How CPS uses experts & shaken baby syndrome to destroy lives

Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.

Let me tell you something Bubba. I dedicated my career to protecting and helping children and I have a lot of good success stories . So do not fucking dare to suggest that what I did was a waist ! What the fuck have you ever done to help any body. ? I will not have a lying and delusional sack of shit like you tarnish and belittle the work that I, and many others like me have done. The crap misinformation and conspiracy horseshit that you spread undermines that work and puts children at greater risk. You re a fucking disgrace to humanity.
As we say up here, You done good. People will always hate CPS because it sometimes takes children away, and there is nothing more painful for anyone than that. Our state tried very hard not to. Two kids who had been referred to CPS in the past year, though, died of abuse and some of that policy is being reviewed right now. Plus, finally, the state is coughing up the money for more caseworkers, which had been cut back so far we couldn't possibly meet our deadlines without massive overtime which they wouldn't pay for. I suppose we should have filed a grievance, but we didn't have time... we snuck in the OT anyway, but if we got caught, there was hell to pay.

The last time there was a serious change in CPS policy in Maine, it was when a foster parent killed a child in her care. We bent over backwards after that to find ways not to remove children from their homes, or at least their families, if relatives could be found. The state also kept cutting back on caseworkers, saying other states could do it; why couldn't we?

I remember breaking down and sobbing one day when a second report came in on a baby, at the ER, who I had done an investigation on a couple months prior. I did everything "right," but I knew it wasn't enough and I just didn't have time to give it. Thank God that baby was alright, that time. No one realizes the weight we carry on our shoulders doing that job.
Stand by whatever you want but that doesn't make you right or correct.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.

Let me tell you something Bubba. I dedicated my career to protecting and helping children and I have a lot of good success stories . So do not fucking dare to suggest that what I did was a waist ! What the fuck have you ever done to help any body. ? I will not have a lying and delusional sack of shit like you tarnish and belittle the work that I, and many others like me have done. The crap misinformation and conspiracy horseshit that you spread undermines that work and puts children at greater risk. You re a fucking disgrace to humanity.
You are a disgusting fascist pig and a disgrace for families and their children's well being. It is a shame people like you ever received a dime from taxpayers funds.

Even though the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 legally required pediatricians and other vaccine providers to report serious health problems following vaccination to federal health agencies (VAERS), many doctors and other medical workers giving vaccines to children and adults fail to report vaccine-related health problem to VAERS. There is evidence that only between one and 10 percent of serious health problems that occur after use of prescription drugs or vaccines in the U.S. are ever reported to federal health officials, who are responsible for regulating the safety of drugs and vaccines and issue national vaccine policy recommendations.13,14,15, 16

As of March 1, 2016, there have been 972 claims filed so far in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for 57 deaths and 915 injuries that occurred after MMR vaccination. There have been 35 claims filed with the VICP for 1 death and 34 injuries that occurred after MMR-V vaccination. Of that number, the U.S. Court of Claims administering the VICP has compensated 377 children and adults, who have filed MMR vaccine injury claims and 16 children and adults, who have filed MMR-V claims.17

One example of an MMR vaccine injury claim awarded compensation in the VICP is the case of Madyson Williams. Madyson was growing and developing normally until May 12, 2006, when she was given MMR, varicella zoster and Hib vaccines simultaneously during an office visit. Six days later, she developed seizures and died.

On Oct. 10, 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services conceded Madyson died from a reaction to MMR vaccine and her parents were awarded $250,000, the maximum amount allowed for an acknowledged vaccine-related death in the VICP.18, 19

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though ACIP says it’s safe to give other viral and bacterial vaccines at the same time as MMR vaccine, Merck’s MMRII product information insert states that other live virus vaccines—such as varicella20 should NOT be given at the same time as MMR vaccine but rather should be administered one month prior or one month after MMR vaccination.21

In 1998, public health officials and attorneys associated with the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program published a review in Pediatrics of the medical records of 48 children ages 10 to 49 months, who received a measles vaccine or combination MMR vaccine between 1970 and 1993 and developed encephalopathy after vaccination. The children either died or were left with permanent brain dysfunction, including mental regression and retardation, chronic seizures, motor and sensory deficits and movement disorders. The study authors concluded that:

“The onset of neurologic signs or symptoms occurred with a nonrandom, statistically significant distribution of cases on days 8 and 9. No cases were identified after the administration of monovalent mumps or rubella vaccine. This clustering suggests that a causal relationship between measles vaccine and encephalopathy may exist as a rare complication of measles vaccination.” 22

Nearly two decades earlier, in 1981, a report of the National Childhood Encephalopthy Study was published in Britain that concluded:

“The risk of a serious neurological disorder within 14 days after measles vaccine in previously normal children irrespective of eventual clinical outcome is 1 in 87,000 immunizations.” 23

However, a 2007 study conducted in Britain concluded “We can estimate the vaccine-attributable risk of serious neurologic disease after the first dose of MMR vaccine as 1 in 365,000 doses.24

Some studies have shown that there is an elevated risk of aseptic meningitis connected with the MMR vaccine containing the urabe strain of mumps. 25 (Merck’s MMRII vaccine used in the U.S. contains the Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps). Other studies have shown that MMR vaccine components or excipients, particularly egg antigens and porcine or bovine gelatin, can trigger anaphylactic reactions, both immediate and delayed.26

A study published in 2012 by the Cochrane Collaborative examined 57 studies and clinical trials involving about 14.7 million children who had received the MMR vaccine.27 While the study authors said they were not able to detect a “significant” association between MMR vaccine and autism, asthma, leukemia, hay fever, type I diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn’s disease, demyelinating diseases or bacterial or viral infections, they added that:

“The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.”

In Guinea-Bissau, Dr. Peter Aaby has studied and administered vaccines to thousands of children for more than three decades and has published research on vaccine safety and effectiveness, including research on measles and measles vaccine.28 He found that there can be marked differences in the way that boys and girls respond to vaccines. For example, he found there was an increased mortality risk for girls if they received the DTP and measles vaccines together.29 He also found that fatality rates were increased for children ages 6 months to 17 months old, if they had received the DTP vaccine simultaneously with or after receiving measles vaccine. 30

In 1995, a study was published giving the first evidence of persistent measles virus infection of the intestine after vaccination. 31 In 1998, an association between live virus measles vaccine, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and regressive autism was hypothesized by gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield and other physicians at Royal Free Hospital after they detected the presence of measles virus in the intestines of children suffering with Crohn’s disease and autism. The paper they published in The Lancet, which suggested MMR vaccine may be associated with development of regressive autism in previously healthy children, was immediately met with intense anger and criticism from public health officials and medical trade associations, like the American Academy of Pediatrics.32

During the course of their investigation, Wakefield and his colleagues learned that Hans Asperger had observed a high rate of gastrointestinal (celiac) disease in children diagnosed with autism. After studying children suffering with inflammatory bowel disease being treated at Royal Free Hospital, they hypothesized that persistent viral infection, either from natural measles disease or live virus measles vaccine, could cause chronic inflammation in the bowel and damage to the central nervous system in some children. However, they emphasized in their paper that they had not proven a cause and effect relationship between autism, MMR vaccine and non-specific colitis, which they described as “autistic ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia,” and called for more studies to explore the potential relationship.

Today, the majority of doctors and health officials reject the suggestion that MMR vaccine is associated with the development of autism in children. However, privately funded research continues to investigate the potential association between vaccines, including MMR vaccine, and the development of autism, inflammatory bowel disease and other kinds of brain and immune system dysfunction in previously healthy children.

Other independent studies also have reported gastrointestinal problems, such as enterocolitis, after measles vaccination. 33 Although in 2004, an Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee report stated that “the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism,”34 a 2011 report published by an IOM Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines, found that

“The evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and measles inclusion body encephalitis in individuals with demonstrated immunodeficiencies.” 35

The 2011 IOM committee also found with “a high degree of confidence” that “the evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and febrile seizures.” The committee also found a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and anaphylaxis and transient arthralgia in women and children. 36

IMPORTANT NOTE: NVIC encourages you to become fully informed about Measles and the Measles vaccine by reading all sections in the Table of Contents , which contain many links and resources such as the manufacturer product information inserts, and to speak with one or more trusted health care professionals before making a vaccination decision for yourself or your child. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

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1 National Institutes of Health. Emerging & Re-emerging Infectious Disease —Student Activities 5—Making Hard Decisions Measles. No date. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

2 ProQuad. Product Information Sheet. Oct. 27, 2015. Online. (Accessed March 2016)

3 MMRII. Product Information Sheet . Dec. 2007. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

4 MMRII. Product Information Sheet . Dec. 2007. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

5 ProQuad. Product Information Sheet. Oct. 27, 2015. Online. (Accessed March 2016)

6 Merck & Co., Inc. MMRII (Measles, Mumps, Rubella Virus Vaccine Live). 2014.

7 Fisher BL. The Emerging Risks of Live Virus and Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding and Transmission. NVIC November 2014.

8 Jenkins GA, Chibo D, Kelly HA et al. What is the cause of a rash after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination?Med J Aust 1999; 171(4): 194-195.

9 Berggren KL, Tharp M, Boyer KM. Vaccine-associated “wild-type” measles. Pediatr Dermatol 2005; 22(2): 130-132.

10 Morfin F, Beguin A, Lina B, Thourenot D.Detection of measles vaccine in the throat of a vaccinated child . Vaccine 2002; 20(11-12); 1541-1543.

11 Kaic B, Gjenero-Margan I, Aleraj B. Spotlight on Measles 2010: Excretion of Vaccine Strain Measles Virus in Urine and Pharyngeal Secretions of a Child with Vaccine Associated Febrile Rash Illness, Croatia, March 2010 . Eurosurveillance 2010 15(35).

12 Nestibo L, Lee BE, Fonesca K et al.Differentiating the wild from the attenuated during a measles outbreak. Paediatr Child Health Apr. 2012; 17(4).

13 Kessler DA, the Working Group, Natanblut S, et al. A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Effects and Product Problems . JAMA. 1993;269(21):2765-2768. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

14 Kessler DA. Introducing MEDWatch: A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Effects and Product Problems . Reprint from JAMA. June 9, 1993. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

15 Braun M. Vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS): usefulness and limitations . Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

16 Rosenthanl S, Chen R. The reporting sensitivities of two passive surveillance systems for vaccine adverse events . Am J Public Health 1995; 85: pp. 1706-9.

17 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Statistics Reports. Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine —March 1, 2016. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. March 1, 2016.

18 Office of Special Masters. United States Court of Federal Claims. Garry and Rachel Williams, as Legal Representatives of Madyson Lee Williams . Oct. 10, 2008. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

19 Verdicts and Settlements . Williams, Minor. v. Secretary of HHS--$250,000 Settlement. Oct. 2008. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

20 V accines, Blood & Biologicals. Varicella . No Date. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

21 Vaccines, Blood & Biologicals. Measles, Mumps and Rubella . Aug. 8, 2011. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

22 Weibel RE, Casserta V, Benor DE, Evans G. Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated with Further Attenuated Measles Vaccine: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Pediatrics 1998; 101(3): 383-387.

23 Alderslade R, Bellman MH, Rawson NSB, Ross EM, Miller DL. The National Childhood Encephalopathy Study: A Report on 1000 Cases of Serious Neurological Disorders in Infants and Young Children from the NCES Research Team. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1981.

24 Ward KN, Bryan NJ et al. Risk of Serious Neurologic Disease After Immunization of Young Children in Britain and Ireland. Pediatrics 2007; 120(2): 314-321.

25 Dourado I, Cunha S, Teixeira MG, et al. Outbreak of Aseptic Meningitis Associated with Mass Vaccination with a Urabe-Containing Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine: Implications for Immunization Programs. Am J Epidemiol. March 1, 2000; 151(5):524-30. Online. Outbreak of aseptic meningitis associated with mass vaccination with a urabe-containing measles-mumps-rubella vaccine: implications for immunizatio... - PubMed - NCBI. (Accessed March 2012)

26 Lakshman R. MMR Vaccine and Allergy. Arch Dis Child 2000;82:93-95. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

27 Demicheli V, Rivetti A, Debalini MG, Di Pietrantonj C. (Intervention Review) Vaccines for Measles, Mumps and Rubella in Children . The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 2. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

28 Professor Peter Aaby . Feb. 29, 2012. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

29 Aaby P, Jensen H, Samb B, et al. Differences in Female-Male Mortality after High-Titre Measles Vaccine and Association with Subsequent Vaccination with Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Inactivated Poliovirus: Reanalysis of West African Studies . Lancet. 2003;361:2183-8. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

30 Aaby P, Biai S, Veirum JE, et al. DTP with or after Measles Vaccination Is Associated with Increased In-Hospital Mortality in Guinea-Bissau . Vaccine. Jan. 26, 2007. Vol 25, Issue 7, pp 1265-1269. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

31Lewin J, Dhillon AP, Sm R, Mazure G, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Gu t. 1995 Apr; 36(4): 564-9. Online.. (Accessed March 2012)

32 NVIC. Research Into Vaccines, Autism and Intestinal Disorders Published in The Lancet. Press Release: March 3, 1998.

33 Ashwood P, Anthony A, Pellicer AA, Torrente F. “Intestinal Lymphocyte Populations in Children with Regressive Autism: Evidence for Extensive Mucosal Immunopathology.” Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2003;23:504-517. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

34 Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Review Committee. Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism. National Academies Press 2004.

35 Stratton K, Ford A, Rusch E, Clayton EW, editors. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines . National Academies Press: 2012. pp 103, 105, 130, 134, 137. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

36 Stratton K, Ford A, Rusch E, Clayton EW, editors. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines . National Academies Press: 2012. pp 103, 105, 130, 134, 137. Online. (Accessed March 2012)
Can measles vaccine cause injury and death - National Vaccine Information Center
If abusive parents aren't free to shake their babies, are any of us truly free?
CPS workers and the industrial medical complex should never be loosed to abuse their authority.

Medical Kidnapping Business: Judges Skirting the Law for Federal Funds

.......One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents.

CPS can enter a home without a warrant or court order, simply because there is a complaint that a child is in “imminent danger.” Often that complaint is from a doctor. Law enforcement is trained to cooperate with CPS, and the child is removed, by force if necessary.

Then it is up to the parents to fight it out in family court to get their child back.

Last year, Health Impact News covered the story of Alex and Anna Nikolaev in Sacramento California, who had their infant child seized by force and removed from their home, simply because they took their child out of a hospital, and brought him to a second hospital for a second opinion. They did not think they were getting good care at the first hospital. The doctor called the police, who arrived at the second hospital, where the child was being well cared for, so the police did nothing further.

The doctor at the first hospital, however, was not satisfied, and issued a complaint to CPS who arrived at the Nikolaev home the next day with armed police officers and literally grabbed the child out of the arms of the mother, while holding down the father outside at gunpoint, and then returned the child to the first hospital..................more at link
So is this training video for judges in Arizona designed to carry out their oath and seek justice for protecting families, or to fill their quota of children that need to become wards of the state to receive federal funds to pay everyone’s salaries and benefits?

Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
Medical Kidnapping Business: Judges Skirting the Law for Federal Funds

One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents.

CPS can enter a home without a warrant or court order, simply because there is a complaint that a child is in “imminent danger.” Often that complaint is from a doctor. Law enforcement is trained to cooperate with CPS, and the child is removed, by force if necessary.

Then it is up to the parents to fight it out in family court to get their child back.

Last year, Health Impact News covered the story of Alex and Anna Nikolaev in Sacramento California, who had their infant child seized by force and removed from their home, simply because they took their child out of a hospital, and brought him to a second hospital for a second opinion. They did not think they were getting good care at the first hospital. The doctor called the police, who arrived at the second hospital, where the child was being well cared for, so the police did nothing further.

The doctor at the first hospital, however, was not satisfied, and issued a complaint to CPS who arrived at the Nikolaev home the next day with armed police officers and literally grabbed the child out of the arms of the mother, while holding down the father outside at gunpoint, and then returned the child to the first hospital. (Story here.)

The local media caught wind of this story, and it caused a huge public outcry. When Alex and Anna arrived at court a few days later to appear before a judge and try to get their baby back, quite a few supporters had arrived at the court house.

In an impromptu interview with the father’s attorney at the court house, this attorney experienced in handling CPS cases in family court stated the following:

The chances they will get their baby back today are (slim). In my 21 years of experience, between me and my colleagues, we have seen maybe 3 cases where the child was returned the first day. Now think about that, can they really be right that much of the time?

The attorney goes on to explain that family court basically only gives you six months (in California) to prove your case, and then they award the children to a foster home. Here is the interview:

Since Alex, the father, is a Russian national, and the Russian press had picked up the story, Russia made a formal protest of human rights abuse. Not surprisingly, the judge wanted no part of this case, and allowed the baby to return to the hospital of the parents’ choice.

But most other families are not so fortunate.

Why Judges in Family Court so Quickly Agree with CPS and Remove the Child

The Defend Parental Authority in Arizona Facebook Page recently released a video clip from the Arizona Judicial Branch government website. It is from their Dependency Video Series training Family Court Judges on how to handle Dependency cases in family court. Judge Aimee Anderson and Judge Mark Brain of Maricopa County are giving a presentation in this clip that instructs judges how to handle cases brought to family court by CPS.

It appears from this video that the first concern of the family courts is not justice, but federal funding. Judge Brain makes it clear that if they do not remove the child from the parent immediately, they will lose federal funding. Quote:

If you are removing a child, in a Contrary to the Welfare finding, that order is mandatory. If you do not make that finding whenever you remove that child from a placement, you’re forfeiting federal funds… The federal government says that if you did not make that (decision) right at the outset the first time through, you’re not going to get any federal money for those services, ever… CPS is going to have a kid they cannot pay for.

As we have pointed out in another article (The Medical Kidnap Business: Bilking Medicaid), a child taken into state custody can have all of their medical care billed directly to Medicaid, and this alone represents an industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars nationwide. There are other funds also available for programs like foster care. Obviously, children with medical needs present the greatest amount of federal funds the state can receive per child.
Chalk it up to the Clinton crime cabal and their minions.
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers Called “Foster Care”

According to Nev Moore, an advocate and writer for child services reform:

The money goes to tens of thousands of a) state employees, b) collateral professionals, such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and c) DSS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more “evaluators,” junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc. This newspaper is not big enough to list all of the people in this state who have a job, draw a paycheck, or make their profits off the kids in DSS custody.

In 1974 Walter Mondale promoted the Child Abuse and Prevention Act which began feeding massive amounts of federal funding to states to set up programs to combat child abuse and neglect. From that came Child “Protective” Services, as we know it today. After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a “business” in dealing with children.

Then in 1997 President Clinton passed the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family. In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to “President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed.

In the “technical assistance” section of the bill it states that, “the Secretary [of HHS] may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist states and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care.” The technical assistance is to support ‘the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system; the development of best practice guidelines for expediting the termination of parental rights; the development of special units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanent goal; models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements; and the development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive placements without waiting for termination of parental rights. (Source: Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness )
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Chalk it up to the Clinton crime cabal and their minions.
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers Called “Foster Care”

According to Nev Moore, an advocate and writer for child services reform:

The money goes to tens of thousands of a) state employees, b) collateral professionals, such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and c) DSS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more “evaluators,” junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc. This newspaper is not big enough to list all of the people in this state who have a job, draw a paycheck, or make their profits off the kids in DSS custody.

In 1974 Walter Mondale promoted the Child Abuse and Prevention Act which began feeding massive amounts of federal funding to states to set up programs to combat child abuse and neglect. From that came Child “Protective” Services, as we know it today. After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a “business” in dealing with children.

Then in 1997 President Clinton passed the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family. In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to “President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed.”

In the “technical assistance” section of the bill it states that, “the Secretary [of HHS] may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist states and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care.” The technical assistance is to support ‘the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system; the development of best practice guidelines for expediting the termination of parental rights; the development of special units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanent goal; models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements; and the development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive placements without waiting for termination of parental rights. (Source: Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness )
Of course. It's all the Clinton's fault......:71:
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.

Let me tell you something Bubba. I dedicated my career to protecting and helping children and I have a lot of good success stories . So do not fucking dare to suggest that what I did was a waist ! What the fuck have you ever done to help any body. ? I will not have a lying and delusional sack of shit like you tarnish and belittle the work that I, and many others like me have done. The crap misinformation and conspiracy horseshit that you spread undermines that work and puts children at greater risk. You re a fucking disgrace to humanity.
As we say up here, You done good. People will always hate CPS because it sometimes takes children away, and there is nothing more painful for anyone than that. Our state tried very hard not to. Two kids who had been referred to CPS in the past year, though, died of abuse and some of that policy is being reviewed right now. Plus, finally, the state is coughing up the money for more caseworkers, which had been cut back so far we couldn't possibly meet our deadlines without massive overtime which they wouldn't pay for. I suppose we should have filed a grievance, but we didn't have time... we snuck in the OT anyway, but if we got caught, there was hell to pay.

The last time there was a serious change in CPS policy in Maine, it was when a foster parent killed a child in her care. We bent over backwards after that to find ways not to remove children from their homes, or at least their families, if relatives could be found. The state also kept cutting back on caseworkers, saying other states could do it; why couldn't we?

I remember breaking down and sobbing one day when a second report came in on a baby, at the ER, who I had done an investigation on a couple months prior. I did everything "right," but I knew it wasn't enough and I just didn't have time to give it. Thank God that baby was alright, that time. No one realizes the weight we carry on our shoulders doing that job.
Thank you! You did good too. My state -NJ- went through a big shake up in the 90's when a could of kids dies. Case loads were through the roof and the kids were not being seen on a regular basis. I supervised a PRS unit of 6 works - each of which had as many 150 kids . I lost a lot of sleep wondering what was going on with all of them. Fortunately, there were no deaths on my watch. I'm not there anymore but I hear that it's a lot better.
I find it hard to believe that anyone would be stupid enough to believe this shit, but I was wrong.
Experience is a stout teacher to those who are willing to open their eyes and learn. Apparently deniers have a tough time with that process.
Learn? From you? From that poorly written rambling diatribe that you call research that makes bizarre claims that are not documented. The idea that case workers get paid for removing children is as stupid as stupid can get!
I don't need you to learn from me, nor do I need to research all the links to the documentation out there on the matter. Perhaps that paycheck you received as a CPS worker was a total waste.

Let me tell you something Bubba. I dedicated my career to protecting and helping children and I have a lot of good success stories . So do not fucking dare to suggest that what I did was a waist ! What the fuck have you ever done to help any body. ? I will not have a lying and delusional sack of shit like you tarnish and belittle the work that I, and many others like me have done. The crap misinformation and conspiracy horseshit that you spread undermines that work and puts children at greater risk. You re a fucking disgrace to humanity.
You are a disgusting fascist pig and a disgrace for families and their children's well being. It is a shame people like you ever received a dime from taxpayers funds.

Even though the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 legally required pediatricians and other vaccine providers to report serious health problems following vaccination to federal health agencies (VAERS), many doctors and other medical workers giving vaccines to children and adults fail to report vaccine-related health problem to VAERS. There is evidence that only between one and 10 percent of serious health problems that occur after use of prescription drugs or vaccines in the U.S. are ever reported to federal health officials, who are responsible for regulating the safety of drugs and vaccines and issue national vaccine policy recommendations.13,14,15, 16

As of March 1, 2016, there have been 972 claims filed so far in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for 57 deaths and 915 injuries that occurred after MMR vaccination. There have been 35 claims filed with the VICP for 1 death and 34 injuries that occurred after MMR-V vaccination. Of that number, the U.S. Court of Claims administering the VICP has compensated 377 children and adults, who have filed MMR vaccine injury claims and 16 children and adults, who have filed MMR-V claims.17

One example of an MMR vaccine injury claim awarded compensation in the VICP is the case of Madyson Williams. Madyson was growing and developing normally until May 12, 2006, when she was given MMR, varicella zoster and Hib vaccines simultaneously during an office visit. Six days later, she developed seizures and died.

On Oct. 10, 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services conceded Madyson died from a reaction to MMR vaccine and her parents were awarded $250,000, the maximum amount allowed for an acknowledged vaccine-related death in the VICP.18, 19

IMPORTANT NOTE: Even though ACIP says it’s safe to give other viral and bacterial vaccines at the same time as MMR vaccine, Merck’s MMRII product information insert states that other live virus vaccines—such as varicella20 should NOT be given at the same time as MMR vaccine but rather should be administered one month prior or one month after MMR vaccination.21

In 1998, public health officials and attorneys associated with the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program published a review in Pediatrics of the medical records of 48 children ages 10 to 49 months, who received a measles vaccine or combination MMR vaccine between 1970 and 1993 and developed encephalopathy after vaccination. The children either died or were left with permanent brain dysfunction, including mental regression and retardation, chronic seizures, motor and sensory deficits and movement disorders. The study authors concluded that:

“The onset of neurologic signs or symptoms occurred with a nonrandom, statistically significant distribution of cases on days 8 and 9. No cases were identified after the administration of monovalent mumps or rubella vaccine. This clustering suggests that a causal relationship between measles vaccine and encephalopathy may exist as a rare complication of measles vaccination.” 22

Nearly two decades earlier, in 1981, a report of the National Childhood Encephalopthy Study was published in Britain that concluded:

“The risk of a serious neurological disorder within 14 days after measles vaccine in previously normal children irrespective of eventual clinical outcome is 1 in 87,000 immunizations.” 23

However, a 2007 study conducted in Britain concluded “We can estimate the vaccine-attributable risk of serious neurologic disease after the first dose of MMR vaccine as 1 in 365,000 doses.24

Some studies have shown that there is an elevated risk of aseptic meningitis connected with the MMR vaccine containing the urabe strain of mumps. 25 (Merck’s MMRII vaccine used in the U.S. contains the Jeryl Lynn strain of mumps). Other studies have shown that MMR vaccine components or excipients, particularly egg antigens and porcine or bovine gelatin, can trigger anaphylactic reactions, both immediate and delayed.26

A study published in 2012 by the Cochrane Collaborative examined 57 studies and clinical trials involving about 14.7 million children who had received the MMR vaccine.27 While the study authors said they were not able to detect a “significant” association between MMR vaccine and autism, asthma, leukemia, hay fever, type I diabetes, gait disturbance, Crohn’s disease, demyelinating diseases or bacterial or viral infections, they added that:

“The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate.”

In Guinea-Bissau, Dr. Peter Aaby has studied and administered vaccines to thousands of children for more than three decades and has published research on vaccine safety and effectiveness, including research on measles and measles vaccine.28 He found that there can be marked differences in the way that boys and girls respond to vaccines. For example, he found there was an increased mortality risk for girls if they received the DTP and measles vaccines together.29 He also found that fatality rates were increased for children ages 6 months to 17 months old, if they had received the DTP vaccine simultaneously with or after receiving measles vaccine. 30

In 1995, a study was published giving the first evidence of persistent measles virus infection of the intestine after vaccination. 31 In 1998, an association between live virus measles vaccine, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and regressive autism was hypothesized by gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield and other physicians at Royal Free Hospital after they detected the presence of measles virus in the intestines of children suffering with Crohn’s disease and autism. The paper they published in The Lancet, which suggested MMR vaccine may be associated with development of regressive autism in previously healthy children, was immediately met with intense anger and criticism from public health officials and medical trade associations, like the American Academy of Pediatrics.32

During the course of their investigation, Wakefield and his colleagues learned that Hans Asperger had observed a high rate of gastrointestinal (celiac) disease in children diagnosed with autism. After studying children suffering with inflammatory bowel disease being treated at Royal Free Hospital, they hypothesized that persistent viral infection, either from natural measles disease or live virus measles vaccine, could cause chronic inflammation in the bowel and damage to the central nervous system in some children. However, they emphasized in their paper that they had not proven a cause and effect relationship between autism, MMR vaccine and non-specific colitis, which they described as “autistic ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia,” and called for more studies to explore the potential relationship.

Today, the majority of doctors and health officials reject the suggestion that MMR vaccine is associated with the development of autism in children. However, privately funded research continues to investigate the potential association between vaccines, including MMR vaccine, and the development of autism, inflammatory bowel disease and other kinds of brain and immune system dysfunction in previously healthy children.

Other independent studies also have reported gastrointestinal problems, such as enterocolitis, after measles vaccination. 33 Although in 2004, an Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee report stated that “the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism,”34 a 2011 report published by an IOM Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines, found that

“The evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and measles inclusion body encephalitis in individuals with demonstrated immunodeficiencies.” 35

The 2011 IOM committee also found with “a high degree of confidence” that “the evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and febrile seizures.” The committee also found a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and anaphylaxis and transient arthralgia in women and children. 36

IMPORTANT NOTE: NVIC encourages you to become fully informed about Measles and the Measles vaccine by reading all sections in the Table of Contents , which contain many links and resources such as the manufacturer product information inserts, and to speak with one or more trusted health care professionals before making a vaccination decision for yourself or your child. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

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« Return to Vaccines & Diseases Table of Contents

1 National Institutes of Health. Emerging & Re-emerging Infectious Disease —Student Activities 5—Making Hard Decisions Measles. No date. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

2 ProQuad. Product Information Sheet. Oct. 27, 2015. Online. (Accessed March 2016)

3 MMRII. Product Information Sheet . Dec. 2007. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

4 MMRII. Product Information Sheet . Dec. 2007. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

5 ProQuad. Product Information Sheet. Oct. 27, 2015. Online. (Accessed March 2016)

6 Merck & Co., Inc. MMRII (Measles, Mumps, Rubella Virus Vaccine Live). 2014.

7 Fisher BL. The Emerging Risks of Live Virus and Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding and Transmission. NVIC November 2014.

8 Jenkins GA, Chibo D, Kelly HA et al. What is the cause of a rash after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination?Med J Aust 1999; 171(4): 194-195.

9 Berggren KL, Tharp M, Boyer KM. Vaccine-associated “wild-type” measles. Pediatr Dermatol 2005; 22(2): 130-132.

10 Morfin F, Beguin A, Lina B, Thourenot D.Detection of measles vaccine in the throat of a vaccinated child . Vaccine 2002; 20(11-12); 1541-1543.

11 Kaic B, Gjenero-Margan I, Aleraj B. Spotlight on Measles 2010: Excretion of Vaccine Strain Measles Virus in Urine and Pharyngeal Secretions of a Child with Vaccine Associated Febrile Rash Illness, Croatia, March 2010 . Eurosurveillance 2010 15(35).

12 Nestibo L, Lee BE, Fonesca K et al.Differentiating the wild from the attenuated during a measles outbreak. Paediatr Child Health Apr. 2012; 17(4).

13 Kessler DA, the Working Group, Natanblut S, et al. A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Effects and Product Problems . JAMA. 1993;269(21):2765-2768. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

14 Kessler DA. Introducing MEDWatch: A New Approach to Reporting Medication and Device Adverse Effects and Product Problems . Reprint from JAMA. June 9, 1993. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

15 Braun M. Vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS): usefulness and limitations . Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

16 Rosenthanl S, Chen R. The reporting sensitivities of two passive surveillance systems for vaccine adverse events . Am J Public Health 1995; 85: pp. 1706-9.

17 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Statistics Reports. Claims Filed and Compensated or Dismissed by Vaccine —March 1, 2016. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. March 1, 2016.

18 Office of Special Masters. United States Court of Federal Claims. Garry and Rachel Williams, as Legal Representatives of Madyson Lee Williams . Oct. 10, 2008. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

19 Verdicts and Settlements . Williams, Minor. v. Secretary of HHS--$250,000 Settlement. Oct. 2008. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

20 V accines, Blood & Biologicals. Varicella . No Date. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

21 Vaccines, Blood & Biologicals. Measles, Mumps and Rubella . Aug. 8, 2011. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

22 Weibel RE, Casserta V, Benor DE, Evans G. Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated with Further Attenuated Measles Vaccine: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Pediatrics 1998; 101(3): 383-387.

23 Alderslade R, Bellman MH, Rawson NSB, Ross EM, Miller DL. The National Childhood Encephalopathy Study: A Report on 1000 Cases of Serious Neurological Disorders in Infants and Young Children from the NCES Research Team. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1981.

24 Ward KN, Bryan NJ et al. Risk of Serious Neurologic Disease After Immunization of Young Children in Britain and Ireland. Pediatrics 2007; 120(2): 314-321.

25 Dourado I, Cunha S, Teixeira MG, et al. Outbreak of Aseptic Meningitis Associated with Mass Vaccination with a Urabe-Containing Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine: Implications for Immunization Programs. Am J Epidemiol. March 1, 2000; 151(5):524-30. Online. Outbreak of aseptic meningitis associated with mass vaccination with a urabe-containing measles-mumps-rubella vaccine: implications for immunizatio... - PubMed - NCBI. (Accessed March 2012)

26 Lakshman R. MMR Vaccine and Allergy. Arch Dis Child 2000;82:93-95. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

27 Demicheli V, Rivetti A, Debalini MG, Di Pietrantonj C. (Intervention Review) Vaccines for Measles, Mumps and Rubella in Children . The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 2. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

28 Professor Peter Aaby . Feb. 29, 2012. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

29 Aaby P, Jensen H, Samb B, et al. Differences in Female-Male Mortality after High-Titre Measles Vaccine and Association with Subsequent Vaccination with Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Inactivated Poliovirus: Reanalysis of West African Studies . Lancet. 2003;361:2183-8. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

30 Aaby P, Biai S, Veirum JE, et al. DTP with or after Measles Vaccination Is Associated with Increased In-Hospital Mortality in Guinea-Bissau . Vaccine. Jan. 26, 2007. Vol 25, Issue 7, pp 1265-1269. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

31Lewin J, Dhillon AP, Sm R, Mazure G, Pounder RE, Wakefield AJ. Gu t. 1995 Apr; 36(4): 564-9. Online.. (Accessed March 2012)

32 NVIC. Research Into Vaccines, Autism and Intestinal Disorders Published in The Lancet. Press Release: March 3, 1998.

33 Ashwood P, Anthony A, Pellicer AA, Torrente F. “Intestinal Lymphocyte Populations in Children with Regressive Autism: Evidence for Extensive Mucosal Immunopathology.” Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2003;23:504-517. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

34 Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Review Committee. Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism. National Academies Press 2004.

35 Stratton K, Ford A, Rusch E, Clayton EW, editors. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines . National Academies Press: 2012. pp 103, 105, 130, 134, 137. Online. (Accessed March 2012)

36 Stratton K, Ford A, Rusch E, Clayton EW, editors. Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality. Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines . National Academies Press: 2012. pp 103, 105, 130, 134, 137. Online. (Accessed March 2012)
Can measles vaccine cause injury and death - National Vaccine Information Center
It appears that you have gone completely off the deep end, if you ever were in touch with reality. First of all, explain how the fuck I am a Fascist ? I can picture you spitting up on yourself while you wrote that. It sound like you have some anger issues to boot. I understand though how a cornered animal will react

Now, what the fuck is all of this vaxing horseshit about? You might have noticed that I didn't take a position on it and I won't because it is not my area of expertise, so all you have done here is set up a strawman argument

How does it relate to the issue of CPS which is what this thread is about? Perhaps you think that CPS takes kids away if their parents refuse to vaccinate them? Not the case but if they are out of compliance with the law and do not qualify for an exemption we might get a court order. It's another complicated medical and ethical questions so don't be so fucking sure that you right. There are a lot of people on both sides of the issue who a whole lot smarter than you
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Chalk it up to the Clinton crime cabal and their minions.
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers Called “Foster Care”

According to Nev Moore, an advocate and writer for child services reform:

The money goes to tens of thousands of a) state employees, b) collateral professionals, such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and c) DSS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more “evaluators,” junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc. This newspaper is not big enough to list all of the people in this state who have a job, draw a paycheck, or make their profits off the kids in DSS custody.

In 1974 Walter Mondale promoted the Child Abuse and Prevention Act which began feeding massive amounts of federal funding to states to set up programs to combat child abuse and neglect. From that came Child “Protective” Services, as we know it today. After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a “business” in dealing with children.

Then in 1997 President Clinton passed the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family. In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to “President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed.

In the “technical assistance” section of the bill it states that, “the Secretary [of HHS] may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist states and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care.” The technical assistance is to support ‘the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system; the development of best practice guidelines for expediting the termination of parental rights; the development of special units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanent goal; models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements; and the development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive placements without waiting for termination of parental rights. (Source: Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness )

First of all, your link -money behind the madness-does not work. Secondly, you are -for whatever reason - listing the things that have been done to keep kids safe and work towards finding them a permeant and stable home. You're big gripe is that is expensive . So what ? So is war? Some people like lawyers do make money on it so what? Case workers draw a salary as do others but CPS operations are generally You're just grasping at straws with your last two posts. I'm tired of your horseshit.
Chalk it up to the Clinton crime cabal and their minions.
Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers Called “Foster Care”

According to Nev Moore, an advocate and writer for child services reform:

The money goes to tens of thousands of a) state employees, b) collateral professionals, such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and c) DSS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more “evaluators,” junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc. This newspaper is not big enough to list all of the people in this state who have a job, draw a paycheck, or make their profits off the kids in DSS custody.

In 1974 Walter Mondale promoted the Child Abuse and Prevention Act which began feeding massive amounts of federal funding to states to set up programs to combat child abuse and neglect. From that came Child “Protective” Services, as we know it today. After the bill passed, Mondale himself expressed concerns that it could be misused. He worried that it could lead states to create a “business” in dealing with children.

Then in 1997 President Clinton passed the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” The public relations campaign promoted it as a way to help abused and neglected children who languished in foster care for years, often being shuffled among dozens of foster homes, never having a real home and family. In a press release from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services dated November 24, 1999, it refers to “President Clinton’s initiative to double by 2002 the number of children in foster care who are adopted or otherwise permanently placed.

In the “technical assistance” section of the bill it states that, “the Secretary [of HHS] may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist states and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions for children in foster care.” The technical assistance is to support ‘the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system; the development of best practice guidelines for expediting the termination of parental rights; the development of special units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanent goal; models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements; and the development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive placements without waiting for termination of parental rights. (Source: Adoption Bonuses: The Money Behind the Madness )

First of all, your link -money behind the madness-does not work. Secondly, you are -for whatever reason - listing the things that have been done to keep kids safe and work towards finding them a permeant and stable home. You're big gripe is that is expensive . So what ? So is war? Some people like lawyers do make money on it so what? Case workers draw a salary as do others but CPS operations are generally You're just grasping at straws with your last two posts. I'm tired of your horseshit.
You are so vain and ate up with yourself you are missing the point that children are being used and abused for the money.
One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents.
Bullshit !! Judges are tough on CPS and demand evidence. The idea that they have a quota of children to put into the system is just fucking luancy
CPS can enter a home without a warrant or court order, simply because there is a complaint that a child is in “imminent danger.” Often that complaint is from a doctor. Law enforcement is trained to cooperate with CPS, and the child is removed, by force if necessary.
More horseshit! If they slam the door on us, we must get an order to investigate And children are not removed on a allegation alone. They are removed when serious abuse, neglect or imminent danger is substantiated. You are so fucking stupid and gullible !
One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents.
Bullshit !! Judges are tough on CPS and demand evidence. The idea that they have a quota of children to put into the system is just fucking luancy
You obviously refuse to watch the video of the Judges, lawyers and CPS along with reading about the children being abused by the system for the money and to be experiments for big pharma. Again you are vain and ate up you little self centered maggot.
Last year, Health Impact News covered the story of Alex and Anna Nikolaev in Sacramento California, who had their infant child seized by force and removed from their home, simply because they took their child out of a hospital, and brought him to a second hospital for a second opinion. They did not think they were getting good care at the first hospital. The doctor called the police, who arrived at the second hospital, where the child was being well cared for, so the police did nothing further.

The doctor at the first hospital, however, was not satisfied, and issued a complaint to CPS who arrived at the Nikolaev home the next day with armed police officers and literally grabbed the child out of the arms of the mother, while holding down the father outside at gunpoint, and then returned the child to the first hospital. (Story here.)

The local media caught wind of this story, and it caused a huge public outcry. When Alex and Anna arrived at court a few days later to appear before a judge and try to get their baby back, quite a few supporters had arrived at the court house.

In an impromptu interview with the father’s attorney at the court house, this attorney experienced in handling CPS cases in family court stated the following:

The chances they will get their baby back today are (slim). In my 21 years of experience, between me and my colleagues, we have seen maybe 3 cases where the child was returned the first day. Now think about that, can they really be right that much of the time?

The attorney goes on to explain that family court basically only gives you six months (in California) to prove your case, and then they award the children to a foster home. Here is the interview:

Since Alex, the father, is a Russian national, and the Russian press had picked up the story, Russia made a formal protest of human rights abuse. Not surprisingly, the judge wanted no part of this case, and allowed the baby to return to the hospital of the parents’ choice.

But most other families are not so fortunate.
Lets see the actual case and get both sides of it
So is this training video for judges in Arizona designed to carry out their oath and seek justice for protecting families, or to fill their quota of children that need to become wards of the state to receive federal funds to pay everyone’s salaries and benefits?

Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
Medical Kidnapping Business: Judges Skirting the Law for Federal Funds

One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents.

CPS can enter a home without a warrant or court order, simply because there is a complaint that a child is in “imminent danger.” Often that complaint is from a doctor. Law enforcement is trained to cooperate with CPS, and the child is removed, by force if necessary.

Then it is up to the parents to fight it out in family court to get their child back.

Last year, Health Impact News covered the story of Alex and Anna Nikolaev in Sacramento California, who had their infant child seized by force and removed from their home, simply because they took their child out of a hospital, and brought him to a second hospital for a second opinion. They did not think they were getting good care at the first hospital. The doctor called the police, who arrived at the second hospital, where the child was being well cared for, so the police did nothing further.

The doctor at the first hospital, however, was not satisfied, and issued a complaint to CPS who arrived at the Nikolaev home the next day with armed police officers and literally grabbed the child out of the arms of the mother, while holding down the father outside at gunpoint, and then returned the child to the first hospital. (Story here.)

The local media caught wind of this story, and it caused a huge public outcry. When Alex and Anna arrived at court a few days later to appear before a judge and try to get their baby back, quite a few supporters had arrived at the court house.

In an impromptu interview with the father’s attorney at the court house, this attorney experienced in handling CPS cases in family court stated the following:

The chances they will get their baby back today are (slim). In my 21 years of experience, between me and my colleagues, we have seen maybe 3 cases where the child was returned the first day. Now think about that, can they really be right that much of the time?

The attorney goes on to explain that family court basically only gives you six months (in California) to prove your case, and then they award the children to a foster home. Here is the interview:

Since Alex, the father, is a Russian national, and the Russian press had picked up the story, Russia made a formal protest of human rights abuse. Not surprisingly, the judge wanted no part of this case, and allowed the baby to return to the hospital of the parents’ choice.

But most other families are not so fortunate.

Why Judges in Family Court so Quickly Agree with CPS and Remove the Child

The Defend Parental Authority in Arizona Facebook Page recently released a video clip from the Arizona Judicial Branch government website. It is from their Dependency Video Series training Family Court Judges on how to handle Dependency cases in family court. Judge Aimee Anderson and Judge Mark Brain of Maricopa County are giving a presentation in this clip that instructs judges how to handle cases brought to family court by CPS.

It appears from this video that the first concern of the family courts is not justice, but federal funding. Judge Brain makes it clear that if they do not remove the child from the parent immediately, they will lose federal funding. Quote:

If you are removing a child, in a Contrary to the Welfare finding, that order is mandatory. If you do not make that finding whenever you remove that child from a placement, you’re forfeiting federal funds… The federal government says that if you did not make that (decision) right at the outset the first time through, you’re not going to get any federal money for those services, ever… CPS is going to have a kid they cannot pay for.

As we have pointed out in another article (The Medical Kidnap Business: Bilking Medicaid), a child taken into state custody can have all of their medical care billed directly to Medicaid, and this alone represents an industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars nationwide. There are other funds also available for programs like foster care. Obviously, children with medical needs present the greatest amount of federal funds the state can receive per child.

Do you ever check your sources ? Do you know who these Defending Parental Authority people are ? Do you know anything about this Brian Shilhavy? I will tell you. He has advanced the theory that CPS engages in child sex trafficking. Now I know that you cant actually be that stupid! What you believe it???!! You believe pizza gate too? Holy fucking shit
Last year, Health Impact News covered the story of Alex and Anna Nikolaev in Sacramento California, who had their infant child seized by force and removed from their home, simply because they took their child out of a hospital, and brought him to a second hospital for a second opinion. They did not think they were getting good care at the first hospital. The doctor called the police, who arrived at the second hospital, where the child was being well cared for, so the police did nothing further.

The doctor at the first hospital, however, was not satisfied, and issued a complaint to CPS who arrived at the Nikolaev home the next day with armed police officers and literally grabbed the child out of the arms of the mother, while holding down the father outside at gunpoint, and then returned the child to the first hospital. (Story here.)

The local media caught wind of this story, and it caused a huge public outcry. When Alex and Anna arrived at court a few days later to appear before a judge and try to get their baby back, quite a few supporters had arrived at the court house.

In an impromptu interview with the father’s attorney at the court house, this attorney experienced in handling CPS cases in family court stated the following:

The chances they will get their baby back today are (slim). In my 21 years of experience, between me and my colleagues, we have seen maybe 3 cases where the child was returned the first day. Now think about that, can they really be right that much of the time?

The attorney goes on to explain that family court basically only gives you six months (in California) to prove your case, and then they award the children to a foster home. Here is the interview:

Since Alex, the father, is a Russian national, and the Russian press had picked up the story, Russia made a formal protest of human rights abuse. Not surprisingly, the judge wanted no part of this case, and allowed the baby to return to the hospital of the parents’ choice.

But most other families are not so fortunate.
Lets see the actual case and get both sides of it
I'm sure you are capable of doing a GOOGLE search.

It is pretty clear what they did and had intended to do.

Baby returned to parents after mix-up over ‘neglect’
How CPS Uses “Experts” & Shaken Baby Syndrome to Destroy Lives
Terri LaPoint,, joins to talk about the “legal process” used by CPS to kidnap children.

This has happened over and over and over where innocent parents end up in prison for something they never did.
What goes right over the heads of the pathetic justice and medical gods. IF THESE PARENTS SHOOK THEIR KIDS THAT HARD AND CAUSED BRAIN DAMAGE EXPLAIN WHY THERE IS NO NECK INJURY.......

Wake up not everyone is guilty as you leftist c ........ts love to believe the only ones like that are the ones staring back in the mirror and seeing yourselves as the losers you all are Trump haters , snitches.antifas, your all alike.

The more you post, the more I'm beginning to believe you're nuts. Child Protective Services is underfunded and over worked. Why would any CPS worker make up a crime, which they know will require hours of paper work and a medical doctor will examine the child, and would not concur if there was not evidence of abuse?

Your allegation that they want to Kidnap children demonstrates your ignorance. Placing a child in a foster or group home is a process with a number of checks:

  • First the Social Worker or Probation Office will interview the child, if of age, and read any reports written by the LE Agency
  • If the SW or PO files a petition a Superior Court Judge will hear the matter, and decide and recommend to the court if the child should be made a ward of the state
  • If the judge orders the minor to be detained for placement, s/he may also appoint a guardian ad litem and/or a CASR to follow the minor and their adjsutments
  • The SW or PO will be ordereed to find a foster home or group home for the child
  • The SW or PO are required to see the child at least once a month at their placement, and make regular phone calls to the placement
  • The agency must provide daily records of the wards progress and problems and mail them to the child care worker (SW or PO) at the end of each month
  • The SW or PO will provide to the judge every 6-months a review of the child's progress, and the child and his/her attorney / guardian ad litem must appear at the hearing
  • the judge sees the reports and either contines the previous order and sets a new review date, or return the child to parental custody and may maintain the order making the minor a ward of he state, for another review or until the minor turns 18.
One of the tragic themes we hear in almost all of these medical kidnapping stories is that the judge in family court is so quick to approve CPS in their removal of the child from the parents.
Bullshit !! Judges are tough on CPS and demand evidence. The idea that they have a quota of children to put into the system is just fucking luancy
You obviously refuse to watch the video of the Judges, lawyers and CPS along with reading about the children being abused by the system for the money and to be experiments for big pharma. Again you are vain and ate up you little self centered maggot.
I watched the video- the one produced by you conspiracy loon Shilhavy It's worthless. There is not reason to think that its not staged

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