How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?
The Flint water system was built a long time ago under a Democrat led community. Flint is bankrupt from Democratic leadership. It was thought using the Flint River as a water source would save money. The water reacted with the lead joints and caused the problem. This was missed by expert EPA and DEQ bureaucrats, who approved the change.

Flint is a democrat community - Dr. Karen Weaver is mayor, radical left Hillary Supporter.

rdean is a shameless liar. Little of what he posts ever turns out to be true.

First and foremost, who is going to step up and provide a solution vs. putting more energy into pointing fingers and scoring political points? This reminds me of Katrina...... Screw the people and lets score points. "Never let a serious crisis go to waste".
Same reason he doesn't stand up for the unions and fight for the workers. He is owned by the rich.

All elected officials and candidates for elected jobs are indebted to their major donors. Some are more biddable than others and some of the very wealthy donors are honorable, and some are bribers and expect results which benefit themselves sometimes to the disadvantage of the many.

Even honorable pols - yeah some exist - must take the money, not to do so is suicidal. We can thank (so to speak) the five members of the Supreme Court for putting one more nail into the coffin of democracy in America.

Freedom of Speech is FREE, today one must pay to be heard and that is wrong. As wrong as Separate but Equal and Dred Scott wrong.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Not asked but................I'd never live in that dang city to begin with.............and to anti corrosion measures it's just a higher ph...........also known as water the other poster.......

The pipes are are pipes across the country........this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Not asked but................I'd never live in that dang city to begin with.............and to anti corrosion measures it's just a higher ph...........also known as water the other poster.......

The pipes are are pipes across the country........this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The simple answer is this, we need to renew, repair or replace much of our nation's infrastructure. In the process jobs will be created solving two problems. The TP mentality is penny wise and pound foolish.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?
Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
I filter my water here dumbfuck. And we don't have that problem.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Not asked but................I'd never live in that dang city to begin with.............and to anti corrosion measures it's just a higher ph...........also known as water the other poster.......

The pipes are are pipes across the country........this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The simple answer is this, we need to renew, repair or replace much of our nation's infrastructure. In the process jobs will be created solving two problems. The TP mentality is penny wise and pound foolish.
The left wing spent all that money and way more funding social programs. So crying about infrastructure is silly.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Not asked but................I'd never live in that dang city to begin with.............and to anti corrosion measures it's just a higher ph...........also known as water the other poster.......

The pipes are are pipes across the country........this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The simple answer is this, we need to renew, repair or replace much of our nation's infrastructure. In the process jobs will be created solving two problems. The TP mentality is penny wise and pound foolish.
We had 800 BILLION reasons to fix it...........How do you like your Solar plants and choo choo trains?
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?
Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
I filter my water here dumbfuck. And we don't have that problem.

"dumbfuck"? You should filter your written words, and think - if you possibly can - before putting them out for the world to read. If you thought and didn't only emote you would have understood my point, and wouldn't feel the need to explain you don't live in Michigan.

The question was hypothetical, that said, many of the people effected by the crisis are poor and cannot afford a system to filter the water, especially the cost to hire a plumber to do so.
Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises -

Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional.

Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in September.

He said he activated the National Guard to pass out water. Turns out it was 7. That's right, 7.
As in 1,2,3,4,5,6,SEVEN National Guard members serving 100,000.

And he bought in researchers to check the water house by house. 5. That's it, just five. As in
1,2,3,4, FIVE.
Five to check the water for 100,000 people. That's one hundred thousand people. As in 1,2,3,4,5,6..............................98,000, 99,000, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND.

This is just one more typical right wing policy that is letting Americans suffer. Not by nature, but by Republicans.

Someone has some 'splainin' to do. Can't wait for the spin.
The EPA is to blame, wasteful and ineffective organization full of Green lobbyists.

Empowered by career politicians like commander asshat in the White House... Preaching hope and change to the gullible...
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?
Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
I filter my water here dumbfuck. And we don't have that problem.

"dumbfuck"? You should filter your written words, and think - if you possibly can - before putting them out for the world to read. If you thought and didn't only emote you would have understood my point, and wouldn't feel the need to explain you don't live in Michigan.

The question was hypothetical, that said, many of the people effected by the crisis are poor and cannot afford a system to filter the water, especially the cost to hire a plumber to do so.
You keep proving you're full of shit. Brita filters work great, there are others as well and it's cheap. Redoing the plumbing isn't feasible for anybody.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Not asked but................I'd never live in that dang city to begin with.............and to anti corrosion measures it's just a higher ph...........also known as water the other poster.......

The pipes are are pipes across the country........this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The simple answer is this, we need to renew, repair or replace much of our nation's infrastructure. In the process jobs will be created solving two problems. The TP mentality is penny wise and pound foolish.
The left wing spent all that money and way more funding social programs. So crying about infrastructure is silly.

The left wing? You're so full of shit I wonder if you even believe what you write.

As for crying, you're the whiner and the things which cause you the most emotional distress are those which most of our citizens want, a government for the people, not a government of, by and for the power elite (and no, the money does not trickle down to the many, no matter what Limbaugh or Hannity or any of the other RW taking heads have told you).
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?

Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
Not asked but................I'd never live in that dang city to begin with.............and to anti corrosion measures it's just a higher ph...........also known as water the other poster.......

The pipes are are pipes across the country........this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The simple answer is this, we need to renew, repair or replace much of our nation's infrastructure. In the process jobs will be created solving two problems. The TP mentality is penny wise and pound foolish.
The left wing spent all that money and way more funding social programs. So crying about infrastructure is silly.

The left wing? You're so full of shit I wonder if you even believe what you write.

As for crying, you're the whiner and the things which cause you the most emotional distress are those which most of our citizens want, a government for the people, not a government of, by and for the power elite (and no, the money does not trickle down to the many, no matter what Limbaugh or Hannity or any of the other RW taking heads have told you).
The loser is the one that pretends he knows the others' state of mind. You're a stupid asshole so I treat you like one. Nor does 'for the people' mean funding every liberal wet dream possible.
Gov. Snyder should do the right thing and resign. The new revelation that he sent water to state employees even though they were telling the people of Flint that the water was fine is totally abhorrent to me.

His emergency manager screwed up by not having the new water supply filtered properly. Their error was so egregious and consequential. In their zeal to cut corners, it's going to cost way more to fix this new problem of corroded pipes than anything they'd have saved by not simply treating the water like they were supposed to do.

As long as he stays, he is the poster boy for the total hypocrisy that runs in the soul of today's Republican party. They forever remind us that the danger of a more progressive society is that easygoing, pot-smoking, gay and lesbian atheists are somehow going to infiltrate the government and, and, FASCISM! Meanwhile, Republicans get elected, literally strip an entire city of its basic democratic rights and enacts policies that actually kill people. And it would have been totally avoided had there been no emergency manager in the first place, which was of course a new government job created by Snyder.

The Governor's policies have lead to the actual deaths of citizens. Just be a man and resign. He done fucked up.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?
Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
I filter my water here dumbfuck. And we don't have that problem.

"dumbfuck"? You should filter your written words, and think - if you possibly can - before putting them out for the world to read. If you thought and didn't only emote you would have understood my point, and wouldn't feel the need to explain you don't live in Michigan.

The question was hypothetical, that said, many of the people effected by the crisis are poor and cannot afford a system to filter the water, especially the cost to hire a plumber to do so.
You keep proving you're full of shit. Brita filters work great, there are others as well and it's cheap. Redoing the plumbing isn't feasible for anybody.

LOL, read about house filters. A Brita isn't used for cooking, brushing one's teeth or for the dog or cats bowl. You're really so biased you're nearly blind to considering all parts and elements to a problem.

I won't call you stupid, but you sure aren't very bright.
It's got nothing to do with the party, you fuck sticks want to turn it into that to smear your political party rivals. State employees don't come and go with elections, they tend to stay until they retire. So the fuckups are all over the place starting make when you used lead in the pipes. They've know since the Roman empire that lead was bad news.

And I wouldn't be drinking the water period if it needs an anti-corrosion chemical. How fucking good can that be for you anyway?
Perish the thought that you might have kids, but if you did would you allow them to drink the water?
I filter my water here dumbfuck. And we don't have that problem.

"dumbfuck"? You should filter your written words, and think - if you possibly can - before putting them out for the world to read. If you thought and didn't only emote you would have understood my point, and wouldn't feel the need to explain you don't live in Michigan.

The question was hypothetical, that said, many of the people effected by the crisis are poor and cannot afford a system to filter the water, especially the cost to hire a plumber to do so.
You keep proving you're full of shit. Brita filters work great, there are others as well and it's cheap. Redoing the plumbing isn't feasible for anybody.
LOL, read about house filters. A Brita isn't used for cooking, brushing one's teeth or for the dog or cats bowl. You're really so biased you're nearly blind to considering all parts and elements to a problem.

I won't call you stupid, but you sure aren't very bright.
Like I said, asshole. We don't have that problem here. I filter all drinking water. I didn't say a Brita filter would fix their all their problems did I? I said it was wrong to have lead in the pipes in the first place and wouldn't drink anti-corrosion chemicals and always use a filter anyway. More evidence for your poor state of mind.
Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises -

Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional.

Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in September.

He said he activated the National Guard to pass out water. Turns out it was 7. That's right, 7.
As in 1,2,3,4,5,6,SEVEN National Guard members serving 100,000.

And he bought in researchers to check the water house by house. 5. That's it, just five. As in
1,2,3,4, FIVE.
Five to check the water for 100,000 people. That's one hundred thousand people. As in 1,2,3,4,5,6..............................98,000, 99,000, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND.

This is just one more typical right wing policy that is letting Americans suffer. Not by nature, but by Republicans.

Someone has some 'splainin' to do. Can't wait for the spin.
The EPA is to blame, wasteful and ineffective organization full of Green lobbyists.

Empowered by career politicians like commander asshat in the White House... Preaching hope and change to the gullible...

The Power Elite's effort to dumb down Americans has worked well, if the posts by Rustic and Iceweasel are any indication.
Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises -

Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional.

Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in September.

He said he activated the National Guard to pass out water. Turns out it was 7. That's right, 7.
As in 1,2,3,4,5,6,SEVEN National Guard members serving 100,000.

And he bought in researchers to check the water house by house. 5. That's it, just five. As in
1,2,3,4, FIVE.
Five to check the water for 100,000 people. That's one hundred thousand people. As in 1,2,3,4,5,6..............................98,000, 99,000, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND.

This is just one more typical right wing policy that is letting Americans suffer. Not by nature, but by Republicans.

Someone has some 'splainin' to do. Can't wait for the spin.
The EPA is to blame, wasteful and ineffective organization full of Green lobbyists.

Empowered by career politicians like commander asshat in the White House... Preaching hope and change to the gullible...

The Power Elite's effort to dumb down Americans has worked well, if the posts by Rustic and Iceweasel are any indication.
Federal government has not worked for the people many, many decades. Why should anyone think it's any different now??
To answer the "why not:" question....

Because He's too busy in Baltimore sucking Muslim ass?

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