How come every time Trump is caught in a lie, his minions say "so what?"?

If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan.
Biggest government scam in US history.

Or how he said repeatedly that if elected, nobody making less than 250K will see a tax increase of any kind. Then when he got elected, he increased taxes on tobacco products mostly used by the lower and middle-class.
Because facts and truth no longer matter. His cult just adores whatever he says.

What? O'Bama's not even out of office yet and you've already forgotten all about him. Liberals took every thing he said as gospel, and they slobbered all over him, all the time. Don't you remember?
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Every response to why they don't care about being lied to consists of:

1. I like being lied to because liberals font like being lied to. Or

2. I like being lied to because you didn't care when someone lied sometime other than right now.

It's like if you stepped in a puddle and complained that your foot was wet they'd say "I dnot hear you complaining about the Amazon, it's always wet there!"
Every response to why they don't care about being lied to consists of:

1. I like being lied to because liberals font like being lied to. Or

2. I like being lied to because you didn't care when someone lied sometime other than right now.

It's like if you stepped in a puddle and complained that your foot was wet they'd say "I dnot hear you complaining about the Amazon, it's always wet there!"
At least Hillary never told you the truth.....

Hummm... It appears you have a bit of lust in your heart.
Every response to why they don't care about being lied to consists of:

1. I like being lied to because liberals font like being lied to. Or

2. I like being lied to because you didn't care when someone lied sometime other than right now.

It's like if you stepped in a puddle and complained that your foot was wet they'd say "I dnot hear you complaining about the Amazon, it's always wet there!"
At least Hillary never told you the truth.....
...and thats the reason you don't care about being lied to.
Every response to why they don't care about being lied to consists of:

1. I like being lied to because liberals font like being lied to. Or

2. I like being lied to because you didn't care when someone lied sometime other than right now.

It's like if you stepped in a puddle and complained that your foot was wet they'd say "I dnot hear you complaining about the Amazon, it's always wet there!"
At least Hillary never told you the truth.....
...and thats the reason you don't care about being lied to.
But I do....that's why I voted Trump....
You guys are seriously screwed up. Bill Clinton lied again and again, you praise him for being such a great liar. Hillary lies, commits crimes, and you completely look the other way. Obama has one of the most corrupt administrations history and lies through his teeth and you pretend he is the purest administration in the history of the world.

And now you suddenly care about truth? What exactly is trump lying about that has you so upset? Clean up your own house before you start whining about others
How come every time Trump is caught in a lie, his minions say "so what?"?
Because the Liberal-Progressive social engineering agenda and autocratic behaviors have made He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named look attractive by comparison.
Every response to why they don't care about being lied to consists of:

1. I like being lied to because liberals font like being lied to. Or

2. I like being lied to because you didn't care when someone lied sometime other than right now.

It's like if you stepped in a puddle and complained that your foot was wet they'd say "I dnot hear you complaining about the Amazon, it's always wet there!"

All politicians lie, so that's really not the issue. It's what they lied about that is.

If you lie to the people about national security issues, bleeding our confidential and even classified material to our enemies, or even using our federal agencies like the IRS to attack political foes, that's much different than lying about grabbing women by the crotch or saying you'll deport all Muslims if elected.

If you lie about pushing a bill through Congress that cost taxpayers way over a trillion dollars stating it will solve all our problems, that's different than saying you'll build a wall if you don't actually do it. Just today, a report came out how Commie Care is going to cost us an extra 10 billion more dollars just for next year due to price increases.
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.

I note you didn't counter his points. Typical..

Because anything I said would have surely changed your mind, right, tard?
Maybe about how ISIS was a JV team. They are. They control tiny amounts of desert wasteland and are completely surrounded by enemies. Having a twitter account and claiming credit for every crime in the world doesn't make you varsity. Maybe about how Benghazi was caused by a video. The same day there were protests in 100 cities over the video, and the one terrorist captured from that day said he was there because of the video. Plenty of reason for them to believe early on that the video played a role. Which ended up being the truth. Maybe about how the average family would see a $2500 reduction in medical costs if ObamaCare was passed. We'll never know since republicans waged all out war on Obamacare and left it a shell of what it was supposed to be. Maybe how the money we gave to Iran wasn't a ransom. That was Iran's money. We are not a rogue nation. For now anyways. If we got hostages out of it? That's a good thing. :rolleyes:

Like I said, just imagine if Democrats and Republicans were as honestly critical of their own leaders as they are of the opposition. :rolleyes:

Thanks for proving my point.

I note you didn't counter his points. Typical..

Because anything I said would have surely changed your mind, right, tard?

This is a debate forum are supposed to debate...
All politicians lie, so that's really not the issue. It's what they lied about that is

True. But Democrats lie far, far less often. And the things they lie about don't matter, like being under sniper fire.

If you lie to the people about national security issues,

As Bush, Trump and the Republicans always do, and as the Democrats don't. Strike one.

bleeding our confidential and even classified material to our enemies,

As the Republicans are now proud to do, as witnessed by their total lack of concern over Russian hacking. In contrast, no Democrat ever did such a thing. Sure, Republicans claim Clinton did it, but that's a pathologically dishonest conspiracy theory, contradicted by the evidence. Strike two.

or even using our federal agencies like the IRS to attack political foes,

Again, something the Democrats have never done. The IRS story is another Republican conspiracy theory. The fact that cultists like you believe it doesn't make it true. Now, what's not a lie is the Republicans using the FBI to help rig an election, and to now investigate their political enemies. Strike three.

that's much different than lying about grabbing women by the crotch or saying you'll deport all Muslims if elected

It's also much different than _doing_ the deed of grabbing women by the crotch, which you seem to have zero problem with. After all, you're going through great pains here to excuse it by claiming it's just a meaningless little statement. You seem to support sexual assault as well as lying.

Anyways, the point is that lying about Democrats doesn't make us hypocrites. It just makes you liars.

And lying about Republicans not lying doesn't excuse the way you proudly suck the asses of the most flagrant liars in American history.

Again, the two sides are nothing alike. Most Republicans adore their liars, and try to excuse their lies. We don't. And the "both sides are alike" shills can pound sand along with the Republican hypocrites.
Partisans regularly ignore and deflect and spin for the lies of their "side".

Both "sides".

One of the zillion examples of why they have zero (0) credibility.

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