trump makes that so, which he appears to be doing. However, in the Democratic version of the USA, the FBI is an independent organization. That means if it's run by a Republican ratfuk and staffed by some Repubilcan ratfuks, those Republican ratfuks can choose to betray their country and try to toss an election to the Republicans.

Oh please, a high school computer geek could have broken into Hil-Liars server. It didn't even have basic encryption protection.

First, you're quite logic-deficient (explaining your conservative leanings), being your train of logic is "You can't prove it didn't happen, so you have to assume it did, even if there's no evidence to support it."

The "evidence" showed that Hillary DID have classified information on her server--something she wasn't supposed to have.

No, the evidence showed the exact opposite. Don't try to pass of your BS to people outside your cult, because it won't work.

Evidence showed that she did not return all work related material back to the state department.

Wow. You just keep telling bigger and bigger whoppers. Fools your fellow rubes, sure, but not smart people.

There was no Russia hacking, another liberal lie you bought into.

Did I say election, dumbass? You actually think elections are the only thing that can be hacked? Holy crap, you're dumb. You're actually claiming the Russians have hacked ... nothing. That lack of common sense is why you were such easy pickins' for your cult.

Now, try to keep your seething jealousy of Obama under some control, eh? We get it. You know how he makes your messiahs look totally corrupt and incompetent, and that enrages you.
Lol...I don't like what Obama said therefore it's a Trump 'cept I like Trump..
That's the right wing defense.
He said he wasn't for the Iraq war. he was on Howard sterns national radio, and when asked about being for the war he said "yeah, I guess."

During the debates he adamantly said that he was never for the war . Even when confronted with the stern interview .
When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?
If you like your plan you can keep it. Period. If you like your doctor you can keep them. Period.

You know we've learned over the last few years what an actual president lying right to our faces looks like.

And yet, you the party of liars want us to forget that you are actually fucking liars and focus on someone else that may or may not be lying but we know for sure you are. And you wonder why we don't trust you.

The truth has meant jack shit to you for eight years. Now you want to point a finger at someone else and call them liars and you actually can't understand why we don't follow your foot steppes. You're an idiot.
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.
You're talking about opinions, not lies. How about Trump admitting that his birth certificate hunt was all a game? How about him saying that "lock her up" was just a campaign tactic? How about Trump saying Ted Cruz's dad met secretly with JFK's assassins? Defend those. And that's just off the top of MY head.

At no point did I defend any of Trump's bullshit. I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of people like you and the Obamabots who couldn't have cared less about "opinions" for the last eight years.
I have a few problems with Obama's Presidency. Overall I think he did an outstanding job.


Millions of people don't agree with you.

In fact, they can't wit until he, Michael, his 2 daughters and the mother-in law have to move out of the White House.

Good freaking riddance.:mad-61:
Did I say election, dumbass? You actually think elections are the only thing that can be hacked? Holy crap, you're dumb. You're actually claiming the Russians have hacked ... nothing. That lack of common sense is why you were such easy pickins' for your cult.

Now, try to keep your seething jealousy of Obama under some control, eh? We get it. You know how he makes your messiahs look totally corrupt and incompetent, and that enrages you.

Common sense and easy pickings? Why do you think your sheep masters keep using the words "election hacking?" Because it fools uninformed voters like yourself. Now if the Russians hacked anything, let's see the proof! We (and the US Congress) are dying to see it, but nobody is showing it to us for some strange reason..........Hmmmm.

Wow. You just keep telling bigger and bigger whoppers. Fools your fellow rubes, sure, but not smart people.

Well here you go smart people. It's right there in front of you.

No, the evidence showed the exact opposite. Don't try to pass of your BS to people outside your cult, because it won't work.

Here we go again:

First, you're quite logic-deficient (explaining your conservative leanings), being your train of logic is "You can't prove it didn't happen, so you have to assume it did, even if there's no evidence to support it."

Oh, you mean like Russia hacking the voting machines? You know, no evidence to support it, but they did the recount anyway just to make sure?

I get it. You're an authoritarian to the core. You believe the FBI should be the president's personal thug force, and you dearly hope Trump makes that so, which he appears to be doing. However, in the Democratic version of the USA, the FBI is an independent organization. That means if it's run by a Republican ratfuk and staffed by some Repubilcan ratfuks, those Republican ratfuks can choose to betray their country and try to toss an election to the Republicans.

Isn't that what Comey tried to do?

Know about that pile of resignations by FBI agents? Of course not, you only watch CNN and MSNBC. But Comey does have that pile on his desk because he made a recommendation to the justice department not to go forward with a criminal case against Hil-Liar. Of course it's not the job of the FBI to make such recommendations, but for some strange reason, the director did exactly that. Hmmmm.

But do you know what's even more strange about that? Lynch said she would proceed however the FBI director recommends. But since the FBI never did that before, how in the world would she have known he would make any kind of recommendation--especially announcing it right after her meeting with Bill Clinton on the case in her airplane? I thought Bill ran up there to talk about their grandchildren and golf! But of course, only an uninformed voter would actually believe that.

Good. At least you're back to denying the sexual assault, instead of saying it was just a little white lie. That's moral progress on your part.

Ah yes, all these so-called sexual assaults that the police never heard about. If some bimbos come out and make the claim, that's all that's needed for a liberal to believe it. Uninformed Voter.

Such interesting alternative histories you invent. It appears you might even believe them, given the degree of your ignorance of reality.

Yes I believe them, especially when I have a video to support my statement:

Let me think ... none. Remember, you not liking what Obama said doesn't make it lie, no matter how much you wish that was magically so.

None huh? Well that's a demonstration of your typical liberal selective memory. Then you wonder why we call you people the Uninformed Voters:

Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’

WaPo: Four Pinocchios for Obama on Bush 41 amnesty claim; Update: Three

Obama is on the Hook for Another Lie of the Year: Guns.

So keep on believing what you believe. It makes you look even more uninformed.
He said he wasn't for the Iraq war. he was on Howard sterns national radio, and when asked about being for the war he said "yeah, I guess."

During the debates he adamantly said that he was never for the war . Even when confronted with the stern interview .

Howard Stern, Yahoo News, FaceBook news, all the top news sources for the left.
The mistake is thinking the left were ever rational in the first place, now you are getting a good look at their psychosis and paranoia.
When Trump lies, it's to everyone. Not just liberals. That doesn't bother his minions? Why not?
If you like your plan you can keep it. Period. If you like your doctor you can keep them. Period.

You know we've learned over the last few years what an actual president lying right to our faces looks like.

And yet, you the party of liars want us to forget that you are actually fucking liars and focus on someone else that may or may not be lying but we know for sure you are. And you wonder why we don't trust you.

The truth has meant jack shit to you for eight years. Now you want to point a finger at someone else and call them liars and you actually can't understand why we don't follow your foot steppes. You're an idiot.

Did you lose your plan? Your doctor ?

So some losers lost their shit plans that covered nothing. They were eligible for new better plans .

I ask again . Where are the death panels and rationing ?

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