How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

Possession of dynamite is not a constitutionally protected right.

and yet, that is not the argument that is being made. The argument that is being made is that no law restricting gun sales will decrease the number of dead victims. If that were true, then no law restricting the sale of dynamite would reduce victims of terrorism, and therefore, pointless.

Well when we have people blowing up schools and causing mass murders every couple of months with dynamite, then we can address the problem.

...but, of course, since they are using guns instead of dynamite, then we should not make it more difficult for a deranged person, or convicted felon, to buy a gun. I guess that Mr. Responsible Gun Owner feels that it is a slippery slope. If Charles Manson is ever paroled, and is stopped from being sold a gun at a gun show by a law, then Mr. Responsible Gun Owner is next.

If you want to make it harder, be my guest. Show me where that has made drastic improvements in this country. Let's do it the way we are doing it with legalized pot. Try it out in a state or two and measure it out before we inflict the rest of the country with it.

What you'll likely find is (just like places where pot is legal) that it won't make a difference. The only thing that could make a difference is that we make all guns illegal, have the death penalty for anybody caught with a gun, and execute them within four months of conviction.

That would work. But of course, we can't even do that with murderers in this country yet alone people that illegally have guns.

Allowing someone who is insane or a convicted felon to be sold a gun without a background check is, in itself, insane. There is simply no justification for it.

Allowing the manufacture and sales of 50 round drums for pistols is also insane. A mandatory waiting period is also a common sense law that should be in effect in every state for every sale.

These are common sense laws that should be passed. Some common sense laws are in effect. I am surprised that the NRA didn't pitch a bitch fit about people not being able to pack a gun in their briefcase when they get on an airplane, Convicted felons are prohibited from owning a gun, or even having one in the house. Children can not buy guns.

I own five firearms. I passed a background check for every one of them. I occasionally wear my 9MM when I ride my bike into the desert, because this is drug trafficking country, and the roads out there are deserted. However, the gun fetish folks here in AZ wear them to Safeway. I serve on the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we are not allowed to be armed in uniform. But I work with cops, and they are extremely uneasy with anyone around who is armed. They know that their uniform alone makes them a target. If he has to deal with you at a traffic stop, for example, as soon as he sees a gun, he is already thinking about how fast he can draw his weapon if the carrier is a bad guy. Our gun fetish culture is destroying the fabric of our society.

Insane would be posting this drivel and thinking that people who actually understand the subject matter would buy it. :lol:

Free men are assumed to be law abiding and sane until adjudicated otherwise due to their actions, and thus don't need permission to exercise their basic human right to bear arms.. In your sad little world it seems that you suspect everyone of being a criminal, terrorist or nut until they can prove otherwise. You make a great statist...and statism has destroyed the fabric of our society far more than the "gun fetish" that made this country possible. Without it you'd still be a subject of the Crown.
you "fuckers" already have thousands of gun ban/anti-gun laws on the books and none of them work because you "fuckers" fail to enforce them.

None of them work because the NRA has watered down enforcement.

The NRA doesn't have that kind of power. You're paranoid.

The only reason many of is didn't abandon the NRA long ago is because they were able to make membership a requirement to join most gun clubs and ranges. The NRA and I have had a lot of tiffs, but in the end, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.

Agreed. But carrying a weapon is not the way to gain respect from the police, or anyone else, for that matter.
Nobody said to ban guns nor the NRA.

And....lots of you fuckers said you wanted to ban Muslims. You are in upside-down backward land again.
Nobody ever said ban guns.................Wake up nerd, are you a clown or something? Google just found 55,800,000 links that prove you are dumb ban guns - Google Search

You should be able to name the influential politicians who have called for a gun ban. I'll wait.
Obama for starters, are you really as goofy as a clown? Obama To Ban Guns From 4.2 Million Social Security Recipients In Massive Gun Grab - Bearing Arms - Barack Obama, Gun Confiscation, Gun Control, Social Security Administration

Obama needs to ban guns from NRA terrorist white trash such as yourself. Hope he does it tomorrow.
Nobody said to ban guns nor the NRA.

And....lots of you fuckers said you wanted to ban Muslims. You are in upside-down backward land again.
Nobody ever said ban guns.................Wake up nerd, are you a clown or something? Google just found 55,800,000 links that prove you are dumb ban guns - Google Search

You should be able to name the influential politicians who have called for a gun ban. I'll wait.
Obama for starters, are you really as goofy as a clown? Obama To Ban Guns From 4.2 Million Social Security Recipients In Massive Gun Grab - Bearing Arms - Barack Obama, Gun Confiscation, Gun Control, Social Security Administration is the website. No surprise there. A white trash NRA terrorist website gleefully read by mentally disturbed white trash NRA terrorists.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the mainstream Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.
you "fuckers" already have thousands of gun ban/anti-gun laws on the books and none of them work because you "fuckers" fail to enforce them.

None of them work because the NRA has watered down enforcement.

The NRA doesn't have that kind of power. You're paranoid.

The only reason many of is didn't abandon the NRA long ago is because they were able to make membership a requirement to join most gun clubs and ranges. The NRA and I have had a lot of tiffs, but in the end, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The enemy of the United States is your friend, Confederate terrorist??
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.

I spent a few years stationed in's no big deal, been like that a long time. You just assume everyone is armed, like most of the country used without thinking about it back in the days of our forefathers. Same with New Mexico, where I spent about a carry is legal and not out of the ordinary, same with the rural counties of Ohio...unlike the metro counties where carrying will surely result in panic calls to 911. I hate it when I have to educate some poor Cleveland copper on the law. ;)
you "fuckers" already have thousands of gun ban/anti-gun laws on the books and none of them work because you "fuckers" fail to enforce them.

None of them work because the NRA has watered down enforcement.

The NRA doesn't have that kind of power. You're paranoid.

The only reason many of is didn't abandon the NRA long ago is because they were able to make membership a requirement to join most gun clubs and ranges. The NRA and I have had a lot of tiffs, but in the end, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The enemy of the United States is your friend, Confederate terrorist??

what are you babbling about, sunshine? Try typing with both hands and maybe you can write something coherent.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue by using the words of a few powerless morons. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.

It's great that your family members are responsible gun owners. It's time for responsible NRA members to stand up to the mentally deranged extremists members in their ranks and say "ENOUGH".
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.

I spent a few years stationed in's no big deal, been like that a long time. You just assume everyone is armed, like most of the country used without thinking about it back in the days of our forefathers. Same with New Mexico, where I spent about a carry is legal and not out of the ordinary, same with the rural counties of Ohio...unlike the metro counties where carrying will surely result in panic calls to 911. I hate it when I have to educate some poor Cleveland copper on the law. ;)

Two weeks ago, I stood in line at a Walmart cashier behind a man wearing a gun. He was so old, he was drooling, and his hand shook so badly that he could barely get his credit card out of his wallet.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue by using the words of a few powerless morons. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.

It's great that your family members are responsible gun owners. It's time for responsible NRA members to stand up to the mentally deranged extremists members in their ranks and say "ENOUGH".

But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue by using the words of a few powerless morons. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.

It's great that your family members are responsible gun owners. It's time for responsible NRA members to stand up to the mentally deranged extremists members in their ranks and say "ENOUGH".


Nah, it's time to put your Confederate terrorist ass in a cotton field in Alabama and play "NRA terrorist slave". The slave master will use your guns to keep your sorry NRA terrorist ass in line. Django Unchained with a new twist.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop listening to idiots. And stop sounding like an idiot by creating strawman threads built around the words of idiots.

I'm a moderate Democrat and I think we should protect the NRA & gun ownership, but increase oversight (background checks) so that insane people don't have easy access to guns. Look at gun violence in Canada or Australia - two places where people can buy guns. They have virtually no gun violence compared to the USA. I'm absolutely not suggesting we go as far as these nations, but it's insane to think we can't make small changes to a system which produces far more gun deaths than any gun owning nation in history, and far more gun deaths than terrorism deaths.

My uncle and his two sons hunt. They are responsible gun owners. I see nothing wrong with responsible people owning guns. My neighbor's son, on the other hand, just got out of a psychiatric institution for violence. He beat up one of his high school teachers and is on antipsychotic medication. I think he should face higher scrutiny and tighter background checks than my uncle and his son's. And every time I say something like this, someone like you accuses me of wanting to ban the NRA and guns.

Stop distorting the issue by using the words of a few powerless morons. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.

It's great that your family members are responsible gun owners. It's time for responsible NRA members to stand up to the mentally deranged extremists members in their ranks and say "ENOUGH".


Nah, it's time to put your Confederate terrorist ass in a cotton field in Alabama and play "NRA terrorist slave". The slave master will use your guns to keep your sorry NRA terrorist ass in line. Django Unchained with a new twist.

Well, when you feel froggy, jump. :lol:
The simple fact is that nice people don't go out and rape, rob, and kill people. Evil people do such things. And evil people don't follow laws regarding weapons. If they need a gun, they get a gun ---- even if they need to steal it, smuggle it into the country, or make it themselves. The only ones who suffer are the victims who did nothing but be in the wrong place at the wrong time --- or maybe it is the that they were in the right place at the right time, and it was just their time to go.

The government can confiscate all our guns; unfortunately, the police and military still have theirs and some of them are not very nice.
The simple fact is that nice people don't go out and rape, rob, and kill people. Evil people do such things. And evil people don't follow laws regarding weapons. If they need a gun, they get a gun ---- even if they need to steal it, smuggle it into the country, or make it themselves. The only ones who suffer are the victims who did nothing but be in the wrong place at the wrong time --- or maybe it is the that they were in the right place at the right time.

The government can confiscate all our guns; unfortunately, the police and military still have theirs and some of them are not very nice. we go again. "The government is going to confiscate all of our guns!"

Right. Better call Limbaugh and find out when that is going to happen, so that you will have your barricade built in time.
The simple fact is that nice people don't go out and rape, rob, and kill people. Evil people do such things. And evil people don't follow laws regarding weapons. If they need a gun, they get a gun ---- even if they need to steal it, smuggle it into the country, or make it themselves. The only ones who suffer are the victims who did nothing but be in the wrong place at the wrong time --- or maybe it is the that they were in the right place at the right time, and it was just their time to go.

The government can confiscate all our guns; unfortunately, the police and military still have theirs and some of them are not very nice.

All countries have crazy, evil people. Yet this is the only country where these mass shootings happen time and time again. The only logical explanation is that our country makes it way too easy for crazy, evil people to purchase guns.

It's amazing how idiots such as yourself repeat this tired shit over and over again.
All countries have crazy, evil people. Yet this is the only country where these mass shootings happen time and time again. The only logical explanation is that our country makes it way too easy for crazy, evil people to purchase guns.

It's amazing how idiots such as yourself repeat this tired shit over and over again.

It's amazing you actually believe Kerry won Ohio.

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