Zone1 How dangerous is the woke ideology? Where will we end up?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

You will never see Richard Dawkins write a book called the woke delusion like he did the God delusion. That is because Richard fears the consequences, unlike not fearing Christians by mocking them.

Even so, he has been cancelled from the woke movement anyway from comments he has made.

"Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values," said the AHA. "His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient."

This is nonsense: Dawkins had raised a point that it is perfectly worthy of discussion, in accordance with the rationalist philosophy of the humanist movement. But it would also have been ridiculous for the organization to punish Dawkins even if the remark had been offensive, given that many of its past awardees have espoused controversial views, and even said insensitive things on Twitter.

Here was Dawkins' tweet, which concerned Rachel Dolezal, a chapter president of the NAACP who engendered controversy for identifying as black even though she was a white woman:

In 2015, Rachel Dolezal, a white chapter president of NAACP, was vilified for identifying as Black. Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as men. You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as.

But the Left does not want to discuss anything with Richard. That is because, anything they don't like they ignore and marginalize by cancelling them. His academic future is over.

Where will woke culture take us?

You will never see Richard Dawkins write a book called the woke delusion like he did the God delusion. That is because Richard fears the consequences, unlike not fearing Christians by mocking them.

Even so, he has been cancelled from the woke movement anyway from comments he has made.

"Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups, an approach antithetical to humanist values," said the AHA. "His latest statement implies that the identities of transgender individuals are fraudulent, while also simultaneously attacking Black identity as one that can be assumed when convenient."

This is nonsense: Dawkins had raised a point that it is perfectly worthy of discussion, in accordance with the rationalist philosophy of the humanist movement. But it would also have been ridiculous for the organization to punish Dawkins even if the remark had been offensive, given that many of its past awardees have espoused controversial views, and even said insensitive things on Twitter.

Here was Dawkins' tweet, which concerned Rachel Dolezal, a chapter president of the NAACP who engendered controversy for identifying as black even though she was a white woman:

But the Left does not want to discuss anything with Richard. That is because, anything they don't like they ignore and marginalize by cancelling them. His academic future is over.

Where will woke culture take us?

It's self defeating, as any other balkanizing movement is. The problem is it taking down the rest of us with it before people realize it's dangers.
Can either of you define "woke" for us? Be specific.

If you can't define it, it's clear you're just using "woke" to mean "anything I don't like".
Can either of you define "woke" for us? Be specific.

If you can't define it, it's clear you're just using "woke" to mean "anything I don't like".

DEI, Intersectionality, Trans extremism, silencing of any opposing viewpoint.
It's self defeating, as any other balkanizing movement is. The problem is it taking down the rest of us with it before people realize it's dangers.
This is an excellent article on the situation.

People desperately need to understand that the fight with the Woke is ultimately a war of religion. In my new book Live Not By Lies, I talk about how the contemporary Woke, like the Bolshevik revolutionaries of over a century ago, are driven by an essentially religious fanaticism. They don’t believe in God, but they hold their beliefs with the same kind of zealotry, and they consider those beliefs to be unfalsifiable. Somebody like Dawkins must not even be given a platform to spread his error, you see.

In my book, I credit the work of James Lindsay. He’s not a religious believer, but secularists like him, his colleague Helen Pluckrose, Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, and others, are indispensable allies to we on the religious and cultural right who are trying to resist this cancerous ideological pseudo-religion.

With that in mind, here’s something really interesting. Sarah Haider, an ex-Muslim who is an activist for secularism, has started a letter exchange with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, another ex-Muslim. She begins by saying that they aren’t going to be complaining about intolerant Muslims, but about the Woke. Haider says that she cannot even get her own people — liberals — to take her criticism of religion seriously because they don’t want to hear anything critical of Muslims. It’s not because they feel sympathetic to Islam; it’s because it is considered unwoke to criticize Muslims.

So as we see, Dawkins is especially critical of Islam, but the Woke crowd won't allow that criticism since they are an ally of theirs.

This bodes well for Islam spreading across the globe. Leftists have picked themselves a winner.
This is an excellent article on the situation.

People desperately need to understand that the fight with the Woke is ultimately a war of religion. In my new book Live Not By Lies, I talk about how the contemporary Woke, like the Bolshevik revolutionaries of over a century ago, are driven by an essentially religious fanaticism. They don’t believe in God, but they hold their beliefs with the same kind of zealotry, and they consider those beliefs to be unfalsifiable. Somebody like Dawkins must not even be given a platform to spread his error, you see.

In my book, I credit the work of James Lindsay. He’s not a religious believer, but secularists like him, his colleague Helen Pluckrose, Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, and others, are indispensable allies to we on the religious and cultural right who are trying to resist this cancerous ideological pseudo-religion.

With that in mind, here’s something really interesting. Sarah Haider, an ex-Muslim who is an activist for secularism, has started a letter exchange with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, another ex-Muslim. She begins by saying that they aren’t going to be complaining about intolerant Muslims, but about the Woke. Haider says that she cannot even get her own people — liberals — to take her criticism of religion seriously because they don’t want to hear anything critical of Muslims. It’s not because they feel sympathetic to Islam; it’s because it is considered unwoke to criticize Muslims.

So as we see, Dawkins is especially critical of Islam, but the Woke crowd won't allow that criticism since they are an ally of theirs.

This bodes well for Islam spreading across the globe. Leftists have picked them a winner.

Extreme Islam is also self limiting AS LONG AS the government isn't co-opted into it. Iran and Afghanistan are examples.
Can either of you define "woke" for us? Be specific.

If you can't define it, it's clear you're just using "woke" to mean "anything I don't like".
First define what a woman is.
Its purpose is to destroy American culture by any means. That way Marxism can prevail.
It doesn’t concern itself with casualties, even of its supporting dupes. The end justifies the means.
What is wokeism?
This is how the article addresses the question.

Over the previous few decades, a new ideology had taken hold throughout liberal and progressive circles: writer and cultural critic Wesley Yang called it “the successor ideology,” but now it’s more usually called wokeism. At its core, this ideology is a delegitimization project—and it targets the very foundations of humanist, Enlightenment values. Wokeism is not the only movement to exploit the same programming that makes us vulnerable to religion. But it has achieved astounding success because it has also managed to neutralize liberals, who might otherwise stand against religious impulses, by hijacking our caring instinct, and by ruthlessly exploiting social dynamics to crush dissent.

It used to be that tyrants told the masses that they were a god, deserving of worship and submission.

But when that fell out of favor, they told us they spoke for God, for the same reasons.

But when that fell out of favor, they told us there was no God, thus making themselves a god again.
The "woke" ideologists will be LUCKY if President Trump is reelected, since he is a genuine American patriot and defender of the Constitution. Laugh if you must, but if this woke nonsense lasts another four years, we can look forward to a real tyrant emerging.
"How dangerous is the woke ideology?"

Not as dangerous as activists who want to use government to fight the culture war.
Woke is simply the name for the society-altering belief system the leftist authoritarian globalists have crafted to break down traditional bonds where people are attached to each other and replace that with the attachment to an all-powerful state.

It does not represent any sort of actual social movement as it does not represent the people, but is merely a top down tool towards more control for the elites.
Woke is simply the name for the society-altering belief system the leftist authoritarian globalists have crafted to break down traditional bonds where people are attached to each other and replace that with the attachment to an all-powerful state.

It does not represent any sort of actual social movement as it does not represent the people, but is merely a top down tool towards more control for the elites.
I think the article I provided nailed it

Wokeism is used to delegitimize anything and everything that the political elite may oppose or take issue with.

It is a new religion.

Just realize what is woke constantly changes, based on the whims of the political elite. That is why they are so hesitant to define what a woman is. A woman to them is whatever they want them to be at any particular moment.

It's not that they believe in it, rather, it is just used to control.
I think the article I provided nailed it

Wokeism is used to delegitimize anything and everything that the political elite may oppose or take issue with.

It is a new religion.

Just realize what is woke constantly changes, based on the whims of the political elite. That is why they are so hesitant to define what a woman is. A woman to them is whatever they want them to be at any particular moment.

It's not that they believe in it, rather, it is just used to control.
Give an example.
I think the article I provided nailed it

Wokeism is used to delegitimize anything and everything that the political elite may oppose or take issue with.

It is a new religion.

Just realize what is woke constantly changes, based on the whims of the political elite. That is why they are so hesitant to define what a woman is. A woman to them is whatever they want them to be at any particular moment.

It's not that they believe in it, rather, it is just used to control.

How does a woman being whatever they want to be help the elite? Explain that.

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