How CPS uses experts & shaken baby syndrome to destroy lives

P.S. Another caseworker did have a case where the parents were proven innocent because further testing proved the child had an underlying condition which had caused the brain hemorrhaging. It is a fairly rare condition but it is bullshit to say parents do not get their "rights" to contest those kind of allegations. I spent a lot of time in court.
Thank you for all of that. I too worked in a CPS agency-for 26 years. I really bristle at this kind or irresponsible lies and propaganda that these people put out there. It undermines the very good and important work- the very hard work- that CPS workers do. It makes it harder for the people in the field to gain the trust of families and support from the public. It may also inhibit the reporting of suspected abuse.

The OP should be truly ashamed!!
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
No amount of reality is going to change your mind.

So explain to me why CPS wants to steal all these children?
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
No amount of reality is going to change your mind.

So explain to me why CPS wants to steal all these children?
Greed/money. You do have those control freaks from time to time too so must not miss a few of those.

Case after case just read away.
Missouri Hospital Refuses Transfer of Sick Baby – Kidnaps Kansas Couple’s Newborn Child

N.Y. Mother Fights for Medically Kidnapped 13 Year Old Son Being Forced to Receive Chemo Therapy Even Though He is Cancer-free
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I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
No one said that people are not falsely accused -in fact it happens all of the time. The most common source of a knowingly false allegation is an estranged spouse, ex spouse or boyfriend who is fighting for custody. In other cases, a person reporting abuse or neglect may mean well and have suspicions that something is wrong and rightfully reports it. In all cases CPS must investigate

If a parent is truly accused falsely and CPS substantiates abuse/ neglect, they have recourse throught the administrative court system

If a child is removed , the case is heard in family court where the children have independent representation in the form of a law guardian who's only obligation is to protect the child best interest. There many other safeguards as well such as court appointed special advocates and Child Placement Review Boards.

CPS does not work in a vacuum without oversight so the idea that they "steel children " Is absurd. Anyone who makes that claim is either a shameless liar or just really fucking stupid.

Every single allegation of CPS abuses comes from- guess who- the accused parent of guardian who has an ax to grind. At the same time the agency is unable to publicly defend their actions because they are bound by confidentiality. I have yet to see a case that was investigated by a third party where it was found that CPS knowingly and wantonly acted inappropriately in order to takes kids away. I won't say that such a case does not exist and that no CPS worker ever did anything underhanded - but there is no doubt that the number of such cases pales in comparison to those where a child has actually been harmed - or found to be at risk- and benefited from intervention. Sure, some cases that are brought against parents are thrown out due to standards of evidence, contradictory testimony, insufficient documentation but that is how the legal system works-in fact, it proves that it does work.

I just wish that you people would take the trouble to educate yourselves about the topic that you're spouting off about
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I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
No one said that people are not falsely accused -in fact it happens all of the time. The most common source of a knowingly false allegation is an estranged spouse, ex spouse or boyfriend who is fighting for custody. In other cases, a person reporting abuse or neglect my mean well and have suspicions that something is wrong and rightfully reports it. In all cases CPS must investigate

If a parent is truly accused falsely and CPS substantiates abuse/ neglect, they have recourse throught the administrative court system

If a child is removed , the case is heard in family court where the children have independent representation in the form of a law guardian who's only obligation is to protect the child best interest. There many other safeguards as well such as court appointed special advocates and Child Placement Review Boards.

CPS does not work in a vacuum without oversight so the idea that they "steel children " Is absurd. Anyone who makes that claim is either a shameless liar or just really fucking stupid.

Every single allegation of CPS abuses comes from- guess who- the accused parent of guardian who has an ax to grind. At the same time the agency is unable to publicly defend their actions because they are bound by confidentiality. I have yet to see a case that was investigated by a third party where it was found that CPS knowingly and wantonly acted inappropriately in order to takes kids away. I won't say that such a case does not exist and that no CPS worker ever did anything underhanded - but there is no doubt that the number of such cases pales in comparison to those where a child has actually been harmed - or found to be at risk- and benefited from intervention.

I just wish that you people would take the trouble to educate yourselves about the topic that you're spouting off about

sure, some cases that are brought against parents are thrown out due to standards of evidence, contradictory testimony, insufficient documentation but that is how the legal system works-in fact, it proves that it does work.
Gee I suppose that the cases where the judges and CPS workers were pocketing money off of stealing children is all fake to you too then. There is no reason for me to argue with ignorant people who desire to remain that away as I have better things to do with my time.

Judge hits CPS with $127K fine for taking Texas couple's children after baby's fall | Texas | Dallas News
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
No amount of reality is going to change your mind.

So explain to me why CPS wants to steal all these children?
Greed/money. You do have those control freaks from time to time too so must not miss a few of those.

Case after case just read away.
Missouri Hospital Refuses Transfer of Sick Baby – Kidnaps Kansas Couple’s Newborn Child

N.Y. Mother Fights for Medically Kidnapped 13 Year Old Son Being Forced to Receive Chemo Therapy Even Though He is Cancer-free

Greed? Do you realize that CPS-in most if not all cases is a government agency that must use tax dollars to pay workers and foster parents? Please explain how that make money-EXACTLY

These cases of so called medical kidnaping are complicated medical issues where the parent as well as the facilities believed they were justified in their actions. Neither you nor I are qualified -based on the information presented - to make a judgement about them, but it appears that CPS procedures. Unfortunately, as I said before, due to confidentiality constraints, we are not privy to the CPS side of the story or what transpired in family court. If the court did rule in favor of the parents, it does not mean that CPS did not act in good faith and according to their policy and procedures.
I know, just laugh, right? But they sucker in people like Rodishi and lots of other folks who don't know the other side of the story. I didn't like every decision CPS made while I was there, but I never asked the judge for custody of a child that I wasn't damned sure needed to be outta there. Our attorney didn't allow us to even ask the judge until we had evidence enough to successfully bring the case to court.

There have been plenty of high profile cases where the parents went to the media with their side of the story and there was nothing anyone could do to correct the lies because of confidentiality.
Same with Infowars. Child neglect and abuse is real and this kind of garbage, that CPS Is out to steal people's children, doesn't help anyone except abusers.
No one said that child neglect isn't real but charging parents with neglect when there is none is very real too. CPS steals peoples children and if you were not so ignorant you would recognize and acknowledge that it happens. There are groups dedicated to combating people like you who ignore when government institutions and medical cabals that are abusing families all under the guise of it being for the children.
No one said that people are not falsely accused -in fact it happens all of the time. The most common source of a knowingly false allegation is an estranged spouse, ex spouse or boyfriend who is fighting for custody. In other cases, a person reporting abuse or neglect my mean well and have suspicions that something is wrong and rightfully reports it. In all cases CPS must investigate

If a parent is truly accused falsely and CPS substantiates abuse/ neglect, they have recourse throught the administrative court system

If a child is removed , the case is heard in family court where the children have independent representation in the form of a law guardian who's only obligation is to protect the child best interest. There many other safeguards as well such as court appointed special advocates and Child Placement Review Boards.

CPS does not work in a vacuum without oversight so the idea that they "steel children " Is absurd. Anyone who makes that claim is either a shameless liar or just really fucking stupid.

Every single allegation of CPS abuses comes from- guess who- the accused parent of guardian who has an ax to grind. At the same time the agency is unable to publicly defend their actions because they are bound by confidentiality. I have yet to see a case that was investigated by a third party where it was found that CPS knowingly and wantonly acted inappropriately in order to takes kids away. I won't say that such a case does not exist and that no CPS worker ever did anything underhanded - but there is no doubt that the number of such cases pales in comparison to those where a child has actually been harmed - or found to be at risk- and benefited from intervention.

I just wish that you people would take the trouble to educate yourselves about the topic that you're spouting off about

sure, some cases that are brought against parents are thrown out due to standards of evidence, contradictory testimony, insufficient documentation but that is how the legal system works-in fact, it proves that it does work.
Gee I suppose that the cases where the judges and CPS workers were pocketing money off of stealing children is all fake to you too then. There is no reason for me to argue with ignorant people who desire to remain that away as I have better things to do with my time.

Judge hits CPS with $127K fine for taking Texas couple's children after baby's fall | Texas | Dallas News
I don't know if this is fake news or not and I'm not going to take the time to investigate it because - like I said- I am not claiming that CPS never did anything sleazy. However, it in no ways proves that allegations that CPS abuses are wide spread and systemic. These anecdotal stories do not impress me or make your case
Well, when it comes to shaken babies, I believe they should first be put in a plastic bag full of Shake 'n Bake crumbs before you shake them. That way they're evenly seasoned.
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.

This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.

This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.

This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Last edited:
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.

This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.

This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
This lady already did the research and put it online;
..............."I knew nothing about the law or what my rights were and it seemed like as soon as I would learn what action I should have taken, the time frame to execute it would have expired. I was utterly appalled with all the corruption I had uncovered. In fear of not knowing what was to come and wanting to be better prepared I started researching everything I could about CPS , my civil rights, state and federal laws and proper procedures . The more I educated myself the more outraged I became. Reading about so many countless others who had also been abused by our system Their stories very similar to my own. All tragic and unjust. Horrible unthinkable things being done to families and worse they were getting away with it. Who do you turn to when you can’t trust your own government. I didn't understand how this was being allowed to go on or why no one had put a stop to it. Until I stumbled across the financing of CPS and how it all works. How they get their money . When I learned about the Adoption bonus incentives my suspicions were confirmed It became all to obvious to me what all the wrongful doings and misconduct was all about. MONEY .

It’s not even a secret that they are profiting from our children. Wrecking families to make a quick buck . Its all public record. It is disguised or sugar coated under things like “adoption bonus incentives”. Their are many other evils just as vain that are not being used for the purpose they were initially intended for.

Before I get to far ahead of myself let me back up and explain

Here is how it works with government funding of $150 000 per child per year, that is given for every child who is removed their home, but only for children who are removed from their home.

Which means if a caseworker is doing an investigation of a family and she wants to get paid. Her motivation is going to be to take a child from their home. Of course the funding goes towards services for parents as well as children. Case workers, case aids, parent aids, psychologist, foster parents., teachers ,attorneys and advocates even the juvenile court judges are getting paid. And then there is transportation to and from services for both parents and their children. Not to mention all the classes and UA's. The list goes on and on. Allot of jobs rely solely on children who are taking from their home.

Of course anyone who has children would know that it doesn't take $150,000 of annual support to raise a child. Is it starting to make sense?

So obviously there is some pretty serious profit above and beyond the over head

Then you have the adoption insensitive bonuses $4,000 to $6,000 given for each child who's parental rights have been severed and are adopted out to total strangers. With additional insensitive given for children with special needs and who are over the age of nine.

So tell me where is the motivation for reunifying children with their parents? There is none...................much more at the link Coalition Against Racketeering Children 4 Profit

A few years back a judge and CPS workers were charged for racketeering. No the system does not always work; you people who try to defend this crap are so full of shit. You will whine about illegals kids being locked up because their parents subjected them to illegal activities yet you try to defend crappy vaccines and CPS damaging families. What little nasty hypocritical snakes you are.

This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
This is jus more of the same debunked horseshit that I have already commented on. It is nothing more than hysterical hype and propaganda Where does this 150K per child come from. Case workers do not get paid for removing a child . It's all made up bullshit and you have to be a moron to believe it.
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
Actually I already researched it years ago and I gave you the link because they have taken the time to explain for most anyone with any sense can understand it.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.

Let me tell you something Bubba. I dedicated my career to protecting and helping children and I have a lot of good success stories . So do not fucking dare to suggest that what I did was a waist ! What the fuck have you ever done to help any body. ? I will not have a lying and delusional sack of shit like you tarnish and belittle the work that I, and many others like me have done. The crap misinformation and conspiracy horseshit that you spread undermines that work and puts children at greater risk. You re a fucking disgrace to humanity.
It is horseshit and I stand by that. Your link is to a conspiracy theory blog that is about as credible as info wars
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.
Have you ever seen a conspiracy theory that you DIDN'T like?

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