How Defund the Police is going to play out.

Biden is in a real precarious situation. If he doesn't get the Sanders voters out on election day, he loses the election. If he caters to the Sanders voters, he may lose a lot of Independent voters which will cost him the election. Apparently at this point of the game, his advisors are telling him to cater to the Sanders voters.
Could be why his poll numbers are slipping.

Oregon's defunding occurred more slowly, over decades ... mainly folks take care of themselves, settle their own disputes and foster more community togetherness ... and open carry is more common? ... get a couple blocks from the Federal Court house in Portland and the rest of the State is safe and peaceful ...

Due to a screwball funding system, sometimes the money runs out before the end of the biennium ... so at times and only in some places 911 dispatch has to stop accepting police calls, we have to wait until normal business hours to report crime ... or we'll have to drive the 100 miles and report non-violent crime in person at the police station ...

Crime rate are regularly the lowest in the nation, the lack of police protection hasn't caused any big upswing in violent crime ... of course we experienced the jump in property crime everyone did during the meth crisis ... legalizing marijuana had the surprising effect of putting pot-heads and police on the same side; and yeah, we ratted out the junkies ... meth is still a big problem but the property crime rates are way down now ...

People have come to depend on police too much ... and police become part of what it means to be an American to them ... they want the nanny-state to solve their problems so they don't have to worry their cute little tresses about ... the neighbor's dog is barking, better call the police ... someone slipped me a bogus $20 bill, call the police ... someone's taillight is out, call the police ... in Oregon, it's 72 hours at least only IF the police show up at all ...

To be clear ... Oregon defunded her police for budget reasons ... sales taxes disproportionately target the poor, and liberals will have none of that ... so Oregon doesn't, opting to manage our own affairs without Big Government ... we do have plenty of racist officers, but most places in Oregon have few if any racial minorities ... we slaughtered off most of our Chinese long ago ...

You want Big Brother just a phone call away ... and you like paying taxes ... then hire all the police you want ... just remember, "idle hands are the tools of the Devil", if you don't keep your police busy, they WILL find something to do ... and if bored police can't pick on minorities, they will start picking on white folks ... you've been warned ...

ETA: Oregon ranks 50th in police per capita ...
Oregon's defunding occurred more slowly, over decades ... mainly folks take care of themselves, settle their own disputes and foster more community togetherness ... and open carry is more common? ... get a couple blocks from the Federal Court house in Portland and the rest of the State is safe and peaceful ...

Due to a screwball funding system, sometimes the money runs out before the end of the biennium ... so at times and only in some places 911 dispatch has to stop accepting police calls, we have to wait until normal business hours to report crime ... or we'll have to drive the 100 miles and report non-violent crime in person at the police station ...

Crime rate are regularly the lowest in the nation, the lack of police protection hasn't caused any big upswing in violent crime ... of course we experienced the jump in property crime everyone did during the meth crisis ... legalizing marijuana had the surprising effect of putting pot-heads and police on the same side; and yeah, we ratted out the junkies ... meth is still a big problem but the property crime rates are way down now ...

People have come to depend on police too much ... and police become part of what it means to be an American to them ... they want the nanny-state to solve their problems so they don't have to worry their cute little tresses about ... the neighbor's dog is barking, better call the police ... someone slipped me a bogus $20 bill, call the police ... someone's taillight is out, call the police ... in Oregon, it's 72 hours at least only IF the police show up at all ...

To be clear ... Oregon defunded her police for budget reasons ... sales taxes disproportionately target the poor, and liberals will have none of that ... so Oregon doesn't, opting to manage our own affairs without Big Government ... we do have plenty of racist officers, but most places in Oregon have few if any racial minorities ... we slaughtered off most of our Chinese long ago ...

You want Big Brother just a phone call away ... and you like paying taxes ... then hire all the police you want ... just remember, "idle hands are the tools of the Devil", if you don't keep your police busy, they WILL find something to do ... and if bored police can't pick on minorities, they will start picking on white folks ... you've been warned ...

ETA: Oregon ranks 50th in police per capita ...
Sounds like paradise. I live in St. Louis & we have the highest number of police per capita & they caused highest crime rates. Police have been blindly praised with increased funding since 9/11. They keep taking our freedoms & generating revenue on everyone trying to earn a living. They keep releasing the scum to terrorize citizens into giving police more funding. It's time to reverse this shit!
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

Well it started out with DEFUND the police, then many found there was massive pushback. So it became REFORM the police. With Biden, he wants to RESTRUCTURE funding. No matter how much lipstick is on this pig we all know these fricken libs goal is to ultimately DEFUND the police.
Biden is in a real precarious situation. If he doesn't get the Sanders voters out on election day, he loses the election. If he caters to the Sanders voters, he may lose a lot of Independent voters which will cost him the election. Apparently at this point of the game, his advisors are telling him to cater to the Sanders voters.
Could be why his poll numbers are slipping.

Interesting article, but I'm really not much of a poll person, especially this far away from the actual election.

Blacks not only had it good under President Trump, but the best since records started being kept for black employment. I also think that they are realizing how people of their race are being played for a fool, at least those who actually follow politics or are starting to.

So I would question if they are turning their heads on the Democrat party because Creepy Joe is going Socialist on them. While I disagreed with it, Prison Reform gave Trump an advantage with blacks, the economy and jobs of course, but more importantly is border control, since these illegals get into this country and take lower paying jobs that blacks typically are employed by.

Democrat Mayors and Governors are allowing their cities to be destroyed using the excuse of George Floyd, a name probably half of the rioters are not even familiar with. Black deaths are dramatically on the rise, and killing hundreds more than the police possibly could.
To be fair, black men are disproportionately prosecuted and given higher sentences.

Granted, this is likely due to a bias created by a disproportionately high segment of the black male population being complete sociopaths, but it is a racial bias.
I have to disagree. I think it's obvious that the reason blacks have the most interaction with law enforcement is because they're the ones most frequently breaking the law. How many more videos of blacks just randomly breaking out in violent outbursts do we need to see before we admit that blacks are far more prone to violence than apparently any other race? They commit a crime, and then when confronted by LE resist arrest, running away, fighting, even shooting police. It's as if they believe they should be able to have violent outburst and commit crimes and not have to answer for any of it, and in some of these big leftist shit hole cities, that's exactly what happens. They quit prosecuting low level theft and misdemeanors. Well, that has just invited more crime. Give a criminal an inch and they'll take a mile.

Blacks aren't being targeted or treated any differently than anyone else. They're simply the most criminal and violent people.
I don't disagree. I was just saying that there's a disproportionate amount of punishment handed down. That's the bias.

Where a white female might be sentenced to probation only, a thuggish-looking black male may get one year for the same offense.

The behavior of other thuggish-looking black males created that bias.

I am neither saying it is right, nor am I saying it is anyone else's fault but that of other black males.

EDIT: and before one of our resident black males jumps in here to yell at me for being racist, white males also suffer from a similar bias. I'm more likely to be suspected of being a serial killer than any other racial/gender group.

If the white female gets probation, and the black male gets a year or two in jail, it's likely not a gender or race issue. If the white female is a first time offender, shows remorse in the court room, apologizes to the court for her actions, then it doesn't make sense for a judge to toss her in prison and chancing he will make a career criminal out of her. The black thug looking male likely has a criminal history, and didn't seem to learn his lesson the first few times. That's why he gets sent to prison.

I've been to court a few times over the years and you see it every time.
Blacks acting like it's the courts fault that they're in court and it shows in their attitude.

A few simple rules that should be followed.
Act contrite,wear a suit and tie,answer the Judge with Yes or No your honor,have a damn job,owning your own home and having a family also plays a part.
In other words the Judge is far less likely to put the hammer down on a respectable member of society.
To be fair, black men are disproportionately prosecuted and given higher sentences.

Granted, this is likely due to a bias created by a disproportionately high segment of the black male population being complete sociopaths, but it is a racial bias.
I have to disagree. I think it's obvious that the reason blacks have the most interaction with law enforcement is because they're the ones most frequently breaking the law. How many more videos of blacks just randomly breaking out in violent outbursts do we need to see before we admit that blacks are far more prone to violence than apparently any other race? They commit a crime, and then when confronted by LE resist arrest, running away, fighting, even shooting police. It's as if they believe they should be able to have violent outburst and commit crimes and not have to answer for any of it, and in some of these big leftist shit hole cities, that's exactly what happens. They quit prosecuting low level theft and misdemeanors. Well, that has just invited more crime. Give a criminal an inch and they'll take a mile.

Blacks aren't being targeted or treated any differently than anyone else. They're simply the most criminal and violent people.
I don't disagree. I was just saying that there's a disproportionate amount of punishment handed down. That's the bias.

Where a white female might be sentenced to probation only, a thuggish-looking black male may get one year for the same offense.

The behavior of other thuggish-looking black males created that bias.

I am neither saying it is right, nor am I saying it is anyone else's fault but that of other black males.

EDIT: and before one of our resident black males jumps in here to yell at me for being racist, white males also suffer from a similar bias. I'm more likely to be suspected of being a serial killer than any other racial/gender group.

If the white female gets probation, and the black male gets a year or two in jail, it's likely not a gender or race issue. If the white female is a first time offender, shows remorse in the court room, apologizes to the court for her actions, then it doesn't make sense for a judge to toss her in prison and chancing he will make a career criminal out of her. The black thug looking male likely has a criminal history, and didn't seem to learn his lesson the first few times. That's why he gets sent to prison.

I've been to court a few times over the years and you see it every time.
Blacks acting like it's the courts fault that they're in court and it shows in their attitude.

A few simple rules that should be followed.
Act contrite,wear a suit and tie,answer the Judge with Yes or No your honor,have a damn job,owning your own home and having a family also plays a part.
In other words the Judge is far less likely to put the hammer down on a respectable member of society.

This subject comes up quite often, so I thought I would confide a lifelong friend, who happens to work in the court system.

While he would never say there was definitely a bias against blacks, his personal opinion is that he has seen it before. But guess what? The harsher sentences to black defendants were given by black judges.

His opinion made a lot of sense. If you are a black judge and sentencing a troublemaker in the black community, you would probably want to send him away for a long time to rid the black society of a problem. After all, the judge likely has family or friends in that community, or even lives there himself.

On the other hand, if you were a white judge that has a thing against blacks, the best way to see their communities further deteriorate is to put the black criminals back into their societies. Why not? You don't live there and don't know anybody that does. Your attitude would probably be "let them all kill each other for all I care!"
To be fair, black men are disproportionately prosecuted and given higher sentences.

Granted, this is likely due to a bias created by a disproportionately high segment of the black male population being complete sociopaths, but it is a racial bias.
I have to disagree. I think it's obvious that the reason blacks have the most interaction with law enforcement is because they're the ones most frequently breaking the law. How many more videos of blacks just randomly breaking out in violent outbursts do we need to see before we admit that blacks are far more prone to violence than apparently any other race? They commit a crime, and then when confronted by LE resist arrest, running away, fighting, even shooting police. It's as if they believe they should be able to have violent outburst and commit crimes and not have to answer for any of it, and in some of these big leftist shit hole cities, that's exactly what happens. They quit prosecuting low level theft and misdemeanors. Well, that has just invited more crime. Give a criminal an inch and they'll take a mile.

Blacks aren't being targeted or treated any differently than anyone else. They're simply the most criminal and violent people.
I don't disagree. I was just saying that there's a disproportionate amount of punishment handed down. That's the bias.

Where a white female might be sentenced to probation only, a thuggish-looking black male may get one year for the same offense.

The behavior of other thuggish-looking black males created that bias.

I am neither saying it is right, nor am I saying it is anyone else's fault but that of other black males.

EDIT: and before one of our resident black males jumps in here to yell at me for being racist, white males also suffer from a similar bias. I'm more likely to be suspected of being a serial killer than any other racial/gender group.

If the white female gets probation, and the black male gets a year or two in jail, it's likely not a gender or race issue. If the white female is a first time offender, shows remorse in the court room, apologizes to the court for her actions, then it doesn't make sense for a judge to toss her in prison and chancing he will make a career criminal out of her. The black thug looking male likely has a criminal history, and didn't seem to learn his lesson the first few times. That's why he gets sent to prison.

I've been to court a few times over the years and you see it every time.
Blacks acting like it's the courts fault that they're in court and it shows in their attitude.

A few simple rules that should be followed.
Act contrite,wear a suit and tie,answer the Judge with Yes or No your honor,have a damn job,owning your own home and having a family also plays a part.
In other words the Judge is far less likely to put the hammer down on a respectable member of society.

This subject comes up quite often, so I thought I would confide a lifelong friend, who happens to work in the court system.

While he would never say there was definitely a bias against blacks, his personal opinion is that he has seen it before. But guess what? The harsher sentences to black defendants were given by black judges.

His opinion made a lot of sense. If you are a black judge and sentencing a troublemaker in the black community, you would probably want to send him away for a long time to rid the black society of a problem. After all, the judge likely has family or friends in that community, or even lives there himself.

On the other hand, if you were a white judge that has a thing against blacks, the best way to see their communities further deteriorate is to put the black criminals back into their societies. Why not? You don't live there and don't know anybody that does. Your attitude would probably be "let them all kill each other for all I care!"

I could see that.
Especially with the leftwing judges who release everyone or give them light sentences.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

How is it going to play out? Didn't you hear from AOC? The ghettos will become suburbs.

Just get rid of police, and without police no one will be arrested, thus there is no crime.... it's a suburb now! Suburb. No police = Suburb.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

How is it going to play out? Didn't you hear from AOC? The ghettos will become suburbs.

Just get rid of police, and without police no one will be arrested, thus there is no crime.... it's a suburb now! Suburb. No police = Suburb.

To some degree, I'm glad she won her primary. She is way too valuable to the Republican party.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

How is it going to play out? Didn't you hear from AOC? The ghettos will become suburbs.

Just get rid of police, and without police no one will be arrested, thus there is no crime.... it's a suburb now! Suburb. No police = Suburb.

To some degree, I'm glad she won her primary. She is way too valuable to the Republican party.
I keep waiting for her new rooftop dancing video to come out, since that's her real talent.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

How is it going to play out? Didn't you hear from AOC? The ghettos will become suburbs.

Just get rid of police, and without police no one will be arrested, thus there is no crime.... it's a suburb now! Suburb. No police = Suburb.

To some degree, I'm glad she won her primary. She is way too valuable to the Republican party.
I keep waiting for her new rooftop dancing video to come out, since that's her real talent.

Given her popularity on the left, if she did it topless on pay-per-view or something, she'd make enough to retire and never have to be in politics again.
It's the Elite Taliban living in gated communities, protected by private security that are funded the "Defund the police" effort
If Defund the Police is the best slogan the left could come up then with they need to hire a new wordsmith. Why give the opponent the opportunity to mis-characterize your motive? The other side couldn't ask for a better target (Unless it's Hillary!).

In a June 6 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Biden vowed to establish a national police oversight commission during his first 100 days in office. He called on Congress to "outlaw chokeholds, stop the transfer of weapons of war to local police forces, improve oversight and accountability, and create a model use-of-force standard."

"We need to implement real community policing and ensure that every police department in the country undertakes a comprehensive review of their hiring, their training, and their de-escalation practices," Biden wrote.

Doesn't sound like defunding to me.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.

How is it going to play out? Didn't you hear from AOC? The ghettos will become suburbs.

Just get rid of police, and without police no one will be arrested, thus there is no crime.... it's a suburb now! Suburb. No police = Suburb.

To some degree, I'm glad she won her primary. She is way too valuable to the Republican party.
I keep waiting for her new rooftop dancing video to come out, since that's her real talent.

Yeah, she's not a bad looking chick... just dumb as crap.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.
To be fair, black men are disproportionately prosecuted and given higher sentences.

Granted, this is likely due to a bias created by a disproportionately high segment of the black male population being complete sociopaths, but it is a racial bias.

I think we all share in the responsibility for that bias -- the sociopathic segment of the black male population, and the rest of us.

i am done being held responsible for shit i did not personally do, so no, i am not responsible for any of that.

i was at a bar once, where a white guy and a black guy got in a shoving fight. the bartended yelled at them, "cops on the way".

the white guy left. the black guy stayed for some reason.

guess who got arrested and who i saw hours later at another bar, not arrested, and having a fine old time?

that was not "racism" that was a difference in behavior, leading to different outomes.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.
Democrats want to use their riots to take over this country much the way Iranians took over their country from the Shah.
Oregon's governor is siding with protesters in Portland against the US government....stating that federal officers must leave Portland today so they can take over the federal courthouse and trash the place.

i think the far left, really kind of hopes for something like that.

it is not going to happen of course. Trump is president and he is not going to stop being president, even if a mob burned the white house to the ground.
the left has been claiming for quite some time that police officers sometimes, just for the fun of it, decide that that day, they are going to murder some blacks.

also, that the high rate of blacks in prison, is because racist cops just arrest black males, for no reason, other than maybe for slave labor.

if you are serious about that shit, then the far left demand to "defund the police" makes sense.

biden, wants the support of the far left. he needs it to get elected.

indeed, he can't challenge those beliefs because he needs them to scare conservative minorities into voting for a democrat despite the way the party has drifted so far left.

but, he also needs the votes of more sane dems, who while they might believe that cops are racist, somehow can't convince themselves that no cops are the answer.

so, he will pander to the defunders, by cutting police funding and throwing cops under the bus in various ways.

this will have the impact of undermining their ability to do their jobs, while not addressing the supposed issues of random murder or slave labor.

so he does not give the defunders what they want, and does not give the less insane dem moderates what they want, and he depends on the media to lie about that enough to fool both groups and get elected.

that will be a large part of the upcoming campaign.
Democrats want to use their riots to take over this country much the way Iranians took over their country from the Shah.
Oregon's governor is siding with protesters in Portland against the US government....stating that federal officers must leave Portland today so they can take over the federal courthouse and trash the place.

Democrats are thinking that the more chaos in the country, the better chances for Biden to win. What they don't realize is that Trump is going to hammer Biden on how all these problems are caused by Democrat leaders in these cities, and we don't need that kind of same leadership to run our country. Their strategy is going to bite them in the ass.

Yup. And anyone watching already knows the lefty loons who run Seattle and Portland forbid the cops to do their jobs thus allowing the rioting and arson.

I doubt foot in mouth Biden will have answers.

This will bite the left in the ass big time.

if anyone ever asks biden the right questions.

the media won't. they will be even more in the tank for biden, then they were for obama.

trump needs to hammer him with ads about that issue, and the sooner and the more the better.

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