How Could North Koreans Be Made So Dumb?

I come here for entertainment. Watching some (most?) of you lose your minds without the concept of nuance is a blast. I get a tingly feeling of superiority every time I step in this place and watch ya’ll yell about something nonsensical.

Nay, come here for education, and for the guilty beatings you know you deserve.

I enjoy recalling the three posts where I wiped up the floor with your claim that there is anti-black racism.

Want those again???? They were classic.
Here’s why it is an important question: It’s exactly the same answer for Democrat voters.

1.Whether they are outright dictatorships, or the dictatorships-in-waiting, leftist entities govern as though they were a religion.

The totalitarians love to pretend that real religion, the Judeo-Christian variety of America’s Founders, is built on superstition and faith rather than proof and facts.

Interesting, because that is exactly the same for Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and the Democrat political fantasies and fables.

2. David Mamet puts it thus:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

4. The Hollywood celebrities pledge at to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story by comparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

5. Need any more of the confluence of North Korea’s worship with the Democrat Party’s????

Here, in pictorial proof.

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Their Risen Yahweh.
Their Jesus behind the scenes is taken the fishes and the loaves of bread away from them along with us.
They simply were celebrating in reverence not bowing down and submitting to North Korea. This thread is about North Korea and here is your orange god (little g) with a show of respect and reference to a superior on display for the world to watch in amusement.

Mine is IN CONTEXT. Yours is OUT OF CONTEXT. Bwahahahaha

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The thread is about how you Democrats are the mirror image of the religious fanatics of North Korea. are.

Here....let me make you feel at home:

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom:

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”
Nay, come here for education, and for the guilty beatings you know you deserve.

I enjoy recalling the three posts where I wiped up the floor with your claim that there is anti-black racism.

Want those again???? They were classic.
Ahhhh post 77,753 of you running away from a debate in defeat by shouting “oh I won”. Lol. My 3 year old had the same tactic. Just let the adults handle debate. You just play with your copy and pasted child blocks.
Their Jesus behind the scenes is taken the fishes and the loaves of bread away from them along with us.

Ahhhh post 77,753 of you running away from a debate in defeat by shouting “oh I won”. Lol. My 3 year old had the same tactic. Just let the adults handle debate. You just play with your copy and pasted child blocks.

Did you wish for me to repost those beatings I had to administer????

It would be my pleasure. Say the word.
It boils down to sources of information. When the media becomes the propaganda arm of the government, the people have no choice but to accept the message. Who would have thought Americans would support a bombing campaign on a defenseless country in Europe but the media loved Clinton's distraction and there was little or no outrage about killing Yugoslavian citizens at the time.
The thread is about how you Democrats are the mirror image of the religious fanatics of North Korea. are.

Here....let me make you feel at home:

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom:

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”
North Korea is an authoritarian dictatorship. It worships its leader like the right wing worships a fat guy reality TV star. The similarities are astounding:

- GOP aligns with commie Russia while NK aligns with commie China
-GOP worships Trump while NK worships Kim
-GOP wants total control over your mind and body… so does NK
-GOP gaslights it’s members… so does NK
-GOP is an extremist…so is NK
-GOP enslaves does NK
-GOP excels at disinformation.. so does NK
-GOP hates freedom… so does NK
  • Disagree
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Here’s why it is an important question: It’s exactly the same answer for Democrat voters.

1.Whether they are outright dictatorships, or the dictatorships-in-waiting, leftist entities govern as though they were a religion.

The totalitarians love to pretend that real religion, the Judeo-Christian variety of America’s Founders, is built on superstition and faith rather than proof and facts.

Interesting, because that is exactly the same for Marxism, socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and the Democrat political fantasies and fables.

2. David Mamet puts it thus:

The Left says of the Right, “You fools, it is demonstrable that dinosaurs lived one hundred million years ago, I can prove it to you, how can you say the earth was created in 4000BCE?” But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

4. The Hollywood celebrities pledge at to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story by comparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

5. Need any more of the confluence of North Korea’s worship with the Democrat Party’s????

Here, in pictorial proof.

View attachment 642718

Their Risen Yahweh.
Propaganda. That's why I like to talk to both sides.
It boils down to sources of information. When the media becomes the propaganda arm of the government, the people have no choice but to accept the message. Who would have thought Americans would support a bombing campaign on a defenseless country in Europe but the media loved Clinton's distraction and there was little or no outrage about killing Yugoslavian citizens at the time.
Don't forget about bush's weapons of mass destruction lie in Iraq.
It boils down to sources of information. When the media becomes the propaganda arm of the government, the people have no choice but to accept the message. Who would have thought Americans would support a bombing campaign on a defenseless country in Europe but the media loved Clinton's distraction and there was little or no outrage about killing Yugoslavian citizens at the tim

That will be the subject of my next post.....#6.
Thank you.
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North Korea is an authoritarian dictatorship. It worships its leader like the right wing worships a fat guy reality TV star. The similarities are astounding:

- GOP aligns with commie Russia while NK aligns with commie China
-GOP worships Trump while NK worships Kim
-GOP wants total control over your mind and body… so does NK
-GOP gaslights it’s members… so does NK
-GOP is an extremist…so is NK
-GOP enslaves does NK
-GOP excels at disinformation.. so does NK
-GOP hates freedom… so does NK

"...worships its leader...."

Sooooo......that's why you called Obama god, Jesus and the messiah????

You're so dumb you don't realize you just put your hoof in your mouth.


"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.” Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
This is the sort of post one writes when the truth of the OP hits home.

3. The policies of the major US political party, the Democrat, is a mirror image of one you may be familiar with: the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea.

“IT IS OFTEN thought that, because North Korea announces itself as a communist state, it can have no religion and must indeed be dedicated to atheism. Not so. The Democratic People’s Republic is profoundly religious and the devotion of all its citizens is compulsory.

The break with convention is that every North Korean is obliged by law to worship three mortal gods – one alive and two deceased. These are the three Kims – grandfather, father and son. Portraits of the dead two, Kim Ilsung and Kim Jong-il, are mandatory in every home. They are on the wall as would be the crucifix in a devout Catholic house. Regular checks are made to ensure they are mounted, displayed and worshipped. Lapel badges of the living god, Kim Jong-un, are also pandemic.

Any reference to him without the title ‘The Marshal’ is punishable. Every personal benefit derives from him. As with all religions, legends have been concocted to underpin the national faith.”
From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

Did you ever hear a Democrat voter say even the slightest criticism of the party.....or of the one they called god, Jesus and the messiah...Obama???

That's you in a nutshell....isn't it.

Fearful of ever insulting your gods.

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the evidence of the compulsory piece is highlighted by the leaked SCOTUS report. you will obey us or else. hahahahahahaahahha
the evidence of the compulsory piece is highlighted by the leak SCOTUS report. you will obey us or else. hahahahahahaahahha

And, of course, they do trained seals.
6. How is it possible that so many sophisticated, urbane, educated folks fell in line with the doctrines we fought against in WWII???

Terms like ‘stupid,’ and ‘cowardly’ spring to mind……but the explanation for the North Korean indoctrination of their citizens is the simplest explanation:

In Frederick Forsyth's novel, "The Fox," we find a reference to North Korea's regime, and a startling similarity to Franklin Roosevelt and his creation of the pro-Marxist Democrat Party.

‘After 1945, as a defeated Japan withdrew from the Korean peninsula, it was Joseph Stalin who personally selected the first Kim to create the communist state of North Korea and invade the South. Three years later, the Korean stalemate led to the permanent division of the peninsula.
‘By the time Kim Il-sung died in 1994, he had created the world’s first communist dynasty and was able to hand over to his son, Kim Jong-il. He had also established a code of absolute worship of him and his family among a people propagandized, brainwashed and trained like puppets to adore him and never, ever, question his near-divinity."

“The core of the bewildering docility of the broad masses of the people of North Korea, he said, was their utter ignorance of anything that happened in the outside world. The sealing of their country and their lives from everything elsewhere was total. They had no radios to listen to foreign broadcasts, no TVs, no iPads. From morning until night, then through until dawn, and throughout their lives, they were drenched in pro-government propaganda. Without any standard of comparison, they thought their lives were normal, instead of thinking them grotesquely distorted.” From Frederick Forsyth’s novel “The Fox”

State media and information dominance makes them good communists in North Korea.....and good Democrats here.
"...worships its leader...."

Sooooo......that's why you called Obama god, Jesus and the messiah????

You're so dumb you don't realize you just put your hoof in your mouth.


"The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising… As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.” Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon."
You’re blinded by hate. I’ll stack that list up against right wing worship idols any day that ends in”y”.

- Trump
- Rush Limbaugh
- Tucker Carlson
- Margarie Taylor Greene
- Kyle Rittenhouse
- My Pillow Man
- Rudy G
- basket of deplorables from Jan 6
You’re blinded by hate. I’ll stack that list up against right wing worship idols any day that ends in”y”.

- Trump
- Rush Limbaugh
- Tucker Carlson
- Margarie Taylor Greene
- Kyle Rittenhouse
- My Pillow Man
- Rudy G
- basket of deplorables from Jan 6

Let's review what I hate, and you vote for: Be sure to let me know if you find any....ANY...mistakes.

Now....the Democrat Party???????

The party that proves Lord Acton’s adage: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Knights of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

14. No shared values, not an American party…they oppose free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one’s religion.

15. Recent development prove the Democrats to be, as well, the party of rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists.

Democrats: Bull Connor, George Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Al Gore, Sr., Bill Clinton….all racists, all Democrats.


Now.......which party do you, vote for?????????????
Let's review what I hate, and you vote for: Be sure to let me know if you find any....ANY...mistakes.

Now....the Democrat Party???????

The party that proves Lord Acton’s adage: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Knights of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

14. No shared values, not an American party…they oppose free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one’s religion.

15. Recent development prove the Democrats to be, as well, the party of rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists.

Democrats: Bull Connor, George Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Al Gore, Sr., Bill Clinton….all racists, all Democrats.

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Now.......which party do you, vote for?????????????
The fact that you ignore southern racists switched to the Republican Party to make your point proves that you spell disingenuous POLITICALCHIC.

Hey, all the current white nationalists are currently republicans. They all used to be democrats. So what’s the argument? They left racism behind them when they left the democratic party? Bwahahaha. Your arguments are soooooo weak and pathetic you have to resort to distortion.

The reason you use distortions and cut and paste other’s words instead of your own is because you are weak at debate. You have no intellectually supported opinion so you distort and borrow others distortions.

I’m going to suggest that at some point you embrace reality, nuance, logic before you die an old bitter poster.
The fact that you ignore southern racists switched to the Republican Party to make your point proves that you spell disingenuous POLITICALCHIC.

Hey, all the current white nationalists are currently republicans. They all used to be democrats. So what’s the argument? They left racism behind them when they left the democratic party? Bwahahaha. Your arguments are soooooo weak and pathetic you have to resort to distortion.

The reason you use distortions and cut and paste other’s words instead of your own is because you are weak at debate. You ha
ve no intellectually supported opinion so you distort and borrow others distortions.

I’m going to suggest that at some point you embrace reality, nuance, logic before you die an old bitter poster.

Does the Democrat Party ask you to "open wide" before they pour in the propaganda???

"The fact that you ignore southern racists switched to the Republican Party to make your point proves that you spell disingenuous POLITICALCHIC."

There never was any such switch.

Every segregationist who ever served in the Senate was a Democrat, and remained a Democrat…except for Strom Thurmond. He remained a Democrat for eighteen years after running for President as a Dixiecrat- before he became a Republican. There’s a reason they are not called “Dixiecans.”

“The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms. Democrats never denied a segregationist a committee chairmanship or a leadership position because of his noxious views on race. No Democrat has ever been punished for making a racist remark….More than 80 percent of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965….[The] record on race, of Thurmond the Republican is pretty good. He was among the first of Southern senators to hire blacks for his staff. He supported blacks for judgeships. He voted for extension of the Voting Rights Act.” Jack Kelly

Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats. But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.

Bill Clinton has been a racist his entire life......and I bet you voted from him.
It’s amazing what people will say and do when someone else is holding a gun to you or a loved ones head.

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