How dangerous is conservatism to the country and the world?

Yeah, if it were not for conservatism people would not have a problem figuring out what bathroom to use, would not have to spend so much time trying to make decisions for themselves - like what religion to follow / what insurance to buy etc..., would not have a problem figuring out what to do with THEIR money.

Life would be so much easier if the US was more like Cuba or North Korea.... Darn Conservatives!
Most of the innovation, gadgets, and technology you libtards love so much and are addicted to - you can thank capitalism for that, and conservatism. Gee, how many leading breakthroughs did Communist-oppressed Russia, Hussein-oppressed Iraq, Castro-ruled Cuba come up with? What? Slavery, oppression, socialism stagnates and prevents ingenuity, creativity, and innovation? Say it ain't so!
Muslim Clerics are considered conservatives.

Republicans talk about protecting "freedom", except for women, gays and minorities.

I see so much down side for conservatism. Is there an "upside"?

If they are considered "conservative," then why are leftwing douche bags like you always defending them?
The definition of "conservatism" has been morphed so radically over the last 4 decades that it is difficult to isolate a when as much as a where and a who it is currently and where and when it was born or "born again".

The forced marriage of conservative to religion has made the word interchangeable with Christian and Muslim fundamentalist fascism.

It now means NOTHING like it was intended in the 50's, 60's and early 70's. It USED to mean simply social and fiscal restraint in governance. This is the exact opposite of the term now as there has been a very clear attempt to force the religious adherence of the christian and muslim doctrine and focus spending along lines the sharia rules these major religions dictate.
When I was young most of todays "conservatives" would have been considered reactionary. They seem to want to go back to a time in American history they consider a "golden age". There was no such time but ideologues keep talking about it. They don't want to move forward as far as I can tell.
Yeah, if it were not for conservatism people would not have a problem figuring out what bathroom to use, would not have to spend so much time trying to make decisions for themselves - like what religion to follow / what insurance to buy etc..., would not have a problem figuring out what to do with THEIR money.

Life would be so much easier if the US was more like Cuba or North Korea.... Darn Conservatives!
Only a brain dead and delusional moron thinks the only two choices are religion or Cuba and North Korea. A brain dead and delusional tard.
Look at states where the conservative agenda has been allowed to take over and completely run things and you will get an idea what would happen to the U.S.A.

Kansas is a shining example of conservative ideology at work. They eliminated almost all taxes on business and cut taxes for the rich.

Now they have no money to run the schools and teachers are fleeing to other states in droves.
They roads are a disaster and there is no money to fix them.

The entire state has turned into a sink hole in the middle of the country.

Conservatives know their ideology doesn't work but they continue to claim that although it failed in a few states where they have taken over --- it would work on a nationwide scale!!!

Seriously they truly believe that what fails on the state level will work on the national level and the are willing to see the country turn into a 3rd world nation in order to get their way.

They are TRAITORS to America.
Alanf, 'reactionary' were people like Barry's buddy Bill Ayers, what we call 'terrorists' today.
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Look at states where the conservative agenda has been allowed to take over and completely run things and you will get an idea what would happen to the U.S.A.

Kansas is a shining example of conservative ideology at work. They eliminated almost all taxes on business and cut taxes for the rich.

Now they have no money to run the schools and teachers are fleeing to other states in droves.
They roads are a disaster and there is no money to fix them.

The entire state has turned into a sink hole in the middle of the country.

Conservatives know their ideology doesn't work but they continue to claim that although it failed in a few states where they have taken over --- it would work on a nationwide scale!!!

Seriously they truly believe that what fails on the state level will work on the national level and the are willing to see the country turn into a 3rd world nation in order to get their way.

They are TRAITORS to America.

Look at states where the liberal agenda has been allowed to take over and completely run things and you will get an idea what would happen to the U.S.A.

California and Illinois are shining examples.
Muslim Clerics are considered conservatives.

Republicans talk about protecting "freedom", except for women, gays and minorities.

I see so much down side for conservatism. Is there an "upside"?

Muslim clerics are statists....they the left, that the state should have unlimited power over the individual...that is why the left and muslims get along.....that and their mutual hatred of the West....

Conservatism.......or "Classical Liberalism" defends the rights of the individual....which is why the left and muslims hate it.....

Conservatism...Modern American conservatism.....believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights......and our founding document the Declaration of Independence......not one of these documents is supported by muslim clerics or the left...since all 3 limit the power of the central government......a secular all powerful government for the left....a religious all powerful government for the muslims......

Separation of powers, checks and balances, are meant to prevent both the left and muslim clerics from achieving power your post is completely wrong.....on all levels.....
The definition of "conservatism" has been morphed so radically over the last 4 decades that it is difficult to isolate a when as much as a where and a who it is currently and where and when it was born or "born again".

The forced marriage of conservative to religion has made the word interchangeable with Christian and Muslim fundamentalist fascism.

It now means NOTHING like it was intended in the 50's, 60's and early 70's. It USED to mean simply social and fiscal restraint in governance. This is the exact opposite of the term now as there has been a very clear attempt to force the religious adherence of the christian and muslim doctrine and focus spending along lines the sharia rules these major religions dictate.
When I was young most of todays "conservatives" would have been considered reactionary. They seem to want to go back to a time in American history they consider a "golden age". There was no such time but ideologues keep talking about it. They don't want to move forward as far as I can tell.

As far as government micromanagement of our lives is concerned, the farther you go back in history the better.
Look at states where the conservative agenda has been allowed to take over and completely run things and you will get an idea what would happen to the U.S.A.

Kansas is a shining example of conservative ideology at work. They eliminated almost all taxes on business and cut taxes for the rich.

Now they have no money to run the schools and teachers are fleeing to other states in droves.
They roads are a disaster and there is no money to fix them.

The entire state has turned into a sink hole in the middle of the country.

Conservatives know their ideology doesn't work but they continue to claim that although it failed in a few states where they have taken over --- it would work on a nationwide scale!!!

Seriously they truly believe that what fails on the state level will work on the national level and the are willing to see the country turn into a 3rd world nation in order to get their way.

They are TRAITORS to America.

Meanwhile in illinois....

In Illinois, Some Push Bankruptcy As Solution To Troubled Public Budgets

How dangerous is conservatism to the country and the world?

If implemented in this country, conservatism will cause massive unemployment among liberals whose job it is to hand out free stuff to voters, and more liberals whose job it is to implement Federal programs not authorized by the Constitution (and that's a lot).

We can't have that! :eek-52:
Muslim Clerics are considered conservatives.

Republicans talk about protecting "freedom", except for women, gays and minorities.

I see so much down side for conservatism. Is there an "upside"?

Liberalism is just as dangerous to the world as a safe space is to intellectual freedom.
Muslim Clerics are considered conservatives.

Republicans talk about protecting "freedom", except for women, gays and minorities.

I see so much down side for conservatism. Is there an "upside"?

Muslim clerics are statists....they the left, that the state should have unlimited power over the individual...that is why the left and muslims get along.....that and their mutual hatred of the West....

Conservatism.......or "Classical Liberalism" defends the rights of the individual....which is why the left and muslims hate it.....

Conservatism...Modern American conservatism.....believes in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights......and our founding document the Declaration of Independence......not one of these documents is supported by muslim clerics or the left...since all 3 limit the power of the central government......a secular all powerful government for the left....a religious all powerful government for the muslims......

Separation of powers, checks and balances, are meant to prevent both the left and muslim clerics from or achieving power your post is completely wrong.....on all levels.....

I think that the neo cons envy the Muslim governments for their power to force the populations to accept their religion.

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