How come the leader of the world will not be there?

Obama sent a delegation to the funeral of thug Michael Brown. Why? Well, it was right before an election. Didn't send one to Thatcher's funeral or to the rally in France. Who cares. They don't vote in America.
I know you're being facetious. I get the joke.

But this has become way bigger than tit-for-tat political points. It's gone past the one-upmanship of partisan sides. People, including Americans, are being murdered almost daily. SOMETHING has to be done.
As I recall the boss at Charlie hebdo said he would rather die on his feet than live on his knees...I guess or president comes to a different conclusion.

He never had the courage to serve in the military. It is not surprising that he doesn't have courage as the President of the US.
Hilarious irony here as our Republican friends do a dramatic about-face after years of mocking France, and sometimes for good reason.

They've just spread another 10,000 troops around France, a country that with this attack doesn't seem like it's got its shit together on terrorism. For starters, the brother who was in prison should have never been let out, let alone able to fraternize and become a much more credible threat once he came out.

It was only in the last couple days that they figured out that the last accomplice skipped out of France a week and a half ago.

The Americans did French officials a huge service by not sending high profile people including the President over there, because the minute they're there, everything becomes about how the American security detail is ruining everyone's fun.

We don't just go to impromptu street parties involving 4 million people and think up the security detail on-the-fly. Republican or Democrat, the President wouldn't have been there and it's a good thing they weren't there, sucking all the air out of the place.

This is just another bullshit issue by conservatives who continue to reveal themselves as total hypocrites, after all, we know they would've made it about how much of an expense it is to taxpayers had Obama gone.
High level meeting in White House Situation Room right now!

Exploring ways to blame Obama's disgraceful snub on Boooosssshhhhh!
Hilarious irony here as our Republican friends do a dramatic about-face after years of mocking France, and sometimes for good reason.

They've just spread another 10,000 troops around France, a country that with this attack doesn't seem like it's got its shit together on terrorism. For starters, the brother who was in prison should have never been let out, let alone able to fraternize and become a much more credible threat once he came out.

It was only in the last couple days that they figured out that the last accomplice skipped out of France a week and a half ago.

The Americans did French officials a huge service by not sending high profile people including the President over there, because the minute they're there, everything becomes about how the American security detail is ruining everyone's fun.

We don't just go to impromptu street parties involving 4 million people and think up the security detail on-the-fly. Republican or Democrat, the President wouldn't have been there and it's a good thing they weren't there, sucking all the air out of the place.

This is just another bullshit issue by conservatives who continue to reveal themselves as total hypocrites, after all, we know they would've made it about how much of an expense it is to taxpayers had Obama gone.
The White House itself said they made a mistake. It's time you did, too.
Who would be in greater danger...Obama or Netanyahu?
It takes at least a month of lead time to get our president standing before a crowd in a foreign land. What the state of Israel decides to do is their own business.

Probably doesn't help that Obama pissed off France huh?

All those other leaders appear pretty safe, what makes Obama so special?
He is the president of the United States.

He is the president of the United States of America and security concerns will not allow him to go to such an event, you would be tickled pink if he got killed but the secret service might have a problem with that.
As much as I detest the Boy King, I do not wish him physical harm. God forbid the bastard becomes a martyr!
Maybe he couldn't make it because the final episode of "Dallas" was on and he was overly anxious to find out "Who Shot JR"?
You really don't know the answer to your own question, no do you?

What is the answer in your opinion? Do you or don't you think Obama should find the time to fly to France and show solidarity with them and several other world leaders against Islamist terrorists.

Do you have any idea how stringent the requirements are for the visit of a US president anywhere on this planet? And with so many other dignitaries also being there, what the danger would be of an assassination attempt? By not going today, our POTUS is sparing the French security forces a hell of a lot of security headaches.

How many big events in Europe did Bush visit? Hmmmm?

There is a reason why US Presidents DON'T show up at certain events and it has nothing to do with the person, but rather, the office and our own security protocols!
There is also the symbolic angle of our president butting in on something that should be primarily a European event.
It's coming to the USA. We have no-go zones here too. Just hide and wait.
Hilarious irony here as our Republican friends do a dramatic about-face after years of mocking France, and sometimes for good reason.

They've just spread another 10,000 troops around France, a country that with this attack doesn't seem like it's got its shit together on terrorism. For starters, the brother who was in prison should have never been let out, let alone able to fraternize and become a much more credible threat once he came out.

It was only in the last couple days that they figured out that the last accomplice skipped out of France a week and a half ago.

The Americans did French officials a huge service by not sending high profile people including the President over there, because the minute they're there, everything becomes about how the American security detail is ruining everyone's fun.

We don't just go to impromptu street parties involving 4 million people and think up the security detail on-the-fly. Republican or Democrat, the President wouldn't have been there and it's a good thing they weren't there, sucking all the air out of the place.

This is just another bullshit issue by conservatives who continue to reveal themselves as total hypocrites, after all, we know they would've made it about how much of an expense it is to taxpayers had Obama gone.

There were over 40 leaders of other countries that had the courage to go despite security issues.

The President of the US, being the little chickenshit he is, stayed home and watched football on TV.
President Obama has a Congress to tame....he is too busy

not too busy to spend 17 days in hawaii on our expense account. He at least should have sent crazy joe biden.

Congress was on another of its lengthy vacations. Obama needed a well deserved vacation after being the only adult in the city of Washington

"if you like your plan, you can keep it" not a statement made by an adult.

Nothing wrong with that statement that was given to address fears that everyone would be forced into Obamacare
Way to condone lying by our "President"! He knew when he said it that he was lying. So did Gruber, the idiot that wrote a great deal of the rules for all of us "stupid people". They all knew he was lying.
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Probably because he avoids that role. He is not up to that role. If he assumed that role he would have to DO something. Better to focus on the Internet and community college education.

Aside from that alSisi should attend a repeat his recent speech calling for reform.

Abbas to attend massive Paris anti-terror rally The Times of Israel

If he went, you'd be bitching about the expense and why he went to "socialist" France. He can't win.
50 LIBTARDS have made that claim...get a new script.
Well she sure as hell did. The stupid bitch couldn't live at all like she told you little selfish morons to. She was a phoney as they get.

She lived on her terms. I'd rather die broke than profit being an ass licker like you.
The hell she did. She lived like a nut, she tried to ruin the careers of people she fell out with, she tried to steal another woman's husband, she had an abortion, and she ended her life as a crazy old broad wandering the streets in her housecoat while living off of Social Security and using Medicare.

I own my companies, pay my bills, and don't live in the fucking fantasy world she built that you adore. She justified being a selfish infant as being moral and it is nothing of the kind. She was a nutjob, and so are those who treat her like a little god.

You're the guy who still defends Obama. I'm sure you're right on.
I am, go look it up instead of being a pussy with his fingers in his ears.

And that photo-op Obama missed in Paris, they weren't in the fucking march, and a bunch of the people who came don't have Freedom of Speech in the nations they lead. BFD on Obama not going.
He has admitted through his spokesman that he should have sent a higher priority rep to be there.
Who the fuck cares? They are taking heat so they are deflecting. The truth is no one needed to be sent and those that did go did nothing more than a fucking photo-op.
Trying to steal another woman's husband, having an abortion, wandering the streets while living off of Social Security and using Medicare is what makes her a heroine to people like you.
That stupid **** is no hero of mine, just the little god of ignorant and selfish teenage boys.
Who the fuck cares? They are taking heat so they are deflecting. The truth is no one needed to be sent and those that did go did nothing more than a fucking photo-op.

A lot of people care. Just because "The Bitch of Benghazi" has created this mantra of "who cares" when it comes to terrorism doesn't mean the rest of us accept that cop out.

There was a reason to go. (Take notes, I'll write it down for you) To show solidarity with our allies against Muslim terrorists.

You, being a Moon Bat, are either too stupid to understand that or you simply are defending your Messiah because you know you made a mistake voting for him and you hate being exposed for making such a stupid mistake.
No there are just retards who think there is a leader of the world.

Every American President going back for 100 years has been referred to as "The Leader of the Free World". It is not an elected office, it an honorary title.

Obama, being lazy, sorry and not too smart (who got his degrees and job through Affirmative Action because of his race) doesn't want to do the work to earn the title. He, being the stereotypical Affirmative Action shithead, would rather watch football than work.

Even the spokesman for this filthy ass administration admitted Obama should have gone to work rather than being a sorry slacker.
Only Americans think Obama, or any president we have, is the leader of the free world.
You really don't know the answer to your own question, no do you?
I believe he has not even thought about how inappropriate a state visit by the US president would be to such an event, conservatives are, as always, diplomatically retarded.

Nobody but you suggested a state visit. Obama didn't have a problem with security when he went on the spur of the moment to Nelson Mandela's funeral in South Africa. Those pictures of him posing for selfies was so Presidential.
You really don't know the answer to your own question, no do you?
I believe he has not even thought about how inappropriate a state visit by the US president would be to such an event, conservatives are, as always, diplomatically retarded.

Nobody but you suggested a state visit. Obama didn't have a problem with security when he went on the spur of the moment to Nelson Mandela's funeral in South Africa. Those pictures of him posing for selfies was so Presidential.
The SS had more than 72 hours to prepare for the South Africa visit.

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Only Americans think Obama, or any president we have, is the leader of the free world.

I copied this from the previous post, "Every American President going back for 100 years has been referred to as "The Leader of the Free World". It is not an elected office, it an honorary title." and would like to add this. Until Obama decided to abdicate the honorary title.

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