How Defund the Police is going to play out.

those residents? they are the less delusional ones. biden needs them and thus will not defund.

but he also needs the far left.
Biden cannot now claim to be against defunding. He has staked his claim as being for it, and he will forever be stuck with that. Any claims by him to have changed his mind, won't be believed by anybody, and they shouldn't.

he will be vague and spin it differently depending on the crowd. and count on his partisan in the media to do the same for him, for their separate and distinct viewers.

nbc? they will talk about "reform" and "fighting racism", while bet will be talking "defund".

this is my call, and time and biden will either confirm or debunk my predictions.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

How is it going to play out? Didn't you hear from AOC? The ghettos will become suburbs.

Just get rid of police, and without police no one will be arrested, thus there is no crime.... it's a suburb now! Suburb. No police = Suburb.

stupid bitch. but note, she is talking about "no police".

taht is not 25% less funding, or "reform"

"no police" means zero funding. because they have been DEFUNDED.

it is as i said, the far left will talk one thing to their far left supporters, while the less crazy moderates, will be told something different.

and the media will never call biden on it. and if anyone does, they will not report it.
To be fair, black men are disproportionately prosecuted and given higher sentences.

Granted, this is likely due to a bias created by a disproportionately high segment of the black male population being complete sociopaths, but it is a racial bias.
I have to disagree. I think it's obvious that the reason blacks have the most interaction with law enforcement is because they're the ones most frequently breaking the law. How many more videos of blacks just randomly breaking out in violent outbursts do we need to see before we admit that blacks are far more prone to violence than apparently any other race? They commit a crime, and then when confronted by LE resist arrest, running away, fighting, even shooting police. It's as if they believe they should be able to have violent outburst and commit crimes and not have to answer for any of it, and in some of these big leftist shit hole cities, that's exactly what happens. They quit prosecuting low level theft and misdemeanors. Well, that has just invited more crime. Give a criminal an inch and they'll take a mile.

Blacks aren't being targeted or treated any differently than anyone else. They're simply the most criminal and violent people.
I don't disagree. I was just saying that there's a disproportionate amount of punishment handed down. That's the bias.

Where a white female might be sentenced to probation only, a thuggish-looking black male may get one year for the same offense.

The behavior of other thuggish-looking black males created that bias.

I am neither saying it is right, nor am I saying it is anyone else's fault but that of other black males.

EDIT: and before one of our resident black males jumps in here to yell at me for being racist, white males also suffer from a similar bias. I'm more likely to be suspected of being a serial killer than any other racial/gender group.

I was just saying that there's a disproportionate amount of punishment handed down. That's the bias.

No. There is zero evidence that there is anything bias about the punishments handed out.

None. They have researched this a dozen times, and not one showed any evidence of bias.

You can say that there is a disproportionate amount of justice, but that doesn't mean the justice handed out was bias or wrong, or racial.

Of two people commit armed robbery, and one guy has already been in prison multiple times, and has a 20 years history of crime, and/or he hit the cashier in the face with the gun, or fought with police and resisted arrest.... and the other guy surrendered peacefully and this was his first offense....

Yeah, the punishment handed out is going to be disproportionate between the two.... AND RIGHTLY SO.

When you consider all aspects of the case, there is no difference between whites and any other. You take a white man who has the same criminal history, same level of violence, same everything... and they end up with identical punishments.

Blacks get a disproportionate penalties, because they were more violent on average, and have longer criminal histories on average.

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