How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

Dang buckle up your chin strap. The bumpy cucumbers are coming and it's going to be real hot and stinky for meatheads like you.

You think you hate Donald Trump? Lol....wait'll Bill Barr starts the parade of criminal referrals on Obama DOJ officials. This forum is about to become the ultimate playground for conservatives.... The laughing will be ePiC!:2up:
The only bumpy road is the one where the evidence took a turn for the worse for Trump and Barr when it was discovered that the FBI not only had enough reason to look into Russian interference, now Trump and his lawyers have been caught trying to cover up all the dirty deeds while trying to get Flynn and the lawyers to obstruct the investigation.

I mean seriously, you have to be borderline retarded to not see the justification for the FBI not looking into Flynn, when Turkey paid him to try and tie a Turk living in Pennsylvania who became a US citizen and use this guy to tie international terrorism to Clinton. Any one believing that is dumber than two shits, and for sure the FBI needs to investigate.

The FBI had so many Russian Ukranian and Turkish links it wasn't even funny. The FBI did its job, and Trump, Barr, and Trumps Sheep want to blame the investigators. Lol! What a disgrace the Republican party is.

Dang are Linus in the pumpkin patch! Nobody accepts that narrative at this point except the hyper-left. Most DUMS dont even care anymore except those in k00k districts......very few.

But here comes William!:abgg2q.jpg:
Evidence is evidence and Barr will be the idiot stooge who takes the fall for their own investigation without evidence.

Lol.....s0n..... so far your record on predictions blows. You said Flynn would take down Trump. Fail. You said Clapper would take down Trump. Fail. You said Kushner would take down Trump. Fail. You said Comey would take down Trump. Fail. You said Manafort would take down Trump. Fail. You said Rosenstein would take down Trump. Fail. You said Cohen would take down Trump. Fail. You said Stonewood take down Trump. Fail.


Nobody with half a brain takes guys like you and RealDave seriously. That's why so few people watch CNN.... only the hyper Nutters are in there. Check the ratings.....
Trump is already down. He's going to be under the umbrella of hearings, probably impeachment, and criminal indictment when he is gone.

Trump has the wind at his back against a weak dem field, cripes a creepy groper and Hillary light is the front runner. Economy strong also. Be afraid
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
Hillary lost, fair and square.
Get over it.

It's an PMSNBC
And it sure is kicking your ass.

That low viewership channel is kicking no ones ass.

Not kicking's blocked in our home. I can't stomach that manly Madcow and feminine Sissy Matthews....oh and that Todd douche
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
Hillary lost, fair and square.
Get over it.

It's an PMSNBC
And it sure is kicking your ass.

That low viewership channel is kicking no ones ass. BWK thinks MSNBC is "kicking ass":abgg2q.jpg:

Lol....they get about 137 viewers per night. Maybe they are kicking ass but to the delight of the real fringe only!:bye1:
The only bumpy road is the one where the evidence took a turn for the worse for Trump and Barr when it was discovered that the FBI not only had enough reason to look into Russian interference, now Trump and his lawyers have been caught trying to cover up all the dirty deeds while trying to get Flynn and the lawyers to obstruct the investigation.

I mean seriously, you have to be borderline retarded to not see the justification for the FBI not looking into Flynn, when Turkey paid him to try and tie a Turk living in Pennsylvania who became a US citizen and use this guy to tie international terrorism to Clinton. Any one believing that is dumber than two shits, and for sure the FBI needs to investigate.

The FBI had so many Russian Ukranian and Turkish links it wasn't even funny. The FBI did its job, and Trump, Barr, and Trumps Sheep want to blame the investigators. Lol! What a disgrace the Republican party is.

Dang are Linus in the pumpkin patch! Nobody accepts that narrative at this point except the hyper-left. Most DUMS dont even care anymore except those in k00k districts......very few.

But here comes William!:abgg2q.jpg:
Evidence is evidence and Barr will be the idiot stooge who takes the fall for their own investigation without evidence.

Lol.....s0n..... so far your record on predictions blows. You said Flynn would take down Trump. Fail. You said Clapper would take down Trump. Fail. You said Kushner would take down Trump. Fail. You said Comey would take down Trump. Fail. You said Manafort would take down Trump. Fail. You said Rosenstein would take down Trump. Fail. You said Cohen would take down Trump. Fail. You said Stonewood take down Trump. Fail.


Nobody with half a brain takes guys like you and RealDave seriously. That's why so few people watch CNN.... only the hyper Nutters are in there. Check the ratings.....
Trump is already down. He's going to be under the umbrella of hearings, probably impeachment, and criminal indictment when he is gone.

You're not doing it right Dorothy, close your eyes and tap the ruby slippers together and just keep repeating " there's no place like home"....

Quick note: when you get back home you'll find poor Toto was molested by a guy named Uncle Joe. He's going to need some counseling.


The sad thing?
This kind of shit really happens. Had a Vet recommend counseling for my Boxers because one of them was aggressive when the other tried to steal its food.
I'm not even kidding.
Needless to say that was our last trip to this Vet.
Why in the hell didn’t the US government decide to look into this Russian tampering in 2014 when the WH was first informed? We screwed up way back then.
Why aren't Republicans looking now?

They are.
Unfortunately for you it's dems now being investigated.

Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Strotz.....who folds first?

You know one of em will give it up to avoid prison time.
It's the dem way.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

What was the crime they conspired to commit?
Defrauding the United States of America.

I'm pretty sure beating that drunken old sot doesn't qualify, but if you want to post the
relevant statute, I'd be happy to point out where you're mistaken.
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it? Or are you so invested in the cult of Trump, you believe each and every thing he says?

Accurate Evidence is even now implicating the conspirators in the insurance policy coup attempt.

Boy! That echo chamber is airtight. Neither ethics nor justice can penetrate it.
How dare bed wetters overlook the rigging of their own primary to push a candidate that was so repulsive and obviously evil that she lost to a clown.


Thank you! Absolutely amazing any American is OK with rigging a primary.
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
Hillary lost, fair and square.
Get over it.

It's an PMSNBC
And it sure is kicking your ass.

That low viewership channel is kicking no ones ass.

Not kicking's blocked in our home. I can't stomach that manly Madcow and feminine Sissy Matthews....oh and that Todd douche
Of course, you're a homophobic, and a loser who can't debate.
The only bumpy road is the one where the evidence took a turn for the worse for Trump and Barr when it was discovered that the FBI not only had enough reason to look into Russian interference, now Trump and his lawyers have been caught trying to cover up all the dirty deeds while trying to get Flynn and the lawyers to obstruct the investigation.

I mean seriously, you have to be borderline retarded to not see the justification for the FBI not looking into Flynn, when Turkey paid him to try and tie a Turk living in Pennsylvania who became a US citizen and use this guy to tie international terrorism to Clinton. Any one believing that is dumber than two shits, and for sure the FBI needs to investigate.

The FBI had so many Russian Ukranian and Turkish links it wasn't even funny. The FBI did its job, and Trump, Barr, and Trumps Sheep want to blame the investigators. Lol! What a disgrace the Republican party is.

Dang are Linus in the pumpkin patch! Nobody accepts that narrative at this point except the hyper-left. Most DUMS dont even care anymore except those in k00k districts......very few.

But here comes William!:abgg2q.jpg:
Evidence is evidence and Barr will be the idiot stooge who takes the fall for their own investigation without evidence.

Lol.....s0n..... so far your record on predictions blows. You said Flynn would take down Trump. Fail. You said Clapper would take down Trump. Fail. You said Kushner would take down Trump. Fail. You said Comey would take down Trump. Fail. You said Manafort would take down Trump. Fail. You said Rosenstein would take down Trump. Fail. You said Cohen would take down Trump. Fail. You said Stonewood take down Trump. Fail.


Nobody with half a brain takes guys like you and RealDave seriously. That's why so few people watch CNN.... only the hyper Nutters are in there. Check the ratings.....
Trump is already down. He's going to be under the umbrella of hearings, probably impeachment, and criminal indictment when he is gone.

Trump has the wind at his back against a weak dem field, cripes a creepy groper and Hillary light is the front runner. Economy strong also. Be afraid
Or be stupid like the Right, by ignoring the mountain of crimes Trump has committed.
Why in the hell didn’t the US government decide to look into this Russian tampering in 2014 when the WH was first informed? We screwed up way back then.
Why aren't Republicans looking now?
Exactly! Because they don't give a shit. They elected comrade Putin, and used Putin's flunky Trump to get there. Now Putin is calling the shots.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...
You are a coward. You go off topic to talk about something you are clueless about. The IRS fake scandal was truly one of the big jokes of the century. If you don't know the background how can you have an intelligent debate about anything? Lol! What a loser. Get a clue.

Why the real IRS scandal happened in 1959

'Exclusively' vs. 'primarily': IRS law a 'disaster waiting to happen'

O'Donnell reminds politicians of the real IRS scandal

Then why is Lois fighting desperately to keep the records sealed and this happened right before an election fuck face
The good thing that I have noticed, ever since mueller spoke, with the exception of the hard core Trump Toads, it's been mostly crickets from the Right. They simply have no other avenues to which they can defend this criminal. The mountain of evidence of collusion/conspiracy/ campaign finance violations, is overwhelming. It is time for hearings, impeachment, and indictments.

You notice Muller not once said Hillary emails were fake and she didn't rig the DNC nomination?

The good thing that I have noticed, ever since mueller spoke, with the exception of the hard core Trump Toads, it's been mostly crickets from the Right. They simply have no other avenues to which they can defend this criminal. The mountain of evidence of collusion/conspiracy/ campaign finance violations, is overwhelming. It is time for hearings, impeachment, and indictments.

You notice Muller not once said Hillary emails were fake and she didn't rig the DNC nomination?

Because there is zero evidence she did. Do you have evidence? Lol! Of course not. And your post isn't worth two buckets of shit. Why do Republicans show up here to say nothing?
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
Hillary lost, fair and square.
Get over it.

It's an PMSNBC
And it sure is kicking your ass.

MSNBC? I rate it up there with Brietbart
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...
You are a coward. You go off topic to talk about something you are clueless about. The IRS fake scandal was truly one of the big jokes of the century. If you don't know the background how can you have an intelligent debate about anything? Lol! What a loser. Get a clue.

Why the real IRS scandal happened in 1959

'Exclusively' vs. 'primarily': IRS law a 'disaster waiting to happen'

O'Donnell reminds politicians of the real IRS scandal

Then why is Lois fighting desperately to keep the records sealed and this happened right before an election fuck face
You know what, in those wild crazy minds of Republicans, who knows what they are talking about? That's been six years ago, and the Right found nothing. Has it ever occurred to the Right that maybe there was nothing ever to hide, once the general public understood how the actual law was written, and that the Tea Party never qualified for 501C4 tax exemptions to begin with?
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
Hillary lost, fair and square.
Get over it.

It's an PMSNBC
And it sure is kicking your ass.

MSNBC? I rate it up there with Brietbart
And? Has anyone debunked the reporting that was provided, pertaining to the OP? No! The article stands for itself, and so do the facts. And that's all I care about. Facts and the truth. Once you have that, the rest of the low-life Trump bottom feeders who have made comments on this thread have said absolutely nothing in refuting those facts. They're losers.
Why in the hell didn’t the US government decide to look into this Russian tampering in 2014 when the WH was first informed? We screwed up way back then.
Why aren't Republicans looking now?

They are.
Unfortunately for you it's dems now being investigated.

Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Strotz.....who folds first?
LOl! The Right always dreaming from that alternate universe they live in.
Why in the hell didn’t the US government decide to look into this Russian tampering in 2014 when the WH was first informed? We screwed up way back then.
Why aren't Republicans looking now?

They are.
Unfortunately for you it's dems now being investigated.

Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Strotz.....who folds first?
LOl! The Right always dreaming from that alternate universe they live in.

Stay tuned spooka saurus.
Your nignorance will soon be corrected.

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