How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

I'm beginning to think that the combination of the US Constitution and people who aren't intelligent enough to understand its intent is one of ur biggest problems.
Where did I say millions? Where did I say every day or even often?

When conservatives make a comment liberals don't want to debate, they simply blow the comment out of proportion.

Listen.....your fellow nutbags have been trying to pass on a lie that millions of crimes are stopped each year by responsible gun owners. Haven't you heard that bullshit?

Well discuss that with them. I made a comment that CCW and armed home owners save lives every year. In most cases, simply the sight of a gun stops the crime. I wouldn't doubt that many of those stories never get reported or are glossed over too. Most of them never get national attention.

Not enough to make up for the murders, suicides and accidental shootings. Sorry.

I will issue an apology to you for assuming that you'd throw that bullshit out at me. It is used so often......that I have come to expect it from every right wing person here. It comes from a flawed piece called "Armed Resitence to Crime" in a journal out of Northwestern Univ.

The actual numbers are small.

So your answer is to disarm Americans or make it harder for them to obtain weapons? Yeah, that would bring down crime.

The number of saved lives is large enough to justify deadly self-defense in this country. You're not going to reduce the lives of victims with any law or strategy.

My answer is not to disarm Americans. You now owe me an apology for assuming such a ridiculous thing. I'll wait.

Please hold your breath while you wait
So your answer is to disarm Americans or make it harder for them to obtain weapons? Yeah, that would bring down crime.

The number of saved lives is large enough to justify deadly self-defense in this country. You're not going to reduce the lives of victims with any law or strategy.

Well, if forbidding the legal sale of guns to people who could not pass a background check won't reduce gun violence, I guess that there is also no particular reason that the legal sale of dynamite should be restricted either.
Possession of dynamite is not a constitutionally protected right.

and yet, that is not the argument that is being made. The argument that is being made is that no law restricting gun sales will decrease the number of dead victims. If that were true, then no law restricting the sale of dynamite would reduce victims of terrorism, and therefore, pointless.

Well when we have people blowing up schools and causing mass murders every couple of months with dynamite, then we can address the problem.

...but, of course, since they are using guns instead of dynamite, then we should not make it more difficult for a deranged person, or convicted felon, to buy a gun. I guess that Mr. Responsible Gun Owner feels that it is a slippery slope. If Charles Manson is ever paroled, and is stopped from being sold a gun at a gun show by a law, then Mr. Responsible Gun Owner is next.

If you want to make it harder, be my guest. Show me where that has made drastic improvements in this country. Let's do it the way we are doing it with legalized pot. Try it out in a state or two and measure it out before we inflict the rest of the country with it.

What you'll likely find is (just like places where pot is legal) that it won't make a difference. The only thing that could make a difference is that we make all guns illegal, have the death penalty for anybody caught with a gun, and execute them within four months of conviction.

That would work. But of course, we can't even do that with murderers in this country yet alone people that illegally have guns.
Sure there's a reason to need a gun, and that reason is liberals.

If I go to my convenience store at night, I'm not worried about a Republican holding up the store, taking my wallet, and hitting me over the head with a gun. Republicans don't do those types of things.

If I need to make an ATM deposit, I'm not worried about a conservative squeezing in between my car and the machine, and forcing me to withdraw the maximum. Conservatives don't do things like that--liberals do things like that.

So you see, the only way to get rid of guns in our country is to get rid of liberals first, because without liberals, we wouldn't need our guns for protection any longer.

Guy, you live in Cleveland. That whole city is a slum. Probably explains much, but a gun won't make your tiny dick any bigger.
And you will continue to do nothing.... Just like the republican house and senate

again, guy, eventually, people are going to get sick of your nonsense. They are going to get sick of wondering if they can send their kids to school or college or off to a movie because one of you loons is out there with a gun.
you "fuckers" already have thousands of gun ban/anti-gun laws on the books and none of them work because you "fuckers" fail to enforce them.

None of them work because the NRA has watered down enforcement.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.
Banning Muslims and airplanes is not practical. Neither is banning all firearms. However, making it more difficult for people to obtain certain types of firearms will reduce the slaughter but will not stop it. Firearms are deeply rooted in our culture. It would be almost impossible to eliminate all firearms.
Sure there's a reason to need a gun, and that reason is liberals.

If I go to my convenience store at night, I'm not worried about a Republican holding up the store, taking my wallet, and hitting me over the head with a gun. Republicans don't do those types of things.

If I need to make an ATM deposit, I'm not worried about a conservative squeezing in between my car and the machine, and forcing me to withdraw the maximum. Conservatives don't do things like that--liberals do things like that.

So you see, the only way to get rid of guns in our country is to get rid of liberals first, because without liberals, we wouldn't need our guns for protection any longer.

Guy, you live in Cleveland. That whole city is a slum. Probably explains much, but a gun won't make your tiny dick any bigger.

Typical liberal response: the tiny dick thing. Like you're so original. LOL!

You are correct, the entire city is scum even though I live in the burbs. But as I stated earlier, it's because of liberals. We don't have one Republican representative in this "scum city" as you call it. Like most around the country, scum cities are Democrat ruled and managed. Democrat cities are where the crime is.
Nobody said to ban guns nor the NRA.

And....lots of you fuckers said you wanted to ban Muslims. You are in upside-down backward land again.
Nobody ever said ban guns.................Wake up nerd, are you a clown or something? Google just found 55,800,000 links that prove you are dumb ban guns - Google Search

You should be able to name the influential politicians who have called for a gun ban. I'll wait.
Obama for starters, are you really as goofy as a clown? Obama To Ban Guns From 4.2 Million Social Security Recipients In Massive Gun Grab - Bearing Arms - Barack Obama, Gun Confiscation, Gun Control, Social Security Administration

So you want people who don't even have the mental capacity to handle their own affairs to buy guns? You know that is stupid, don't you?

From your own link.
Seeking tighter controls over firearm purchases, the Obama administration is pushing to ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, a move that could affect millions whose monthly disability payments are handled by others.
Honestly, do we really want people incapable of managing their own affairs owning guns? I rode on the bus yesterday with some nut proclaiming that we should kill all those that are following false prophets and that if he had the means to do so he would. Do you really want this nut fully armed and walking around your neighborhood and your kids school?
Well, if forbidding the legal sale of guns to people who could not pass a background check won't reduce gun violence, I guess that there is also no particular reason that the legal sale of dynamite should be restricted either.
Possession of dynamite is not a constitutionally protected right.

and yet, that is not the argument that is being made. The argument that is being made is that no law restricting gun sales will decrease the number of dead victims. If that were true, then no law restricting the sale of dynamite would reduce victims of terrorism, and therefore, pointless.

Well when we have people blowing up schools and causing mass murders every couple of months with dynamite, then we can address the problem.

...but, of course, since they are using guns instead of dynamite, then we should not make it more difficult for a deranged person, or convicted felon, to buy a gun. I guess that Mr. Responsible Gun Owner feels that it is a slippery slope. If Charles Manson is ever paroled, and is stopped from being sold a gun at a gun show by a law, then Mr. Responsible Gun Owner is next.

If you want to make it harder, be my guest. Show me where that has made drastic improvements in this country. Let's do it the way we are doing it with legalized pot. Try it out in a state or two and measure it out before we inflict the rest of the country with it.

What you'll likely find is (just like places where pot is legal) that it won't make a difference. The only thing that could make a difference is that we make all guns illegal, have the death penalty for anybody caught with a gun, and execute them within four months of conviction.

That would work. But of course, we can't even do that with murderers in this country yet alone people that illegally have guns.

Allowing someone who is insane or a convicted felon to be sold a gun without a background check is, in itself, insane. There is simply no justification for it.

Allowing the manufacture and sales of 50 round drums for pistols is also insane. A mandatory waiting period is also a common sense law that should be in effect in every state for every sale.

These are common sense laws that should be passed. Some common sense laws are in effect. I am surprised that the NRA didn't pitch a bitch fit about people not being able to pack a gun in their briefcase when they get on an airplane, Convicted felons are prohibited from owning a gun, or even having one in the house. Children can not buy guns.

I own five firearms. I passed a background check for every one of them. I occasionally wear my 9MM when I ride my bike into the desert, because this is drug trafficking country, and the roads out there are deserted. However, the gun fetish folks here in AZ wear them to Safeway. I serve on the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we are not allowed to be armed in uniform. But I work with cops, and they are extremely uneasy with anyone around who is armed. They know that their uniform alone makes them a target. If he has to deal with you at a traffic stop, for example, as soon as he sees a gun, he is already thinking about how fast he can draw his weapon if the carrier is a bad guy. Our gun fetish culture is destroying the fabric of our society.
I live a good calm life.

I have a shotgun for protection and I know how to use it.

What sort of life do you live if you never worry about someone breaking into your house?

Oh you must live near a police station. LOL

I don't worry about anybody breaking into my house. You're the one who needs a shotgun.

Nearest cop shop is about five km away....
there are less than 12,000 privately owned "assault" weapons (which are properly named "SELECT FIRE") among a population of over 300,000,000 and every one of them are law abiding citizens.

Possession of dynamite is not a constitutionally protected right.

and yet, that is not the argument that is being made. The argument that is being made is that no law restricting gun sales will decrease the number of dead victims. If that were true, then no law restricting the sale of dynamite would reduce victims of terrorism, and therefore, pointless.

Well when we have people blowing up schools and causing mass murders every couple of months with dynamite, then we can address the problem.

...but, of course, since they are using guns instead of dynamite, then we should not make it more difficult for a deranged person, or convicted felon, to buy a gun. I guess that Mr. Responsible Gun Owner feels that it is a slippery slope. If Charles Manson is ever paroled, and is stopped from being sold a gun at a gun show by a law, then Mr. Responsible Gun Owner is next.

If you want to make it harder, be my guest. Show me where that has made drastic improvements in this country. Let's do it the way we are doing it with legalized pot. Try it out in a state or two and measure it out before we inflict the rest of the country with it.

What you'll likely find is (just like places where pot is legal) that it won't make a difference. The only thing that could make a difference is that we make all guns illegal, have the death penalty for anybody caught with a gun, and execute them within four months of conviction.

That would work. But of course, we can't even do that with murderers in this country yet alone people that illegally have guns.

Allowing someone who is insane or a convicted felon to be sold a gun without a background check is, in itself, insane. There is simply no justification for it.

Allowing the manufacture and sales of 50 round drums for pistols is also insane. A mandatory waiting period is also a common sense law that should be in effect in every state for every sale.

These are common sense laws that should be passed. Some common sense laws are in effect. I am surprised that the NRA didn't pitch a bitch fit about people not being able to pack a gun in their briefcase when they get on an airplane, Convicted felons are prohibited from owning a gun, or even having one in the house. Children can not buy guns.

I own five firearms. I passed a background check for every one of them. I occasionally wear my 9MM when I ride my bike into the desert, because this is drug trafficking country, and the roads out there are deserted. However, the gun fetish folks here in AZ wear them to Safeway. I serve on the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers, and we are not allowed to be armed in uniform. But I work with cops, and they are extremely uneasy with anyone around who is armed. They know that their uniform alone makes them a target. If he has to deal with you at a traffic stop, for example, as soon as he sees a gun, he is already thinking about how fast he can draw his weapon if the carrier is a bad guy. Our gun fetish culture is destroying the fabric of our society.

Our police in this area were the same way after our legislatures passed our CCW laws. However we have a private organization called Ohioans For Concealed Carry that back up CCW holders who ran into cops with that attitude.

Since then, our police have been retrained as to how they approach CCW holders. I've spoken with many police officers during the years, and most of them are all behind armed citizens these days.

Unlike armed criminals, armed citizens go through an extensive background check. We are trained in a 10 hour course as to how to handle our weapons, the laws of our state, and or course, interactions with police. When our police officers pull over a CCW holder, they are assured they are dealing with another good guy (or gal).

I have no idea what a waiting time would do in regards to bad people getting guns. You are either legal to own a weapon or not. With our computers and internet, your gun seller should have the information needed to sell (or deny) you a weapon upon purchase.

As for airplanes, you can't use regular ammo on an airplane. That's because they require special ammo that our undercover agents (and pilots) use that won't penetrate the airplane while in flight. Doing so would kill everybody on the plane because of depressurization.
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.
Possession of dynamite is not a constitutionally protected right.

Only if you agree with SCOTUS in MIller that "arms" are limited to those that would be used by the armed forces.

But of course if you agree with that, then you also must agree that so-called "assault weapons" are constitutionally protected.

Quite the conundrum for the anti gun crowd. :lol:

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