How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

I'll say it again. The Left has planned all of this to happen for years. They don't set up the specific killer to shoot at a specific school, but they make sure the schools are ripe as a target and full of kids with nothing on their minds but wanting to get even for one brutish injustice by the schools perpetrated over them after another. Then they just sit back and wait for something to explode so they can capitalize on their golden opportunity to exploit the children in their hate for guns and the NRA.

They've already shown their hatred of kids for years in their tireless efforts to keep Planned Parenthood alive, which like everything else the Left does, is aptly named opposite its TRUE FUNCTION; it ought to be named: PLANNING TO NOT BE A PARENT.

Or have we all forgotten that one of Obama's top Czars, JOHN HOLDREN, was all about planning for population control through forced abortions and a 2 baby per family limit?

Remember Sandy Hook? As much I remember, there also suppose to be some kind of drill planned for that day. I believe it was FEMA, but not sure. Now in Parkland, there was a fire drill that morning. That Hogg guy recorded a video of live shooting during the fire drill, even the shooting didn't happen for another 3 hours.

We never seen inside of Sandy Hook, never seen any bodies, and school was leveled.
We haven't seen inside Parkland school, I don't believe they will show the bodies or anything from security cameras, and they're already planning to level the building.

To me, it's weird.

Believe me, I don't just make such statements rashly; I've watched the Left for years and if you pay attention, THEY TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO. You see, for the Clever Left to operate, they do not care about being smart enough to fool the Right (indeed, they like to flaunt it in our faces), they only need to be smart enough to keep convincing their own legions of useful minions.
Who are you blaming?

So who did he frame?

You're a lying sack. "Oh, I'm only blaming the shooter. Honest. It's just about him." My chubby white ass.
I am not responsible for your chubby white ass. Or your empty head.<smh>

You're responsible for YOUR empty head, and it's egregious.
Oh, nooos, a brain-dead righty reaches deep into its mighty wit to come up with, I’m rubber, you’re glue...

How will I ever survive? :lol:

You could start by finding something meaningful to say. It would be a refreshing change.

Are there any other kids that could give their opinion, but this loud mouth?


Well, there's this kid, but CNN didn't want to let him speak his mind without a script.

We see the alt right agitpropbots above acting coy about supposed dem and left planned shootings.

If they want to cost the GOP the elections in the fall, they can continue with that Russian inspired nonsense.
We see the alt right agitpropbots above acting coy about supposed dem and left planned shootings.

If they want to cost the GOP the elections in the fall, they can continue with that Russian inspired nonsense.
Few claimed they planned the shootings. But we've shown they preposition resources to capitalize on them when they do.
We see the alt right agitpropbots above acting coy about supposed dem and left planned shootings.

If they want to cost the GOP the elections in the fall, they can continue with that Russian inspired nonsense.
Few claimed they planned the shootings. But we've shown they preposition resources to capitalize on them when they do.
You have not shown anything of the sort, except the ability to show that you are crisis actors of the worst sort.
Hm let's see what kind of mental gymnastics left can do today to ruin a company for being "complicit" in the Florida shooting?


Look at that serious face. Shit, let's just give up guns.

There are reasons we do not let children vote.
There are reasons common sense people laugh at you, Americano, hysterically.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

I'll say it again. The Left has planned all of this to happen for years. They don't set up the specific killer to shoot at a specific school, but they make sure the schools are ripe as a target and full of kids with nothing on their minds but wanting to get even for one brutish injustice by the schools perpetrated over them after another. Then they just sit back and wait for something to explode so they can capitalize on their golden opportunity to exploit the children in their hate for guns and the NRA.

They've already shown their hatred of kids for years in their tireless efforts to keep Planned Parenthood alive, which like everything else the Left does, is aptly named opposite its TRUE FUNCTION; it ought to be named: PLANNING TO NOT BE A PARENT.

Or have we all forgotten that one of Obama's top Czars, JOHN HOLDREN, was all about planning for population control through forced abortions and a 2 baby per family limit?

Remember Sandy Hook? As much I remember, there also suppose to be some kind of drill planned for that day. I believe it was FEMA, but not sure. Now in Parkland, there was a fire drill that morning. That Hogg guy recorded a video of live shooting during the fire drill, even the shooting didn't happen for another 3 hours.

We never seen inside of Sandy Hook, never seen any bodies, and school was leveled.
We haven't seen inside Parkland school, I don't believe they will show the bodies or anything from security cameras, and they're already planning to level the building.

To me, it's weird.
What do you think is weird? That they won’t show the lifeless bodies of kids laying dead in a pool of their own blood? Or that they plan on leveling a building that few, if any, would ever want to enter again to attend classes?

Of course, I’m asking this of the idiot who thought it was weird that Google’s timestamp displayed an incorrect time.

Yes, it's weird that there is so much secrecy around it all.

And in regards the Google's timestamp, in order to state that time is incorrect, you'd need proof of that. What you and others presented so far are, in one case an issue that happen two years ago and was promptly resolved, and the other attempts to prove that Google is at fault are false. None of the "proofs" were on Google's side and were on unrelated to Google's time stamp.
I already told you what Google’s explanation is. I can’t help you’re still looking for an answer. While you have no clue yourself. :cuckoo:
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
Look, you fucked up asshole, ever hear of the internet? These kids are almost certainly a lot more adept on it than you are. And I for one are with them.

Are there any other kids that could give their opinion, but this loud mouth?

Aww, does he hurt your widdle snowflake feewings?

Not really. I just think that this kid, whose mom was CNN producer for 20 years, and whose dad is former FBI is perfect fit to be trained to advance leftist agenda.

And, you do know that "snowflakes" are all on the left. You can't even come up with something on your own?

You’re proof that not all snowflakes are on the left.

You're excellent proof that all on the left are snowflakes.
Your, I know you are but what am I, proves your brain stopped developing when you were 4.

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