How come when there is a shooting, idiots say we need to ban guns and the NRA

But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

When news of a shocking incident hits some people, they look at the means of the bad thing happening and seek to control it. In this case guns. And being empassioned they're not thinking well and so say dumb things like ban the means the bad person did the bad thing. It's to be expected.

Of course people who think well even during times of crisis know better. You don't ban the car because a drunk takes out a schoolbus filled with happy little kids. Nor do you ban the alcohol. You simply see to it the drunk is executed or thrown down a deep dark hole somewhere where he'll never see daylight ever again.

Laws don't prevent criminals bent on doing criminal things. It's illegal to assassinate politicians yet people've done that throughout history. It's illegal to download intellectual property you didn't pay for, but just about everyone does that ;) Laws don't prevent crime, they simply make it possible to punish criminals after the fact. But even if all private gun ownership was made illegal overnight, criminal-minded people would still get a hold of guns. And as it stands it's actually a lot easier to buy a gun on the street than in a gun store.

It's crowd-pleasing vote-winning tactics to promise to ban guns after shootings. But despite decades of doing that, we still have shootings. The bans don't prevent the next one.
The simple fact is that nice people don't go out and rape, rob, and kill people. Evil people do such things. And evil people don't follow laws regarding weapons. If they need a gun, they get a gun ---- even if they need to steal it, smuggle it into the country, or make it themselves. The only ones who suffer are the victims who did nothing but be in the wrong place at the wrong time --- or maybe it is the that they were in the right place at the right time, and it was just their time to go.

The government can confiscate all our guns; unfortunately, the police and military still have theirs and some of them are not very nice.

The only logical explanation is that our country makes it way too easy for crazy, evil people to purchase guns.

It's amazing how idiots such as yourself repeat this tired shit over and over again.

Talk about the tired shit over and over again, here you are, blaming the guns again instead of the people. As if we got rid of guns, that would stop the crazy people from being crazy.
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.

I spent a few years stationed in's no big deal, been like that a long time. You just assume everyone is armed, like most of the country used without thinking about it back in the days of our forefathers. Same with New Mexico, where I spent about a carry is legal and not out of the ordinary, same with the rural counties of Ohio...unlike the metro counties where carrying will surely result in panic calls to 911. I hate it when I have to educate some poor Cleveland copper on the law. ;)

Two weeks ago, I stood in line at a Walmart cashier behind a man wearing a gun. He was so old, he was drooling, and his hand shook so badly that he could barely get his credit card out of his wallet.

Yep. And I bet after he left the store, he got into his 3,000 lbs car that can reach speeds of over 100 mph and legally drove away.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

No one said ban Christians or ban Americans, did they?

But they did ban, or at least make security better, in detecting knives on planes.
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.

I spent a few years stationed in's no big deal, been like that a long time. You just assume everyone is armed, like most of the country used without thinking about it back in the days of our forefathers. Same with New Mexico, where I spent about a carry is legal and not out of the ordinary, same with the rural counties of Ohio...unlike the metro counties where carrying will surely result in panic calls to 911. I hate it when I have to educate some poor Cleveland copper on the law. ;)

Yes, it is the law but nobody really exercises that here. A few years ago some guy went to a Taco Bell in Parma open carry. The story made the news because the police surrounded the place like he was holding it up or something. All he was really doing was eating his taco.

He was from Arizona and didn't realize it was such a big deal here even though he was totally legal. He was very understanding and opted to take his dinner to go. The cops were appreciative of his decision even though he had every right to stay in the restaurant. But they did note that even though legal with the gun, they could have sited him for inducing panic.

It just takes people a while to get used to things. Every time our gun laws got more lenient here, there were predictions of people having gun fights in the street and shooting at each other in road rage. It never happened.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

Stop distorting the issue. No serious Democrat presidential candidate will ever ban the NRA or guns. There is no upside, They might bitch about guns when there is a tragedy, but just like your side will never get rid of evolution in schools or destroy social security, the mainstream Left has nothing to gain by doing the silly things you accuse them of.

The reason Democrats haven't banned guns is because they can't. The Supreme Court already ruled on it. But if they could get away with it, they would.

You can't ignore the countless suggestions and efforts Democrats have put forward to make it harder and harder for people to have guns. Things like suggesting a huge tax on ammo, or forcing people to carry insurance with a ten year prison sentence for those that don't.

You should look up the video of John Stossel trying to get a CCW in New York city. It took him months and he still couldn't get it because they deemed him unworthy to carry a firearm.

The Commies over in New York realize that most people won't go through the hassle to try and get a permit. They are not going to spend the money, not going to take all the time off of work.

Remember too that the permit to carry a gun doesn't mean your state will back you up if you need to use it. I have no need to go to NY, but if I did, I would be afraid to even use my gun if I had to. I would just leave it home.
In my state (AZ) you do not need a license to carry concealed, or carry openly, although some people buy one so that they will have something to show when they leave the state with their gun.. You not only do not have to go through any training, you do not even have to show someone that you know where the safety is. It is so ridiculous, that Nevada, which used to reciprocate with AZ on concealed carry licenses, no longer even recognizes an AZ concealed carry license. Any yahoo can strap on a pistol, and take it anywhere unless the owner of the property forbids firearms. Since damned near everyone down here is packing, these signs appear everywhere, even in Tombstone.

In that instance I would be a little paranoid if I were a police officer too. I think that the state needs to adopt laws and training most other states have.

You need to have a balance between armed citizens and authority. Armed carries need to respect police, and police need to respect armed citizens. It's difficult to have that mutual respect when the police don't know if a bad guy is armed and the law-abiding citizen doesn't know if he or she is going to be harassed by the police.

Agreed. But carrying a weapon is not the way to gain respect from the police, or anyone else, for that matter.

True, but that was not my point.

My point is that police would respect armed citizens much more if they were assured their subjects had the training to use firearms. Our police are confident in our CCW holders because we go through an extensive background check before being considered to get the permit. The police understand they are not dealing with a violent person that could lose their cool and shoot an officer.

The forms we fill out are three pages long. Even if you have no record of gun violence, they will refuse your application if lets say you have a domestic violence ruling against you, or have a record of assaulting people. You can apply for a waiver and reconsideration, but I don't know how those work out because I've never heard of a case like that.
How in this 100th Leftytoon thread has no one mentioned this guy only shot people who were Christians? This was a terrorist attack.
The NRA doesn't have that kind of power. You're paranoid.

Of course it does. Just look how they stop even modest reforms after Sandy Hook.

When Kellerman determined that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, they stopped all government gun studies.

The thing about the NRA is that it works for the gun industry, and the gun industry has an interest in selling as many guns as possible.
You are correct, the entire city is scum even though I live in the burbs. But as I stated earlier, it's because of liberals. We don't have one Republican representative in this "scum city" as you call it. Like most around the country, scum cities are Democrat ruled and managed. Democrat cities are where the crime is.

No, America is where the crime is. People just happen to live in cities, Tiny.

Cleveland is a wreck because the rich Republicans who keep you clinging to your gun and your bible moved all the good jobs to Mexico and China.
Talk about the tired shit over and over again, here you are, blaming the guns again instead of the people. As if we got rid of guns, that would stop the crazy people from being crazy.

No, it wouldn't. We would still have crazy people, largely because you Right-Wingers refuse to fund mental health care to anywhere near the level it needs to be funded at. The only time you care about the mentally ill is when someone suggests we might need to limit who can own a tiny-pecker-compensator.

But banning guns would limit the amount of damage that crazy people could do.

Jesus effin' Christ, man, the US Army discharged Mercer after two weeks because they thought he was too nutty to have a gun. (And that's after a decade of Bush's war lowered the standards.) But this guy was able to acquire 13 guns even though he was out of his fucking mind.
You are correct, the entire city is scum even though I live in the burbs. But as I stated earlier, it's because of liberals. We don't have one Republican representative in this "scum city" as you call it. Like most around the country, scum cities are Democrat ruled and managed. Democrat cities are where the crime is.

No, America is where the crime is. People just happen to live in cities, Tiny.

Cleveland is a wreck because the rich Republicans who keep you clinging to your gun and your bible moved all the good jobs to Mexico and China.

Cleveland was a thriving city until liberals took over. We were a huge steel industry but the unions put them out of business. Cleveland itself was the victim of bussing years ago. When you have forced bussing, all you really do is chase people with money out of the city. What you have left are people that can't afford to move or people with no money at all.

No political party moves jobs out of the country. That's what your lying lib politicians tell you. People move jobs out of the country. Why do they move? Because of unions, because of taxation, because of regulation and other expenses. Yes, those big Republican corporations like Microsoft and Apple. Moved jobs right out of here for those reasons.

Your green President and his attack on coal and coal fired power plants will certainly help in that endeavor. Now industries will have to face higher electric costs. That's on top of Commie Care--another expense our job creators didn't need.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

First....nobody advocates banning all guns. The only smart thing to do is to require background checks and try to prevent the mentally insane and criminals from getting their hands on complete arsenals. I can go to the parking lot at a gun show and buy automatic weapons, 100 round magazines, bazookas, hand grenades and armor piercing ammunition. That's so fucked up it's insane. 'Course INSANE describes most gun nuts so everything fits. The self obsessed NRA doesn't have to advertise.....they have over 100 million gun nuts locked in and with no background checks or effective gun laws they've got it made. Americans should get a little suspicious......we're the only industrialized nation in the world with as few gun laws or restrictions as we have and also the only industrialized nation which has to report another mass killing of innocent, unsuspecting citizens every few months. There's something wrong with that.....very wrong.

As far as Muslims......all people of the Muslim persuasion are not guilty just because a few of them are insane. You had better hope they don't start judging all Christians by the same rule as we judge a few:

Mark 16:

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover:


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Talk about the tired shit over and over again, here you are, blaming the guns again instead of the people. As if we got rid of guns, that would stop the crazy people from being crazy.

No, it wouldn't. We would still have crazy people, largely because you Right-Wingers refuse to fund mental health care to anywhere near the level it needs to be funded at. The only time you care about the mentally ill is when someone suggests we might need to limit who can own a tiny-pecker-compensator.

But banning guns would limit the amount of damage that crazy people could do.

Jesus effin' Christ, man, the US Army discharged Mercer after two weeks because they thought he was too nutty to have a gun. (And that's after a decade of Bush's war lowered the standards.) But this guy was able to acquire 13 guns even though he was out of his fucking mind.

Of course, and had he not been able to buy guns legally, that would have stopped him. He would have just given up on his plan.

People may be nutty, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. You want a gun, you'll find a gun--plenty of them. And no law in the world is going to change that.

As far as mental health goes, years ago we used to commit people we thought were mentally unstable. The libs put a stop to that. They called it crime-less prisons. It was unconstitutional to lock people up when they did nothing wrong. Then we had to unlock the doors and let them out. They are still roaming the streets today.
The NRA doesn't have that kind of power. You're paranoid.

Of course it does. Just look how they stop even modest reforms after Sandy Hook.

When Kellerman determined that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, they stopped all government gun studies.

The thing about the NRA is that it works for the gun industry, and the gun industry has an interest in selling as many guns as possible.

The NRA is an organization that represents us--gun owners. Their interests are to have as many members as possible. That's how they make their money. They are no different than unions.

The largest seller of guns is your very own President and his minions that constantly talk about more government regulation.
But when Muslims fly jets into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people, the defenders of life do not say ban Muslims.

First....nobody advocates banning all guns. The only smart thing to do is to require background checks and try to prevent the mentally insane and criminals from getting their hands on complete arsenals. I can go to the parking lot at a gun show and buy automatic weapons, 100 round magazines, bazookas, hand grenades and armor piercing ammunition. That's so fucked up it's insane. 'Course INSANE describes most gun nuts so everything fits. The self obsessed NRA doesn't have to advertise.....they have over 100 million gun nuts locked in and with no background checks or effective gun laws they've got it made. Americans should get a little suspicious......we're the only industrialized nation in the world with as few gun laws or restrictions as we have and also the only industrialized nation which has to report another mass killing of innocent, unsuspecting citizens every few months. There's something wrong with that.....very wrong.

As far as Muslims......all people of the Muslim persuasion are not guilty just because a few of them are insane. You had better hope they don't start judging all Christians by the same rule as we judge a few:

Mark 16:

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover:



First of all there are millions of people who want all guns banned, not knowing this makes you ignorant.
Dude, I honestly hope they gave you a ticket before your brainwashing...

Cleveland was a thriving city until liberals took over. We were a huge steel industry but the unions put them out of business. Cleveland itself was the victim of bussing years ago. When you have forced bussing, all you really do is chase people with money out of the city. What you have left are people that can't afford to move or people with no money at all.

Guy, do you really think that "unions" caused the Steel INdustry to go under? Man, you are stupid? And "Bussing". They were forcing people to kiss?

No political party moves jobs out of the country. That's what your lying lib politicians tell you. People move jobs out of the country. Why do they move? Because of unions, because of taxation, because of regulation and other expenses. Yes, those big Republican corporations like Microsoft and Apple. Moved jobs right out of here for those reasons.

Right. Here's the thing. The reason why we didn't have rich people move jobs out of the country before was because 1) we had tariffs that made it too expensive to do so. Not so much today. Republicans got their free trade treaties and we got the resulting loss of jobs.

Your green President and his attack on coal and coal fired power plants will certainly help in that endeavor. Now industries will have to face higher electric costs. That's on top of Commie Care--another expense our job creators didn't need.

"Job Creators". Right. So how come when they got their tax cuts and their deregulation under that douchebag Bush, they didn't create any jobs?

Of course, and had he not been able to buy guns legally, that would have stopped him. He would have just given up on his plan.

People may be nutty, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. You want a gun, you'll find a gun--plenty of them. And no law in the world is going to change that.

Except in the REST of the world, this works just fine. Australia banned guns in 1996. They haven't had a mass shooting since. Japan bans private gun ownership, they've never had a mass shooting.

As far as mental health goes, years ago we used to commit people we thought were mentally unstable. The libs put a stop to that. They called it crime-less prisons. It was unconstitutional to lock people up when they did nothing wrong. Then we had to unlock the doors and let them out. They are still roaming the streets today.

No, you see, the problem was that after it was determined that just locking up the mentally ill was cruel, your boy Reagan decided to slash the shit out off outpatient programs because he had to give tax cuts to rich people.

The NRA is an organization that represents us--gun owners. Their interests are to have as many members as possible. That's how they make their money. They are no different than unions.

The largest seller of guns is your very own President and his minions that constantly talk about more government regulation.

Guy, the NRA is bought and paid for by the gun manufacturers. Do a little research.

This Is How The Gun Industry Funds The NRA - Business Insider

Since 2005, the gun industry and its corporate allies have given between $20 million and $52.6 million to it through the NRA Ring of Freedom sponsor program. Donors include firearm companies like Midway USA, Springfield Armory Inc, Pierce Bullet SealTarget Systems, and Beretta USA Corporation. Other supporters from the gun industry include Cabala's, Sturm Rugar & Co, and Smith & Wesson.

The NRA also made $20.9 million — about 10 percent of its revenue — from selling advertising to industry companies marketing products in its many publications in 2010, according to the IRS Form 990.
Talk about the tired shit over and over again, here you are, blaming the guns again instead of the people. As if we got rid of guns, that would stop the crazy people from being crazy.

No, it wouldn't. We would still have crazy people, largely because you Right-Wingers refuse to fund mental health care to anywhere near the level it needs to be funded at. The only time you care about the mentally ill is when someone suggests we might need to limit who can own a tiny-pecker-compensator.

But banning guns would limit the amount of damage that crazy people could do.

Jesus effin' Christ, man, the US Army discharged Mercer after two weeks because they thought he was too nutty to have a gun. (And that's after a decade of Bush's war lowered the standards.) But this guy was able to acquire 13 guns even though he was out of his fucking mind.

Of course, and had he not been able to buy guns legally, that would have stopped him. He would have just given up on his plan.

People may be nutty, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. You want a gun, you'll find a gun--plenty of them. And no law in the world is going to change that.

As far as mental health goes, years ago we used to commit people we thought were mentally unstable. The libs put a stop to that. They called it crime-less prisons. It was unconstitutional to lock people up when they did nothing wrong. Then we had to unlock the doors and let them out. They are still roaming the streets today.

Like most from the right you are so full of shit that you stink. Try watching CNN instead of lying Faux!!

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