How could anyone be "independent" or a "swing voter" at this time in history?

We already have something awful because people refuse to listen and talk. Hate has become fashionable and people cheer on the insults and jabs made at others simply for having a different view point. How do you suppose we make something great from division and rhetoric? It's only by us being the very best that we can that we'll get the people worth leading us. But to say that I "have" to support someone is ridiculous. Settling for meh is a horrible way to give someone a nob.

Be the change you want to see in the world, by actually saying something real for people to listen to, instead of spewing all these vague generalities at me. Please explain to me how 1) choosing one candidate who's better than the other despite neither of them being perfect makes hate fashionable, and 2) what your policy of doing not a damned thing except for lecturing everyone about how you're morally superior by doing not a damned thing somehow makes that better.

I'll wait.

How is asking for someone to be honest and respectful vague? Do you keep people in your life who treat you like crap, or do you look for those who actually talk to you like a person? It's not that difficult.

And I'm still not sure how voting for someone who hates others simply for their opinions is the same as me fighting evil. Maybe you can explain that one.

How is that vague? Well, let me see. There's the word "someone", for a start. WHICH someone did you have in mind? Then there's, y'know, the whole part where I spelled out EXACTLY what being specific would entail, which you skipped right over to give me a platitudinous lecture on relationships that reads a lot like a Facebook meme.

Maybe instead of asking me for explanations over and over, you could try just reading the explanations I've already given. You remember, that whole "listen and learn" thing you were dribbling on about earlier.

You're accusing me of ignoring your explanations while you ignore the ones I gave. You really do need to be a little more self aware.

Okay, your increasingly desperate attempts to justify yourself to me are starting to make me sad.

You've been kicked to the curb, Fido. Scurry away.

So in the end you have nothing to actually argue but just repeated comments of "shoo" presumably because you're either unable or unwilling to discuss any of my points. You're free to dismiss all you want but nothing here has convinced me to vote for any candidate. This was your oppurtunity to try and instead you decided to behave like a juvenile. That will never convince anyone to your side and that is exactly why I don't vote, childish and immature behavior from those who want the position. Thank you for being the perfect demonstration.
I never said I was.
you posted it as you were special in your decision making prospects. You imply others don't have a high bar for people they vote for. again, it would seem you either have someone who matches all your criteria or no one. Compromise is necessary, otherwise you'd never get a candidate voted in. What a waste of a vote.

I never implied I was special. All I did was state my own criteria. And I am well aware that my bar is so high that I probably won't be voting any time soon. But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
then you forfeited the right to talk to me or any citizen that voted. zero. your opinions don't count. We are an exercise your right or shut up country.

I have every right so speak. Just because you put a pile of shit in front of me doesn't mean I have to eat it. If you don't like it then put something other then shit in front of me, but don't expect me to just go along with whatever crap you put there.

And I have every right to mock you mercilessly for humping my leg, begging for my attention and respect.

If that's what you want to assume happened than you go right ahead. Whatever helps you feel validated.
I never said I was.
you posted it as you were special in your decision making prospects. You imply others don't have a high bar for people they vote for. again, it would seem you either have someone who matches all your criteria or no one. Compromise is necessary, otherwise you'd never get a candidate voted in. What a waste of a vote.

I never implied I was special. All I did was state my own criteria. And I am well aware that my bar is so high that I probably won't be voting any time soon. But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
then you forfeited the right to talk to me or any citizen that voted. zero. your opinions don't count. We are an exercise your right or shut up country.

I have every right so speak. Just because you put a pile of shit in front of me doesn't mean I have to eat it. If you don't like it then put something other then shit in front of me, but don't expect me to just go along with whatever crap you put there.
no, no you don't. you forfeited your right. you didn't vote. you forfeit your right when you don't use the right the country gave you.

You keep saying that like it's true but unfortunately for you saying "no" is a valid option. You seem to be stuck on a yes setting and think that is the only legitimate response. So I can and will continue to voice my opinion in whichever way I see fit in regards to policy and this nation, and you may not like it, but that isn't my problem in the slightest.
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.
then you forfeit the right to bitch.

Good luck enforcing that
well it rolls off my fingers. you forfeit your right to bitch.

Coolio. You say that like it matters.
You're the one who's preaching at me because you feel I must take an action. But if you think asking for kindness, respect, and honesty is me being sanctimonious than have at it.

You misunderstand. I don't care if you "take an action" or not. In fact, from listening to you talk, I think you're probably making the world a better place by sparing us your involvement.

What I'm actually "preaching" at you about is seeing a different perspective on your choices, or non-choices as the case may be.

What I continue to think is that your prattling about vagueries like "I'm just asking for kindness, respect, and honesty, and how DARE you expect me to be specific about what that actually means, just admire me for using good words!" is so much self-flattering hogwash.

  1. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

  1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
    "the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor"

  2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.
    "young people's lack of respect for their parents"
    due regard · 
  3. a particular aspect, point, or detail.
    "the government's record in this respect is a mixed one"
  1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
    "he is known to be a man of integrity"
I'm sorry if those words trigger and confuse you.
the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

to everyone? no matter the scenario? So a guy points a gun at your head, your way out is to be kind? hahahaahahahahaha what a fktard.

You really have trouble understanding context don't you? By the logic you just set a presidental candidate could point a gun at someone's head and you would still vote for them. You see the stupidity in that don't you?
always with the dramatic with you self righteous pukes, no, no one wins anything by pointing guns at people. fk you have no logic. your statement is my evidence.

You create a false scenario based on nothing and then claim I lack logic for pointing out the flaw in yours? You might want to recheck your evidence because it's not saying what you think it is.
The person I vote for is going to be someone who doesn't slam others just for having a different view point. They're going to be someone who doesn't feel the need to deceive or lie about themselves or others. This person will fight to unite us all, not just one party. If you want to see that as me letting my emotions getting the best of me than you go ahead. But I will not vote for someone who strives on division and hate.

So you believe that a leader who will not play hardball and fight for what he believes is best for the country? Why?

We had that in the last administration and that was a total failure. Why are you so intimidated by and afraid of the great successes we have seen since President Donald Trump took office?


That's interesting, I don't recall saying any of that but if you were really interested in my opinion you wouldn't fabricate my response for me. I'll let you decide if you actually want to have a real discussion or if you would rather make it up yourself.
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

For my two cents, I am thrilled that you don't vote and hope you don't change your mind. You would be a danger to our country. So just keep on...keepin' on!

You seem to be of the opinion that voting in incompetent people is more safe then denying them that position. Would you choose the lesser of two heavily intoxicated men to drive you home, or would you try to take the keys from them?
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

For my two cents, I am thrilled that you don't vote and hope you don't change your mind. You would be a danger to our country. So just keep on...keepin' on!

You seem to be of the opinion that voting in incompetent people is more safe then denying them that position. Would you choose the lesser of two heavily intoxicated men to drive you home, or would you try to take the keys from them?

Fortunately, for the near future, we don't have to worry about which of two drunks are going to run the country.

President Donald Trump has set a new standard for excellence in the running of our country. He is doing a remarkable job, one which makes all others pale by comparison.

At the rate President Trump is accomplishing great things, I can see Trump, Jr. running and win in 2024. Why change a great course?

Your analogy is lousy and President Trump does not drink so the choice is simple. The sober guy!
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party.

Error in logic there. His independent vote does NOT "go to the Democrats". His vote goes to a candidate that he likes and trusts BETTER than bad choices that the DemReps are offering... It's called voting conscience and for principles... NOT MERELY --- trying to win..

Don't care which of the inept dysfunctional parties you're a slave to... If you HELP push lousy candidates just to WIN -- theyre never gonna try to find BETTER choices to offer..

If Bernie or Tulsi gets screwed AGAIN by the DNC --- and either or both decide to run Independent, the Dems VOTING FOR THEM -- are voting for PRINCIPLE and their conscience --- NOT helping Repubs to win...

There is no reason America is BOUND to have the SAME 2 parties in opposition for so long.. It's NOT healthy.. And it makes people BELIEVE the sky is gonna fall if they leave those archaic and power hungry parties...
There is no error in my logic Name an elected Independent that doesn't vote with democrats?
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

For my two cents, I am thrilled that you don't vote and hope you don't change your mind. You would be a danger to our country. So just keep on...keepin' on!
Huh? When did I say I don't vote? I always vote, and I'm involved locally.

You people just completely make up your own reality as you go; this happens all the time here. Incredible.
By voting you give your assent to the results. It’s the game you chose to play, rigged as it is. You want a ruler, you get just exactly what you deserve.
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

For my two cents, I am thrilled that you don't vote and hope you don't change your mind. You would be a danger to our country. So just keep on...keepin' on!

You seem to be of the opinion that voting in incompetent people is more safe then denying them that position. Would you choose the lesser of two heavily intoxicated men to drive you home, or would you try to take the keys from them?

Fortunately, for the near future, we don't have to worry about which of two drunks are going to run the country.

President Donald Trump has set a new standard for excellence in the running of our country. He is doing a remarkable job, one which makes all others pale by comparison.

At the rate President Trump is accomplishing great things, I can see Trump, Jr. running and win in 2024. Why change a great course?

Your analogy is lousy and President Trump does not drink so the choice is simple. The sober guy!

Unable to answer the question I see. I don't blame you. Either answer would expose the flaw in your argument and it's easier to deflect than to face that fact.
Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

For my two cents, I am thrilled that you don't vote and hope you don't change your mind. You would be a danger to our country. So just keep on...keepin' on!

You seem to be of the opinion that voting in incompetent people is more safe then denying them that position. Would you choose the lesser of two heavily intoxicated men to drive you home, or would you try to take the keys from them?

Fortunately, for the near future, we don't have to worry about which of two drunks are going to run the country.

President Donald Trump has set a new standard for excellence in the running of our country. He is doing a remarkable job, one which makes all others pale by comparison.

At the rate President Trump is accomplishing great things, I can see Trump, Jr. running and win in 2024. Why change a great course?

Your analogy is lousy and President Trump does not drink so the choice is simple. The sober guy!

Unable to answer the question I see. I don't blame you. Either answer would expose the flaw in your argument and it's easier to deflect than to face that fact.

I answered your childish question. I can't help that you don't approve of the answer.
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party.

Error in logic there. His independent vote does NOT "go to the Democrats". His vote goes to a candidate that he likes and trusts BETTER than bad choices that the DemReps are offering... It's called voting conscience and for principles... NOT MERELY --- trying to win..

Don't care which of the inept dysfunctional parties you're a slave to... If you HELP push lousy candidates just to WIN -- theyre never gonna try to find BETTER choices to offer..

If Bernie or Tulsi gets screwed AGAIN by the DNC --- and either or both decide to run Independent, the Dems VOTING FOR THEM -- are voting for PRINCIPLE and their conscience --- NOT helping Repubs to win...

There is no reason America is BOUND to have the SAME 2 parties in opposition for so long.. It's NOT healthy.. And it makes people BELIEVE the sky is gonna fall if they leave those archaic and power hungry parties...
There is no error in my logic Name an elected Independent that doesn't vote with democrats?

There's not a big enough statistical sample to make that case. Just had one "independent" Congress person FLEE the Dem party.. But that's not evidence either...

Sad truth is ---- voters are addicted to Coke/Pepsi allegiances. Doesn't represent their views in most cases even WHEN your team is in power.. Remember the Tea Party rumblings started under G.W.

The politicians are victims of this also.. When a few principled people start DECLARING as Independents and they suddenly look and sound smarter, more invigorated, and friendlier --- they WILL get elected...

I wrote an Guest Editorial in the Nashville paper when our former (well liked by BOTH parties) former governor was trying to grab a Senate seat for the Dems.. Got tired of his ads PROMISING to be an "Independent voice" in Congress as a Dem... His name is Phil Bredesen.. He had a HUGE chance of winning if he ONLY ran as a TRUE Independent. Instead of pretending he could be Independent with Chuckie Schumers boot on his throat..
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
Green is the new Soviet union type policies?

SIx of one half a dozen of the others. Greens and Libertarians overlap on many issues.

You’re right...both are absolute fucking retards harboring hardcore cases of megalomania and fascinated by being “DIFFERENT”.

Well we are different, pack animal.
Just vote for Trump and STFU

Sorry, can't help you. If you want to waste your vote though go right ahead.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

For my two cents, I am thrilled that you don't vote and hope you don't change your mind. You would be a danger to our country. So just keep on...keepin' on!

You seem to be of the opinion that voting in incompetent people is more safe then denying them that position. Would you choose the lesser of two heavily intoxicated men to drive you home, or would you try to take the keys from them?

Fortunately, for the near future, we don't have to worry about which of two drunks are going to run the country.

President Donald Trump has set a new standard for excellence in the running of our country. He is doing a remarkable job, one which makes all others pale by comparison.

At the rate President Trump is accomplishing great things, I can see Trump, Jr. running and win in 2024. Why change a great course?

Your analogy is lousy and President Trump does not drink so the choice is simple. The sober guy!

Unable to answer the question I see. I don't blame you. Either answer would expose the flaw in your argument and it's easier to deflect than to face that fact.

I answered your childish question. I can't help that you don't approve of the answer.

You deflected and ignored the question because you would have to admit that you would willingly decide someone who was not qualified to be in such a position, or you would choose not to allow either to take part. You understand the logic and you ran from it because you know how it would make you look. But I'm sure you'll just deflect some more and make some immature remarks instead of actually addressing it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Sitting on the fence should mean you get a spike up the butt.
  2. Get down from that fence, its a two party system, vote your conscience, if you happen to have a high enough IQ that intern will give you enough thought patterns to form a conscience.
  3. Stop throwing your stupid votes into a shit pile.
  4. You're not doing yourself a favor, nor your fellow countrymen.
  5. Basically you fence sitters need to grow the F**K up!
  6. In one party the liberals condone the baby butcher position.
  7. In the other party they do not.
  8. Its just this foundational position, both parties are in opposition, that you need to think about.
  9. Its a life verses death vote, vote wisely.
  10. Glad I was able to help, thank me later.

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