How Democrats Will Spin Dallas Tragedy by Dawns Early Light

Democrats won't have to spin anything.

Republicans will crawl from under their rocks and scream the racist shit they believe .. which will send blacks and people of conscience running to the polls to elect Hillary Clinton as president regardless of her faults.

The racism of the Republican Party is the best reason to vote for democrats.

Interesting, you are one of the biggest racist on this board, do you run from yourself?

You need to read the link in my signature line. Maybe it is you that Mrs. Tuzla thinks need brought to heel. Are you a super predator?

It's only stupid motherfuckers like you who think I'm racist. :0) Which of course is absolutely fucking meaningless.

Irrespective of your 12th grade comments, when Trump gets his ass kicked in November .. your all-white political party becomes the Whigs.

I do see the problem, my "12th grade" comments are too over your head. Sad the state of our education system.

You are a racist through and through no doubt about it.

Here is another example for you to ponder about a black man isn't a sniper.

Victims in Pennsylvania Shooting Included Pregnant Woman

:lol::lol::lol: Oh sure .. your intellectual prowess is so overpowering and amazing :lol: Stupid motherfucker.

See, your reading comprehension is pretty bad. My intellectual prowess doesn't have to be that amazing to put yours to shame. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Feel free to believe that bullshit .. but everything about you screams junior varsity. :lol:
Protesters March in Dallas...officers required for overtime...several are murdered in cold blood. Please pray for these officers and their families. But you can better best be believing liberals will politicize this. As they are predictable they will spin it.
So how will Democats and liberal media spin the story by time of morning news?
#1.) "We need more gun control"
# 2.) " This is a result of the culture of racism in this country."
#3.) "It's all Donald Trump's fault."

Reality: Liberal policies create generational welfare...lack of employment...and public housing projects that are cesspool's of crime. High rates of children born out of wedlock and gang violence in these areas. Police show up to a call in these neighborhoods and they are on edge and scared to death because at any given moment their life can end. What happened in Louisiana and Minnesota are creations of big government nanny state.

Democrats won't have to spin anything.

Republicans will crawl from under their rocks and scream the racist shit they believe .. which will send blacks and people of conscience running to the polls to elect Hillary Clintoin regardless of her faults.

The racism of the Republican Party is the best reason to vote for democrats.
What racist shit?

:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
Interesting, you are one of the biggest racist on this board, do you run from yourself?

You need to read the link in my signature line. Maybe it is you that Mrs. Tuzla thinks need brought to heel. Are you a super predator?

It's only stupid motherfuckers like you who think I'm racist. :0) Which of course is absolutely fucking meaningless.

Irrespective of your 12th grade comments, when Trump gets his ass kicked in November .. your all-white political party becomes the Whigs.

I do see the problem, my "12th grade" comments are too over your head. Sad the state of our education system.

You are a racist through and through no doubt about it.

Here is another example for you to ponder about a black man isn't a sniper.

Victims in Pennsylvania Shooting Included Pregnant Woman

:lol::lol::lol: Oh sure .. your intellectual prowess is so overpowering and amazing :lol: Stupid motherfucker.

See, your reading comprehension is pretty bad. My intellectual prowess doesn't have to be that amazing to put yours to shame. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Feel free to believe that bullshit .. but everything about you screams junior varsity. :lol:
Junior Varsity, isn't that what Obama said about ISIS, way to go!!!!!
and you're making a sports reference, who knew???
Democrats won't have to spin anything.

Republicans will crawl from under their rocks and scream the racist shit they believe .. which will send blacks and people of conscience running to the polls to elect Hillary Clintoin regardless of her faults.

The racism of the Republican Party is the best reason to vote for democrats.
What racist shit?

:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What racist shit?

:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
HAHA your a dumbfuck, . Perot won large percentages of the vote, that would have gone to Bush, so next time you want to play, learn some facts so I don't whup that ass again!!!!!!!!

Oh and Bill Clinton hangs out with the pedophiles not me bro!
Wrong Jethro. The vast majority of white do not vote against the Democratic Party.


Maybe you consider 9% as 'vast' .. but it isn't.
Romney beat Obama by more than 9 points among whites....

Hell, he beat Obama by more than that with white millennials.


Romney won the white vote by the same percentages as Reagan in a landslide. :0) What does that tell you?
That anti-white politics will now win national elections and the "white privilege" argument is completely dead.

:lol::lol::lol: It may tell you that stupid shit .. but it isn't going to happen .. just like it didn't happen for Romney .. and he had the Republican Party behind him, unlike Trump.

White men only does not bode well for your political future.
Let me tell you something Bro, if White men had their say in America without any direct oversight and had the power to stop Black's , and Hispanics like Me from voting they would stomp on our rights like Cats on a Rat, look at all the voter suppression in the Southern states, shit makes me angry..

Can't wait until November revenge time, I'm feeling it!!

You make the mistake of thinking that whites are as shallow and mean spirited as you are.
Protesters March in Dallas...officers required for overtime...several are murdered in cold blood. Please pray for these officers and their families. But you can better best be believing liberals will politicize this. As they are predictable they will spin it.
So how will Democats and liberal media spin the story by time of morning news?
#1.) "We need more gun control"
# 2.) " This is a result of the culture of racism in this country."
#3.) "It's all Donald Trump's fault."

Reality: Liberal policies create generational welfare...lack of employment...and public housing projects that are cesspool's of crime. High rates of children born out of wedlock and gang violence in these areas. Police show up to a call in these neighborhoods and they are on edge and scared to death because at any given moment their life can end. What happened in Louisiana and Minnesota are creations of big government nanny state.

Democrats won't have to spin anything.

Republicans will crawl from under their rocks and scream the racist shit they believe .. which will send blacks and people of conscience running to the polls to elect Hillary Clintoin regardless of her faults.

The racism of the Republican Party is the best reason to vote for democrats.
What racist shit?

:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:

They support Trump because they are tired of politicians who repeat the same offensive lies about whites that you dish out. The question you have to ask is why any sane white person would respect someone like Hillary who promises to destroy them.
Democrats won't have to spin anything.

Republicans will crawl from under their rocks and scream the racist shit they believe .. which will send blacks and people of conscience running to the polls to elect Hillary Clintoin regardless of her faults.

The racism of the Republican Party is the best reason to vote for democrats.
What racist shit?

:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:

They support Trump because they are tired of politicians who repeat the same offensive lies about whites that you dish out. The question you have to ask is why any sane white person would respect someone like Hillary who promises to destroy them.
Don't try to reason with him, he's a troll, just go off...he said I was into kiddie porn, yet he loves Bill Clinton....ironic....and he is a complete moron.
Why do the vast majority of white people vote against Democrats?

Wrong Jethro. The vast majority of white do not vote against the Democratic Party.


Maybe you consider 9% as 'vast' .. but it isn't.
Romney beat Obama by more than 9 points among whites....

Hell, he beat Obama by more than that with white millennials.


Romney won the white vote by the same percentages as Reagan in a landslide. :0) What does that tell you?
That anti-white politics will now win national elections and the "white privilege" argument is completely dead.

:lol::lol::lol: It may tell you that stupid shit .. but it isn't going to happen .. just like it didn't happen for Romney .. and he had the Republican Party behind him, unlike Trump.

White men only does not bode well for your political future.

America became the greatest country in the world under white men only, so careful what you wish for. Except for the asian countries, you probably can't name some countries that became rich and successful under other than white europeans males.
What racist shit?

:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
:0) Give me a break.

Go look at this board and its topics for starters.

What cowards you dumb fucks are. You know goddamn well that you assholes are racist .. but you're to damn cowardly to face your own image in the mirror.

Stay blind to truth .. doesn't matter .. but it's why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority.
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Why do 88% of blacks vote Democrat racist?
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Scoreboard Bitch:deal:, Slick Willie spent 8 years in the WH, won 2 National elections, because nobody from your Garbage party could beat him..

You white trash Mayonnaise Monkey's please keep voting for losers , McCain. Romney ring a bell:laugh:, and I will be back on here, talking shit when Hillary wins a landslide in November :laugh:, over that fat bloated bag of Orange excrement...

Speaking of trolls, your sorry ass takes the cake Motherfucker, that's why you have 11 thousand + posts, because this board is all you have Bitch...
Last edited:
And why do the Majority of Whites back Trump????

I'll patiently wait for a reply, cmon enlighten me you goon..:deal:

I won't beat up on you and kick your ass like I do the other trolls on here, because I like you, Bush 92, vs Slick Willie was a classic fight. Them were the good old days!

Bubba Clinton whipped that ass:laugh::night:
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Scoreboard Bitch:deal:, Slick Willie spent 8 years in the WH, won 2 National elections, because nobody from your Garbage party could beat him..

You white trash Mayonnaise Monkey's please keep voting for losers , McCain. Romney ring a bell:laugh:, and I will be back on here, talking shit when Hillary wins a landslide in November :laugh:, over that fat bloated bag of Orange excrement...
Wow you are dumb and you're bad at trolling. Perot helped Clinton win, it's a fact, everyone agrees, so go fuck yourself in the ass.
Well you didn't, you have the IQ of a peanut. Slick Willie needed Ross Perot's help, so fuck off douchebag
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Scoreboard Bitch:deal:, Slick Willie spent 8 years in the WH, won 2 National elections, because nobody from your Garbage party could beat him..

You white trash Mayonnaise Monkey's please keep voting for losers , McCain. Romney ring a bell:laugh:, and I will be back on here, talking shit when Hillary wins a landslide in November :laugh:, over that fat bloated bag of Orange excrement...
Wow you are dumb and you're bad at trolling. Perot helped Clinton win, it's a fact, everyone agrees, so go fuck yourself in the ass.
Go back to your trailer park and blow your sister, since that's how you Mayonnaise Monkey's roll,!! Like I said scoreboard Bitch wake me up when your sorry ass party wins the WH, which will be like NEVER!!:laugh:

Glad to see you Albino cave N!ggers are still simmering in your own piss and waste, 25 years later after Bubba won 2x, and same with Obama, take your Bibles, and Guns and shove them up rectum, RepubliKKKons have become America's Taliban:deal:

For someone who gets paid to troll you sure suck at it...
:fu:, go strangle yourself, you dumbfuck, Perot got his ass beat so hard in that election , he should have been Slick Willie's Bellboy, that ugly old fucker was bitch slapped like a red headed step child .

Go back to your kiddie porn. You worthless inbred C@nt. :fu:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Scoreboard Bitch:deal:, Slick Willie spent 8 years in the WH, won 2 National elections, because nobody from your Garbage party could beat him..

You white trash Mayonnaise Monkey's please keep voting for losers , McCain. Romney ring a bell:laugh:, and I will be back on here, talking shit when Hillary wins a landslide in November :laugh:, over that fat bloated bag of Orange excrement...
Wow you are dumb and you're bad at trolling. Perot helped Clinton win, it's a fact, everyone agrees, so go fuck yourself in the ass.
Go back to your trailer park and blow your sister, since that's how you Mayonnaise Monkey's roll,!! Like I said scoreboard Bitch wake me up when your sorry ass party wins the WH, which will be like NEVER!!:laugh:

Glad to see you Albino cave N!ggers are still simmering in your own piss and waste, 25 years later after Bubba won 2x, and same with Obama, take your Bibles, and Guns and shove them up rectum, RepubliKKKons have become America's Taliban:deal:
What's wrong with you guys? Take a breath and listen to yourselves. :puke:
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Scoreboard Bitch:deal:, Slick Willie spent 8 years in the WH, won 2 National elections, because nobody from your Garbage party could beat him..

You white trash Mayonnaise Monkey's please keep voting for losers , McCain. Romney ring a bell:laugh:, and I will be back on here, talking shit when Hillary wins a landslide in November :laugh:, over that fat bloated bag of Orange excrement...
Wow you are dumb and you're bad at trolling. Perot helped Clinton win, it's a fact, everyone agrees, so go fuck yourself in the ass.
Go back to your trailer park and blow your sister, since that's how you Mayonnaise Monkey's roll,!! Like I said scoreboard Bitch wake me up when your sorry ass party wins the WH, which will be like NEVER!!:laugh:

Glad to see you Albino cave N!ggers are still simmering in your own piss and waste, 25 years later after Bubba won 2x, and same with Obama, take your Bibles, and Guns and shove them up rectum, RepubliKKKons have become America's Taliban:deal:

For someone like you who gets paid to troll you sure suck at it..
I don't get paid, have a real job, but I do this for fun. But if you get paid for it, they might as well burn their money, that's worth more than you provide
Hillary has already spun it:
All the cops fault, they need re-training, they asked for it, and we need to provide blacks with training on proper behavior when stopped for a crime so you don't get shot.
(From her CNN performance an hour ago.)
Hillary has already spun it:
All the cops fault, they need re-training, they asked for it, and we need to provide blacks with training on proper behavior when stopped for a crime so you don't get shot.
(From her CNN performance an hour ago.)
Yeah same shit we've had for 8 years, blame three cops with no facts or context. Rodney king shit all over again. You need more than a video, that doesn't tell the whole story
He's an obvious troll, I love to retaliate against his kind, he has nothing to offer so it's fun to mock his stupidity
Scoreboard Bitch:deal:, Slick Willie spent 8 years in the WH, won 2 National elections, because nobody from your Garbage party could beat him..

You white trash Mayonnaise Monkey's please keep voting for losers , McCain. Romney ring a bell:laugh:, and I will be back on here, talking shit when Hillary wins a landslide in November :laugh:, over that fat bloated bag of Orange excrement...
Wow you are dumb and you're bad at trolling. Perot helped Clinton win, it's a fact, everyone agrees, so go fuck yourself in the ass.
Go back to your trailer park and blow your sister, since that's how you Mayonnaise Monkey's roll,!! Like I said scoreboard Bitch wake me up when your sorry ass party wins the WH, which will be like NEVER!!:laugh:

Glad to see you Albino cave N!ggers are still simmering in your own piss and waste, 25 years later after Bubba won 2x, and same with Obama, take your Bibles, and Guns and shove them up rectum, RepubliKKKons have become America's Taliban:deal:

For someone like you who gets paid to troll you sure suck at it..
I don't get paid, have a real job, but I do this for fun. But if you get paid for it, they might as well burn their money, that's worth more than you provide
:fu:, Weak, I'm outta here , go change your Diaper, and empty your piss can, since the computer is your sorry ass life, lame cocksucker ...

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